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Mediocrity: Peruvian disgrace ?. opinion


I have just found a timely phrase by the well-remembered Argentine novelist, essayist and painter Ernesto Sábato (1911 - 2011) as a prologue to this note: "To be original is in a way to be showing the mediocrity of others". Without a doubt, mediocrity is a widespread "cancer" in individuals lacking vision and expectations for growth and development.

The usual use of this concept refers to someone of low quality in their performance and levels of achievement. It is associated with those who do not reach a certain standard of perfection and efficiency. It is a severe qualifier and, by the way, whose origins and manifestations I will share with you.

To begin with, I would like to comment on what was pointed out by the Italian-Argentine intellectual, sociologist and politician José Ingenieros (1877 - 1925). An extraordinary and influential character in Latin American generations - who created the historic Cordova University Reform (Argentina, 1918) - in which notable figures from this region such as Hipólito Irigoyen, Rómulo Betancourt, Salvador Allende, Pablo Neruda, Miguel Ángel Asturias were formed. and Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, among others. In addition, he was a representative of positivist thought, founder of Argentine socialism and Teacher of Youth (title awarded by reformist students). A reference figure for young people committed to the heroic social struggles of the early 20th century on this side of the continent.

In his work "The mediocre man", José Ingenieros deals with the nature of man, opposing two types of personalities: the "mediocre man" and the "idealist" and, furthermore, he analyzes their moral characteristics and the forms adopted in society.

There he affirms that "there are no equal men." In this sense, it establishes a division into three types: inferior man, mediocre man and superior man. The author points out that the "mediocre man" is unable to use his imagination to conceive archetypes that propose a future for which to fight. He is submissive to routine, prejudices and domesticities. It is docile, lacking in personality, contrary to perfection, does not accept approaches other than those received by tradition and tries to overshadow all distinguished action.

No obstante, José Ingenieros -quien solía decir: “Es más contagiosa la mediocridad que el talento”- describe al “hombre idealista” como un ser apto para usar su imaginación a fin de concebir ideales legitimados por la experiencia y se propone exhibir patrones de perfección altos, en los cuales pone su fe con el afán de modificar el pasado en favor del porvenir. Este sujeto, por ser original y único, contribuye con sus ideas a la evolución social; se perfila como un ser individualista que rehúye someterse a credos éticos. Es soñador, entusiasta, culto, diferente, generoso e indisciplinado. No busca el éxito, sino la gloria, ya que el triunfo es momentáneo.

Without fear of being wrong and, especially, collecting what was revealed by this lucid thinker, perceived on a daily basis as a quarry of examples of mediocrity turned into a frequent, numerous and intense “way of life”. Perhaps there is no time to discuss what a society inspires me - as in previous articles I have syndicated - of colossal inequalities, apathy, lack of solidarity, disagreements, contrasts, convulsions and changing. Also, highly influential, fearful and manipulable like any uneducated, third world community and lacking self-esteem.

Mediocrity is shown in multiple areas. It is seen in parents who get out of trouble by preparing a poor lunch box for their children –and not for financial reasons- but because of a real lack of will to do their research on nutrition issues; We see it in professionals who do their job halfway and avoid trying harder than necessary; It is verified in the students who study for an exam and are not even able to contribute, ask and inquire about the issues inherent to their training; it breathes when we hear people say "that's fine, don't try so hard"; We can see it in those who enjoy being wrapped in the monotonous and are even dreading new challenges; it is found in those who say "nobody recognizes me, because I have to produce more" and justify their actions in the absence of motivation.

Personally, I perceive mediocrity in family or friends gatherings. There is no lack of some mediocre –with whom I coexist- who says: "Don't be so formal, we just set the table, we are all totally trustworthy." Even in insignificant activities, I reiterate, it can be noticed. When we hear assert: "You are not going to change things, leave everything like that", "do not get involved, avoid problems", etc. we are facing unmistakable messages of anodyne outburst.

It is a kind of DNA of the Peruvian born. It is felt -more than the humidity of the capital- in the educators who use the supposed low remuneration (if they are so honest and brilliant because they do not change their workplace) to support their evident smallness in teaching, in their evaluations, audiovisual aids, materials, etc. On the recent "Teacher's Day" (July 6), my warm tribute to the teacher who struggles against an environment full of moral and thinking paraplegies. It distresses to perceive an educational system infiltrated by numerous unemployed, limited and banal beings that distort pedagogy.

Likewise, the extremely high rate of mediocrity in the public sector is painful. There it is common to pretend to be "blind, deaf and dumb" based on party or other conveniences. I lived jaded when observing mediocrity, turned into a “practical regulation”, when I presided over the Board of Trustees of Parque de Las Leyendas - Felipe Benavides Barreda (2006 - 2007) and my dispositions aroused rejection - in the frivolous, fainthearted, timorous and ambivalent state servants career- for the work that generated them. His inefficiency and laziness were enough to build a monument. I was the target of multiple criticisms, including those I considered my friends, for fighting and reversing this situation with determination.

It is up to us to face mediocrity - as accepted and palatable as Creole sweets - with audacity, daring and courage. Let us rise up and face this lacerating evil that, furthermore, tries to take over our mind and spirit. It is necessary to subvert the soul and the citizen conscience in an effort to redefine the general behavior.

The passivity to accept and validate - with a conformist attitude - what happened around us, without trying to do something to reverse an anomalous situation, reflects an indolence opposed to the possibilities of progress. On countless occasions the Peruvian is standing on the "balcony" of his existence looking, diagnosing and assuming the comfortable role of critic. However, it resists taking a proactive role and driving the change it demands.

On the other hand, the Argentine philosopher and writer Alejandro Rozitchner –author of the book “Ganas de vivre - The philosophy of enthusiasm”, states: “Mediocre is not believing in authenticity as a possibility and a value, and denying the existence of happiness within our reach, which asks to pay the logical prices of all achievement. Mediocre is denying the importance of the individual existential adventure, formulating social generalities that are taken as frames of meaning, being in reality impersonal fictions ”.

These lines are written in the light of the irrepressible malaise aroused by native mediocrity. Facing it brings with it being described as eccentric, intrepid and bombastic. But it does not matter; Life is well worth this genuine effort to spread - by consistent and worthy example - seeds of hope and illusion. It is a challenge against which we must not abdicate.

Blessed are those who transform creativity, madness, enthusiasm, energy and perseverance into an inexhaustible source of inspiration in order to forge a better future away from the obstacles that block our well-being. Finally, remember the statement of the Spanish writer and doctor Pío Baroja y Nessi: "Emancipate yourself from mediocre life."

(*) Teacher, consultant in event organization, protocol, professional image and social etiquette.

Mediocrity: Peruvian disgrace ?. opinion