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To wealth and external agents


Or patrimony does not move by itself, moreover, it does not move, due to external force, this causes a patrimonial phenomenon that is materially countable.


The environment modifies the wealth of non-profit and non-profit organizations.

Events external to the patrimony or the influence of diminution or increase in wealth.

Lately, in Argentina, a series of phenomena triggered a series of phenomena in the economy.

Crise na argentina

As a globalized economy a crisis in the economy of a country affects two other countries. The phenomenon of collapse will influence the wealth of the non-country social cell, as in other countries, mainly that which is directly linked by commercial purposes. Thus, there was a parity of the peso as the dollar or the Argentine, and it also bought merchandise, not Brazil, because it was of the highest convenience. Assim, some Brazilian companies, mainly those located near the border, benefited from selling Argentine years. There was a 20% medium in the recipe that vinha da banda de meios patrimoniais aos argentinos. Also a tourist setor, mainly from Brazil, was favored as an Argentine tourist.

As a matter of fact, some modifications have been made to the dynamics of the capital of the Argentine companies as well as the Brazilian companies.

Second Paulo Skaf, president of the Brazilian Association of Industria Têxtil (Abit) to Argentina, has paid 50 milhões de dollars for or setor. Pending it affects all national cadeia, of fibers and costumes, made up of 30 thousand companies.

Also, or President of the Brazilian Association of Clothing (Abravest), Robert Chadad said that most of the life is related to 15.6 thousand garments. The most difficult sectors, second Elói de Almeida, president of Grupo Brasil, pela crise en Argentina são os bens de capital e os têxteis.

Real estate sectors, hotels, restaurants, pousadas etc. On the coast, mainly from Santa Catarina, in the middle of the middle, there is 50% left in its patrimonial dynamics and the figure of 60%.

The phenomenon of Argentine crisis affects many social cells in its dynamics. O meio patrimonial reduziu seu giro na mutação patrimonial. Diminishing or turning the equity method reduced to profitability and affects the other virtue systems of your interaction. Or important is the harmony between the systems I hear:

Result - necessity to obtain result.

Liquidity - need to cancel obligations.

Productivity - need for efficiency I do not use two means of production

Stability - need for balance between the components of wealth.

Economicity - necessity to maintain vitality and guarantee survival.

Invulnerabilidade - necessidade de proteção against the cliffs.

Elasticity - need to adapt the size of the heritage to the size of the activity (dimension of the capital).

Socialidade - necessidade com or social organism not qual insere.

Segundo o Prof. Lopes de Sá: "Such systems are autonomous, or seja, a company that can be profitable and not profitable, can be profitable and cannot be liquid, and cannot be protected against crags, etc."

The systems are autonomous and subject to each other. Nesse processo eles são influenced by external forces.

An organization influenced by the market, therefore, or a business person must be included in the society of the country.

There is a constant exogenous environmental influence on the very heritage that this is rarely observed.

The market is constantly changing and this modification tange or patrimonial.

Or businessperson must be attentive to this environmental dynamic and transmit to people as Domenico Masi (2000, 186 p.) A leader who incites enthusiasm, frees groups of procedures inúteis, gratifies os criativos, olha for or future, promotes innovation and I had courage to confront or be disconcerted.

A boss should give intellectual ability to think.

I should know that it requires a link, a challenge and not a bureaucracy. A bureaucracy and a barreira stops a citizen.

A criatividade é um two requirements for o successso na modernidade.

An entrepreneur who does not seem creative, innovative tends to deixar or capital in idleness. Also, it can be raised by slowing down the market.

A leisures raise ineffective patrimony and affect prosperity of the social cell.

It also reduces the sales and production of advanced technology for new forms of products. A patrimonial medium that is in inertia runs or crags to be ultrapassed by our most modern merchant.

It is not to be desired that a stock of lesser patrimonies is born in inertia and is a realization of its potential for launching a new product that it does not intend to replace.

It is essential that the people are attentive to the exogenous environmental influences. This material required a constant depth of studious hair. Second or Prof. Lopes de Sá: "It is essential to make those who want to move wealth and that come only from the external environment to them, ou seja, from environmental fathers (internal and external in relation to social cells)". There is an expressive complement not a matter. Pois uma influeência do surroundings can benefit sectors and prejudice others. To crise na Argentina prejudice or setor do turismo, imobiliário, aluguel de carros e outros setores da economia brasileira. More benefited the exporting companies of Argentina and the companies located in the border with Brazil. The Argentine heritage site has become more accessible to the Brazilian consumer's bag.Investment or economic process where Argentina buys less and exports more. This is a charitable process for Argentina.

Cambial variation

With the raising of the free economy in the Argentine economy, it initially affected the consumer's bag in that country. At a price of $ 1 for 1 peso, it was worthless for the Argentine consumer. At a price of $ 1 for 2.10 pesos, he needs more money to acquire a net worth. Assim, every Argentine consumer is very poor. Such a phenomenon is common in countries in development, making a minority richer and a minority more poor. Assim increases or grows between the elite and the popular mass and this constituted an obstacle for the progress and the persistence in which there will be no real growth and social justice.

A going to or outside made it more difficult for a popular Argentine mass. So much so that with the retraction of the Argentine tourist, not Brazil has diminished the patrimonial dynamics in some sectors of the Brazilian economy. Some cited in this article.

The exogenous environmental influence of the foreign exchange rate or the patrimony of several sectors of the economy of the organizations in Argentina, not Brazil and in other countries that negotiate with Argentina. With a variação cambial or brasileiro começa to cross to fronteira com to Argentina where you buy meios patrimoniais já pela metade do preço anterior. This is not the case from the breeding with the 1 × 1 dollar. Agora diminui a patrimonial dynamics of the Brazilian social cells and increases the organizations of Argentina.


It is necessary that the management analyzes the influences of two environments, because these influences can lead to a social cell both prosperity and failure. A competent authority and staff can override negative environmental influences for the company's heritage dynamics. Competition is conquered by melhorando or conhecimento, updating or mesmo seeking innovations and using criatividade.


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To wealth and external agents