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The pedagogical management of educational centers in Mexico


In this essay, the subject of educational management of educational centers will be mentioned. The school is a social space par excellence, which requires constant reflection on the part of its members, so that on educational practice they learn to value success and review conflicts and difficulties that arise through a collective effort., all the members of the process being united implies becoming aware of the development of the individual and the collective on the basis of combining freedom, spontaneity, interaction and the existence of the group that make up the educational work.

These are a challenge faced by basic education systems, such as teachers of traditionally occupied subjects, supervisory or planning managerial positions. In which it leads us to rethink a new educational offer.

Pedagogical Management in educational institutions is quite controversial, perhaps because the very concept - emerged from organizational and administrative theories - seems to have no place in the pedagogical setting. This is so, if it is thought that from an instrumental rationality it becomes management techniques proposed as neutral and generalizable and that it is assumed, they achieve effective and efficient results regardless of the contexts in which they are applied.

The pedagogical management of educational centers is a fundamental key to the process of transformation in education. One of the main transformations is the interaction with students, since they will face the changes that exist in society. It is here where the objective and subjective conditions of the teacher's work will be built. For this, the necessary systematic transformations of political and pedagogical management must take place.

It is necessary to mention the pedagogical function of teachers, where their function consists of planning, organizing, conducting and controlling the teaching-learning processes, in order to achieve meaningful learning in students in school institutions.

On the other hand, Smith (1995), in his study on Teacher Management in the Classroom and not only within it but also in its integration with the school and that of the school with the community, which would not be more than how managerial, be The leader, but without demonstrating that it is, as an alternative for change in the teaching-learning process, pointed out that teachers do not fully know the meaning and application of the management action, a situation that is reflected in a deficient practice of work within the learning environment regarding aspects related to planning, orientation, evaluation, leadership, communication and decision-making related to educational activity.

In accordance with the above, it can be mentioned that the teacher's management that he performs in the classroom must be of the utmost importance since the teacher is the main actor in the classroom and is in charge of planning his / her curriculum so that it can facilitate work in the classroom.

On the other hand, the teacher must be a classroom manager, since he, together with the student, is the central part in the teaching and learning process, since he is the one who plans and executes activities and who creates the conditions that facilitate knowledge, critical, reflective and creative thinking that leads to meaningful learning, this is the importance of the teacher reflecting on what does he do? And how does he do it? To promote learning, of the student who graduates from an institution so that he can relate and perform in the environment in which he is going to develop in the immediate future, hence the importance of involving and integrating the school with the community.

The dimensions of pedagogical management are: curricular planning, didactic resources and didactic capacities. The first consists of the process of forecasting the actions that must be carried out in the educational institution in order to live, build and internalize desirable learning experiences in students; The second dimension refers to any material that has been prepared with the intention of facilitating the teacher's role and in turn that of the student. Let's not forget that teaching resources should be used in an educational context; the last dimension is based on the ability of the teacher to teach the student.

It is important to mention the dimensions of the pedagogical management of the teacher, which are: methodology, motivation, evaluation and empathy. In the methodology, it refers to the type of mechanism and strategies that the teacher will use in their classes; in the second term, it refers to the teacher's motivation in front of his students, since the teacher is a generator of emotions and dynamics; the third point, its objective is to strengthen the teaching profession and contribute to improving the quality of education; In the fourth dimension, it refers to the communication between the teacher and the student, with a view to obtaining knowledge.

What is teaching practice? it is the study of didactics, and the empirical space to contrast the theories about classroom practices and, in turn, corresponds to carry out a permanent reflection from them. It is social, objective and intentional. In this, the meanings, perceptions and actions of the people who are involved in the educational process (teachers, students, managers and parents) intervene. Likewise, other factors intervene such as political-institutional, administrative, narrative aspects that are delimited in the roles of teachers.

The practice is a complex activity that takes place in unique settings, fraught with conflicts that require political and ethical pronouncements. In which they are spaces for analysis, reflection and production of knowledge about teaching, the institution and the contexts.

The field of training in professional practices constitutes the specific curricular space destined to the systematic learning of capacities for teaching performance in classrooms and schools, that is, in real contexts

For Elena Achilli, teacher training can be understood as a process in which teaching and learning practices are articulated aimed at the configuration of teaching / teaching subjects. Teaching practice is conceived in a double sense: as a teaching practice, typical of any training process and as an appropriation of the teaching profession, how to start, improve and / or update in the practice of teaching.

The elements of teaching practice are presented as a professional with mastery of complex knowledge trained to make decisions in a specific context through different elements in his teaching practice. A practice is not limited to its operational dimension and it is not limited to obtaining a result, but also involves the identification of elements that make up the production of that result, the process of transformation of reality.

There are two elements in teaching practice:

Reflection: allows selecting the most appropriate alternatives for pedagogical intervention that allows the process of continuous improvement of teaching-learning.

The theoretical framework: It is important to propose a theoretical framework from which the analysis of classroom practice is carried out, as well as the observation criteria, the determination of the methodology and the selection of procedures must be made explicit.

The dimensions of teaching practice are:

Personal dimension: the teacher is an unfinished being, capable of knowing himself, of overcoming his weaknesses, of recognizing his qualities and defects, his motives and needs. It is a being with ideals, successes and failures. All this is reflected in the education he imparts, making it an essentially human practice.

Institutional dimension: the teacher's work is part of an educational system and is carried out in a school; Both are institutional spaces that determine specific working conditions, define administrative procedures and establish norms for teaching practice. Faced with these institutional conditions, the teacher combines their interests, skills and knowledge to define their own orientation to their work.

Interpersonal dimension: in educational practice, as in all human activity, a certain type of relationship is generated between the people involved in it, particularly between teachers, students, parents and school directors. These relationships constitute the interpersonal dimension of teaching practice. In other words, highlighting the importance of the type of coexistence and interpersonal relationships that occur in school, as the basis of a set of extremely important learning for teachers and students.

Social dimension: teaching work is a social task that takes place in a particular historical, political, cultural, economic and social context, which places certain demands on the teacher's work and which at the same time is the space of incidence of their teachings.

Didactic dimension: before each new group of students, the specific task of the teacher is to facilitate their access to knowledge, so that they appropriate it and recreate it, until they manage to say their word in front of the world. Each teacher has the opportunity to analyze the way in which knowledge is approached to transform it into teaching material in the classroom.

Value dimension: the educational process is never neutral, it is always guided by an ethical principle towards the achievement of certain values; in it, the teacher has a special place in the formation of ideas, attitudes and ways of interpreting reality in his students. The values ​​that guide educational practice come to life and are recreated or invalidated in the classroom and at school, through people and their interpersonal relationships.

These dimensions that were mentioned will help the teacher to do a good job inside and outside the classroom. From his personal life as well as his work life, since the teacher's job is to motivate, express, analyze, teach, design, etc. They will help to form good students within their educational process.

As a conclusion that the pedagogical management of educational centers is of utmost importance, the curriculum must be situated in the reality of the school itself, promote a personal, self-critical reflection on one's own practice as an indispensable element of the process; learn from others.

We must rethink the place of the school as an open and permanent learning space, and generate a communication model based on understanding and consensus, far from negotiation or the imposition of manipulation by majority. Therefore, the task is to propose a new political-educational micro-scenario, where management is assumed as a strategic task and not as a power-knowledge preserve, where teachers recover the value of error and uncertainty as a source of learning, and not the simulation of finished knowledge as culture; where the cultural diversity of the actors in the educational space is a value and not an obstacle.

It can also be said that didactic planning is very fundamental in the teaching role; since if they want to be good professionals and train good professionals in life, they must take into account the objective of each didactic planning and then see how it can be done so that that objective is met through a series of activities that allows them to measure whether the objective has been met or not. It is also to take into account that the teacher not only plans for the student, but also for him, in which he must plan a separate script that will help him clarify what he has in his planning.

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The pedagogical management of educational centers in Mexico