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The importance of education in Mexico. test

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Education does not only depend on attending school and memorizing all the data provided, it does not depend only on the government, nor only on teachers or parents. Education is a joint work of public servants and society, but above all it is an act of conscience and responsibility that we must all adopt to achieve our development as a country and achieve a better quality of life.

"Education does not change the world, it changes the people who are going to change the world" (Paulo Freire).


Education is one of the most influential factors for the advancement and progress of people, societies and countries, which has acquired greater importance due to accelerated scientific and technological changes.

Education in economics is considered one of the most important factors in production, in social matters as the basis for eradicating inequalities, poverty and illiteracy.

Education is necessary in every way. To improve our social well-being, our quality of life, to access better employment opportunities, to strengthen our values ​​and social relationships. The importance of education lies in being better every day and taking advantage of the resources we have.


Education is a word from the Latin educere 'to extract, extract' or educare 'to form, instruct' which we define as a process through which it is intended to teach all the individuals that make up the country to develop and integrate into society, as a productive person; Giving you through this training the bases to develop in a successful working life and at the same time be able to satisfy your own needs.

"The low quality of education in Mexico has been an obstacle to growth and development, inhibiting the possibility of reducing levels of inequality and poverty, said the Center for Economic Studies of the Private Sector" (CEESP) (Notimex, conference. unam.mx, 2013), which we consider to be a reality that continues to this day, despite new reforms being implemented; These are not aimed at establishing an educational system that solves root problems such as corruption, lack of transparency, respect and lack of values.

The education system is a structure, of which the principles, norms and procedures that govern the way in which new members of society are formed are part, (es.wikipedia.org, 2015), in our opinion this has had many deficiencies and it is one of the reasons that has led us to the current crisis, poverty, inequalities and illiteracy.

Education is a tool for the development of any country, therefore we recognize the national educational system as the socio-economic and political structure that interacts directly with the needs and demands of the country itself for its development.

Education has remained an important issue since the beginning of Mexico as an independent country, since it has always been seen as a factor of production, as one of the main strategies to address the economic problems of the country and as a regulatory or even eliminating instrument. of inequalities.

Secretary Emilio Chuayffet states in a statement "learning should not be the same as before, when the student only received data and memorized it, but rather that they learn to learn and live together" (Notimex, yucatan.com.mx, 2014) We agree with this thought and consider that it is necessary to awaken in each person the "hunger for knowledge", the knowledge provided in books is no longer enough, at present we need people with abilities, skills, knowledge and objectives, but above all that they have the necessary methods to achieve them.


Secular, free and compulsory education is what we have always heard from our first years of academic training, however, what is the reality in Mexico with respect to all these rights established in the General Education Law, who is the person obliged to do what? are fulfilled …………. Any leader? or ourselves?

Neither education is totally free, nor does the entire population have access to it, much less has it achieved social equality and speaking of its contribution to the country's development, it has been limited. We can hold the government, students, teachers and even parents responsible for explaining the deficiencies and failures of the educational system, but it is no longer the time to look for those responsible, we consider that it is time to become aware and face to the part of responsibility that corresponds to us.

The Mexican government has failed by not providing the quality education that the population needs and we have failed by not knowing how to demand that quality and free education that supports the individual guarantees mentioned in the third article of our Mexican Constitution.

The future of Mexico really lies in the young, that is why from this moment we must take the reins of responsibility, and begin to train entrepreneurial, motivated people from homes, with a desire to improve, not mediocre people full of conformity, pretexts and fears, sowing a good future for Mexico, and not a world of "luck" that we are used to.

We need to change our mentality and start to train quality human material to be able to meet the demands expressed by different economic sectors, we need to make the most of the few resources invested in education, it is useless to mention the meager investment figures per student, or the percentage invested in science and technology, the important thing at this time is to make the most of the resources we have at our disposal.

We need to understand the importance of the quality of education in Mexico, in order to compete with the demands of the globalization of education. We currently live in an era where scientific and technological advances occur rapidly, which have been the basis and the difference between our country and the more developed countries. However, we have strengths that we have not applied one hundred percent such as creativity, initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit. "The success of an organization depends less and less on the wisdom and action of great leaders and more and more on the initiative, creativity, skills and enthusiasm of all who know it." (Gene, 2010, p. 121).

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world" said Nelson Mandela, knowledge is undoubtedly essential for the improvement of the living conditions of our population and will continue to be an indispensable factor in the fight against ignorance and inequalities.

An entrepreneur seeks change, responds to it and exploits its opportunities. Innovation is a specific tool of an entrepreneur, therefore the effective entrepreneur turns a source into a resource (Peter Drucker 1964), striving is the right word that we find to interpret this thought, seeing in every day an opportunity to improve, to to be better people, better human beings and better citizens.

We live in a world where he who does not learn is because he does not want to, we have the tools at our fingertips, we can improve the quality of education ourselves, we simply have to wake up from the world of conformity and pretexts and awaken awareness and commitment to be better.


Miguel Ruiz's fourth agreement said: “Always do your best. Under any circumstance, always do your best, no more, no less ”.

We are the present and the future of Mexico, the most important change is in ourselves, we all dream of success, we can read books about it but there are no secret formulas to achieve it.

True success comes from within, it depends on who we are and what we do, it is a chemistry of our skills, passion and commitment and education is the strongest pillar to achieve it.

We have to believe in the possibility of having a better world, we have to modify our thoughts and be a society that wants to advance with the resources that we have. Not conforming, but also not stopping.


  • es.wikipedia.org. (January 14, 2015). Retrieved on January 14, 2015, from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sistema_educativo_de_M%C3%A9xicoGene, I. (2010). Educational Centers: islands or nodes? Spain: GRAO de IRIF, SL.Notimex. (December 18, 2014). Retrieved on January 18, 2015, from yucatan.com.mx:
The importance of education in Mexico. test