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Invisible employees in the company


The diversity of exposures related to the future of work and the new relationships that will emerge between companies and people can be compared without difficulty with the vision that computers had a few decades ago.

Imagining a future dominated by computers has haunted the imagination of both scholars and amateurs for a long time, from which novels, plays and films have emerged that recreate a world of chaos and despair where the human race is seriously threatened by the presence of its metallic and electronic enemies.

In the sixties, in the twentieth century, several conventions were held where it was shown what the world would be like in the year 2000, expectations that little by little remained in the fantasy of a futuristic thought whose totality has not yet arrived and that has been extrapolated over time in order to keep it alive.

With the birth of the commercial Internet and the advances that have been made in telecommunications, speculation about the future of the employment relationship began, flaunting the birth of telework as the natural consequence of such advances and, at the same time, as the inescapable future of relations between companies and people.

Although it is true that telework is a fact and that there are people who carry out most of their work through the use of technology, it is no less true that such a relationship should be managed on the basis of self-management and constant reinforcement. of the identification of the individual with the ethical and moral values ​​of the company, because otherwise the confidentiality of the information would be at risk and anarchy would reign smoothly.

Un ejemplo de lo antes dicho se encuentra en la existencia de los hackers, individuos cuya facilidad para descifrar códigos y violentar la seguridad constantemente está a prueba con un importante número de éxitos, pero su trabajo no siempre tiene dueño y el fruto de su actividad puede ser la respuesta a una apuesta o la oportunidad de obtener ganancias vendiendo su hazaña al mejor postor o a varios de ellos.

Perhaps, in the near future, what we understand as EI, or invisible employees, will be that employment relationship that will allow the physical absence of workers from what we now know as offices, putting aside the limitations that have been for years imposed on people and allowing them to carry out their tasks freely using technology and their skills without the pressure of time.

However, the existence of the EI, from the technological point of view is already a reality, but half, because even when their work does not require the constant presence of their person in the facilities of a company, it must maintain a relationship Close and beneficial to keep that type of employee motivated, otherwise the absence of stimulus would accelerate demotivation and thus the disconnection with the elements of the contracting firm.

Just as technology has tended to bring man closer to rather than separate him from society, as was believed in the past, assuming that life would become lonely and monotonous; The business trend is geared towards turning companies into centers of social and personal development, thereby guaranteeing the professional balance of the productive employee, who by satisfying part of their needs becomes an inexhaustible source of creativity and good work.

In this sense, the EI will consolidate as that group of employees whose schedules have been adjusted to their rhythms of life, where they are most productive for the company, of course, putting aside those activities whose work is impossible -for now- to distance; But they will hardly become mysterious and distant beings who will be faithful to the company without them knowing their faces or true identities, since if this were the case, it would be denying all the progress that has been achieved in terms of human resources in recent years.

Based on the above, it can be said that employees will not have to continue with the ancient paradigm of compliance with the schedule to be considered valuable and responsible with the company, it will be known that they work in it and that they have a high level of identification because the assignments, requirements and services will have a high standard of quality, they will simply not be seen sitting in their positions as an inexhaustible requirement to appear that they work and strive to achieve the imposed goals.

The IE must have a higher profile than traditional workers are used to, since their motivation to achieve, self-management and intra-discipline capacity, as well as the intelligent use of abstraction and holistic vision will be basic competencies of their performance, together with the interrelation capacity, since they must maintain that balance and that social awareness indispensable for the employee of the 21st century, as well as the facility for the formation of high-performance teams in physical or virtual instances.

With the sustained development of EIs, employees will simply be given greater freedom of action, relying on their abilities and strengths, linked to the development of their competencies and the expectations that the company has of a particular job, but not On the contrary, people are being turned away, on the contrary, they are opening the door to a future where to be productive and add value it will not be necessary to work eight or more hours a day throughout the week.

Success will be given by the result obtained, not by staying in the office.

The future that awaits us has to be more humane, capable of developing man's creative potential and making it available to everyone, it is difficult to imagine companies where the need for affiliation does not exist and people work completely isolated from the organization, because they are so it would not exist.

The foregoing is not intended to suppose that a hiring cannot exist without there being any connection with the company, it is feasible that it happens or is happening in relative terms, but it does propose to reflect on it and visualize the future with greater optimism, the EI, They will not represent the extinction of human relationships in companies, but rather the expansion of development and social hygiene in organizations, through the elimination of patterns that have meant barriers to improving employee performance; Paradigms that although they worked in the past, due to the existing scenarios at that time, today lack meaning and application.

Invisible employees in the company