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The relationship science, technology and social development

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Word that comes from the Latin "scientia" which means knowledge. This is that science is the previously structured set of knowledge. Science is obtained through the scientific method, which is the observation, experimentation and conclusion of some phenomenon.

For it to become science as such, it must have the points of the scientific method, it must be verifiable and have some validity.

The observed facts must be objective and organized to generate new knowledge.

Science is considered a fundamental element in a human civilization, science responds to the needs of men.

There are many definitions for the word "science", however the most accepted is:

"Science is the branch of study that uses the scientific method to understand the phenomena that surround us, of which we want an explanation in a proven way."

Science has been used to increase and improve the quality of life of human beings and thanks to it we can understand nature and everything that happens in it.

There are different fields within science, some sciences such as psychology for example help us to understand human behavior, physical sciences such as chemistry, among others, but the general purpose of all of them is to help or contribute to man for a I develop both him and society.

Science will not end, it is infinite because with the passage of time, man will have new needs, since science is knowledge then it is infinite since new doubts will arise every day about anything and man through science will try to clarify your doubts in order to generate more knowledge.

If we say that science is knowledge, it is necessary to know what knowledge is; Knowledge is all the information that the human being acquires through experience, knowledge is empirical and although it is through experience it has a structure and organization, all based on objectives that the human being himself proposes to achieve.

Science is the set of all those knowledge and techniques that we are using to resolve our doubts, science generally arises from a doubt, that is why in the scientific method it begins with the approach of the problem that almost always arises with a question, as is the hypothesis.

It is also known that science is divided into two: basic and applied (when they focus on human needs) but there is also a classification made by Carnap and consists of the formal, natural and social sciences.

Basic science refers to the so-called pure science, this is that the knowledge obtained is sought for its own purposes, that is, it does not have immediate benefits, whether economic or social, but rather the opposite, what man seeks with this is knowledge to satisfy your curiosity, you seek it because you want to know more.

Applied science is, as its name implies, that which applies knowledge to a specific area of ​​science. These sciences help us solve practical problems.

Among the applied sciences are:

  • Administration.Accounting.Economy.Gastronomy.Computing.Engineering.Psychology.Telecommunication.

Basic and applied science are related, since they are an important part for development and innovation.

The formal sciences are those that seek to make the truth stand out, they are characterized by the use of deduction, as their name says, they focus more on the forms than on the contents. In a clear example, formal sciences are interested in how it is said and not what is said.

The best known formal sciences are:

  • Statistics, Mathematics, Logic, Game theory, Information theory, Systems theory, Decision theory.

The natural sciences are in charge of the study of nature, everything related to it, phenomena and events that occur in it, study the physical aspects and use the scientific method generally in observation.

Another characteristic of the natural sciences is that they are based on logical reasoning.

They are known as natural sciences to:

  • Biology, Physics, Geology, Chemistry.

The social sciences are those that analyze and are in charge of studying the different aspects of social groups, it focuses on the human being but seeing it from its social aspect, it analyzes their behavior before a large group of people.

In short, the social sciences are those that focus on the study of the evolution of man within a society.

Among them is:

  • History.Archeology.Demography.Psychology.Linguistics.Philosophy.Pedagogy.Law.


Technique is the name given to the set of procedures used in a science or in a skill.

It is also considered as the practice of knowledge and therefore of the acquired methods referring to different sciences.

The objective of the techniques is to meet or achieve the objectives and goals that are in mind.

In men, the technique will arise according to the needs they have and the way they seek to satisfy them, each individual will have a technique, perhaps some similar to those of other people, however each human being will develop them differently.

We develop the technique according to our needs and the environment or context in which we are, the techniques will be different in terms of the situation, we will not be able to apply the same technique to all situations, perhaps a similar technique but it can never be the right one. itself, since each technique has a goal or purpose and is used differently in different situations.

Techniques are tools that help us meet our own needs.

The word technique comes from the Greek téchne which means art, but why is Technique an art? It is an art because it is not the same as that of all people, art is the result of man's activity in order to express his ideas, therefore the technique will vary depending on the person and the creativity they have the same.

Among the characteristics of the technique are:

  • It arises from the imagination of the human being to put it into practice Sometimes it arises from trial and error. It is unique in each person. Not only human beings have techniques although it is true that it is more complex.

There are several types of techniques, including this:

  • Study techniques: they can be acquisition, analysis or systematization. Summaries, concept maps, worksheets, diagrams, audio recording, underlining, reading aloud, among others are covered here Drawing techniques: dry (graphite, charcoal, sepia, etc.), wet (stylographs, brush, ink, etc.) Investigation techniques: Interrogation, observation, documentaries. This section includes the quantitative and qualitative techniques. The quantitative techniques are the periodic (panel) and the non-periodic (surveys) and in the qualitative techniques are the group dynamics and the in-depth interview Communication techniques: communication can be verbal or non-verbal, oral or corporal, written or in iconic language.Active listening, which is the correct interpretation of the message so that there can be feedback. Finally, there are group dynamics that include brainstorming, role playing, etc.

Communication is made up of an issuer, which, through a channel with a code, emits the message that will be carried to the receiver and vice versa is the feedback process.

There is a great difference between technique and technology and this is that technology is the study of all those techniques that will be applied to science.

Another difference between these two terms is that the technique is simply experimental, whereas the technology is based on more scientific contributions.

Social development

As its name indicates, it refers to the development that will take place in society, it implies the evolutions or changes that are being achieved in human relationships.

Social development focuses more, as stated above, on the human relationships of individuals within a group or social stratum.

The objective or goal of this development is social well-being, that is, that with the relationships that society has, it perceives a calm environment, that well-being in all senses within a society.

This social development is one of the bases of the UN (United Nations Organization) because it is linked to economic development because if there is no development as a society it will be very difficult to obtain an economic benefit.

Society works if individuals are well, looking for a quick example we have: in a company if the workers are not comfortable or if the work environment is heavy for them, there will not be a good performance and therefore there will be no good production.

In order to keep employees happy, incentives are necessary, be they small bonuses, social and labor recognition, job security, etc. having that labor well-being can achieve economic well-being, it is the same with social development.

The UN is very concerned about this social development since both developed and underdeveloped countries come to have conflicts such as poverty, unemployment, social fragmentation, among others and it is a great challenge to get ahead as a country or as a society.

There are several bodies in charge of social development, among them are:

  • The General Assembly The Economic and Social Council The Secretary of the United Nations

The human being over time has sought to evolve in order to improve their quality of life and make work easier, thanks to their needs and curiosity to solve their doubts, man was looking for methods (techniques) through science to achieve great inventions and all this shapes social development.

Development goes hand in hand with science and technology because in these two aspects it is important to be at the forefront, to be up-to-date or up-to-date so that development can take place, science and technology are being modified by man to satisfy needs that are increasingly complex.

Science would have no reason to exist if it were only stagnant, it has to evolve as well as society itself and man himself.

Techniques must also evolve because the same technique will not work in the same way, therefore man himself must devise new techniques to be able to satisfy his needs, which over time become larger and more complex than the previous ones.

The set of science and technology give results to social development, science helps us to devise new techniques and this concludes in a social welfare, social welfare is like the goal that science and technology have.

Thanks to technology and science, it was possible to increase the production of material goods that reduced the work of people to make it easier and more practical, here the machinery used in industries would enter to speed up production and obtain more economic goods.

The relationship science, technology and social development