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The theory of business networks in relation to ecophilosophy

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I will introduce myself to the topic of the Structure of business networks describing its concept specifically and in relation to ecophilosophy, focusing on the analysis of horizontal networks or articulations and reaching a conclusion on this topic.

Eco-philosophy and business networks

Philosophy is a doctrine that seeks to explain human unknowns in a rational way, in this case we talk about ecology and the ecosystems that they contain in comparison with human beings and the different social ecosystems with which they coexist., Ecology is the part of sociology that studies the relationship between human groups and their environment, both physical and social. According to (The dictionary of the Spanish language-twenty-second edition). According to this we will address the issue of business networks since the comparison between ecology and business networks have a great similarity when talking about group relationships.business networks are nothing more than the coordination of groups or companies working with the same approach and proposing a common goal which is to benefit, it should be clarified that the benefits are not always the same.

What is a centralized network?

As the author of the book, business management María del Carmen Martínez Guillen (group members are forced to communicate through a central individual who is the focus of all communications)

What is a decentralized network?

María del Carmen Martínez Guillen defines that (In the decentralized network, individuals can communicate with several people within the group and any of the members can take the role of leader at a certain moment.)

What is a vertical network?

Vertical network is called the network created between companies of different sizes, turns and dimensions.

Maribel Feria Cruz horizontal network - 2005 (it is a form of cooperation between independent companies of a comparable nature that produce the same type of good and decide to group together to market it, or can acquire inputs together or provide common services; these networks are oriented towards economies of scale and of greater bargaining power.)

They are the articulated companies of the same dimension which work together to achieve an established objective. Thanks to this network, the companies join forces and can do business with larger companies.

Horizontal ecosystem

Can a horizontal network be called an ecosystem?

Horizontal type networks are ecosystems since they are joint systems that work in relation to group benefit and with an approach directed to the development and growth of themselves as companies.

A business articulation is not only the union of one company with another, but also with many other companies of different turns or magnitude, which allows each of them to be benefited both in the production of quality articles, and in obtaining of profitable production costs, all working as a group benefiting each other.

Humans are not the only living beings that come together to work and achieve a common goal, everything that surrounds us is part of a clear articulation to a greater dimension, a very clear example of this is the Jean Shinoda Bolen trees in his Wise book as a tree mentions: (It is said that the rain forests are the lungs of the planet. The forests absorb prodigious amounts of carbon dioxide, fix carbon and generate oxygen, which then release into the atmosphere that we breathe.) and thanks to They have oxygen to breathe, they are also home to different species and they also benefit from rain or solar rays.

Business networks are made up of groups that perceive a different or common purpose with a beneficial purpose of group magnitude, making each member or group member indispensable for the proper functioning or improvement of the business ecosystem created, making continuous improvements in the development of the productivity and product quality.


  • The dictionary of the Spanish language-twenty-second edition. Maribel Feria Cruz - 2005- Interinstitutional Networks p. 54.Jean Shinoda Bolen, - wise like a tree, March 2012 edition p. 11. Business management - María del Carmen Martínez Guillen 2003 p. twenty.
The theory of business networks in relation to ecophilosophy