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Summary of the historical evolution of the administration

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At present, the legacy of thinkers and researchers in relation to strengthening the administration is enormous; Since ancient times, each individual by teamwork and the operation of a whole to achieve a goal contributed so that today's science allows many organizations the growth, development, positioning and sustainability in globalized markets in the world economy

Within this work, the contributions of those who are currently considered the main Gurus are presented, from the primitive, agricultural, middle ages, modern and contemporary times, a brief mention is made of the works they carried out and that thanks to them are recognized for their work. It is widely favorable to know the main works carried out in the administration, to master the terms, definitions, practices and operation thereof, all of the above allows the employer, manager and / or manager to understand the responsibility of their actions and activities, the importance of their decisions and of course very useful as a basis and / or foundation in making decisions.

The contributions referred to in this work are not only limited to for-profit companies, but also those that do not pursue profit-making purposes, but that undoubtedly belong to an organizational system and environment.

Meaning of Guru

Gurú is considered to be the individual who has great gifts, abilities and intelligence, from which he is recognized and respected when considering them teachers or guides (Española, 2011). During the existence of humanity and their activities, several gurus have been recognized, who have been given the task of researching and contributing to the science of administration to continue to grow, innovate and develop new knowledge and theories.

Primitive time

The principles of administration date back to primitive times, in those times the inhabitants were organized by tribes, which were assigned tasks of hunting, fishing, it is from these ideas that the work of individuals in group terms begins to be visualized for the achievement of a general objective.

  • Division of work by age and sex Group work begins for tasks Principles of administration.

Agricultural time

It began from the use of the soil for the cultivation of flowers and food, which allowed the abandonment of the nomadic activities of the settlers, thus being agriculture the main way of life during this period.

  • The sedentary life begins. Rise of the state. The growth of cultures begins.

Greco-Latin period

Within this period, slavery arose, a method by which civilizations subjected the people they employed in their activities, slavery at some point was functional but being a means of repression and physical punishment for non-compliance and / or disobedience of the laws. tasks, the level of productivity was zero as there was discontent and dissatisfaction in the slaves, cultures such as the Roman were the main examples of the representativeness of these activities.

  • Rise of slavery Excessive supervision Medium of labor control, physical punishment


During the ancient period, the countries that presented the most progress in administrative development such as: Egypt, Greece, Rome and China. In China, the thinker Confucius presented and carried out the elements of growth in the administrative sector, he worked in politics and the state in a large number of tasks and positions.

The main contributions of Confucius in the administration were:

  • Impartiality in government Elimination of favoritism Formation of a ruling spirit Fostering the commercial prosperity of the population Developing prudently and without individualism Applying ethical standards in political and government work Analyzing the performance of local governments for application on a larger scale

“Following the example of his colleague, another author of the administrative currents in China was Micius or Moti, who presented similarities in the governmental aspect but differences in elements of idealistic thoughts; later Chou used material elaborated by Confucius from which he relied to establish rules and other regulations ”. In conclusion, the contributions of these gurus of Chinese origin allowed a largely satisfactory governmental development.


Among the Greek administrative contributions, the most outstanding are those of Socrates (469 to 399 BC) who, after many analyzes and debates with his contemporary thinker colleagues, had as the main administrative thought the performance of administrative activity as a personal capacity of the individual who performs government work and is not a direct part of professional and / or empirical training.

Plato was another thinker who developed thoughts in favor of administrative development, one of the main thoughts on this issue was the following: the individual skills of workers give way to specialization of work. I situate the role that man plays within an organization such as the government, in the same way that he made treaties on social justice.

Another contribution of Plato was a book called The Republic, within which the following aspects were raised:

  • Administration in representative markets The element of specialization of the work Systematization of the types of government such as democracy, oligarchy, aristocracy. Categorization of social classes As: Gold, the government; Silver the warriors, Bronze, workers and merchants.


Within Aristotle's contributions, ethics occupies a very important place. He also wrote a book called "Politics" where he establishes forms for government administration and classified the government in political spheres such as democracy and monarchy.


He prepared works related to the election of workers in organizations, he also decreed regulations that delimited citizenship to be able to identify foreigners to citizens by birth.


The Roman civilization made great contributions in terms of organization, all of which I project with its own example, by achieving unsuspected successes. Roman culture presented three stages, beginning as a republican civilization, to later be directed by empires, which originated the centralization of power and decisions over the people, without them being able to express themselves freely, which is why the fall came of the Roman people. An important characteristic of this time is the presence and strength of Catholicism in government and decisions.

Within the conditions of Catholicism it was the rejection of profit, in search of an honorable business relationship, obviously there were thinkers who were against this unprofitable position for businessmen, the main thinkers of this ideology Max Weber, B. Franklin and Martin Luther.

Max weber

  • Protestant ethics and the capitalist spirit

This work analyzes the values ​​and proposals of the churches relating them to the work elements of capitalism.

Martin Luther

Luther links religion with professional activity, since he considered as a design or mission imposed by God the profession that each person was going to carry out within the capitalist environment.

Middle Ages

Regarding the Middle Ages, a better organization can be found, feudalism and a decentralized government evolves.

Feudal era

This era was characterized by the presence of a labor service system in charge of the feudal lords who controlled the tasks and activities of the servants. After the boom of this time the system of service was broken, the worker going to perform independent tasks, to organize to form family system organizations, also began to emerge labor regulation unions (the emergence of unions).

  • Service arises as a labor relationship Independence of bondage Training of craftsmen Origin of unions and guilds

Friar luca paccioli

Paccioli was the creator of the well-known double entry applicable in the accounting world in 1494, in addition to providing tools for the application of controls in the administration.

Tomas Moro

The characteristics of Moro's treatise are to a certain extent utopian questions, where he establishes the creation of an ideal state, where he proposes specialization in tasks and the greater use of the labor force. In addition, he exhorted the working class and the bourgeoisie to better manage resources and find useful opportunities for them.

Nicholas Machiavelli

Italian historian and politician

  • His main works: The prince (1532), speeches and the art of war

Within his work the prince makes known the conditions by means of which a ruler manages to achieve power and authority in the environment of politics and maintain it under any situation. What gave him the well-known fame of evil, resulting in the term Machiavellianism colloquially associated with works or actions carried out far from the moral framework and values. It also contributes to the organization of the government and the use of leadership as a tool of the political sector to achieve the objectives and the formation of tactics sometimes considered unethical.

James Stuart

During 1767 he collaborated with the work of the source of authority, the use of techniques such as automation and its benefits, in addition to considering the roles of the working class and their leaders to know their performance and the necessary requirements to understand them better.

Modern era

Industrial Revolution

During this period, manual work was revolutionized thanks to the discovery of tools and means that accelerated production and promoted specialization and the art of producing in volume, even so there were many imbalances and protection gaps in the labor sector. Due to the need to monitor and control the industry of this time, the assistance of specialized people was necessary and it is for this reason that the birth of different types of administrative and labor thoughts and theories originated.

  • The heyday of industrial tools Growth of competition Displacement from manual production to industrial Specialization in tasks The worker as an element of society and production Emergence of specialists in production machines and tools

The administration is constantly being renewed in terms of processes and thoughts, each author has his own current and thought that contributes to administrative thinking and the growth of companies in the application of said knowledge.

Adam Smith

“He made contributions to classical economics, and made a work that earned him prestige and recognition: The Wealth of Nations, which was published in 1776 and offered economic tools such as the division of labor to achieve productivity, result of the skill and experience of the workers in the processes and tasks ”(El prisma, 2009).

Smith is considered the father of economics for his work on the wealth of nations and his method "let go, let go."

James Watt

He designed and created the steam engine which revolutionized the industry, mainly in England because it contributed to the evolution of the conditions of the production processes, increasing the productivity of companies and therefore the profits of entrepreneurs.

The Industrial Revolution led to socio-economic, technological and cultural transformation in Great Britain and later the entire world; Transportation routes were expanded, and railroads were the highest-paying business of the 19th century. This Industrial Revolution has two eras:

  • 1770 to 1860: The chroniclers reveal that it is the first industrial revolution where coal and iron were the main resource. 1860 to 1914 This period of time is known as the second industrial revolution where steel replaces coal and Electricity replaces steam.

Charles Babbage

He is widely known as the father of computing, among the main works he did are:

Charles Babbage's Contributions to the Administration

It also carried out the first time and movement tests that indicated the absence of downtime and the maximum benefit of the workers' activities.

Henry Varnum Poor

He applied the use of principles and elements of administration in the work processes of railways, due to problems in the rails that were expanding alarmingly. Henry established that those in charge of the administration of this type of transport should be governed by three important principles: Organization, communication and information, the first being the most important (George, 2005).

Daniel C. McCallum

I work together with Henry Varnum to apply his experiences and concepts in his position in a railway company, in which he used the recognized organizational chart of hierarchical levels by establishing it as a model of organization in communication and activities, through which he allowed to know the role and authority of managers and decision-making within organizations.

Classic approach to administration

It is made up of scientific management and modern classical theory.

Scientific administration

Scientific administration gurus

Frederick taylor

He is known as the father of scientific management. The purpose pursued by Taylor was to increase the production of companies by improving the efficiency of work activities and increasing the salaries of employees based on the scientific procedure (Koontz & Heinz, 2001).

Taylor contributions

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Frank is credited with time studies and Lillian, being a famous psychologist in the industrial sector, made humanistic contributions in labor processes and in the perception of characteristics of the workforce and its requirements for performance.

The main contributions in the administration of this marriage are presented in detail below (Hernández and Rodríguez, 2006).

Contributions from Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Henry L. Gantt

Engineer in the mechanical area by profession and disciple of Taylor, with whom he collaborated for approximately fourteen years in carrying out work for industrial-type organizations. The main research activities carried out by Gantt established control analysis and planning of the processes through the use of graphs, which today are widely known as Gantt charts, which until today are used to carry out plans in activities; Gantt also carried out a task bonus system based on the humanistic approach (González, 2009).

Harrington Emerson

An engineer by profession and pioneer in research on the selection and training of industrial operators, he contributed with contributions on the subject of performance principles to increase productivity; which gave way to goal-based management.

Classical management theory

This school arises with two authors: Henri Fayol and Wilfredo Pareto

Henri Fayol

He is widely recognized as the father of modern administrative theory, classified industrial area activities into six sections:

Six sections of the Company - Henri Fayol

"H. Fayol also established the functions of planning, organization and control as elements of the administration and the importance of the administrator's expertise as a fundamental part of labor relations. He also made known fourteen points known as administrative principles based on the administration process ”(Munch Galindo, 2001):

Administrative Principles of Henri Fayol

Wilfrido Pareto

Engineer of Italian origin, his main contribution is the "Pareto principles", from which demonstrations were made related to the fact that the presence of twenty percent of variables causes eighty percent of the effects.

Behavioral or human relations sciences

This current contains elements based on treatises on psychology, sociology; From which the aim is to achieve efficiency in personnel management.

Authors of behavioral sciences

Hugo Munsterberg

This author made contributions to administration from the execution of psychology to the industrial and administrative area.

Walter Dill Scott

During the year 1911 he carried out the culmination of his investigations concerning the immersion of psychology in matters of advertising, commerce and human resources.

Max weber

His greatest contribution was the theory of bureaucracy.

Elton Mayo and FJ Roethlisberger

Mayo is distinguished as the father of the social processes approach in management. His main contribution was in 1933 when they carried out the well-known analyzes in the Hawthorne industrial base of the Western Electric company, through which the impact of attitudes and social development of labor groups on their performance in the organization could be verified.

School of the social system

Within this school, the administrative area is analyzed from a social analysis or intercultural development (Munch Galindo, 2001).

Max weber

He did research on government labor zones in Germany, better known as the theory of bureaucracy.

Oliver Sheldon

He focused on areas of directives and control of the administrative process found in the industry, specifically in the productive sector.

Chester barnard

He contributed his knowledge in the social and psychological aspect in his performance as administrative management in the Jersey Bell telephone company, he demonstrated the importance and participation of the formal and informal organization in the organization.

Management gurus in Mexico

Isaac Guzmán Valdivia (1906-1992).

Born in Guanajuato, he received a law degree and a notary public; He was the founder of professions such as Industrial Relations where his administrative legacy is summarized as:

  • The country is superimposed on any group and / or social class of power. Freedom and security contribute to the development of the person with decorum. The work of human resources is not merchandise, it is a right and an obligation for any citizen. private property protects the country's production.

José Antonio Fernández Arena

Born in Mexico City, he has a degree in Accounting and Business Administration, he served as director of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, within his contribution is having broken with the traditional teaching scheme from modular education.

At present there are great thinkers who continue to contribute and revolutionize the administration and the business world, within the main Gurus of contemporary times are the following.

Name Professional profile Contributions
Michael porter Academic at Harvard and writer on the subject · Currently his work: Shared value
Peter F. Drucker Father of the Admon. By objectives The future of the industrial man

Innovation and entrepreneurship

Gary S. Becker Nobel Prize in Economics Economy of discrimination

Human capital

Treatise on the family

Stephen R. Covey Auto improvement specialist The eighth habit
Michael S. Dell Dell Creator · Director of company. Dell
John P. Kotter Organizational change specialist Leadership

Leading Change

Sumantra Goshal Globalization specialist Rule 525

· Expert in international strategic management

James McGregor Burns Pullitzer Prize Leadership

Illustration 5 Main Gurus today (Emprendedor.com, 2010)

Thesis proposal

Development of a study to know and identify the impact of the contributions made by the gurus in the organizations analyzed.

Development of a quality program based on the administrative theories of the Gurus today.

Analysis of the organizational impact of modern administrative practices today.


Develop a quality program based on the main contributions of the most outstanding gurus of today, based on the theories that are considered to have the greatest impact on an organization.


This work maintains the essence of presenting the main exponents of the administrative area and the outstanding works that to date each of the contributions to the administration have motivated and achieved that companies position themselves in global markets and achieve social recognition and of success in economic performance

It was also possible to verify the development of administrative economic thinking as well as its evolution, we are all part of an organization at some point in our lives, whether as clients, employees, managers; That is why it is always important to know the reference margin to undertake actions or changes relevant to the achievement of business objectives.

Each contribution of the different authors has a unified essence in the progress of science, but each with a unique approach and perspective. Today the Gurus of the modern era create new knowledge and experiences taking into account their organizational performance as CEOs, private, government and / or researchers.


  • The prism. (2009). Retrieved on February 25, 2012, from http://www.elprisma.com/apuntes/administracion_de_empresas/historiadelaadministracion/default6.asp Emprendedor.com. (2010). Retrieved February 2012, from http://www.emprendedor.com/portal/content/view/196/44/Española, RA (12 of 09 of 2011). Spanish dictionary. Retrieved 09/12/2011, from http://buscon.rae.es/draeI/SrvltConsulta?TIPO_BUS=3&LEMA=GURUGeorge, JC (2005). History of administrative thought. Mexico: Perason Education. González, CB (2009). Administration I. Xalapa: General Directorate of Bachillerato.Hernández y Rodríguez, S. (2006). Introduction to administration. Korea: McGraw-Hill. Koontz, H., & Heinz, W. (2001). Management a global perspective. Mexico: McGrawHill. Munch Galindo, GM (2001). Fundamentals of Administration.Mexico: Trillas.

In the following playlist you will see the main guidelines of each of the schools of administrative thought, you will learn about the historical evolution of the administration and the contributions of its main representatives: Taylor, Fayol, Mayo, Follet, Maslow, McGregor, Strauss, Sayles, Argyris, Likert, Weber, Mayntz, Etzioni, Kauffman, Simon and Drucker, among others (20 videos - 1 hour and 43 minutes - Educatina)

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Summary of the historical evolution of the administration