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Reassessment of blue ocean in human life expectancy

Table of contents:


There have been too many occasions in which for different kinds of issues we have ventured into the fascinating world of the blue ocean. Every time we venture to something new, different and that is not known about it, we immerse ourselves in this type of ocean. Life, by itself, based on learning and experience brings us closer and encourages us to learn to swim in these types of waters.

From the first years of life, we put into practice the courage, knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as the responsibilities that are required for all kinds of experiences that range from learning to ride a bike, learning to read or having our first romantic relationship. dating.

Blue Ocean, whether we like it or not, has been the beginning and the opening in our first years of life, it is the way in which we enter society and it is a reflection of who we are today, as well as the concept that other people have about us, the way they visualize and identify us is from these experiences.

But, if we really had a beginning in the blue ocean, why is it that today we cannot be what we want? Because we are not where we once visualized ourselves, what we once dreamed of being as children. Among the main causes, it is due to the way we dealt with each of the situations, the way we live and face life, and the omission of countless aspects that will be mentioned in the next few lines is also highlighted. While we all had a first relationship, we all had a favorite subject and an unpleasant one, the fact is that each one faced it in a very different way.

As a result of this, that learning water of a very pure blue color, little by little began to change color and for some cases it can currently be found in a penetrating red color, where the ability to dream has been lost, it has been replaced the courage to dare to do things for conformism, it is preferred to live in the current situation than to risk venturing into a world of new possibilities and opportunities.

The way to approach the Blue Ocean Strategy will be from its foray into the stages of life that everyone has the opportunity to experience, accompanied by uncertainty, fears, and frustrations, but also moments of happiness, of achievements, of growth and above all of love.


The origin of the word "strategy" is considered to have arisen in order to define the type of instrument or tool translated into plans and actions during times of wars and battles. It is attributed to be directly related to the competition by stipulating in it the ideal path or guideline to face the contenders.

As its application increased, it was possible to verify the effectiveness in terms of obtaining results, thus redirecting to other fields, other areas and sectors among which the organization is located. Unfortunately the essence in its way of operating continues to be the one founded from its origin: to defeat the rival during the current times of war.

For KJ Halten, (1987) indicates that strategy is the “Process through which an organization formulates objectives, and is aimed at obtaining them. Strategy is the means, the way, it is the how to obtain the objectives of the organization. It is the art of intermingling internal analysis and wisdom used by leaders to create values ​​for the resources and skills they control. To design a successful strategy there are two keys; do what I do well and pick the competitors I can defeat. Analysis and action are integrated in the strategic direction ”.


The creation of Blue Ocean is due to the work carried out over the years and in a number of companies by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne during the 80's, who noticed certain elements and variables of success when moment of facing a certain situation by these companies and the favorable results in meeting the objectives set during the execution of the same, which they called Blue Ocean.

Blue Ocean or Blue Ocean, has as its main foundation the search for new potential markets through what is called "value innovation" where the importance and attention currently exercised by the competition is lost and attention is focused on satisfying demand of those types of customers that the competition does not consider or does not satisfy in the appropriate way.

Paradoxically, the book in which the concept "Blue Ocean Strategy" is introduced for the first time in 1990 by these authors, despite using the word "strategy", aims to modify the essence in the reader by eradicating the purpose for which it was developed, in relation to war, competitors, competition, etc., since although all this will be present at some point, the way to deal with each one of them is totally different from the concept of conventional strategy that exists.


The first foray into this ocean is due to a force greater than that of resistance to change, -which is called the Red Ocean as its counterpart- may arise as a need, -economic or affection- a desire to improve, -Finish studying, looking for a better job- or simply because you have a skill or talent that must be exploited and maximized under the strategy of the phenomenal Blue Ocean.

It is impossible to expect a change, if the sole purpose is to go through life defining and analyzing all kinds of concepts, analyzing their advantages and disadvantages, what they consist of, when and how they developed, and nothing else. The tools, methods and models proposed and endorsed based on all the years of experience by people familiar with the subject, must be evaluated, but above all, to be experienced and experienced in a particular way, being put into practice according to the possibilities of each one of us. This is the only way to start building and expanding the ideal blue ocean for each of us.

Possibly the current activity of many is not entrepreneurship but that does not imply that in some part of our lives we have not done it. Perhaps at this moment you are not in charge of a company or organization, but you intend to one day be. When that day comes you must be prepared, it is not about right now I am not but tomorrow I will. For one day to be able to apply a methodology in an organization, it must have been incarnated in advance in our person. In order to apply Blue Ocean in an organizational way in the near future, it is necessary to start applying it personally based on our possibilities and conditions.


Among the many mistakes and defects of a person, there is always something to acknowledge and admire. One of the most brilliant and authentic things is having an artistic talent. Playing the guitar, but mainly composing songs is the talent and object to be analyzed.

To date, Víctor, a friend very close to our family, has composed around ten songs that from our particular judgment are quite good, coming to consider them really magnificent, but despite insisting more than once that he register or patent them, he has never intended to do so.

I must admit that the years do not go by in vain and Victor's age is reflected in each step and in his increasingly white hair. For the artistic medium, body image is of vital importance, for this reason, it is intended - to convince him - that someone else is the one who interprets his songs. Unfortunately, until now he has no interest whatsoever in recording his songs, much less looking for someone to perform them.

If what we are looking for is to get Victor to change his mind, which in another example could be to persuade the manager or owner of a company to change his position in a certain situation, it is necessary to use the ideal analytical models to transform his current situation. posture and be able to expand your vision.


Once you have identified what you really want to achieve, you must use the "Strategic Table" that encompasses the current situation in which we find ourselves and for this, the similarities and differences that exist with the competition must also be considered. In addition, it allows to expand what is intended to be done in the future and the elements that will be required for the same purpose.

The first step is to contextualize the red ocean in which we find ourselves submerged, -including the competition- because at the moment of wanting to convince Victor, he will put the virtues and talents of the other artists as the first pretext and must be borne in mind a compelling answer to give you. Likewise, the main predominant attributes that directly influence the customer's purchase decision must be identified, in other words, what are the main reasons that encourage people to listen to a certain type of music.

Once the current environment has been identified, the second step is to implement that plus that it is willing to give to go beyond the already consolidated artists. Thus, entering the Blue Ocean where we gradually begin to focus our attention on what we are capable of doing and not on the competition.

This stage is based on considering everything that will allow us to reach the goal, perhaps on the subject of convincing Víctor it is necessary to talk to the whole family with him and make him see that his songs are really good, maybe he should sing them to someone else so that give account of the great possibilities you have of making them successful and from there potentiate all the areas of opportunity that exist to successfully enter the market for your songs.

Source: Madrigal, R. (September 12, 2014). The Blue Ocean Strategy Tools.

This instrument tops the list of models used to diagnose and outline internal and external aspects of the subject in question in a practical way, it contributes substantially to the development of the best strategy. It consists of comparing the value innovation in relation to the alternatives that may come into existence and concentrating attention on the potential market called non-consumers, that is, the large segment that is not part of the competition and that can be exploited with the proper strategy.

Due to the romantic and bohemian genre of the songs, the sector of the market in which it is focused is mainly that of adults. It is very sympathetic to the Blue Ocean Strategy, as it does not focus on the clients to whom the music is currently directed, the young people, but rather on a segment forgotten by the competitors and that require new songs of the genre of their own. liking.


When building the strategy, the following aspects must be taken into account so that the idea can be effectively entered into the Blue Ocean:

  • It is common in the Red Ocean that supply exceeds demand. For this reason, another type of potential market should be sought, increasing the size of the demand and thus leaving the competition behind. It is a vision that encourages the expansion of markets and focus on other types of demand (adults instead of youth). Opportunities must be maximized and risks reduced (It is best if you are a recognized artist who interprets their songs, so that success is more likely) As there is a lot of similarity between brands or competitors, the decision is based on only one thing, for the products it may be the price. While for music it could be marketing, what must be analyzed is the displacement of the strategy and not the company.The strategy refers to making decisions to produce supply and generate the required market.Innovation in value: It refers to modifying or changing something in the company, but always having the purpose of benefiting profits, prices, reduction of costs, etc. It is a strategic logic with which it is possible to explain the behavior of the competition and not to face it. The strategy must be based on establishing a differentiation for the consumer, instead of having low competitive costs compared to competitors.It is a strategic logic with which it is possible to explain the behavior of the competition and not to face it. The strategy must be based on establishing a differentiation for the consumer, instead of having low competitive costs compared to competitors.It is a strategic logic with which it is possible to explain the behavior of the competition and not to face it. The strategy must be based on establishing a differentiation for the consumer, instead of having low competitive costs compared to competitors.


If for some moment we could stop to observe what really moves us, what really drives us to get things done, why do we really do what we do? It would be a crucial point to decide whether to continue in that way, with those activities and routines or to claim in terms of the priorities and functions that we perform during the day.

Stopping for a moment, more than a waste of time, is being able to invest in our future, in what we can become if we continue in that way. More often than not, reflecting on what we are and what we do generates fear because we know that all this time we could have walked in the opposite direction.

Faced with an answer of this type, you should never believe that everything done previously was a waste of time, it should be channeled as learning, an experience full of good things and things not so much, but that in the end are necessary events to be able to transcend and place ourselves in the position that has been discovered.

Faced with a desire for analysis and diagnosis of our present there is a broad and effective model that includes the most important and predominant elements as well as the elements that we intend to develop in the future. It focuses on eliminating, reducing, increasing and creating.

How many times have we seen or heard and even experienced a change in someone's lifestyle firsthand? That actress who stopped acting in novels to get married and start a home, the man of many girlfriends who finally got married, the person who got away from addictions to lead a healthier life, the student who changed the turn of what I was studying, etc. Undoubtedly the reasons that incite change can be good or bad, the result can also be harmful or beneficial. However, the center of attention is to appreciate that for all these circumstances the matrix of eliminating what we no longer want to be, reducing what generates conflicts, increasing the good we have and creating what we need is used.

Martínez, IL (September 27, 2011). Let's learn to create market spaces. Retrieved on March 4, 2017, from Somoslarevista.com:

It consists of a discernment with oneself regarding what we must eliminate from our life, –For Víctor, it may be fears and insecurities- what should not be eliminated but reduced, –Uncertainty in the face of an uncertain future- what we already have but must increase –talent and discipline- and with what we currently do not have but we must necessarily create to achieve the task –trust and security-.


Once the stage of analyzing and diagnosing the way to enter the potential market is concluded, the strategy is developed, in which it rethinks what has been carried out at the moment and new limitations are established in relation to the existing borders in the market.

New spaces within the market are valued, new areas of opportunity where it is possible to enter and serve new market segments that are currently being forgotten. The utility or purpose for which things are being done is reconsidered, trying to adhere as closely as possible to a global perspective and not to figures.


A fundamental aspect to consider during the establishment and delimitation of the strategy to be designed is the so-called value curve. For a company, they are all the elements and characteristics that have a direct impact on its profits, on the price and on the cost of which it is composed. The value curve is built through the strategy or action plan that makes up the business and that is reflected in the final product. In the case of songs, their value curve revolves around all those characteristics that define them, among which we can find: the lyrics, the genre, the target market, the advertising, the performer, etc.

The value curve is what really makes up the product and what it represents for customers. It can be a favorable or unfavorable value curve, it all depends on the time, dedication and use of resources used for its creation.


There are six basic approaches to border construction:

  • M to Nera different from performing the same things. That it has the same objective or purpose but with a different way of doing things. Introduce new songs of a different genre than usual. Main reasons that affect: they are the basic guidelines that dictate the rules of the game, perhaps it could be the relationships that one has with the media. All parties that affect the final decision:There are many and varied people who influence when choosing whether to introduce a new song to the market. When you really want to make things concrete, all these indirect aspects must be dealt with in an intelligent way, among which you can find the record company, the manager, the artist or interpreter, the government, etc. What a decision implies: it consists of identifying and dealing with the requirements implied, for example, by signing agreements and conventions to accept the conditions regarding rights and obligations. Think about what happens before, during and after the action. Value the benefit for the other person.It is about assessing what someone else really gains by agreeing to our request, to our request. On the one hand, there will be profits for all those involved, including the artist and manager, but there will also be mental and emotional benefits for the client who listens to the songs. Consider the time. It is having the ability to see what will happen tomorrow, it is the search for new paths with the trends that are lived in the present. Until when you can compose songs and with what level of success they will be.

The characteristics of a good strategy include:

  • Focus of attention: it is the main idea on which all efforts and activities revolve. The reason for the strategy, the main purpose, is considered. Divergence: it is the gradual distancing from the competition, the changes must be gradual and progressive, being previously prepared to carry them out. Consistency: it is understood as the perseverance in staying according to the strategy and generating all the necessary means to achieve the objective. It is a strong message and one that is willing to carry out. The Southwest airline applied it with the phrase: "The speed of an airplane at the price of a car whenever you need it."

In the same way, the different ways or alternatives to delimit the field of action must be taken into account, where as an example: in the creation of a book they are as follows:

  • Explore alternative industries: these are the different ways of entering the world of literature, storybooks, stories, fables, songs, etc. Explore strategic groups within each sector: once you have chosen the way to enter, you must have a more detailed strategy for the sector, a strategy that is compatible with the target audience for the book. Explore the chain of buyers: it is the identification of all the people and media that influence the purchase decision. Advertising stands out in this. Explore complementary offers: if the question were to write a book, a complementary offer could be to give talks and conferences regarding the preparation of it for its greater dissemination.Explore functional or emotional appeal: it is the effect of reading the book, it can be learning, motivation, reflection, etc. Explore the dimension of time: identify the shelf life of the book and how the time barrier can be overcome.


During the acquisition of a product or service, we join the forces that intervene in the market, where a number of products, clients, strategies and businesses interact. The businesses or the competition can be divided according to the level of interaction and persuasion that they establish with the consumer, classified as:

  • Pioneers: they are the businesses that offer the greatest value. They are the leaders, where the decisions are governed by them and the rest of the participants adjust to those already established. It could be the genre and the influence of artists like Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, etc. Settlers: adapt to the basic form of the competition. Being in the middle part, they prefer not to make any changes and the only thing they aspire to is to stay in the same circumstances. Such is the case of Mijares, Marco Antonio Solís, Maná, etc. Emigrants: they are those who offer more for less, they are in transition between the red and blue ocean, but they are not innovative. They need that drive to dare to grow. Carlos Rivera, David Bisbal, Kalimba, to name a few.


The levels of customers that are in the market must be analyzed:

  • At the first level: latent customers are found to leave the industry as soon as they find another that improves their expectations. (young people who are not entirely convinced by the music they listen to) At the second level: there are the clients who, despite knowing that the company provides them what they are looking for, refuse to use it for some reason. (People who do not like music) The third level: it is the furthest from the market, they are customers who have never considered what their market offers as an option and no company has taken the time to study them (People of ages or tastes different)


The sequence follows a pattern regarding the main purpose of making a successful strategy:

  • It should start with the utility: it refers to verifying if the idea is really beneficial and useful for the client. If so, it is asked if the price is appropriate for the client to acquire it. Then costs are defined: yes The costs: they generate are compatible and profitable with the previously established price Finally, the obstacles are defined: (the limitations must be corrected from the beginning in order to guarantee the successful realization of the idea) that would prevent it from being carried out. carry out the adoption of the idea. An example could be the resistance of any of the parties involved to make the change because they do not accept the conditions or the established clauses. In this way, it is how you can define if the strategic idea is really viable.


The classification refers to analyzing the different experiences that the buyer must face during the process that ranges from the acquisition or purchase of the product, until the end of its useful life, inclusive, the effect that this can reach is also considered. generate in the environment at the end of its life cycle, considering the pollutants and waste it generates during its disintegration:

  • Purchase: when the product meets the customer's needs, the terms and conditions are established and accepted for the decision to be acquired. E ntrega: the means involved from the point of sale and delivery to the customer, could be businesses where sales are CDs; Use: it is carried out from the moment the customer purchases the product and until the end of its useful life. Complements: they are by-products that allow to perform or improve the operation correctly. They can be optional or mandatory. M to ntenimiento:are the activities or products that are required to be carried out in order to survive and extend its useful life. When buying a car. Its maintenance is the action of taking it to review. E Disposal The: is where the product will stop after concluding her life, how difficult it is to get to disintegrate.


It focuses on the entire environment in which you are currently living. It is the first approach to influence the final decision regarding the central objective.

The steps to follow to achieve its mission are the following:

  • Awareness: it is assimilating and accepting a need for change, it is realizing that things can be done differently and better benefits can be obtained, it is daring to try to do things, without being afraid of what may happen. It is about not seeing failure in a negative way, but seeing it as experience and learning. Verifying things: it is getting the central person (Victor) to experience on their own similar situations of people who succeeded and how they did it, also of people who did not achieve their mission and despite that how they lead a normal life. Share the experience: Once action is taken in search of the blue ocean, the experience must be shared and serve as an example and motivation to others.Inform the rest of the team: by itself we are not capable of achieving anything, before, during and after an achievement there are people to whom it is our duty to inform the outcome and the experience that could be experienced.


One of the elements that most influence when taking part in a market is the price that is established. It is about going beyond the imitation of prices by the competition, it is to analyze all the circumstances on which the price setting depends:

  • The volume of what is marketed must be considered, since it generates greater profits than before, the sale of a song cannot be the same price as a ten, or a complete album.The second is that the value that a product exerts many times it is based on the number of customers I have, people do not buy a product when few people use it. "It is defined as all or nothing" you can sell millions in the first time, or never sell anything.The strategic pricing policy, in addition to attracting customers is based on their retention, a good reputation must be guaranteed from the On the first day, for it to be what is transmitted from one client to another, an offer must be established that the client cannot reject and a relationship link must be established, making it dependent in the future.The main series of songs must allow access and permanence in the market.


The first step is to identify similar products to be able to define the price, in addition, the level of imitation that it has, a high price is established because the product is difficult to imitate, an intermediate price is because it has a certain degree, not quite, of legal protection; and a low price is considered when the product is relatively easy to imitate.

They can also be classified in relation to:

  • Same form (songs of the same genre) Different form, same function (songs of another genre) Different form and function, same objective. (songs in English)

The price is also based on the:

  • degree of legal protection of the product. level of imitation that it may have.

In both aspects, it has a high level because the legal protection is very well governed and detailed and in terms of imitation, you cannot imitate a song by another artist illegally and to do so legally would imply benefits economic for the composer.


In the example of Victor and the lyrics of his songs, the costs are not available to him, however, it is worth mentioning how costs are considered in the marketing of products. It is not about following the competition to adjust price or determine profit, but about meeting the minimum cost setting in an imaginative way.

Three levers to meet cost reduction are:

  • Reasoning operations: introducing innovation from production to product distribution Alliances with other companies: it is not always possible to carry out all the activities that concern the product, since they are often counterproductive, generating higher costs Change the price model of the industry: you must innovate the price, find another solution, if the costs are high with a sale, you look for the alternative of being able to rent or give on credit.


The adoption of the strategy is the joining of forces on the part of all the agents that intervene in the change, of all the people who contribute to the cause and on whom the continuity and the destiny that it may come to mean in the future depends.. It is based on three primary environments:

  • A d option in employees. For the theme of music, it could be family and friends who help and motivate the person in the composition of new songs. A l iados trade. They are the people who are directly benefited, such as the artist, his manager, the record company and the composer, mainly. The general public. It is about the public adopting the strategy, since it is who will give it the value and the position within the market.


There will always be all kinds of barriers, limitations or impediments that will pretend that the new strategy is given up, however, dealing with each one of them in the appropriate way allows knowledge and experience that can only be achieved by facing the limitations and consequently generating organizational growth. Among the main points of attention are:

  • Create awareness in employees of how important it is to change the strategy: if we do not have the collaborators on our side, we have nothing, since they are the engine and the axis of the strategy Limited resources: there will always be this limitation, Since changing and improving implies new challenges, it is necessary to identify where they can be removed and where to put the resources that the organization has. Within the organization there will always be a place where to reduce resources - cold zone - and where to increase resources - hot zone. Therefore, it is necessary to find the right balance. Motivation: With the introduction of the strategy, you must know the benefit it implies for all It consists of inspiring support and trust rather than implementing or forcing the intended action. For example:If you are going to change the way a product is manufactured, you should not focus on the action itself, but rather on providing the necessary resources to make it happen.Focus on the key people: identify and put the key people in a fish tank: the modus operandi should be based on transparency, inclusion and equity. Atomize to make the organization change by itself: it consists of delegating responsibilities and authorities so that ideas and improvements arise from the same team and facilitate their implementation. Politics: a crucial aspect of the Blue Ocean is that many people are the beneficiaries, but others are not. Angels are the people who will benefit and demons who have the most to lose.In such a situation, one should consult an experienced counselor and seek to leverage the angels and silence the demons. We must seek that the loudest and most resonant voice is on our side.


To move from thought to action, you need the right people to do it, you need leaders capable of moving masses. A leader must meet the following characteristics:

  • Crossing the barrier of perception: matching the way of seeing things to all those involved. Experiencing the electric sewer: you must have the ability to go through the worst situation and under the worst conditions and know how to get ahead. You should really put the idea into action instead of leaving it solely as an inspiration Deal with disgruntled customers: To take action, you must put aside surveys and statistics and sensitize your team to what these types of customers think. the dissatisfied, and how important they are to us.


Blue Ocean Strategy points out how important it is to “pull even” and be consistent between what is said and what is done. To facilitate and promote this type of ocean, there must be a participatory and inclusive work of cooperation and commitment by all interested parties.

It consists of participation so that the ideas of the same people emerge. It is based on explaining to all the people involved what the strategy consists of and that all are taken into account. There must be clarity regarding expectations, specifying the rules of the game and identifying its parameters.

It is based on teaching by example and by action, it indicates that the person with the greatest authority is the one who has the most responsibility to be consistent in his right way of thinking and right way of acting. If things are done this way, there is momentum and open space for the solidification and growth of the strategy.


One way to encourage motivation among the team is with recognition, there are from recognition for efficiency, punctuality, respect, etc., to intellectual and emotional recognition in employees.

When this type of recognition is practiced, people feel inspired to do their best, tirelessly seek to leave a good impression and are open and willing to pass on their knowledge to the work team for the benefit of the entire organization. It lends itself to the active contribution of your ideas.

Emotion on your part, when people are given appreciation and recognition, they will respond better to changes. There is the appropriate mental load to carry out their functions and try at all times to excel in a healthy way.


No company can be on the cusp forever, the ones that are currently on the cusp is because they implemented blue ocean strategies. The creation of the oceans did not focus on seeking profitability, but on positioning itself strongly in the minds of consumers.

It will be possible to face the barrier of imitation for a few years, (in some cases up to 10 years). However, at some point they have to be imitated and that is when a new innovation in value must be established, instead of wanting to compete to displace market competition.


In 1893, the automotive industry arose with Henry Ford in the US Because it was a novelty and was focused on a certain segment of the market which should have the possibilities of purchase, the price of cars was really expensive. In the absence of complementary elements, their acquisition was difficult because the road infrastructure was still dirt. They were intended to replace animals with automobiles, but not dirt roads for pavement. The competition for Ford was determined at all costs to impede its growth and they insisted on destroying it in a dirty way, putting spikes and enlarging the potholes in the roads.

For 1908, Henry Ford designed the Model T, which he carried as a badge in his automobile company: "for the great crowds, built with the best materials" value innovation was added to their products making them more durable and easy to repair, there was a greater purchasing power with an accessible price. As there were more sales, the costs in the processes were reduced, the market share of 9% in 1908, went to 61% in 1921 and in 1923 there was an automobile in most American households.

In 1924, its most important competition was born at that time, General Motors, who in its innovation of value characterized the design of cars as something fun, exciting, comfortable and elegant. During the decade of the 70's, the Japanese entered with small and efficient automobiles (economical in fuel) and they added to the contest to monopolize and prevail in the automotive market.

And so the contest of different nations and investors who seek to seize and position themselves as the first choice when purchasing a vehicle continued. The question would be, what must be done to become the leader in the automotive sector? In order to prevail over time, adversity and the dynamism with which we currently live, at the same time that greater profitability is generated due to innovation proposals focused on utility, prices and costs. The answer is what we are currently experiencing.


A very similar strategy and compatible with "Blue Ocean Strategy" is that of "Think out of the box", which is a series of steps to follow with which it is possible to do things in a different way. Among its main points we can find:

Invent creative solutions

  • Modify your space Propose ideas Perform a reconceptualization of the problem Daydream Set the parameters Consider the worst-case scenario

Keep your creativity long-term

  • Get rid of negativity o Keep your creativity active o Learn new things Pay attention to other people's ideas Interact creatively with other people

He concludes, realizing that many ideas will be out of the ordinary, many times they will not work and you have to be prepared about it.


But, what is the outcome of Victor and his songs?

Without a doubt, talking about other people -whether for better or for worse- is relatively simple, because what is known about people is that part that is visible and easy to identify and to deduce. However, when it comes to analyzing oneself, it is a task in which it is unknown where to start, many people may have a concept of us, but it really tends to become complicated to have our own concept of what we really are, so we prefer to adopt what people say we are and that is how we define ourselves before society.

For this reason, it is of great importance to implement Blue Ocean Strategy in our current life, in what we are and in what we do. We do not know the things that in the future we will be able to do, it is not known for sure what we will become, and worse still, we do not know the time we have to build our dreams and projects. What we do know and are convinced is that for any dream and desire we must begin its construction at this precise moment.

It is essential to do things today, not wait for tomorrow, when we have people under our responsibility. We are behind in what we should be doing, so we must begin as soon as possible to swim against the current to the red waters and begin to enter the Blue Ocean.

The outcome of Víctor and his songs will be the one that Víctor considers most convenient, due to his age and experience he knows perfectly what is best for him and if today he has not decided to enter the artistic world it must be for something.

Victor is experiencing Blue Ocean in such a way that he does not need to make his songs known to the whole world to be happy or feel fulfilled, Victor's Blue Ocean goes beyond what his music can generate income. The satisfaction, happiness and peace that each letter and each verse generates for him and his relatives is stronger and more valuable than anything else.


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Detect and extend, based on the Blue Ocean Strategic Model, the main benefits that have a direct impact on the life cycle of MSMEs dedicated to the commercialization of groceries and retail food in the central region of the state of Veracruz.


Sincere gratitude to the Technological Institute of Orizaba, for becoming and continuing to reign as the parent home of our professional training. To the Division of Graduate Studies and Research (DEPI), for encouraging us to search for a better future. To the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) for the support and backing it gives us. Finally and in a special way, to Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, a pioneer in the construction of a different vision and results.

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Reassessment of blue ocean in human life expectancy