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What is dyslexia?

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When suffering from dyslexia it is not only difficult to learn to read and write, the patient also has difficulties with some other activities that seem very simple to others.

Have you ever had a confusion of letters of opposite symmetry in your life? Letters like b can be confused with c or p; There may also be confusion of similar letters in sounds, confusion of similar letters at their point of articulation, alterations in the sequence of letters that make up syllables and words, spelling errors, confusing letters that correspond to the same phoneme, confusion of words similar or opposite in meaning, lack of speed when reading, without modulation and without rhythm, lack of comprehension in reading, difficulty in tracing letters, failures in the grammatical construction of spontaneous writing or writing below their school level and difficulty in performing arithmetic operations and understanding the numerical structure, among other things. If this has happened to you, worry,Well, what you suffer from is called dyslexia.

A dictionary defines dyslexia as Difficulty interpreting or generating language, especially written language. Dyslexics normally generate orderly thinking from spoken language, but have difficulty doing so with written language. The root of the problem is in his imaginative way of unconsciously facing most of the situations in his life and also learning to write. This produces a peculiar reaction that we call disorientation and that goes against learning itself. Disorientation is associated with a very varied symptomatology, that is why dyslexia is the disorder of a thousand faces. However, none appear to be the result of brain or neuronal damage, or caused by a malformation of the brain, inner ear, or eyes.But they all cause a multitude of sufferings, especially in the learning stage, when mastery of written language is absolutely necessary.

What Causes Dyslexia?

Visual defects often cause learning disorders, so dyslexia that results from these problems disappears when they are corrected. A small proportion of those who have difficulty learning to read focus words better when they place a thin sheet of colored plastic over the text. Others have not found this method successful.

It may also have an explanation based on genetics, given that some dyslexics have a family history of this problem. The region of the brain that controls posture, balance, and coordination is called the cerebellum. It is claimed that it is also involved in the processing of language and thoughts. There is a test to diagnose dyslexia, where balance and coordination are assessed. When there are certain deficiencies in the cerebellum, healthy areas of the brain compensate for them. Children usually have no trouble balancing when asked to stand still with one foot in front of the other and their arms extended. But if they are blindfolded, dyslexics wobble much more than other children, relying heavily on sight for balance.

The brain of dyslexic children shows anatomical differences. The posterior part of the left hemisphere is generally slightly larger than the corresponding part of the right hemisphere, but in the dyslexic brain both hemispheres have the same development. But whatever the physical cause of dyslexia, how can you help those with it?

Help from parents

Don't blame yourself for the problem your children suffer. If this is your case, console yourself by thinking that nobody is perfect and that we are all different. Start by admitting that just as a color blind child needs help coping, so does your dyslexic child. You, as a parent, play a critical role in your child's education.

Although dyslexia cannot be prevented or cured at this time, it can be mitigated. In what way? First, find out what exactly it is that makes the dyslexic child difficult. In this way they will be able to make a realistic assessment of her limitations and what to expect from her. "The child should be asked to do her best but no more than that." By being compassionate and encouraging, and above all by providing appropriate pedagogical support, parents can reduce the effects of dyslexia and, at the same time, reduce the stress on the child.

Self help

If you are dyslexic, aim to do most of your reading during the hours when you feel most rested. Students with this disorder do well in the first hour and a half of reading, but if they continue reading, their performance declines. "It is probably more profitable to spend limited but regular periods of study every day than a full day every now and then." It is true that you will need more time to learn to read and write correctly, but persevere.

The difficulties caused by dyslexia have no easy remedy. But the brain, as a wonderful organ that it is, compensates for the problem, so it is unlikely that the discouragement of those affected will be permanent. Be aware that your particular difficulty does not have to prevent you from learning. Keep trying to read and write well. All of this will help you overcome the frustration that dyslexia causes.

What is dyslexia?