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Training based on reflection on one's own teaching practices. fundamentals and actions to be taken

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Societies grew, progressed, changed and that is how we can see that transformations are reflected in other settings, while inside the school there are still scenes similar to those that happened at the beginning of the century, if we could make a comparison through time of different educators, we will observe that there is no significant change since in their pedagogical practices they maintain their traditional format. And this leads us to reflect on our own practices, to rethink the possibility of a new look at teaching, with a critical position, and only in this way can we place ourselves on that path of continuous training.

REFLECTION. Introspective look

In my career as a high school student, I had a geography teacher who in her hours dictated everything she could, without any explanation, she only took a few pauses so that we students could rest from writing then she continued dictating, when the time came to the evaluation of the contents (of everything that it dictated to us) was the reproduction of it in oral form a mechanical memorization of the narrated content, according to what you remembered was the note; thus making education a control measure, checking learning to give a grade that only indicated what we knew as students, and never how we knew it, why we know it, what we do not know or why we do not know…

Most of the teachers looked at us as mere “vessels” ready to be “filled”, the knowledge is transmitted by the teacher in an encyclopedic way; and the learner must memorize and reproduce the knowledge as it was taught, having a rather passive role in learning; based on the foundation that the best way to prepare the student for life is to train her intelligence, her possibilities of attention and effort. All this trajectory was "forming" me and as an educator molded my own practices. Faced with this situation, an awareness and an urgency to re-signify and transform them is necessary, it is a task that implies assuming an important challenge. And the change begins with my life.


To take a new path of freedom, we must take a new epistemological positioning focused on our teaching practices from critical positions and progressives, leaving aside the beliefs and practices with which we were formed, and this reflection must be continuous, Freire appointment: The The educator's learning, when teaching, does not necessarily occur through the rectification of the mistakes that the learner makes. The educator's learning when educating is verified to the extent that he, humble and open, is permanently available to rethink what is thought, to review his position.

By making a brake on the hectic routine, pedagogical actions are carried out like most social actions: without thinking that we do, as we do, we simply do it in an automated way, one more habit of our lives, we limit ourselves to acting, and this It is reproduced by the students, they come to school routinely, they act, they work, they rest mechanically.

As educators we have the responsibility to distance ourselves from ourselves to objectify our pedagogical practices and think about doing, breaking down any obstacle that wants to pigeonhole us again as "mechanical" educators. We must take on this challenge, which will require a search for coherence between what we believe and say and what we really do, Freire says: You cannot be consistent twenty-four hours a day. But if the ethical intention of being coherent is absent, the edifice of educational praxis collapses.

This transformation and continuous reflection will place us on a path of continuous training, will affect our workplace, will represent a change for our context and will impact our students.

Unit II: Unit II Taking an epistemological position on pedagogical practices. Bachelor of Educational Technology - UTN FRBA (PDF File).

FREIRE, P. (1994): Letters to those who intend to teach. México: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.

LENS, José Luis (2001): Paulo Freire: his pedagogical praxis as a system. Paulo Freire Institute (IPF) of São Paulo. UNCPBA. Buenos Aires: Editorial Yagüe.

Training based on reflection on one's own teaching practices. fundamentals and actions to be taken