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Job rotation and falsificationism


The tools are essential to carry out activities and functions at any time of life as they allow increasing the ability to do certain tasks, which is why Organizations rely on techniques such as Job Rotation, which they use in each phase and in each intervention of a change agent in order to increase the productivity of people in companies and reduce costs.


The falsificationism, refutationism or the principle of falsifiability is an epistemological current founded by the Austrian philosopher Karl Popper (1902-1994). Which establishes:

Testing a theory means trying to refute it by means of a counterexample. If it is not possible to refute it, this theory is corroborated, and can be provisionally accepted, but never verified ”(Karl Popper).

The human being throughout the years has been creating theories that allow to reveal the why of some situations in the world, such as the big bang theory that explains the origin of the Universe, saying that it was created through a great explosion, but other philosophers argue that it was due to Spontaneous Generation; This refutation does not allow one of the two theories to be accepted as verified since they are nothing more than speculative assumptions or conjectures that are raised.

That is why the falsificationist affirms that a theory to be considered very good is important that it encompasses deep affirmations so that this in turn allows it to be refuted with other universal theories and to resist all the falsifications that it faces.

The principle of falsifiability shows that its main objective is to make assumptions which should be falsifiable, that refuting them with others could indicate that it is superior to others that have already been proposed; although it would also conflict by not being able to affirm if the proposed theory is true.

" Although we cannot rationally justify our theories, and not even prove that they are probable, we can criticize them rationally and objectively, searching for and eliminating errors in the service of truth, thus distinguishing between better and worse theories "

(Karl Raimund Popper)

Naive falsificationism

" The characteristic of the naive falsification is to reject immediately any theory that contradicts the facts "

(Karl Popper).

Theoretical proposals are made momentarily since as they have not yet been proven, it is considered Hypothesis, which is why theories that have not been falsifiable and are falsified cannot be considered of the same level.

When a theory is rejected it is because it has been proven in any way, either through techniques such as experiment or observation that comes into refutation with the theory that projects to be called science.

Theories survive whenever a large number of different results are obtained that will be refuted or, failing that, annulled through the process of the scientific method or observation, but if the opposite happens, the hypotheses or theory must be rejected or, failing that, be improved.

Sophisticated falsificationism

" A Research program is a structure with a series of basic assumptions and a central core that has a protector so that we cannot modify or reject these basic assumptions "


Popper, like Lakatos, believed that their Sophisticated Falsenessism believed that consistency, the predictive power of scientific theories, and the objectivity of knowledge should be preserved.

Job rotation

" It consists of the change of an operator between two or more jobs of the same level and technological and / or functional content "

In organizations it is of vital importance to implement rotation systems, which will serve to create a significant change within it and the subordinates this in order that the worker does not stay in a comfort zone and take advantage of other capacities with which they have this one and be more productive; as well as a way to eliminate costs; Example: if employees have problems with each other instead of firing them and paying them for the time worked, it is cheaper to relocate them to another position where they can be more effective and thus eliminate the liquidation expense, in addition to also working as an increase in the motivation and decreased time loss you may have.

When a system of rotations is installed in companies, it is of great importance that the objectives that will lead to solving the problems be explained and identified

Rotation as an organizational change

" Job rotation can be defined as a systematic transfer of employees between jobs, tasks, assignments or projects within an organization to achieve different objectives."

“It is necessary to emphasize that there is no single model to manage organizational changes” (Oncins de Frutos M.08). Each organization as well as the human being have their own characteristics that differentiate them from the others. That is why, according to those characteristics that it presents, it will adopt a model of change which can adapt to its particularities and needs that it presents. Changes in organizations are essential and necessary because it allows them to become more productive.

In contrast, it can really be said that organizations need to implement job rotation which will allow them to be more productive and motivate their employees, at the same time that it will be able to eliminate or reduce costs due to layoffs.




• Popper, 1962, p.39).

• National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work (INSHT), 08.


Job rotation and falsificationism