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The immigration reform in Mexico


One of the most common and important issues in everyday life is that which concerns migration in its different aspects: Immigrants or Emigrants, generally in search of better sources of employment or also to seek a residence for various purposes.

Since ancient times, man has always looked for a way to improve his lifestyle and for this he has sometimes sought to emigrate to new spaces in which there are greater opportunities to achieve it. As a result of this movement, the States have sought to regulate this flow to the extent that each time, the opportunities to legally emigrate to another country have become more complicated due to the high rate of people who enter the different territories in such a way. illegal.

Among the countries with the highest demand for residence we have the United States of America, with the so famous American dream that most people have ever longed for, or the European Community (countries that currently have unemployment problems and in some cases recession), which is another of the big ones internationally.

Each country has a body in charge of regulating these migratory flows in order to find a balance between citizens, natives of the place and people (foreigners) who intend to reside while having a stable job; And although there is a minority of people who come with the intention of investing, they are the fewest, but they are also taken into consideration since many times they generate jobs and benefit the locals.

In Mexico, the legal regulation of the flows of people, both when entering or leaving the national territory, is given through the National Institute of Migration, a decentralized administrative entity but dependent on the Ministry of the Interior, which, being a member of the institutions considered As part of the National Security Corps, it has been given the task of looking for the necessary means to find a mean and that people who request to enter the country for the purpose of residence do so for charitable purposes and not socially harmful, while continuing to aside from other aspects no less important such as political and economic.

Al ser el tema migratorio cada vez más importante en nuestro país y a nivel internacional; en el año 2011, entro en vigor la nueva reforma migratoria en relación a la materia a través de La Ley de Migración y en 2012 el Reglamento para dicha Ley, ambos supletorios a la Ley General de Población y a su Reglamento, en sus respectivos apartados que se mantenían vigentes hasta esa fecha, y aunque su aplicación inició en Noviembre del año 2012, ya se venia gestando algo importante relativo a este tema.

At the same time, a modernization project is proposed both within the INM and in the application of the Law since, although the General Population Law and its Regulations were not obsolete, they did leave legal loopholes at the time of their application both at an administrative level as an operative, for this reason a specialization in the matter is sought through these new provisions.

Currently the Migration Law and its Regulations are the way to obtain a migratory status in our country, in its different modalities, whether for Visit, Temporary or Permanent Residence for Employment or Family, Studies, Technical and Scientific, Humanitarian Reasons, among others, in order to give users greater legal certainty so that they can defend themselves, assert their rights and prevent them from becoming victims of crime or even, why not say so, of the system itself.

Each route or way to apply has its particular characteristics, with which not only the rights of migrants are protected, but also a general overview of the person who will be authorized a certain condition, that is, and taking up what cited lines above, to make sure that the person to whom a document is granted has beneficial purposes, and although this may be somewhat relative, there are means to exhort them to comply with the provisions established by the Law, both for the foreigner himself and for whom intends to use it, noting this in Article 7 of the Federal Labor Law:

Art. 7.- In every company or establishment, the employer must employ ninety percent of Mexican workers, at least…

This simple example is one of many that Mexican regulations also foresee to protect the rights of its citizens and in this way prevent them from being displaced from their sources of employment and therefore generating effects on a social level and in particular for Mexican families..

Despite all that has been considered for the development and application of this law, immigration reform in our country is still a matter of debate, as there are some problems in its application due to the lack of standardization of criteria, since many Sometimes those who are at the forefront enforcing immigration regulations are not skilled in the matter or receive training during the exercise of their functions, among other things.

As we can see, this law is very young and like all regulations with this characteristic, there are always some problems in the application during its inception, which is why it is subject to be improved in many aspects, and although it is true that this is will be given according to experience and that the evolution of the same legal migratory flows so demand, it is also very important to be very attentive to the repercussions that this will bring at a social level, especially with people who do not fit into any condition that state law to obtain a document with which they can prove their legal stay in the country.

The immigration reform in Mexico