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Holistics in universal pedagogy

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The work and teaching of Dr. Ramón Gallegos Nava is unique in the world, it presents an integral vision of education having as its center the pedagogy of universal love as the primary educational reality, it gives us a guide to change the way we teach, we learn and live. His work serves for the development of human consciousness and its awakening. It is an inspiring work on the change that is taking place in education, His vision is a guide that leads us to expand the integral consciousness to live our spirituality, our intelligence, creativity and universal love.

His book "The Spirit of Education" is considered by many the most important book written worldwide on Holistic Education, in which the author presents through a multilevel-multidimensional perspective and with the differentiation between quality and integrity is achieved Building a holistic educational model which places them within a coherent integrated whole has brought education to a level of maturity like never before.

The holistic heart is spirituality, conceived as universal love, compassion, peace and solidarity, integral practice is necessary, the direct experience of genuine spirituality through various paths that have been indicated in the perennial philosophy.

It is the result of an educational vision focused on the evolution of consciousness; The educational process is, then, understood as a process of expansion of consciousness towards stages or memes of greater integrity, depth and spirituality.

For years, Dr. Ramón Gallegos Nava has established a dialogue with more than one hundred holistic leaders from twenty-two countries in both the West and the East, which has included scientists, educators, philosophers, writers, mystics, scholars, artists, etc.

The relationship of spirituality and education is crucial for development in the new century. Spiritual awareness is healing and curative of our ignorance and human suffering. It is a call to live in harmony with the whole. The ability to be happy not because of circumstances but in spite of them.

He talks about the need for a new holarchic vision of intelligence that helps us solve the most crucial problems of humanity in the 21st century, such as hedonism and nihilism. Explore a new vision of intelligence that will lead us to rediscover the current importance of spiritual intelligence, conceived as the ability to be in harmony with the whole, generating meaning for living.

The work of Dr. Ramón Gallegos Nava gives us a clear vision of universal love, promotes and lives holistic education in search of equanimity, happiness, compassion and peace, to offer a new vision to the whole world.

Holistic education indicates four basic learnings, which have also been pointed out by UNESCO: learning to learn (intelligence), learning to live together (cooperation), learning to do (responsibility) and learning to be (the internal), to learn to speak, act and think outside of selfishness, to learn to understand, respect and love other beings as oneself.

The author explains to us in his books how different paradigms regarding education have been presented over time, 400 years ago the world view was predominantly dogmatic centered on the Catholic Church who had world command, this from the Middle Ages to XVII century. The explanations that were given about life were based on dogma, tradition, authority and faith. The Church was in control of everything, including education, who complied with its rules was guaranteed to be on the right track.

The holistic paradigm cannot be related to religious beliefs, dogmas, or rituals. Religion, as a dogmatic and manipulative institution of the ideologies of human groups, has no place in the holistic vision. For its part, spirituality is something that we cannot deny, it is the consciousness of ourselves within the world and the universe. It is the essential nature of the human being, which is capable of perceiving it beyond beliefs, dogmas and institutions or organized leaders.

The change began when the dogmatic paradigm was criticized and a scientific-mechanistic vision began to emerge. The church began to lose strength and only remained in command of religious issues, in the seventeenth century a transition to an education based on science began, its vision was of a scientific type, in this it was the opposite, they put aside what human and focused on what could be verified under theoretical monitoring, where reductionism and materialism fostered a positivist philosophy. The problem of these two paradigms is that they did not achieve the evolution of consciousness in the human being, obtaining as a result consumer, predator, hedonistic and nihilistic beings.

During the 20th century, a comprehensive education began to emerge with a holistic vision, and during this 21st century, this education began to rescue the best of dogmatic education and the best of scientific education, creating an education with theoretical foundations but with a human side, taking spirituality as the central axis.

Holistic education therefore takes the contributions of the new science as a basis and recognizes the world as a complex network of relationships between the different parts of a global whole. In the same way, it does not consider as important the learning of theories and models as the true development of scientific minds, capable of making intelligent and creative use of current technological resources.

It is an education that will lead us to live in brotherhood among all human beings, to forget borders and have to value ourselves as people, learning is a total act, it implies attitudes, values, skills and knowledge that cannot be separated to be better and leads us to be and act with peace, speak based on understanding, respect the ideas of others, dialogue with everyone instead of just talking.

Today's education needs to change, transform and has only left problems, lack of identity in people, it has put aside the human aspect, which is very important and this aspect is what holistic education takes up: seeing the being human as he is, a person with spirit.

At present the problems, wars, selfishness, focusing on just having, has been caused by forgetting our true Self, by forgetting our spirituality, because education deviated towards the pure intellect, forgetting to students as people and seeing them only as capturing machines of theories, forgetting that each person, that each student has different types of intelligences, different ways of capturing knowledge, we must take into account that each person has their ideals, their principles and your own goals in life.

Education must change the forms of evaluation, which take into account not only the intellectual aspect, memorization, but the ability to understand: base education on real life problems, not fictitious, educate to be a good person, a good boss, a good son, brother, father, in short, cover all the areas with which the Human Being is gifted.

Today's education must seek the awakening of consciousness to stop acting based on our egos, our material desires and move on to the awakening of individual consciousness to later enlarge or expand it to a family, communal, social consciousness until reach a planetary and universal consciousness, only in this way, one as a person will feel part, united to the universe and become aware that the damage we do to the other people around us, the damage we do to nature, in reality it affects ourselves equally.

To achieve a good education, we should start by taking into account what the holistic paradigm mentions, to see things in an integral way, that is, to gather, relate, recognize unity within diversity, in this way they can be better understood things and everything that surrounds us, we must learn to see ourselves as a whole since we are all part of a whole that is the universe and we must stop seeing things separately.

The main aspect that breaks with unity is fragmentation, wanting to separate everything into parts and trying to understand part by part, instead of seeing it as a whole as a whole; self-absorption; worrying and seeing only for oneself, forgetting that we are all one big family, we must learn to see for all our peers to understand that what happens to other people will also affect us, we tend to fall into narcissism. First me then me and finally me again.

We must change our center of gravity of the economy, from having and passing it to the evolution of consciousness, instead of worrying about having more material things we must seek inner growth, the growth of our being, of spirituality, lose the fear of speaking of spirituality in education because of the thought that education is secular, spirituality is something inherent in the human being and is outside any sect or religion. Education must include the physical, biological and especially the spiritual dimension of consciousness and recognize that this should be the first factor to be developed in education.

We must leave the old paradigms and carry out a change in favor of all the inhabitants of the planet, be guided by the new paradigm directed by an open system, we must take into account that conditions change, the old paradigms of education to the They served better but in their time, at the time we can realize that they no longer work, they may have their good parts which can continue to be used, but not in their entirety, nowadays it is necessary to penetrate all areas of life human: biological, psychological, spiritual, etc.

All the fragmented parts must be unified, educate not only the intellectual center, but cover all spheres of the human being, including the spiritual, only in this way will it be possible to unify and achieve the totalitarian development of the human being. All the memes must be worked on until reaching the coral, then it is possible to speak of an educated and mentally and spiritually developed human being.

To achieve a good education in all human beings, the needs and capacities of each person must be taken into account, to achieve a development that adapts to any situation and the needs that we are facing; must educate the different aspects of the human being starting with the external and individual part (individual brain and organism), the individual interior (the internal part and consciousness), the social exterior (includes collective social systems and the environment), and the social interior (collective culture and creating a vision of the world).

Holistic education teaches or seeks to end the unsustainable economic and cultural policy, put aside materialism, exaggerated consumerism and the large amount of waste that can be avoided, start to put aside the orange meme, materiality since it absorbs a large amount of natural resources, agricultural products, labor and cheap capital, generating more poverty and human inequality.

We must find a way to eliminate the pathology of memes and achieve a perfect balance between them in order to advance to a better planetary education and favor us all.

The level of consciousness is based on internal factors, we will not be able to take a step forward if we do not start, first we must have a vision of how we are doing or how we are inside ourselves, thus knowing our defects we will know what to start working on. To evolve internally, we must have a comprehensive vision of ourselves, encompass all spheres, and carry out comprehensive practices that help us develop our full internal potential.

We need to create a unifying vision, since we see everything in a fragmented way, we have a broken vision, it should not be seen in parts since there are networks of inseparable relationships but that one tends to separate them for this reason we find ourselves in a chaotic state, of destruction.

We must educate our mind so that it can understand all the steps that we have to follow to be able to ascend and in order to educate the mind, we must resort to a very important aspect that holistic education takes up: spirituality and in order to reach spirituality we must Meditate and through this, the mind will operate a positive transformation, eliminate its defects and improve its qualities, its qualities will be enhanced.

Thanks to the work carried out by Dr. Ramón Gallegos Nava, within his books we have the trilogy of holistic dialogues in which the author contributes his experiences and wisdom with educators within international meetings, below is a review of each one of the 24 dialogues: Vicky Damián: Sacred love. It is necessary to consider that academic knowledge is important, as important is spiritual knowledge. The basis of any activity, for it to bear fruit, is love, it is what makes us see everything in a different way, seeking to do good, giving ourselves to others without expecting anything, with this we are entering a stage of evolution of consciousness and the creation of a new holistic paradigm. So spirituality is the essence of all our actions,It inspires us to develop and gives meaning to everything we do, overcoming bitterness and achieving full well-being.


The books of Dr. Gallegos Nava are very valuable to integrate holistic knowledge, holistic educators have the responsibility to put into practice the new educational model because we go from darkness to light, and this is where the great change can take place. What is required in education, that this educational proposal flourish, that it be implemented little by little in all the schools of the country, to form a new front of human beings with the equanimity, happiness, compassion and peace that we all need, Thus we will be committed to living, to interact responsibly with our fellow man, with the environment and with our planet.

This educational proposal is applicable at all educational levels, this educational option consists of making internal changes, slow but safe, it is applied little by little, through simple activities to develop awareness first in the educator and then in the children, then in his companions, the community, the country, the continent and the planet.

Holistic education is the tool that we can use to get out of the current problems worldwide, it is the only one that integrates the bases to find the answer to the inner emptiness of human beings.

The work of Dr. Gallegos Nava is the tangible part, but within it contains the magic of the spirit, the intangible essence that purifies us and gives us an order to our being, it is the tool that gives us the ability to achieve a vision of Different life motivates us by instituting a new paradigm, holistic education, conceiving the habit of meditation to discern what is true or false, and thus understand a new reality in an equanimous way, evolving our consciousness, managing to eliminate from our being the false beliefs of hedonism and nihilism.


  • Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2003) «Holistic Education» Pedagogy of Universal Love. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2003) "The Spirit of Education" Integrity and significance in Holistic Education. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2005) "Education and Spirituality" Education as a spiritual practice. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2001) «The Education of the Heart» Twelve principles for holistic schools. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2001) "An Integral Vision of Education" The Heart of Holistic Education. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2003) «Learning Communities» Transforming schools into learning communities. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2000) «Pedagogy of Universal Love» A holistic vision of the world. Guadalajara, Gallegos Nava,Ramón (2003) «Learning to Be» The birth of a new spiritual consciousness. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) «Holistic Dialogues» Holistic Education and Perennial Philosophy I. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) «Wisdom, Love and Compassion» Holistic Education and Perennial Philosophy II. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) «The Path of Perennial Philosophy» Holistic Education and Perennial Philosophy III. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2006) «Spiritual Intelligence» Beyond multiple and emotional intelligences. Guadalajara.Ramón (2004) «The Path of Perennial Philosophy» Holistic Education and Perennial Philosophy III. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2006) «Spiritual Intelligence» Beyond multiple and emotional intelligences. Guadalajara.Ramón (2004) «The Path of Perennial Philosophy» Holistic Education and Perennial Philosophy III. Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2006) «Spiritual Intelligence» Beyond multiple and emotional intelligences. Guadalajara.
Holistics in universal pedagogy