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Investment project for the assembly of a restaurant in lima peru


The purpose of this study of economic and financial feasibility of the Special Lunch Project - "The Chef" is to evaluate the profitability and sustainability of the investments that would be made if said project were to be carried out.

The evaluation of the project has taken as an analysis the market study carried out in the central area of ​​San Isidro with a study of the expected demand of an average of 36,000 dishes for the first year.


The viability will be analyzed both in the study of the plant and in the study of the location, the way in which the structure of the project will be organized and administered, how the study of the investment costs will be carried out, among others.

The financing will be evaluated according to the size of the investment and the needs of the time it will be necessary to carry out the project. The average financial cost for our project is considered moderate since our country is experiencing a moderate level of risk.

The feasibility conclusion, after evaluating the project study, will be measured in reference to the benefits that will be obtained at the end of the project in a 5-year timeline where it is expected that the investment has already been recovered and where it can be disposed of the goods.

To all this, a sensitivity analysis of both prices, costs, expected demand and the rate for the financial cost will be carried out to know the possible risks and measure their impact on the investment.


Project Name: Special Lunches - "The Chef"

Nature of Economic Activity: Sale of Menu Special Lunches at the Client's Request with home delivery ("delivery").

Location of Premises: In the center of San Isidro - Lima - Peru

Extension: 120 m2

Project Start Date: 01.01.2011

Project Useful Life: 5 years (12.31.2015)

Estimated Sales Demand.- 90 dishes / day for the first year with an increase factor of 1.5

Strategic Market: San Isidro

Segment: Executive and Labor Level

Market Share: 40% of the strategic market

Commercial Margin: S /. 6.00 nuevos soles per plate

Monthly Working Capital: S /. 118, 352.00 nuevos soles

Fixed Asset Investment - Tangible: S /. 41,800 nuevos soles

Intangible Asset Investment: S /. 10,440 nuevos soles

Total Investment: S /. 170,592.00 nuevos soles

Amount of Own Resources: S /. 150,592.00

Amount for Bank Financing: S /.20,000.00 nuevos soles

Bank Interest Rate: Annual effective rate of 30% with 4 annual installments due to be taken away.

Opportunity cost of the Investment: 12% of the amount invested

Life of the Project to Recover the Investment.- 5 years

Internal Rate of Return: 15.07% of the Investment

Net Economic Present Value: S /. 15,281

Net Financial Present Value: S /. 11,260


2.1. Description of the Good or Service

• What will it consist of?

The service will be the sale of a special menu to diners who want dishes selected to their liking and for the portion that they request one day in advance, whose delivery is made at the place indicated by the client. With menus of your choice, hypocaloric, varied desserts and starters. With the ease offered by technology, orders would be made via telephone or the Web.

• What is it for?

The service serves to satisfy the nutritional needs of diners who are dissatisfied with the few selection options on the menu.

Like everyone who works with office hours, the subject of a lunch to suit the client is always difficult.

• What are their characteristics?

The service is specialized and new, prepared by professionals in the culinary art, with delivery to the diner's home or workplace and at the time they request it.

The reason for being a new concept, as we would be a company that would try to satisfy our customers by bringing national and international lunches completely changing the usual food established in restaurant menus, adding flavors and new alternatives to the accustomed palate.

• What are your substitutes?

Possible substitutes include:

- Fast food delivery service (pizzas, grilled chicken, etc.).

- Delivery service of restaurants in the area that has its menu established without changes to the customer.

• How is it different from its substitutes?

- For its ease of ordering via the internet and price simulation.

- By payment by weight.

- For being elective to taste.

- For the free disposition to order the desired quantity.

- For being prepared by professionals who know national and international food. - For quality and hygiene.

2.2. The supplier market

• Raw materials

The raw materials to be used are all those materials extracted from nature and transformed to produce consumer goods.

Among the raw materials to be used, which according to the customer's requirement, are grouped into: Vegetables, legumes, fruits, meats, tubers, tanned, among others.

The supplier market is varied and the level of supply is a supplier for the local area. Among the Retail providers we have:

- See Plaza

- Vivanda

- Ewong

- Metro

- Makro

- Tottus

• Supply of electricity, water, telecommunications.

Among the companies that will provide us with specialized supply services we have:

- Luz del Sur: Company that distributes electricity.

- Sedapal: Unique state company in its field of drinking water service - Telefónica del Perú: Company that provides telephone and internet service.

- Internet home delivery system (Delivery): It is a transactional WEB system adaptable to the needs of our company (project), it allows the sale of products and services through the Internet and control the entire Dispatch process. The System has been developed under the highest quality and safety standards.

- Infrastructure (*): It consists of the place where the preparation center will be. Thus we have:


A space as an Order Coordination Center Built-in


Furniture, fixtures and artifacts

Made up of the implements and complementary parts for the Delivery Express service as part of the Fixed Assets.

Conservative or freezer


Industrial pots (depending on size)

Domestic pots, pans and

Other kitchen utensils


A fleet of vans 2 vehicles

Rented motorcycles (included in the payment of motorized personnel)

- Computer equipment (*): This tool is essential for the Center of Coordination of customer orders.

Auxiliary Materials:

- Containers for the preservation of food: This concept refers to the container in which the order was delivered, by which the customer can find another innovation of the service since these containers would not only be disposable, but would bring different presentations for the type of menu.

- Food: Keep an adequate amount of provisions in the warehouse. Service, costs and customer satisfaction can all suffer if you don't have enough ingredients or materials. That is why it will be necessary for us to always keep a list of provisions and their exact quantities, in order to keep a strict control of what is stored.

Some foods will need to be kept hot and others cold until they are served to order. Always taking into account that there are foods that need to be well preserved to maintain their good taste and quality.

In the case of hot meals, they would be thermal containers to keep it as fresh from the pot (the brown container is thermal and comes with a well-sealed lid, like a kind of small pot).

In the case of cold meals or salads, they would be novel styles (in the form of a plate, rectangles, etc.)

- Uniforms: The work team that will carry out and inspect the preparation of the menus must have complete and impeccable uniforms, have good hair covered with a cap.

- Cleaning materials: Those necessary both for cleaning kitchen materials, toilets, food preparation and storage environments, computer equipment and work areas (of operators).

Workforce: Trained personnel for the preparation of the menus and assistants. Likewise, it must also have tele operator personnel to receive calls and receive orders via the internet, these last employees must be trained in terms of ingredients, characteristics and prices of the dishes in order to be able to give suggestions. to diners. We must not fail to mention that not only orders are important, but suggestions, constructive critic complaints that customers can give and can allow the improvement of this type of delivery service.

2.3. Consumer analysis

• Consumer characteristics It is aimed at the executive and work public

• Identification of the market area. Geographic Coverage It is aimed at the public of the San Isidro district

• Sector to which it is aimed At executives and workers

• Potential Consumers: It would begin by taking as a sample of this service people, between adults and young men of the sex sex and those of the feminine sex, who work in offices and large and small companies that are located in the San Isidro district. These potential customers have certain office hours for the consumption of their food. The snack time for each begins at a different time but everyone has only 1 hour on average.

Area where the service will be provided: Via the internet or through telephone calls, all orders from diners who work in the San Isidro District will be received. Our premises would be within reach of the offices and companies referring to the district of San Isidro with a reach of 20 minutes from any company in said district.

Subsequently, with the progress of the improvements to the website, it will be possible to reach the neighboring districts, planning to create new centers for the preparation and coordination of orders for other areas.

• Price to pay: Depending on the area where this project would be established, clients would be willing to pay for a complete menu consisting of starter, main course, dessert and soft drink; either the menu suggested by the house or the one that the client likes, different from the menu; a total amount of s /. 12.00 to s / 45.00 for a special menu which varies according to the quantity ordered; Since, as you know, the diner may want more than normal.

• Usual payment conditions: Payment can be made by debiting the customer's account by accessing the website. Another form of payment such as delivery (pizzas, fast food or menu delivery) is carried out by directly delivering the amount in cash to the motorized personnel who bring the product (menus).

• Preferred distribution: Because there are few restaurants in the district and more fast food centers, there are many dissatisfied people. Most of these people find it uncomfortable to walk up to the establishment or look for one of these in the short time they have for their snack.

Added to this is the fact that they do not satisfy their need for a good diet, so they do not recover the energy necessary to continue with their work, since nothing they offer is healthy and something that is also characteristic is that during the week the work becomes routine so they want their food to show a difference.

Growth rate

Given the accelerated growth that the publication of our service would take us through the internet and through the recommendations that pass from person to person about the quality of the product that is taken to each of the places, the growth could be estimated for the following 50% year.

• Factors that affect growth:

Varied, balanced and quality menus.

Advertising campaign.

Peruvian economy in growth and stability.

Strength of companies and opening of new businesses

2.4. Analysis of the competition

National and Foreign Production

Currently, the National and Foreign production are constantly specializing and training, we could also mention that food delivery producers are innovating their products combining all the knowledge acquired from different countries.

The Competition

One of the competitions that we could mention would be the Vivanda shopping center that not only has the sale of products and groceries, but also ready-made menus to choose according to the preference of the public, also allowing them to choose the amount they prefer to eat. To do this, they establish a price by weight (1kg = 7soles)

SWOT Analysis of Lunch Delivery Express:

Strengths and Weaknesses (internal factors):


Product Specialization Easy payment system.


Trained staff

High quality management

Excellent technology and designs.

Very good quality of food, without the need for the consumer to worry about their health.

Wide variety of consumer menus.

Quick service of fast food with the system "ready-to-eat" ("ready to eat"). This system delivers hot food to its exact doneness, in just 60 seconds. Good distribution system.

The company says that the environment becomes a market with many possibilities, being able to offer the product to all types of consumers.

Weak Points:

Your dominant position could be questioned.

Delays in attention during peak hours.

That the address of the order is very far and is not within the reach of the company.

Threats and opportunities (external factors):


Entry of new competitors, There is the possibility that someone creates a new company of the same type and with more economic power, being able to take as an example our company to improve and not make the possible errors that are may commit in the course of penetration to the consumer.

Substitute products.



New technologies.

Qualified human resources. Opening of new branches.

Introduce new services.

The growth of modern lifestyle speed. Stable Economic Level

Competitive Advantages

When a company has a steady decline in sales for a decade, there is a problem. The sales of a business like our case could suffer from this problem, which should be dealt with quickly, with great effectiveness and efficiency.

National and global competition may take advantage of this problem, so the company must recognize that they have a serious problem, which will lead them to seek a solution to solve it, before the competition takes over.

Something in which our company excels and would also do so in the future to face the problems that may arise is by showing the public the benefits that this business offers them as the most characteristic: Having a menu of varied dishes so as not to fall into the typical routine from potential competitors to us.

2.5. Price analysis


Our price is somewhat relative to the market average and in some cases with a minimum profit margin. It is an acceptable price for the consumption of people with a relatively good and high economic solvency to whom we are targeting.

We determine it taking into account:

Our cost price or Profits

Miscellaneous supply expenses

Average market price

According to the client's taste

- Main factors that can influence the price elasticity of demand

1. The existence of substitute supplies or reciprocal substitutes, to a greater or lesser extent. It is very varied in food

2. The proportion of the consumer's income that is devoted to spending the good under analysis.

3. The complementary nature of some goods in relation to others that are more expensive or cheaper.

4. The extension of the period considered in the analysis.

5. The tastes and preferences of the consumer.

- It is relatively inelastic

That is, the percentage change in the quantity is less than the percentage change in the price, since the increase in the price of our service would be a consequence of the increase in the price of the inputs used, which are basic necessities, therefore that all other companies in the same category would also be affected and therefore they would also have to raise the price of their service, so the consumer cannot escape.

Px: Price for each portion of food.

Qx: Number of consumers.

Different components of the price of the product

For this we have taken into account very important aspects such as:

- The cost of the good

In order to establish a reasonable profit margin and thus determine, in a market study, the price levels that may be competitive, despite this, the price of a product is not fixed based on the price of the competition, but, the most important thing is consider production costs, that is, know how much it costs me to make the product.

- Raw materials and auxiliary materials:

In this sector we have found the following raw materials and auxiliary materials:

2.6. Determination of the specific demand for the project

- Number of units expected to be sold in the initial period and rate of growth in subsequent periods during the life of the project.

- Number of units expected in production

- NOTE: This is subject to the size of the project, which in turn depends on financial resources and technical aspects

- Number of units expected to be sold in the initial period and growth rate in subsequent periods during the life of the project.

- We have been able to analyze that our work will depend a lot on market demand, for which we have to be prepared for the various changes that may arise, whether it be a rise in prices in our food supplies that would affect the profitability of the project.

- Potential market demand:

Demand Analysis

A. Identification of Consumers


The plaintiff population includes large or small companies and offices, all of which live in the San Isidro district.


levels The income levels that have in the following table: Estimated

Consumers Income Levels (Weekly)


companies 6300 Small companies 5250

Offices 9000

Consumption Habit:

The consumption levels that these entities of our service have are the following (Estimated)

Demanding Companies:

The companies demanding our service are:


companies Small companies


B. Analysis of the historical behavior of global demand

The historical behavior of demand is shown below: estimate

2.7. Analysis of the marketing system

The company markets its products, especially in the San Isidro district, to important business chains such as: services, industrial, commercial, cooperatives, among others. But above all that it is located in the district of San Isidro.

Marketing Channels:

The marketing channels that we use to bring our products to the aforementioned companies and offices are the following:



Qualified Personnel

Complementary Services:

The complementary services that we offer to our consumers are:

Delivery services

We attend via telephone or internet



Our service is made with good quality products that were rigorously selected by those in charge of preparation and selection.


Since in our market there are not several food businesses of this type positioned, this is something new that is done in Peru, we will enter the market with innovative methods and generally in the quality of our products and the service that we will provide to the client.

- How do I want people to consider me?

- Quality

- Price

- Service (personalized attention)

- Success factors

- Respect for the consumer, quality of service, friendly treatment.

- Accurate interpretation of customer needs

- Appropriate market sense

- Employee motivation

- Office hours are mostly in the mornings

- Guaranteed security in food delivery

- We have the delivery service

- Prices They are in the normal market

- The atmosphere of our service will be pleasant

- To the taste and delight of customers.


Our price is somewhat relative to the market average and in some cases with a minimum profit margin. It is an acceptable price for the consumption of people with economic solvency that we are targeting.

We determine it taking into account:

X Our cost price

X Earnings

X Miscellaneous expenses

X Average market price

X According to the food product.



Before defining the purchase of each food supply, the customer must think about where he can buy it, taking into account the characteristics of the product, its price and the segment to which it is directed.

We have a single establishment where our warehouse will be located, an office to receive calls for delivery orders and a kitchen in which the preparation of our products and customer service is carried out, which will be set with an adequate system. Direct competition:

a) At this time we do not have direct competition


Competition is increasingly aggressive, the appearance of new businesses, and the loss of purchasing power of consumers make companies design new market strategies that are translated into different models of promotion aimed at the merchant and end consumer.

- Target Audience

- They are mainly all the inhabitants of the San Isidro district - Potential market: With good financial solvency.

- Real market: consumers of companies and offices.

- Future market: those that allow us to grow (buyers).

Promotion Mix

Personal Sale:

- We will have personalized attention, since we will have 2 people, who will inform potential clients about our promotions.

- We will have an administrator who will be in charge of verifying that everything is going well; He will also be in charge of purchasing the merchandise and handling the cash register.

- We will collect information from the competition.


- The main sign will be displayed on the facade.

- Through flyers and municipal bulletins. Newspapers (by releases) - Yellow pages.

- Promotion cards.

- Internet web

pages - We will show a poster on the front of the premises with the offer of the day.

- Advertising materials (key rings, coasters with the service logo, etc.)


promotion - We will carry out sales promotions that stimulate the purchase or consumption of our main lunches to increase demand.

- Bonuses or coupons.

- By opening the first 20 people who call for delivery will take any of our executive lunches at half price.


- We have implemented with a rustic decoration especially the customer service area with opaque lights to give it a sober image.

- All the varieties of lunches and dishes will be on our website so that you can see what your tastes and preferences are.

The benefits for the final consumer

- Allowing consumers to see the products that are located in the displays in a much more appropriate way.

- The consumer "understands" the organization of the different sections of the point of sale.

- Allows the consumer to easily find the different menus that exist in a catalog or on the web page.

- Find more information about the products and features via the internet. - Pleasant surroundings of the point of sale.

What you are willing to pay for advertising is only what is necessary at the beginning through brochures, an advertising in newspapers or magazines that have a business, financial, economic and business environment, an advertising on a radio station that is once a day within a 30 second period. Later, if the competition is strong, we will relaunch our à la carte dishes with much more advertising. In an estimate, no more than 3,000 soles should be spent on advertising.

Flyers, newsletters and brochures Advertising


Advertising in a business magazine or newspaper



The location of our premises has been considered, for the production of our products for delivery and for their distribution, in the district of San Isidro (in the center of this district). Our premises will have an area of ​​120 m2.

The location of our premises is based on the proximity of potential consumers, which gives us an advantage over our competition, it has also been considered as an easy access point for fast delivery of delivery.


4.1.- Description of the service

In our investment project, the purpose of our service is to satisfy the needs of the diners according to the taste of their order. The delivery of products at home or delivery, which for us will be conceived as a fast and efficient service that saves time and money, will be our greatest presentation letter to attract a greater number of customers, that is to say: provide a quality service that exceeds the customer expectations.

In the market today, it is known that many of the delivery services do not meet customer expectations, causing this to become a real headache for consumers who, for example, expect to eat a chicken à la hot grill or pizza. The reasons? Poor telephone service from the business they contacted, slow service and constant errors, which leave a bad image on users who frequently use this sales channel.

That is why our service will try to exceed those expectations, thus creating the loyalty of our customers and attracting a greater demand for our service. One of the objectives of our service is to position ourselves as an efficient 'delivery' brand and offer companies a variety of dishes according to their tastes, providing an alternative channel to satisfy their needs with fast and punctual delivery of their order.

4.2.- Service process

1.- Diners should contact Via Internet with our delivery service

Our clients will have to connect to the Internet to contact us, through our coordination center, in order to place their order; This order must be made one day in advance in order to prepare the dish to taste.

2- Reception of the order and realization of the service order

After the client requests the dish to taste in our coordination center (reception of the order), the corresponding service order is issued in order to prepare the dishes that will be made at the next day.

3.- Purchase of missing ingredients in warehouse

After the service order has been issued, it will allow us to know which are the missing ingredients, for the preparation of the requested dishes, in our small warehouse for their corresponding purchase.

4.- Preparation of the dishes

After buying those ingredients that were missing for the preparation of the orders made by our customers, the requested menus will begin to be cooked according to the characteristics and tastes of the consumers reflected in the service order issued.

5.- Our Order Coordination Center confirms the delivery time of the order

After the preparation of the requested menus, our Order Coordination Center contacts our client to confirm the time and place (if it is in a place other than your office) for the delivery of your order.

6.- The order is placed in disposable or thermal containers

After confirmation by the client about the delivery time of their order, each of the dishes is ready to be delivered in their disposable or thermal container, depending on the order case.

7.- Transportation of the menu to the place and time of the order

After the dishes requested by our clients are ready to be delivered, our motorized and / or delivery personnel will make the delivery of the order effective at the time and place previously agreed by the client with our Order Coordination Center.

4.3.- Process flow chart

4.4.- Specifications of the operating equipment

Conservative or freezer 250 Lts.

Quantity: 2


Operating Characteristics

When operating with a thermostat set on a minimum scale (1), a temperature of 3 ° C is reached. and in full scale (6) at -25 ° C. (in the freezing division).

With a thermostat set on a medium scale between (3 and 4) it reaches a temperature of 0.8 ° C (in the conservative division) and -10 ° C. (in the freezing division).

Functional test with thermostat regulated in minimum scale (1) reaching a temperature of 8 ° C and in maximum scale (6) -5 ° C (in the conservator division)

Characteristics of Thermostat

It is from scale 1 to 7. In scale 7 the equipment works permanently (does not stop).

4 burner stove

Quantity: 2


Model: INRESA 20 »- CIP20P Gas Cooker

Technical Characteristics

Color: Metallic

Size: 20 in

Oven Door: Standard

Handle: Towel Rack

Oven Window: Standard Cap: N / A

Cover: Sealed

Burner Ignition: Electronic Push Button Upper Grills: 2 wires

Standard Burners: 4

Jumbo Burners: N / A

Comal: N / A

Oven Ignition: Manual

Thermostat / Thermocontrol: Thermocontrol

Continuous Cleaning: Yes

Oven Grates: 1

Rotisserie: N / A

Light in the oven: No

Certifications: N / A


Tempered glass lid

Sealed work table with anti-spill design

4 standard bronze burners

2 independent and reinforced grills

Thermocontrol in the oven

Panoramic door with viewing window

Pentium IV computers

Quantity: 4

Brand: LG

Model: Computer LG / LCD 18.5 »- E5400 LG

Technical Features

Intel Pentium Dual Core

DVD Recorder Color: Black and silver

Monitor: LCD 18.5”

Brand: LG

RAM Memory: 3GB

Hard Drive: 500 GB

Microwave Oven

Quantity: 2

Brand: Samsung

Model: Microwave oven AME-8103W 28 Lts.

Technical characteristics Dressing


Enamel interior

TDS system

Latin menu

Auto defrost

10 power levels

1 minute more button

Color: White


Height: 29.7 cm.

Width: 51.7 cm.

Depth: 38 cm.


Internet home delivery system (Delivery): It is a transactional WEB System adaptable to the needs of our company (project), it allows the sale of products and services through the Internet and control the entire Dispatch process. The System has been developed under the highest quality and safety standards.

Delivery System

Functions Customer Functions Customer


Order History

Browse the different product families

Place orders

Check order status

Pay with different forms of payment

Price catalog Price


Administrator Functions

Validation of customer orders

Creation of families

Creation of products

Price changes

Generation of commands with: date, time, customer, order, etc.

Assignment of Motoboy (dispatcher)

Payment entry in the System


Reduction of Product

Supplies Cash quadrature

report Sales report by customer, products, time, etc.

It is complemented with the Point of Sale System


Time: The System can be implemented in 2 weeks

Cost: The System is cheaper than a custom-made development Own WEB

Remote Administration

: The System is complemented with your WEB site


In our project, there will be a distribution by


Functional Organization Chart

5.1.- Workstation


They are those who will be in charge of the preparation and presentation of our delivery dishes. They have culinary studies, but not only of national cuisine, they also prepare dishes of traditional world cuisine and in turn create dishes, turning them all into Art (decoration and presentation).

The chefs are in charge of a series of people who develop tasks and help in the preparation of the dishes, but who are not totally responsible for the final taste of these.

Kitchen helpers

The kitchen assistants will be in charge of carrying out auxiliary tasks in the kitchen. Among its functions we can mention: Properly arrange tools, utensils and work materials; organize refrigerators, conservators and shelves; wash, peel, turn and cut legumes, vegetables, fish, shellfish, etc.

Prepare funds, salads, sauces and participate in the inventories.

In addition, mainly, collaborate with the chef in the service. Clean and tidy up your work station and collaborate in the general arrangement of the kitchen. These functions are performed under the supervision of the chefs.

The kitchen assistant is of great importance in the kitchen since it has the responsibility of facilitating the chef all the operations prior to the preparation of the different dishes that satisfy the taste of the diner.


Among his main functions we have:

Prepare the financial information that reflects the result of the management of our project (as well as its study and analysis).

Examine and evaluate the results of the management, in order to express an objective opinion on the financial statements and the management that generated them, adhering to an ethics of professional practice (preparation of financial reports for decision-making).

Design information systems (accounting and management) improving and documenting them.

Analyze the economic results, detecting critical areas and pointing out courses of action that allow for improvements.

Carry out studies of the economic and financial problems that afflict the project.

Advise management on economic and financial plans, such as budgets.

Advise management on fiscal and sound financing aspects.

Create a basic information bank that makes it possible to provide updated economic monitoring for the execution of plans and fulfillment of our project goals.

Certification of forms for payment of taxes and application of benefits and reports of dividends.


The administrator is directly responsible for achieving the objectives that we have set for the execution of our project. For this, it is provided with the necessary resources, among which (becoming the most important) it is responsible for the management of all personnel.

This is a fundamental role within our project, therefore, an integrative vision and the highest level is required to carry it out. This also refers to the ability to coordinate available resources over time (current and future; material, human and intangible) based on operational needs in direct relation to our desired objectives.

Collection Personnel

The work of the collection or collection staff consists of the issuance, review and delivery of invoices to the clients of the companies and manage the collection according to the commercial conditions defined with our delivery service (invoice collection management).

Daily you must make the renditions of the invoices collected, therefore you must keep an updated record of the status of the accounts of the clients in your portfolio. The remuneration is for results on a client portfolio that is assigned initially to work (maintain the client portfolio and expand it).

New clients or accounts are assigned monthly to collect according to the movement of our project.


They are those people who regularly use the telephone as a work tool and who know all the advantages that this instrument offers when it comes to achieving our business objectives (to provide our delivery service efficiently) or to improve the telephone service provided. to the clients.

The relationship between telephone service (telemarketers) and the image of our project is evident, since correct and careful telephone contact greatly helps clients to be satisfied with our service.

In short, its main function will be customer service. We can also cite:

Coordination with our clients for the reception, place and time of delivery of their order (Order Coordination Center)

Issuance of Service Orders for the purchase of missing supplies.

Monitoring of motorized vehicles for the delivery of orders. ·

Confirmation of orders in the company's own systems and with clients. Management of customer database

Security -Vigilance

Our security and surveillance personnel will have as main functions:

To exercise the surveillance and protection of movable and immovable property, as well as the protection of the personnel that is in them.

Carry out identity checks at access to or inside the buildings of our project. Avoid the commission of criminal acts or infractions in relation to the object of its custody.

Carry out the protection of the storage, counting, classification and transportation of money, personal and real property of our project.

Carry out the provision of emergency response services that occur.

Maintenance Personnel

The work of our maintenance personnel is closely related to the prevention of accidents and injuries to the worker since they have the responsibility of keeping the machinery and tools and work equipment in good condition, which allows a better development and safety, partly avoiding risks in the workplace.

It is a service that groups together a series of activities whose execution allows achieving a higher degree of reliability in equipment, machines, civil constructions and facilities.

5.2. - Functional Organization Chart


The personnel in charge of delivering our delivery orders (motorized personnel), will be contracted (outsourcing)


6.1-. FIXED



1.1 Tangible Fixed Investment

1.1.1. Machinery and Equipment

Conservator and freezer 250 lt 2 4,000.00

Refrigerator 400 lt 2 4,400.00

Kitchen with 04 burners 2 4,200.00

Computers Pentium IV 4 7,600.00

Microwave oven 2 800.00

Stationary tank 1000 lt 1 17,400.00

1.1.2. Auxiliary Equipment and others -

1.1.3. Furniture and Household goods 3,400.00

Shelving and others 3,400.00

Total Tangible Fixed Investment 41,800.00



1.2 Intangible Fixed Investment

1.2.1. Preliminary Study Expenses

Constitution of the company, permits, license 1,590.00

1.2.2. Location Expenses 3,000.00

1.2.3. Construction Expenses -

1.2.4. Security Expenses -

1.2.5. Installation and assembly expenses -

1.2.6. Pre-operating interests -

1.2.7. Software and website design 5,850.00

Total Intangible Fixed Investment 10,440.00




2.1 Preoperative Working Capital

2.1.1. Raw Materials

2.1.2. Materials attached to production -

2.1.3. Finished Products -

2.1.4. Pre –operative Worksheet -

2.1.5. Cash 8,000.00

In Cash 5,000

In Checking Accounts 3,000

2.2.6. Payment for Services (1st month coverage) 960.00

Water 350

Electric Power 430

Telephone Service - Internet 180

2.1.7 Accounts Receivable -

Total Preoperative Working Capital 8,960.00



2.2 Operating Working Capital


2.2.1. Raw Materials

2.2.2. Materials attached to production (1st month coverage) Per Month 1,140.00 Disposable

plates 1800 450

Other disposables (glasses, cutlery, etc.) 1800 216

Plastic bags 1800 144

Uniforms of cooks and helpers 11 330

2.2.3. Fuels, lubricants and others (1st month coverage) 970.00

Oil 0

Gas 850

Other lubricants and cleaning 120

2.2.4. Miscellaneous Rentals Monthly 83,616.00

Local $ 26,400.00 76,560

Trucks 2 4,056

2.2.5. Third party service (Motorized Personnel - with motorcycles) 5 3,000

2.2.6. Operative payroll - Employee (1st month coverage) 18,850.00

Chefs 3 6,000

Kitchen assistant 3 3,600

Accountant 1 3,000

Administrator 1 3,000

Collection personnel 1 800

Teleoperators 2 1,200

Security - Surveillance 1 700

Maintenance personnel 1 550

Total Operating Working Capital 109,392.00 6.3.-



Total Tangible Fixed Investment 41,800.00

Total Intangible Fixed Investment 10,440.00

Total Preoperative Working

Capital 8,960.00 Total Operational Working Capital 109,392.00



In the case of our project, a bank loan will be requested to cover 12% of the total working capital, with an interest rate of 30%. Said loan will be amortized with 4 annual installments overdue, as follows:

By formula we find that the value of the installment to be paid will be: s / 9,232.58. The payment of the installments with their respective interest will be made in accordance with the detail in the following table:

As we noted, at the end of the payment of all the installments, a total of S / 36,930.34 will be disbursed, giving us a tax shield for S /.


1.1 Tangible Fixed Investment

1.1.1. Machinery and Equipment 38,400

1.1.3. Furniture and fixtures 3,400 Total Fixed Investment 41,800

1.2 Intangible Fixed Investment

1.2.1. Preliminary Study Expenses 1,590

1.2.2. Location Expenses 3,000

1.2.7. Software and web page design 5,850.00

Total Fixed Intangible Investment 10,440

2.1 Working Capital

As can be seen, the calculation of the NPV requires previously setting a discount rate; This rate should reflect the maximum return that can be obtained from the use of resources in alternative investment sources. Therefore, the Project will be profitable or convenient because the economic net present value is greater than zero.

As the Economic Net Present Value (VANE) is greater than 0, then we can calculate the Financial Net Present Value (VANF) to be able to observe if our tax shield, in our project, will provide us with a greater profitability.


As we said in the previous point, below we will find our Net Financial Present Value to be able to check if the project is much more profitable with the tax shield.

As we can see, our financial NPV is less than our economic NPV, therefore for theoretical purposes it would not be convenient for us to apply for a bank loan. However, in any case, we will request the loan from the bank because there is not enough working capital to fully finance it.




In our case, our project will be profitable both in a normal scenario with a positive net present value of S /. 11,165.19 nuevos soles having an internal rate of return of 14.46%, as an optimistic scenario with a positive net present value of S /. 689,968.58 nuevos soles having an internal rate of return of 121.23%, however there is a negative net present value of -139,846.60 nuevos soles in a pessimistic scenario.

Our project, after our sensitivity analysis, is viable despite the fact that in the pessimistic scenario we get a negative NPV, it is only important to emphasize that these variables were used because it is necessary to take them into account due to their impact on our project.

It is recommended to develop the project if there is no indication of aligning with a pessimistic scenario.



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