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Financial statement analysis and interpretation questions

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Financial statement analysis and interpretation questions

1.-What is a financial statement?

It is a document whose purpose is to provide information on the financial situation of the company to support decision-making.

2.-What is the financial situation in the company?

It is the situation that exists according to the results obtained once the operations have been carried out at a date or period.

3.-What is the point of contact between the statement of financial position and the statement of income?

The point of contact is the profit or loss obtained from the exercise.

4.-What financial statements do you know?

The income statement, the production cost statement, the income statement and the statement of changes in financial position.

5.-How is the cost of sales determined?

Initial inventory

+ Shopping

= Available

- Final inventory

= Cost of sales

6.-How is the cost of production and sales determined?

The cost of goods sold shows the cost of production or acquisition, depending on the transformation or trading company, of the items sold that generated the income reported in the sales line.

7.-What is the difference between the cost of production and the cost of sales?

The cost of production is determined by a company that is dedicated to manufacturing and the cost of sales by a marketing company.

8.- Why is depreciation an account that is presented in the income statement?

Because it is an operating expense, like indirect expenses and they refer to expenses for the period (month).

9.-What does the account of other expenses and other products refer to?

It contains other unusual operations of the activity such as the profit or loss of the asset.

10.-Within the balance sheet in the deferred assets we find the concept of incorporation expense. What do you refer to?

It is an expense paid in advance and refers to the notarial expenses to set up the company.

11.-What does the long-term liability refer to?

It is the fixed liability.

12.-In the profit and loss statement in the concept of financial expenses we find the financial situation expenses. What do you refer to and what do they cover?

They are bank commissions, the bank charges the service of transferring money from one location to another.

13.-What does the term of transfer to the legal reserve refer to?

It is called a reserve because it is a provision made by the company to face unforeseen events and it is legal because it is provided for by the General Law of Mercantile Societies and 5% of its profits are to create or increase the reserve, this only when there are profits.

14.-What are accumulated profits?

They are the activities that are gathered from exercise to exercise and are pending to be applied.

15.-What are dividends?

They are the profits that are distributed to the shareholders.

16.-What does the useful life of a good mean?

It is the duration time in which a good being in good condition renders services, this duration of use is established by law, as an example we can cite the cost of machinery where the useful life is 10 years and the legal depreciation is equal to 10% annual.

17.-Can the useful life of a good be varied, increased or decreased?

Yes, it can be varied, but to increase the rate, you must request authorization.

18.-Is it convenient for the company to reduce the depreciation rate?

No, because it is a tax deduction and as such decreases the tax base.

19.-At what point does the accounting depreciation start?

Depreciation begins when the asset is used, having up to one year to apply the depreciation, since otherwise the right to apply it is lost.

20.-What is inflation?

Inflation occurs when the quantity of money increases faster than that of goods and services; the greater the increase in the quantity of money per unit of production, the higher the inflation rate.

It is the continuous increase in prices, derived from an increase in the amount of money and credit in circulation with respect to available goods.

Inflation is a dangerous and sometimes fatal disease that, if not remedied in time, can destroy a society.

21.-Establish the difference between real value and nominal value of money.

The nominal value is the one that appears registered in the commercial documents and securities, while the real value is the equivalent that has in money at the present moment an income or expense that will be made in the future.

22.-How is inflation related to accounting information?

Accountants seek to give an opinion on financial statements that reflect a situation close to the reality of the moment in which one lives, a situation that increases when going through a period of notorious inflation, which motivates that the data that are generally provided in the financial statements are with historical figures that are distorted with said inflation.

The effects produced by inflation are not reflected in traditional financial statements, which causes information outside of reality, leading to erroneous decision-making.

On the other hand, in February 1980, Bulletin B-7 appeared, entitled "Revelation of the Effects of Inflation on Financial Information." Said Bulletin served as the basis to determine its practical application and hence to establish definitively and strictly in June 1983 the application of Bulletin B-10, entitled "Recognition of the Effects of Inflation on Financial Information."

23.-What does restatement mean?

Update the information contained in the financial statements that contain items that its value is affected by inflation and show erroneous information which has to be updated to know the real value of these concepts.

The application of Bulletin B-10 is mandatory and it mentions that only some accounts are viable to be modified, that is, its application is partial.

24.-What is restatement for?

To observe the double entry, that is, it is a «Transitory Account» that at the end of the update process must be settled in order to prepare the basic financial statements.

25.-According to the College of Public Accountants mentions the two ways to carry out the restatement.

a) The Adjustment Method for Changes in the General Price Level.

It consists of correcting the unit of measurement used by traditional accounting, using constant weights instead of nominal weights.

b) The Specific Costs Update Method, also called Replacement Values.

This is based on the measurement of values ​​that are generated in the present, instead of values ​​caused by exchanges made in the past.

26.-What are monetary and non-monetary items?

Monetary Items.

They are those that are agreed in fixed monetary units and that in the future will become cash flow (inflows and outflows) and consequently in an inflationary environment their purchasing power is modified, these items in turn are divided by their nature into two categories:

Monetary items of assets (cash and banks, fixed income investments, customers)

Monetary items of the liability (suppliers, various creditors)

Non-Monetary Items.

Their characteristic is that they increase their nominal value more or less in parallel with inflation rates.

They will be available through use, consumption, sale, settlement and application to results.

As an example of non-monetary items are inventories, tangible fixed assets, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, and delivery equipment.

27.-Why should the non-monetary items of the financial statements be updated and why should the monetary items not be updated?

Monetary items precisely because they are agreed in fixed amounts "They are not updated", cause a loss of purchasing power when they are monetary assets of assets, the explanation is simple: when converted into cash these items will contain a lower purchasing power, an inverse situation that it is appreciated in the monetary items of the liability, which are amortized, that is, those liabilities are extinguished with monetary units with a lower purchasing power, obtaining a profit.

28.-What is the update factor and how is it calculated?

It is the factor that is used to update the values ​​of the goods that have varied over time and due to price changes in the country and the factors mentioned below will be applied.

To calculate the change in the value of goods and operations in a period, the adjustment factor corresponding to the following will be used:

a) When the period is one month, the monthly adjustment factor will be used, which will be obtained by subtracting the unit from the quotient that results from dividing the national consumer price index for the month in question, between the aforementioned index for the immediate month previous.

b) When the period is longer than one month, the adjustment factor that will be obtained by subtracting the unit of the quotient that results from dividing the national consumer price index of the most recent month of the period will be used by the aforementioned index corresponding to the most recent month. old from that period.

29.-What should be taken into account to choose the above methods?

The update of accounts can be carried out through any of the methods:

a) Changes in the general price level and

b) Specific or replacement values.

The use of them will be at the discretion of the company that wants to re-express the figures of its financial statements, taking into account that the adoption of the method will be based on the cost-benefit relationship and very particularly on the fact that the information provided is more attached to reality.

30.-What does the Specific Costs method consist of?

It is based on the measurement of values ​​that are generated in the present, instead of values ​​caused by exchanges made in the past.

It is also called replacement values, replacement value is understood to be the cost that the company will incur on the balance sheet date to acquire or produce an item equal to the one that makes up its inventory.

31.-How is financial information classified for restatement purposes?

It is classified in:

to. Of operation

b. Financing

c. Investment

32.-What is the monetary effect of the first update?

The favorable monetary effect of the period will be taken to results up to an amount equal to the net financial cost formed by interest and exchange fluctuations and, in general, all the items that are grouped within the account of financial expenses and products. The surplus, if any, will be taken to stockholders' equity. The other provisions of B-10 referring to this concept prevail, which establish that the unfavorable monetary effect of the period must be fully charged to income, and that, in cases where the net financial cost is creditable, it will not be recognized in the Income statement any amount due to unfavorable monetary effect.

33.-What is the monetary position?

Indicates the way in which the Financial Structure of a business will be affected based on inflation. Three main types are considered.

a) Long or active position

b) Short or passive position

c) Level monetary position

34.-Where is the monetary effect placed on the balance sheet?

The unfavorable monetary effect of the period must be fully charged to the results, and that, in the cases in which the net financial cost is creditable, no amount will be recognized in the income statement for the concept of unfavorable monetary effect.

35.-What is more convenient for the company to have monetary assets or liabilities?

It is better for you to have monetary liabilities because they are the ones that absorb the effect of inflation and therefore the company may have a favorable result due to monetary position.

36.-How are inventories updated if they are controlled by average prices?

The amount of the update will be the difference between the historical cost in nominal pesos and the updated value. If there are previously re-expressed inventories, the amount to be compared against the new value will be the previous updated one.

The inventory update can be done using the following methods:

a) Historical cost adjustment method due to changes in the general price level. With this method, the historical cost of inventories is expressed in pesos of purchasing power at the balance sheet date, through the use of a factor derived from the National Consumer Price Index.

b) Method of updating specific costs. Replacement value is understood to be the cost that the company would incur on the balance sheet date to acquire or produce an item equal to the one that makes up its inventory.

For practical purposes, this can be determined by any of the following means, when these are representative of the market.

a) Determination of inventory by FIFO.

b) Valuation of inventory at the price of the last purchase made in the year.

c) Valuation of inventory at standard cost when this is representative.

d) Use specific indexes for inventories.

e) Use replacement cost when these are substantially different from the price of the last purchase made in the year.

37.-How often is the subsequent activity carried out?

It can be weekly, monthly, semi-annual or annual, that is, according to the frequency with which the information is presented. They are updated for inflation

Another may be according to the financial policies of the company, since these will be established according to the purposes that it pursues, therefore it will be necessary to adhere to the provisions of said financial policies and carry them out as indicated in them.

38.-What is observed in the updates of a month, in terms of their historical and updated value?

What is observed in the updates of a month is basically the increase in its value due to inflation.

39.-What is the sequence of the re-expression?

The sequence is to update the historical figures for an exercise to present value due to the effects of inflation.

In order to facilitate the monthly restatement of the financial statements, it will be necessary to establish the methodology that we must follow step by step as follows:

a) In order to carry out the monthly restatement of the financial statements, it is essential that they have been previously restated in the last immediately preceding fiscal year, in order to have the base figures from which we will start to perform the monthly restatement.

b) It is necessary with the historical financial effects corresponding to the months for which the restatement of the financial statements will be carried out. As well as the historical movements existing during those periods.

c) From the aforementioned financial statements, we will classify their items as monetary and non-monetary, since the success of the restatement will largely depend on their correct classification.

d) The result by monetary position corresponding to the period will be determined.

e) The final inventory that is presented in the statement of financial position for the month of the update is updated, for which we will have to cancel the update of the initial inventory made in the immediately preceding period.

f) We proceed to calculate the updating of the cost of sales, which must be expressed, in terms of the items that comprise it, in pesos of the month to which the restatement refers.

g) Fixed assets, accumulated depreciation and depreciation of the period that goes to results will be expressed according to the chosen restatement method.

h) The updating of the stockholders' equity will be carried out based on the items included in said concept and the movements existing in the restatement period.

i) The restatement correction account is settled and the worksheet is prepared in which the historical movements of the month are concentrated, as well as the adjustments derived from the restatement, to finally present the restated financial statements.

j) In order to systematize the monthly restatement of the financial statements, it is proposed that it be carried out through the following certificates:


Certificate for the determination of the result for monetary position of the period.


Certificate for updating the inventory and determining the cost of sales.


Certificate for updating non-monetary items (except inventory).


Certificate for updating the depreciation of the period.


Monthly worksheet.

These same cédulas will be repeated monthly for each of the months of the fiscal year, for which we will only change the initial of the month in question in the name of the cédula.

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Financial statement analysis and interpretation questions