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The importance of legal argumentation in politics

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Through this work, I try to explain the importance of argumentation today, specifically in politics, in addition to linking it with the legal part, as well as the need to speak eloquently, that is, to speak well, with the necessary arguments. to be able to persuade people.

Let us point out that the argument can be given in different ways: verbal or written. But within this argumentation essay we will focus from the oral area, that is, verbal, in which, most of the time, the sender makes use of the language to express an idea in a more practical way with the recipients., and that these, by means of expression methods, position themselves in the same idea of ​​what is to be made known; in short, convincing the public that your arguments are correct.

During the development of this essay, I will express the way in which the political environment is involved by legal argumentation, and that one without the other cannot be conceived, speaking merely from the rational, logical and epistemological point of view, that is, with bases of knowledge and not just crude arguments or that only uncultured people can appreciate.

So let's start with the study according to my perspective of the argumentation, and not from the doctrinal study, because we could refer to too many schemes and concepts that make up the argumentation, but from the realist plane, from the social reality, from the social facts and the way in which a speech with good arguments or a good argumentation in conjunction with a good dissertation technique can penetrate people's attention and change their perspective, adapting theirs to our position.

The importance of argumentation in politics

The argumentation

Since the beginning of human civilizations, man has always made use of argumentation in any of its approaches (political, legal or philosophical); Aristotle was the creator of one of the most well-known methods in today's societies, Maieutics, which, through questions to the receiver, sought to reach the truth. Cicero used a connotative language (legal arguments) and denotative (induction to sentiment) in order to win the judgments assigned to him. In Mexico, Doctor Belisario Domínguez, with the legal argument that emanated from the Political Constitution of the Nation, made the Senators of the Republic oppose against the Huertista usurpation, which made him pay the cost of freedom with his life. expression.But all these techniques that have been used and are still used today, have only one purpose: to persuade the public.

It is necessary to point out the degree of difficulty that a speech can reach, above all, that the audience is convinced of the idea that you are trying to make known to them, since the criteria vary from person to person, and these in the majority of the cases they will not have the same point of view as you have; But from this derives the importance of argumentation, knowing how to speak with good arguments, that is, that what you say has a foundation so that when an argument is presented against it, the position you have does not collapse and you can sustain the idea with good bases.

Political-legal argumentation

In the doctrinal definition, argumentation is a dialogue in which a subject presents a series of arguments with which it intends to modify the behavior of another subject, so that the latter accepts the thesis proposed by the former; By virtue of the above, from a political point of view, candidates who wish to occupy positions of popular election must persuade thousands of people so that they are totally convinced of their proposals, and in this way, they can obtain the vote of the electorate. The fundamentals with which a politician must speak, must find their bases in social needs, in the demands of the popular collective and in what people really want to hear, at least in our country,the public is easily convinced by the arguments of politicians who mention what happens in reality and the quick solutions that they consider can be applied to solve general problems, even if it is not true, but it is a good strategy to convince and obtain good results In the elections. But what I am trying to expose is not the true way in which a good argumentation should be demonstrated, because we can meet the best theater actor in the world and through gestures, gestures and elaborate languages ​​he could convince us, but basically, the content academic or cultural would be too poor, and we would only get carried away by the impact of the way we pronounce the words, but what really matters in the argumentation, leaving aside the dissertation techniques,It is what the context contains to be able to support the arguments that are being expressed, and to ensure that the receiver of the speech, apart from adapting to the same position you have, during the analysis of your speech, cannot find grounds for contradict your arguments. In this scheme I would like to add a criticism of the people who, due to lack of knowledge, are carried away by the crude political speeches of the same politicians who when they hold the positions of popular election, the legal basis will be imposed on their pointless and baseless arguments enshrined in the written ordinances.During my analysis of your speech, I cannot find grounds to contradict your arguments. In this scheme I would like to add a criticism of the people who, due to lack of knowledge, are carried away by the crude political speeches of the same politicians who when they hold the positions of popular election, the legal basis will be imposed on their pointless and baseless arguments enshrined in the written ordinances.During my analysis of your speech, I cannot find grounds to contradict your arguments. In this scheme I would like to add a criticism of the people who, due to lack of knowledge, are carried away by the crude political speeches of the same politicians who when they hold the positions of popular election, the legal basis will be imposed on their pointless and baseless arguments enshrined in the written ordinances.the legal basis will be imposed on their arguments without sense and without bases enshrined in the written systems.the legal basis will be imposed on their arguments without sense and without bases enshrined in the written systems.

Manuel Ovilla Mandujano, a jurist from Chiapas, in his book "The Language of Lawyers" described how in the new era of oral trials, the arguments would give true importance to the decisions that the judge would ultimately give on the case, and from this In this way, all the words that were given without legal grounds would be discarded, regardless of the way of saying the arguments, taking up what he mentioned of being an excellent actor, if not that the important thing would be the content and the way in which to persuade the judge; In this sense, I return to the idea that one could be an excellent actor, such as politicians, who in one of its many dimensions, within the art of politics, assume the same thing, that they are actors capable of presenting their ideas publicly and defending them with reasons that everyone could come to accept. But from the degree of knowledge,or depending on the sector of the population in question, the public discussion can be strengthened or weakened based on how these reasons are presented.

Focusing within the political or public argumentation, we must emphasize that we can find within these foundations vices and virtues, the first referring to professional ethics, and the second, to the knowledge that one has. This means that in speeches when vices are found, it shows us that the issuer does not have the necessary preparation to be able to defend their arguments and their ideas will not be able to persuade the listeners; When the receivers really manage to adapt to the position of the speaker, these arguments really have virtues that enrich the content to be expressed.

For the argumentation to be able to comply with the cycle that corresponds to it, and to achieve the objectives that are required, and the arguments can be considered as effective communication, an argumentative essay must be prepared prior to the delivery of the speech, an argumentative essay considered as a writing in which a position is taken on a topic, and in this way delimiting the field in which it will be necessary to try to persuade the audience, in order not to confuse and divert attention from them, but to continue talking about a single topic, and enlarge it with good arguments to solidify final decisions and guesses. Within the argumentative essay, syllogisms must be considered, that is, major premise, minus premise and conjectures, and through the deductive research method,be able to obtain an established and well-structured argument in such a way that it manages to persuade the human sector object of the discourse.

In legal systems that use oral trials, that is, in common law, jurists tend to use the Socratic method as the main argumentative tool, which through dialectics, manages to find key truths and concepts for legal reasoning, and thus, achieve positive results and, where appropriate, win the trials through premises that allow the full development of the legal rationale. In this context, what I am trying to express is not what is taught doctrinally as help tools for argumentation, but rather to demonstrate that the argumentative content, accompanied by a good strategy, always manages to obtain the desired results.

Could you imagine a political argument coupled with a legal argument? In fact, at the moment that the argumentation is used as a form of reasoning for the parts that make up the teaching-learning process, and from the moment in which a speech understood as a succession of long or short words, which serve to express what that is thought, together, make up a practice, and observing that politics is a daily practice according to Aristotle in which we all participate in it, the logical foundations based on legal systems, reinforce our dialectics and the way of exercising our freedom of expression. Legal arguments are nothing more than a type of language game, they have certain rules and procedures that guide them and that are conducive to their nature of discourse. With this,I can say that legal arguments can never be conceived as a method of trying to persuade, but depending on the way of saying it, they should always make the audience enter into reasoning, hence the importance of legal argumentation as the basis of all reasoning political and as the basis of any conversation in which arguments are tried. The legal is the main foundation of all the external behavior of the social conglomerate.it is the main foundation of all the external behavior of the social conglomerate.it is the main foundation of all the external behavior of the social conglomerate.


Thus, we can consider that in an argumentative context in which a problem is examined, criticized or discussed, there must always be grounds that are based on situations or legal orders already stipulated even before expressing the arguments; In this essay I detailed the way in which depending on the social sector to which a speech is going to be issued, it must be prepared to be able to reach the criteria of the people and in this way, being theoretical or not, to be able to frame in their perspectives a positive review.

The structure of the argumentative text is quite variable, since it depends on the type of foundations that we are using, and as I have already mentioned in this essay, even more so, on the legal foundation, which is the irrefutable in most cases, the arguments to be issued. Likewise, the many factors that are related to argumentative texts, contain characteristics such as stylistics as well as structural and lexical, depending on the topic that you want to talk about, and I am referring to texts because we must remember that within this essay I propose the realization of a scheme argumentative prior to mentioning the speech, so that the stipulated objectives can be achieved in a systematic way, concluding that the main objective stipulated in any issuance of arguments is the persuasion of the counterpart.

We have also seen the way in which these types of situations occur in practice through the use of argumentation, it has been since ancient times, and it will be forever, social behaviors change, but the art of speaking well, of writing Well, if you argue with good foundations, and even more so that they are legal foundations, it will not change due to the social and personal impact that it acquires from the way well structured words come out of our mouth through the language, the main effective communication tool. coupled with a good method of expression of ideas and good arguments.


Ovilla Mandujano, Manuel. The language of Lawyers. Mexico, editions of the author, 1992.

Alonso, Martín. Science of language and art style. Volumes I and II. Mexico, Aguilar, 1990.

Schreckenberger, Waldemar. Semiotics of legal discourse. Mexico, Institute of Legal Research, UNAM, 1987.

The importance of legal argumentation in politics