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Pedagogical management under the guidelines of educational innovation

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We understand educational innovation as a set of systematized ideas, processes and strategies, through which it is intended to introduce and provoke changes in current educational practices. Innovation is a process, or journey that stops to contemplate life in the classrooms, the organization of the centers, the dynamics of the educational community and the professional culture of teachers.

In this topic, the importance of educational innovation will be revealed from different perspectives, specifying its purpose, which is to alter the current reality, modifying conceptions and attitudes, altering methods and interventions, and improving or transforming teaching and learning processes. Innovation, therefore, is associated with change and has an explicit or hidden component - ideological, cognitive, ethical and affective.

Educational innovation is carried out in the different proposals such as: Curriculum changes, evaluation practices, use of technologies for teaching, among others, and in the development of projects materialized through collaborative work.

However, it is important to mention that not every innovation process is carried out in the same way, and for this the result obtained from it is also highlighted. Educational innovations are socio-educational projects for the transformation of our ideas and practices where it is generalized in a social and ideological direction.

Within a normative framework for pedagogical management under the guidelines of an educational innovation, we will first define what an innovation is, this is the introduction of something new from abroad; either as obtaining or extracting something, which is new, from within a certain reality. Innovation would be, then, the entry of something new, within the pre-existing reality.

The fundamental purpose of pedagogical management under the guidelines of an educational innovation has been to achieve a higher quality of educational results, from the transformation of the forms of school management, promoting the construction of a management model based on strengthened decision-making capacity, shared leadership, collaborative work, responsible social participation, more flexible teaching practices that address the diversity of students, and management based on evaluation for continuous improvement and strategic planning; promoting educational innovation.

Within a school we can affirm that innovation is a realization motivated from outside or inside that has the intention of changing, transforming or improving the existing reality in which creative activity comes into play, there are many authors who gave their contributions regarding to a definition that is given to educational innovation some such as:

Francisco Imbernón, affirms that educational innovation is the attitude and the process of investigation of new ideas, carried out collectively for the solution of problematic situations of practice, which will allow a change in the contexts in the institutional practice of education.

To talk more than anything about innovation is to talk about transformations, which are all done for a good purpose, when carrying out these transformations the objectives of a certain innovation must be well defined, the main one must be the quality of education as well as creating institutional spaces and mechanisms, promote curricular changes so that they are flexible, creative and above all feasible that respond to the needs of each context that achieve more significant learning that the subjects have the capacity to be comprehensive, critical, analytical, reflective that rescue creativity, human wealth and natural and cultural resources that our environment provides.

Through these objectives, strategies for good innovation are proposed using ICTs to improve educational innovation. First, it is considered that it not only has to be linked to the learning processes of the students, but also to the processes of personal and professional development of each teacher, through which more than transmitting information, the educational function of the school should be oriented to induce the organization of training, as well as assume new functions, such as training students through the means of information and communication that are currently indispensable. To do this, we also become aware of the role they play in our social life and likewise allow us to exclude and select those products that are of higher quality.

New technologies must be assumed in education responsibly and with capacity from critical reflection, which develops skills to improve or reinforce didactic contents, which design practical tasks and environments so that significant learning and long-term learning are obtained, that teaching-learning contexts are created in which academic work is linked to life and the social context in which the school finds itself.

As well as providing schools with an adequate infrastructure for work with new technologies, in our current society the training models are carried out through an educational innovation conceived as the introduction of changes and the factors that intervene in the teaching process- learning, also existing conviction, desire, some changes of mentality, flexible, learning, skills training, role changes, new technologies and evaluations all this to ensure that the teacher must innovate with convictions and desire, to improve learning and training of the student body.

In the face of teacher training, not any change constitutes an innovation, although it may happen that an improvement does not always result in the desired objectives and gives the possibility of being refined or modified through the application of an evaluation, as well as you can include something that already exists been known or used by incorporating new elements, which imply transformations in practices rather than in theories.

Educational innovation involves an intervention that is specified by a series of practices or actions to produce changes and achieve an improvement in education, not all changes culminate in innovation. Given this, the implemented practices have to be in the most viable way possible. Training for an innovation should be objective for all grades and educational levels, the subject must demand a learning environment in which each action becomes an opportunity for the student to develop intellectual independence and awaken creativity. Teachers will have to ensure that the real curriculum that is generated in the daily life of the classrooms coincides with the formal curriculum that is in the plans and programs.

Each educational model proposes a conception of the educational process that strongly verifies with current practices, this model promotes a comprehensive and high quality training, which focuses on student learning, so that this is achieved, flexible training programs that incorporate the possibility of movement between modalities, programs and levels. The model is not limited to training, but deals with other functions, such as research.

Innovation occurs in an educational space. In a system, any of the spaces is related to several elements, so the context where the innovation occurs has been seen as the most influential for achieving the success of an educational innovation.

The context is so decisive that what in some may be innovative, in another it is not, establishing the very character of innovation of an experience, as well as one of the factors that intervene for the success of an educational innovation is the way in How the actors intervene in the process such as (managers, teachers, students, parents, supervisors, advisers and support staff) that leads to creating and consolidating different ways of doing things, which allow improving effectiveness and efficiency, achieving equity, the pertinence and relevance of the educational action; in which they interpret and redefine the changes that said innovation entails, if one of the actors fails, the innovation will not meet the objectives set, the actors have to believe, feel, reason, do and interact with the same innovation.

The process requires continuous evaluation so that there is evidence that the changes point towards an achievement, the evaluations must provide different data. The objective of each evaluation will be to verify if the innovation is having good results and with respect to them modify, rethink or annex if it is the case to the innovation so that it has a better educational quality and a good teaching-learning process is achieved. as well as a better understanding of all the changes made.

The most important problems of educational innovation are system problems, to advance in the solution of problems as complex as those faced by an educational system it is necessary to recognize that it is not the individual but the academic body organized according to the professional model, the decisions in The system should be taken considering the model and the data that are used, the viability of the innovation plans that contribute to realizing the vision depends on a fundamental factor, it is about consolidating the autonomy of individuals and of the various networks of purposes of the that form part of.

An innovation has been successful when it becomes the new normal of the institution where it was applied, when people have internalized a new pattern, since the network responsible for the innovation is considered from various points of view, since it is an organization in which Different people participate with complementary but not excluded roles, who make up a collective subject.

Where there are the promoters of innovation who have an interest in making the desired situation the new normal, they are willing to participate in the training and updating processes that arise in the innovation process. In which there will also be an advisor and a researcher considering that they will contribute a set of knowledge that occurs in innovation, will review and analyze the process in the aspects of innovation.

The formation and development of a culture of innovation require more than anything a systematic reflection on the accumulated effect of multiple educational innovations, in many cases the innovative proposals are a response of the centers to a specific educational policy of the institution to which they belong and which can therefore change when the development of a culture of innovation is proposed that encourages the generation of innovations in different instances of the educational system where it is incorporated.


There is no doubt that educational innovations are created with the need to meet the demands of an increasingly globalized society, the so-called knowledge society.

In this work, it could be seen that educational innovation in institutions is proposed to seek improvement. Although in some cases those objectives that are intended do not usually occur.

That is why it is proposed that it would be good to know and understand the challenges faced by the teacher in the face of curriculum and teaching innovation; that prompts them to change or not their educational practices, with all this designing a curriculum focused on student learning in order to obtain a greater result.

Pedagogical management under the guidelines of educational innovation