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The training of human resources for tourism animation in cuba


The creation of learning centers in hotel facilities, as a significant environment for the training of human resources in tourist entertainment. That allows to awaken the interest of students and the development of skills in the specialty.

The training of Human Resources for Tourist Animation

At the current times in the development of tourist activity we must prepare human resources so that they are capable of managing, with guarantees of success, in strategic areas of the company. One of these areas is the Tourist Animation.

This development has given rise to the need to create ways through which both professionals and future workers in the sector can by themselves know how the work of Tourism Animation is, its challenges and in this way they can contribute to the fundamental objective: To achieve a Tourist entertainment that offers quality service. In order to achieve a high competitive level within the Tourism Industry.

Today tourist entertainment is an important part of the design of business and state tourism products. Consequently, this dynamic activity requires the training of professionals trained to meet the needs of tourists.

In order to achieve all of the above, an analysis of the problems of the specialty was carried out, mainly focused on:

- The need to know the animation in the tourist activity.

- Management of human resources, environmental and cultural resources of the environment as a basic element for effective animation.

We try to train professionals for tourism and within this, a specialist in the activity of Tourist Animation. Providing the tools so that the student can know and apply the new trends in tourist animation and in turn reflect on the importance of values ​​to offer this service

In this sense, it is necessary to know with the highest degree of precision possible the motivations and interests for tourist animation. But at the same time it is important to also recognize which are the physical and intellectual possibilities of that subject, together with other characteristics, in such a way that the learning activity can be conceived in a convenient way. To achieve levels of knowledge, development of skills and competencies in correspondence with the current demands of tourism, in order to reach higher stages in the performance of the activity.

A group of students who are motivated by the profession they are studying. Who are interested in properly preparing to carry out their career; You will be able to work much more appropriately in activities in which you feel you are practicing as professionals.

It is about that at the end of the degree the student is capable of executing actions directed to the guest with professionalism, mastering information of interest to him, offering it with kindness since they constitute basic premises of the work in tourist animation, as well as solving the problems that are at their level with creativity.

For this reason, when we try to think about how to materialize these theoretical assumptions, we represent a design that includes:

• The student as the protagonist of the process of building their knowledge, skills, modes of behavior, where self-preparation is the fundamental way of learning.

• That the activities to be developed provide the possibility of conducting a formative and systematic evaluation of the student's performance.

• Pedagogical strategies that contribute to the formation of values ​​from educational communication, individual and collective commitment to the task, among others.

• The use of means that illustrate the essential elements of the orientation required for independent execution and that facilitate understanding.

To fulfill the strategy, the creation of a significant environment for Tourist Animation is proposed, hotel facilities are conceived as the ideal laboratory that will allow the development of skills in the specialty. A learning center; educational environment with visual elements that present the theme intended to arouse the interest of students.

These are developed in a specific space (wall of a classroom, mobile or fixed panel, a hotel facility) and are provided with a place to place the material (drawers, shelves, chest of drawers, envelopes, computers)

This will favor:

- Exercise and review concepts and skills already learned.

- The management of various sources, search and selection of information, synthesis of the learning obtained and the implementation of cooperative work strategies.

- Address basic content and proposals for expanding and deepening extracurricular content.

- Also exercise general skills related to the different learning areas.

Having as general objectives:

- Enable the teaching-learning process

- Develop in the student the exercise in individual learning, responsibility for their own learning.

- Develop teamwork

Specific objectives:

From the contents:

* Acquire knowledge about a specific curricular topic

* Solve the activities according to your own pace

* Gradually achieve active learning

* Use strategies to solve the situations that arise

From the personal aspect:

* Develop autonomy

* Develop the sense of criticism and the possibility of evaluation

* Develop responsibility for their own learning

* Develop the curiosity to discover things by yourself

* Discover proposals that are interesting or significant

* Strengthen self-esteem

From the social and organizational aspect:

* Enable work in different environments

* Develop social behaviors of giving and receiving

• Enable the organization according to its own criteria

The teacher will create a study material base that facilitates the student's understanding, individual study and learning development. The materials should be oriented towards feedback during the learning process and not only towards the final evaluation. Therefore it is necessary to provide the most detailed instructions.

In this sense, the role of teacher will be:

- Presents the learning center establishing (the tourist facilities) the objectives and instructions in a language appropriate to the students and the results expected of it as a result of its activities

- Indicates the work methodology

- Provide support when needed

- Intervenes to guide students

- Evaluates the student from their commitment, their participation, their interest as well as the result of their work

As long as the student:

- Work individually or in groups

- Carry out research, observation, experimentation or production activities

- Incorporates content and learning strategies

- Acquire a work methodology


The mastery by the students of the most outstanding achievements, as far as tourism is concerned in the fields of its universal, regional, national or local manifestation is a necessity for their free action within this sector.

Finally, the student will be able to incorporate a series of redundant skills in a better preparation in their general training:

• Establish comparison relationships

• Take decisions

Critically evaluate

Therefore, those in charge of leading the process must be open to the search and experimentation that finally allows us to achieve a graduate capable of facing the increasingly greater professional challenges of today's world.


1. Charles, Creel, M. «The classroom from the point of view of communication», in: Revista Perfiles Educativos, No.39, January March, 1988, CISE UNAM, Mexico

2. Chaves Antonio, Mesalles Lluís (2001) The Animator. How to organize clients' activities in a fun hotel. Editorial Leartes, SA, Barcelona.

3. Ander Egg, Ezequiel (1985). Methodology and Practice of Sociocultural Animation, Editorial Humanitas. Buenos Aires.

4. Adell J and Sales A. (2002). The online teacher: elements for the definition of a new teaching role… Available at: http: // www. webinfoedu /

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6. Animation management system for tourism. http://vinculando.org/valaciones_viajes/sistema_de_gestion_de_la_animacion_para_el_turismo.html ».

The training of human resources for tourism animation in cuba