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Do what you like so you never have to work again

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The best way to avoid wasting time is to work on what you like. Whenever you are in a normal job, the one that "has touched you" (90% of the cases) you are losing entire months. It is useless to start your hobby when you retire, start now and start a business around it. Most of them dedicate their whole lives to a job they hate, the fear of losing a safe salary and not paying the threatening mortgage weighs heavily on them.

There is a Scottish proverb that says enjoy as long as you live, because you will be dead for a long time.

The trap of salary, company car and paid vacations is expensive. Retirement is 65 years old and many realize they never did what they wanted. Working on something they were passionate about, they wouldn't have wasted so many years.

Are you on time?

What do you like?

Madame Curie was so passionate about her work that sometimes she even forgot to eat. With that dedication, she achieved an efficiency that, of course, led to the achievement of the Nobel Prize. For what hobby would you be working for hours, regardless of money? What would you specialize in? Is there something in which you outperform others? Sure it will and it will coincide with what you like. Not surprisingly, one of the secrets of the success of many NGOs is that the people who work in them are so delighted with their work that they do not mind doing it for free. Great achievements were achieved by those in love with their work. What do you really like to do?

Change chip

"Right, but I still can't quit my job, if I do what I like, where would I get the money to survive?" It is the most common apology.

Change your approach. First identify what you are passionate about. Imagine yourself in an ideal situation where you had all the money in the world with its consequent free time, what would you do? The first answer would be the typical one of traveling around the world. Okay! But when you have traveled the world in first class two or three times, you will want something different. Keep thinking, what would you do? I insist that it is not for money, imagine that your current account already has zeros left over. Then the good type answers will come out: "What I really like is the research on how to praise the life of cells" or "I am passionate about donkey breeding" or "I would dedicate a lifetime to collecting 19th century furniture " Once identified, the second part arrives, you would dedicate all the hours of the world to what you like and sweep the competition.The quality of your work would be excellent. If you build a business around it, how can it not work?

There are thousands of possibilities to start a business with passion: If what you like is the theater, start doing free performances in your spare time and in time you can live from it. If you like 19th century furniture, you could go through all the weekend markets and auction what you find online (many people earn extra money this way on weekends). Your work-hobby would give you good benefits.

And enjoy

Now review your deepest beliefs. Is it true that you want to be a doctor? Is it your vocation to attend that electronics store? When you look inside, do you think that what you are currently doing is your true passion? Behind every failed business, there is someone who does not like what he does. Like the companies inherited by the bankrupt sons, they never had the same passion as the father who founded it.

Find your field oddly enough, be brave and search. Start with your passion in your spare time and weekends to avoid the period without profit and when the first income arrives, jump into the pool.

Do you know of a job where you can lose track of time? If so, go ahead, you've found it. For some, running a department or a company is their vocation. "Coming to work every day is a pleasure," the president of an airline recently commented. If you enjoy it, it really isn't work. It is clear that not everything is rosy, but you will combine the "this brown must be swallowed as it is" with what really fills you up. Perhaps it is not the work itself that you like, but its results. It may be hard for you to study financial flows, but you will go through them knowing the pleasure it brings you to analyze and show them. Be flexible, there are several ways to see it.

If you find something you like and are good at, you can't stop. It will be when you do not want to go to sleep and you want the morning to come to continue with your work. You go into a trance, time will pass without realizing it. And the more concentrated you are, the more you produce.

Comic strip artist Lee Falk kept writing strips of The Ghost at 80, when he no longer needed the money to survive… Quite a symbol of working on what you like!

Do what you like so you never have to work again