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Financial economic procedures for decision making of the university of las tunas cuba

Table of contents:



This research addresses an important issue for the development of work in the Economic Directorate of the University of Las Tunas, in order to achieve the improvement of economic-financial management as required by the updating of the economic model in Cuba, where the Management control of the budgeted units of the Ministry of Higher Education will be based mainly on the manuals of the economic-financial management. To achieve this, work tools are needed that allow managers to make decisions, such as the improvement of the analysis of the Financial Statements that are presented monthly in the Boards of Directors. In this way, the problem given by the inadequacies in the economic and financial management of the University of Las Tunas is addressed,limit decision-making, and a procedure is proposed as a solution to design the manuals of standards and procedures for economic and financial management, which will contribute to timely decision-making and consequently to the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the University of Las Tunas. The practical contribution is constituted by the procedure to design the manuals of norms and procedures for economic-financial management at the University of Las Tunas.The practical contribution is constituted by the procedure to design the manuals of norms and procedures for economic-financial management at the University of Las Tunas.The practical contribution is constituted by the procedure to design the manuals of norms and procedures for economic-financial management at the University of Las Tunas.

Procedure to design the manual of financial economic norms and procedures for decision-making of the University of Las Tunas.

The purpose of the procedure described below is to enable the design of financial and economic management procedures manuals for decision-making at the University of Las Tunas. It is specific for this university organization, and constitutes a working instrument for economic management.

In each of the stages considered in figure 1, different steps that go through different moments and levels of complexity are taken into account, which from the methodological point of view, ensure the understanding towards the concretion of the management procedure manuals financial economics, considering in each one of them, their objective, selection indicators and the techniques and instruments for their implementation.

Design of financial economic rules and procedures

The following describes the stages of the comprehensive procedure to design the financial and economic management manuals in their content and for each of their components:

Stage 1: Organizational

Step 1: Create a group of experts

Objective: To form a multidisciplinary team that allows the elaboration of the manuals of norms and procedures of economic and financial management for decision making.

Selection indicators:

  • Team composition: 5-6 people are suggested Capacity for group work.


Level of Experience.

Motivation and willingness to collaborate throughout the process.

Years of seniority at the University of Las Tunas Vladimir Ilich Lenin

Techniques and instruments:

Survey: Applied to teachers and specialists in the economic area to assess the real possibilities of forming the group of experts. Appendix 2.

Step 2: Study the guidelines for the development of the standards and procedures manuals

Objective: To achieve the preparation of the personnel involved with the preparation of the manual.

Techniques and instruments:

Documentary analysis: It is carried out on the basis of the guidelines of the Ministries of Finance and Prices, Economy and Planning, and Higher Education. The documents to be analyzed are the resolutions, instructions, methodologies.

Group dynamics: It is carried out through a Workshop to discuss and agree on the content of the guidelines established for the manual of rules and procedures. Annex 3.

Step 3: Determination of the work schedule

Objective: Prepare the distribution of work so that each member of the team knows the moment, the place and their level of responsibility during the design moment.


Time frame.

Specification space (place, context where the process will take place).


Techniques and instruments:

Organizational workshop: To coordinate and establish the beginning and end of the activity, establish the roles of each participating member and the areas to be carried out. Annex 4.

Stage 2: Concretion

Step 4: Running the design

Objective: Execution of the manual of norms and procedures of the Financial Economic Management for decision making of the University of Las Tunas.


The rules and procedures manual will contain the following structure by components:

  1. Cover.Index.Introduction.Legal base.Scope.Objective.General rules.Procedures.Forms and instructions.Glossary of terms.Flow diagrams or pictograms.Annexes.

Techniques and instruments:

Note 1: The Workshop will take place in different work sessions of two hours each.

  • Session 1: Carried out through a Workshop with the group of experts to determine the content of indicators 1 to 4 that make up the manual. Annex 5. Session 2: Carried out through a Workshop with the group of experts to determine the content of indicators 5 to 7 that make up the manual. Annex 5. Session 3: Carried out through a Workshop with the group of experts to determine the content of indicators 8 and 9 that make up the manual. Annex 5. Session 4: Carried out through a Workshop with the group of experts to determine the content of indicators 10 and 11 that make up the manual. Annex 5. Session 5: Carried out through a Workshop with the group of experts to determine the content of indicator 12 that makes up the manual. Annex 5.

Note 2: The contents of the manual of norms and procedures of financial economic management for decision making of the University of Las Tunas are illustrated in Annex 6 of the CD.

Step 5: Design assessment

Objective: To assess the feasibility and applicability of the manual of norms and procedures of financial economic management for decision-making of the University of Las Tunas prepared.

Instruments and techniques.

Expert assessment: In this case, the survey in Annex 7 is applied to assess whether the manual with its content is relevant and meets the requirements.

Note 3: This assessment has no implication in the assessment that is made of the general procedure and that is argued in the following section as it is only done to assess the content of the indicators in the manual only.

Step 6: Manual approval

Objective: To obtain the respective formal authorizations from the authorities of the University of Las Tunas Vladimir Ilich Lenin.

Techniques and instruments:

Work meeting: The group of experts presents to the Board of Directors of the University for the official approval of the manual.

Stage 3: Socialization of the manual

Step 7: Promote awareness of the manual

Objective: Socialize the content of the manual within the Economic Directorate of the Vladimir Ilich Lenin University of Las Tunas and the Accounting and Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Higher Education.



Moments and spaces for dissemination

Information structure for socialization.

Resources available to communicate.

Techniques and instruments:

Group dynamics 1: To agree with the group of experts, what would be the means, mechanisms, forms and ways to socialize the information.

Group dynamics 2: To create the structure of the messages and the availability of resources.

Participatory Assemblies: To socialize the manual.

Written documentary report: To socialize the manual.

Step 8: Systematize the implementation of the manual

Objective: To achieve the implementation of the respective stages and steps of the procedure.

  • Indicators: Periodicity, continuous monitoring, instruments and techniques, talks.

Stage 4: Evaluation and control

Step 9: Feedback on the preceding steps and steps of the procedure

Objective: Evaluate and control the progress and consolidation of the stages and steps of the procedure.


  • Supervision Inspection Compliance

Techniques and instruments:

  • Assemblies: Through workshops with members of the administrative area, the level of acceptance and implementation of the manuals will be recorded.

Assessment of the relevance and applicability of the proposed procedure.

To assess the relevance and applicability of the procedure, the user criteria method was used, in this case it was up to the technicians and specialists of the economic management to make an assessment of the procedure based on the facilities, its use value or usability, accessibility to the information, and the immediate use and use of the data. See annex 8.

From the application of the procedure, significant results have been obtained, even though it is still convenient to continue implementing a group of actions to assess their general impact. However, we are in a position to review those positive results with the greatest impact.

In recent years, the University of Las Tunas has expanded the scope of its substantive processes, achieving accreditation of all the standards and procedures manuals designed and financial economic management is accredited by the national accreditation board of the Ministry of Higher Education.

In summary, the conception of an accreditation system for economic and financial management in higher education, although it does not categorize within the substantive functions of academic institutions, is of essential importance for them as it tries to improve the results in their material and financial assurance with a high degree of efficiency and effectiveness.

The identification of strengths and weaknesses in a given entity, as a result of the accreditation process, constitutes a valuable tool for decision-making and strategic projection.

Likewise, it is a process that reinforces the sense of belonging of the university community and aims to demonstrate that financial and economic management corresponds to the institution and is not exclusive to certain areas.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that economic devices are subjected with a certain regularity and frequency to different events of control and verification of different nature, so that the accreditation constitutes a stimulus and recognition of their results.

Results are obtained from the application of the proposed procedure, which are known through surveys carried out to the specialists, technicians and managers of the Economic Directorate and the University, in addition to taking into account the opinion of the entities to which the Directorate Economics gives them information (Statistics, Finance and Planning). We reflect some of them below: See annex 7.

  1. The delivery of the information on time and with the required quality is ensured: From the sequence of the proposed procedure, the timeline for the information is guaranteed and, in turn, allows the review of the same before delivery so that they are issued with the required quality Reports are issued to the Board of Directors on the established date and with the necessary information that allows a correct analysis of the shortcomings to facilitate decision-making A more in-depth analysis of the situation of accounts receivable and pay. In this case, in the former, the greatest weight is made up of the various accounts receivable where University workers and students are involved, and through the analysis that is carried out, the information is transmitted to each faculty and area of ​​the center.It allows the preparation of technicians and specialists in each job position, based on the functionality of the proposed procedure.It constitutes a decisive tool for the fulfillment of the strategy for the assurance of the work objectives of the strategic planning of the organization in the economic sphere It guarantees the reliability of accounting information at the University, helping to achieve adequate control of material and financial resources at the University It allows the use of accounting information as a tool for analysis and decision-making by University Management. It has a high level of computerization and automation in all economic-financial processes, achieving a high degree of professionalization and specialization of functions;In addition to guaranteeing computer security and the separation of tasks and functions of each specialist, it facilitates the development of a new economic-financial management model at the University, complying with the provisions of the Ministry of Higher Education and taxing the implementation of the guidelines approved at the VI congress of the Party for Economic and Social Policy of our country. The adequate quality of financial economic management is guaranteed, achieving continuous improvement of all processes.It facilitates the development of a new economic-financial management model at the University, in compliance with the provisions of the Ministry of Higher Education and taxing the implementation of the guidelines approved at the VI Congress of the Party for Economic and Social Policy of our country. The adequate quality of financial economic management is guaranteed, achieving continuous improvement of all processes.It facilitates the development of a new economic-financial management model at the University, in compliance with the provisions of the Ministry of Higher Education and taxing the implementation of the guidelines approved at the VI Congress of the Party for Economic and Social Policy of our country. The adequate quality of financial economic management is guaranteed, achieving continuous improvement of all processes.


It was evidenced that the analysis and description of each process and its shortcomings allowed the design of a procedure that facilitates the elaboration and implementation of accounting procedures manuals, constituting a valuable instrument for financial and economic management, which allows its integral application to economic management and it ensures that established policies are well designed, satisfactorily enforced, and not distorted.


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Appendix 1

Current structure of the economic management

Current structure of the economic management

Appendix 2

Instrument proposal to apply (survey)

The present survey is with the objective of knowing the criteria that users have about the Financial Economic Management model at the University of Las Tunas and the ability to use the proposed manuals, we appreciate your honest answer to the questions formulated to help in our investigation:

1. How many years of work do you have in the Institution and specifically in the economic area?

From 1 to 3 years ____ from 3 to 5 years ____ from 5 to 10 years ____ 10 and more

2. Have you received a course, seminar or workshop on financial economic management?

Always _________ Yes _________ No _________ Partly _________

3. What criteria do you have regarding the economic and financial management carried out by the center? Do you give quick and adequate answers?

Good _______ Regular ______ Bad ______ Don't Know _______

4. Do you consider that the procedures used in economic-financial management are easy to understand?

Always _________ Yes _________ No _________ Partly _________

5. Do they allow or facilitate analysis to make the right and timely decisions?

Always _________ Yes _________ No _________ Partly _________

6. Do you think that established procedures promote teamwork?

Always _________ Yes _________ No _________ Partly _________

7. Have you received any preparation for teamwork?

Always _________ Yes _________ No _________ Partly _________

8. Do you think that a procedure is necessary for the design of the procedure manuals?

Yes _________ No _________ In part _________

Annex 3

Group dynamics: It is carried out through a Workshop to discuss and agree on the content of the guidelines established for the manual of rules and procedures

The workshop coordinator introduces the exercise, defining its objective and the importance of this step in defining the procedure.

The group is divided into three teams, defining the members and the theme to be discussed.

The teams will be made up of professionals, specialists and technicians, with knowledge of the activity.

Team One: Will analyze the regulations of the Ministry of Finance and Prices.

Team two: It will analyze the regulations of the Ministry of Economy and Planning.

Team three: Will analyze the regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education.

They must define a facilitator and a recorder on each team.

Each team on the subject they address, must select the regulations that apply to prepare the Manual of Financial Economic Standards and Procedures. As well as the actions applied by the work experience of the specialists that can be considered in the preparation of the Manual.

The workshop facilitator provides the exchange between the teams in the group, defining the regulations that will be taken into account in this step.

The workshop lasted 8 hours, in two sessions.

Annex 4

Topic: Determination of the work schedule.

Objective: Prepare the distribution of work so that each member of the team knows the moment, the place and their level of responsibility during the design moment.

It is carried out through an organizational workshop: The start and end dates of the activity are coordinated and established, in addition to establishing the roles of each participating member and the areas to be carried out.

Determination of the work schedule

The workshop lasted 6 hours, in two sessions.

Annex 5

Workshop topic: Design Execution.

Objective: The start and end of the activity is defined, the roles of each participating member and the tasks to be carried out are established.

The workshop coordinator introduces the exercise, defining its objective and the importance of executing the design.

The work schedule was drawn up with the design execution start and end dates.

The workshop coordinator makes a presentation with the indicators that will make up the rules and procedures manual.

  1. Cover.Index.Introduction.Legal base.Scope.Objective.General rules.Procedures.Forms and instructions.Glossary of terms.Flow diagrams or pictograms.Annexes.

Note 1: The Workshop will take place in different work sessions of two hours each.

Session 1: Carried out through a Workshop with the group of experts to determine the content of indicators 1 to 4 that make up the manual.

Identification Cover (Title): Where the name of the Manual is indicated, centered in the middle of the page. It must also contain the logo of the University of Las Tunas and that of the Ministry, the version number, the Manual code and the date of preparation, among others.

Manual Index: The content of the Manual will be indicated in an orderly manner, indicating the number of the page where each of the parts of the Manual is located.

Introduction: A brief description of the reason, purpose and usefulness of the Manual, the objective of the area where the documentation of the process is carried out and a short description (synthesis) of its content. It is advisable to indicate the importance of the Manual. It should not be longer than one (1) page.

Legal Basis: It is the legal framework that governs or gives legal support to the execution of the documented procedure. Indicate the names, decree number, promulgation date, Official Gazette number and publication date of the laws, decrees, regulations or resolutions that give legal support to the procedure. If possible, indicate the number of the specific item (s) that have (are) inherent with the documented process (not mandatory). They must be reflected in a descending hierarchical order.

Session 2: Carried out through a Workshop with the group of experts to determine the content of indicators 5 to 7 that make up the manual.

Scope: Achieve that the subsystems with which the economic management works; Material means, finance, cash and bank, tangible fixed assets, planning, payroll and computerization, are within the manual of rules and procedures designed, so that they are used as a fundamental tool.

Objective: Instruct the person on aspects such as: objectives, functions, relationships, policies, procedures, norms, etc., specify the functions and relationships of each administrative unit to define responsibilities, avoid duplication and detect omissions, assist in the execution correct work assigned to the staff, and promote uniformity in the work, serve as a means of integration and orientation to new staff, facilitating their incorporation into the different operational functions, provide basic information for planning and implementation of administrative reforms.

General Standards: Are those steps or mandatory requirements that regulate the execution of the process. Each procedure must have its general rules.

Session 3: Carried out through a Workshop with the group of experts to determine the content of indicators 8 and 9 that make up the manual.

Procedure: Each of the steps that must be carried out to carry out the procedure are described in detail. These must be written in a clear, precise and concise manner, indicating who, how, when and where the activities are carried out. They are described starting with a conjugated verb in 3rd. Person singular in the present tense.

Forms and Instructions: This section includes all the forms used to carry out the procedure. Each form must carry its respective instructions, in which points such as name of the form, objective, size, printing form, number of copies, their distribution and the description of each of the fields will be detailed.

Session 4: Carried out through a Workshop with the group of experts to determine the content of indicators 10 and 11 that make up the manual.

Glossary of Terms: Contains a small concept of the terms of the procedure used within the manual.

Process Flow, Flowcharts or Pictograms: The basic steps of the procedure are presented in a graphic and sequential way, they serve so that the user of the manual has an outline of the procedure without having to read the entire procedure. The procedure will only be performed using a single tool.

Session 5: Carried out through a Workshop with the group of experts to determine the content of indicator 12 that makes up the manual.

Annexes: This section will include any material that is of importance and that contributes to the execution of the process.

Annex 6

Instrument proposal to apply (survey)

The present survey is in order to know the application of the proposed procedure and the ability to use the manuals, we appreciate your honest response:

1. Do you consider that the application of this procedure guarantees the delivery of information at the different levels and with the required quality?

Always _________ Yes _________ No _________ Partly _________

2. With the proposed procedure, is it possible to issue reports to the board of directors on the established dates and with the necessary information that allows a correct analysis of the shortcomings, to facilitate timely decision-making?

Yes _________ No _________ In part _________

3. Do you consider that this procedure facilitates the analysis of accounts receivable and payable?

Yes _________ No _________ In part _________

4. Does this procedure allow the training of technicians and specialists in each job?

Yes _________ No _________ In part _________

5. Does this procedure constitute a decisive tool for the fulfillment of the work objectives, of the strategic planning of the organization in the economic sphere?

Yes _________ No _________ In part _________

6. Does this procedure facilitate the development of the new economic-financial management model at the University, in compliance with what is established by the Ministry of Education and does it comply with the guidelines approved at the VI Party Congress?

Yes _________ No _________ In part _________

Annex 7

Assessment of the relevance of the procedure based on the criteria of users.

With the aim of evaluating the pertinence of the procedure taking into account your criteria, we thank you for expressing your assessment, we propose a scale from 1 to 5 where:

  1. Very bad Bad Bad Good Good Excellent

Assessment of the relevance of the procedure based on the criteria of users.

Financial economic procedures for decision making of the university of las tunas cuba