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Ethics in freedom and debauchery. test


First it is necessary to understand what is freedom, what is debauchery and what is ethics. Freedom is the ability of each individual to make the decision that best suits them and is to their liking, without anyone pressuring or compelling them and without anyone being affected, except and of course, the person who makes the decision. decision making. On the other hand, debauchery is basically the same as freedom with the only difference that, when the decision is made, second or third parties are affected. Now we must define ethics, which are the uses, customs and way of acting of a group.

Taking this as a brief context, it is recurrent that not all people can differentiate one from another, and on many occasions, think that it is the same. Although they are somewhat similar, they are not necessarily the same. But our question covers both concepts, both freedom and debauchery within an ethical margin. How is ethics presented within freedom and debauchery?

To give an answer to this question, it is necessary to consider freedom as a daily act and that decision-making, whatever its nature, will affect other people, probably not directly but indirectly. That's when it could also come into play how to know when to enter debauchery, that is, what is the dividing line between each one.

Now, keeping this in mind, ethics is presented in a different way about individuals, since as we mentioned before, ethics are the uses, customs and way of acting of a group. Ethics comes into play, when through time, individuals are instilled with a style of how to live but more than a style, it is a way of life that for them is correct to act in that way because they have been raised and accustomed to. It is then when people based on their way of life make decisions, which are made under freedom but sometimes fall into debauchery.


A line that can determine when it is freedom or debauchery is manifested when you let your actions be controlled by your impulses and not by reason. But not all are people capable of making decisions based on reason, and when the scope of our decisions exceeds us and we do not take responsibility for them; it is when a clear example of debauchery is presented.

Licentiousness occurs very commonly in adolescents, because it is a stage in which they are discovering ways and ways of acting, it is a very common tendency to have a personality when they are within an educational establishment and another personality that is not necessarily It is similar to school, the latter occurs when they are with their friends or with their family.

Let's talk now about how ethics enters the playing field. Ethics through time is related to a specific discipline: philosophy.

" Ethics as a discipline of philosophy, not only describes the behavior of man, but also explains and interprets the reason why I act in that way " (Raul). Within each individual there is a particular way of acting, of behaving, of deciding what is good or bad, and tries to argue based on their way of upbringing, why they make decisions in that way or in that other way, is under this fact that each individual exercises total control and will over the decisions he makes, being responsible for the consequences that it entails. That internal awareness that makes us be responsible and honest about the actions that take place daily, is the part in which ethics enters or is part of the game in making decisions with total freedom.

While in a similar way, that same awareness that tells you that what you are going to do is not the right thing or the honest thing, however, you exercise that decision; The debauchery is manifested, it is present when you make a decision that affects third parties but you are not responsible for the acts or for those consequences that could happen, that is when the debauchery occurs within the ethical margin.


" If we succeed in deciding in accordance with our truth and we comply, our exercise of freedom will be successful " (Retegui, 2002). If when we make a decision and it has a positive result, then it is said that he made a decision with his own will, sticking to freedom and not falling into debauchery.

A person's success is determined not by how many times he fails, but how many times he gets up. Bad decisions can be made, the consequences can be accepted as well as not accept them, debauchery will be committed on some occasions but freedom will also be committed.

Decisions is the only and first thing that is made when waking up every day, it is for this reason that you must practice decision-making based on freedom and supported by ethics for proper use.


Gestiopolis, E. (April 08, 2001). Gestiopolis.com. Retrieved on May 25, 2016

Raul, G. (nd). General Notion of Ethics.

Retegui, R. (February 25, 2002). www.unav.es. Retrieved on May 25, 2016, from www.unav.es:

Ethics in freedom and debauchery. test