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The importance of human capital in organizations

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Competencies are born from business strategy and must be measurable, must be observable, aligned to the strategy and generate competitive advantages and the challenge for Human Talent Managers is to understand the needs of their clients to make a relevant contribution and tangible to the business that responds to its specific problems, challenges and opportunities. Changing its operational support role to become a Business Partner, through the management of human capital to create and maintain competitive advantages.

Work is not a punishment, it is a virtue, a noble endeavor that proves the worth of those who exercise it.

The willingness to invest human capital towards performance is centered in order of importance and results: attitude commitment (desire to belong), commitment based on loyalty (I must belong) and programmatic commitment (it will cost me if I do not belong).

Businesses must create sustainable competitive advantages and one of the advantages that it can create and that is difficult to "copy" by competitors, is to have human talent with the required skills to focus on customer satisfaction and continuous self-renewal.

The competencies model changed the criteria by which success was defined. Job titles and hierarchical grades no longer matter to climb within an organization. What matters are the competencies that an individual demonstrates and their attitude to acquire more competencies that enable them to perform different roles.

It is therefore necessary to change the focus of attention of C&D from offering courses and teaching content to improve performance and solve business problems

In the approach from the functional analysis, Norms or standards of labor competence are generated, which are evidenced through the fulfillment of performance criteria or specific achievements at work.

In the behavior-based approach, competencies are identified as personal characteristics or attributes of superior performance workers, which are evidenced through observable behaviors at work. In both cases, competence is demonstrated in performance

It is important to understand that ROI is the final indicator of a measurement process, which involves collecting data to demonstrate results at different levels: customer satisfaction with the program, achievement of learning in terms of assimilation of knowledge or skills, application of these learnings in the workplace that lead to performance improvements and impact on business outcome variables as an effect of these improvements in staff performance

This marks a new metaphor: that of the worker as an investor. A worker invests his human capital in an organization and expects to receive a return on his investment.

So, the value generated by the training of skills, such as ROI for workers is in terms of development opportunities to increase their human capital, improving their employability.

The latest study conducted in 1999 by PricewaterhouseCoopers on the best human management practices in South America, concludes that the most important competencies that an individual must have to survive and grow in the business world during the next three years is: Leadership, Adaptation to changes, People management, Teamwork.

If the benefits exceed the costs incurred, there will be a return attributed to the program, which will allow, in addition to demonstrating the goodness of the investment, to contribute to making better decisions to maintain, adjust or improve the programs.


The role of human management departments in organizations must still correspond to a commitment of attitude, with the desire to belong and align their objectives of their unit with the corporate ones and thus become a strategic partner of the operation, versatility must be framed in the roles and not in the positions that each person performs and this is how a head of personnel management is part of the corporate group of the organization.

One of the most important questions asked in institutions and professional associations is what is the role of Human Resources in times of business crisis?

Immediately the answer is reduction of personnel and those who take the bad comments in its application to this reactive rule is the human resources area, of course the management and its advisory committee would say, but the problem is the people, and why do not reassess and pro-act that the solution is people. Or check if the labor cost really is or will the problem be in another area.

Who else than the engine of change and the know-how is in the people, for this reason universities and the trend of the best human resources practices are aimed at formulating Knowledge Management and Personnel Management programs in modern organizations, which requires executives, shareholders and collaborators to generate a culture of change in their behavior and in this way align internal productivity with a world in constant change and that only the individual with their capacity for analysis and innovation will address it.

Human management in companies must review their actions to listen to the client and offer a portfolio of competent and comprehensive products and services in each of the areas and not fall into the idioms offered by consulting companies that, incidentally, have increased to As a result of flattening processes and as mentioned above, the solution was in the people and that is where the question is asked: If it is the same person who previously worked for a company, why today as a supplier or consultant does he give me up?

It is important to direct efforts towards a systemic concept and to develop optimal competencies in the key areas of success, consistent with the organizational and collaborator purposes, in order to establish a progressive win-win and for the parties to understand it and review whether Their contribution as investors for both shareholders (money) and collaborators (knowledge-skills-attitudes) offers them the guarantees of a satisfactory ROI.

And finally, as I stated in the course, to what extent are leading companies in the world being referenced and what are the best HR practices that they are applying and would they be copied?

To this macro question, a macro answer It depends, the truth is evident and demonstrable in each business and you cannot sin of being a protagonist in implementing and generating an expense to the company in a project of new HR applications, if the results are going to be the same or what is not expected by the shareholder.

The importance of human capital in organizations