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Customer satisfaction at hisense company


The research presents the results obtained from the application of questionnaires in the Hisense company, in order to know the perception of the internal and external clients of the entity about the quality of the service it provides, starting with the processing of the information and analysis of the results, until reaching an assessment of the improvement actions. The general objective of the work is to study customer satisfaction in the Hisense company.


The Hisense company is engaged in the marketing of various products. It is established in Qingdao city and has a highly qualified staff. This organization has presented quality problems so this issue should be studied. The organization follows the quality system provided by the NC: ISO 9001: 2015.

The general objective of this work is to study customer satisfaction in the Hisense company and is structured in:

Section 1. Analysis of the reliability of the questionnaire

Section 2. Diagnosis of the survey results for internal customers

Section 3. Diagnosis of the results of the survey for external clients


Section 1. Analysis of the reliability of the questionnaire

According to Hidalgo, 2012 when a questionnaire is developed to determine the perception of customers about the quality of a product or service, it must be ensured that the measures are free of random error. When random error is mixed with the measurement then the observed value is less reliable than the true value. Measurement errors are examined in the context of reliability, which is essential, since it measures the performance of an instrument in a given population, avoiding the grouping of apparently relevant issues.

The indicator used to calculate reliability is Cronbach's Alpha, which perceives the level at which the different questions are correlated with each other and this is called internal consistency. When the values ​​of this coefficient are closer to 1, the internal consistency is greater, although if they are between 0.6 and 0.8 it can be said that it is good.

Therefore, Cronbach's Alpha has been calculated for internal and external clients through the output of the IBM SPSS statistics program shown in table 1.

Table 1. Cronbach's Alpha reliability calculation.

Cronbach's alpha
Importance Satisfaction
Internal clients 0.837 0.92
External clients 0.877 0.904

From the results obtained from this reliability study, it is considered that the surveys applied to both internal and external customers show great internal consistency, homogeneity and equivalence for all items and for all respondents, yielding a guarantee of reliability of the scale used..

Section 2. Diagnosis of the survey results for internal customers

This diagnosis allows evaluating the results obtained from the survey applied to internal clients and their validation. All this with the aim of knowing the factors that threaten the satisfaction of the entity's workers and the quality of the product.

2.1. Frequency analysis. Working environment

This appendix aims to see which are the most significant factors that cause worker discontent from a work climate study. The work environment allows knowing the state of the company in terms of organizational aspects, culture, environment and dissimilar similar elements that influence the performance of the organization. This analysis allows to know the number of people who are inclined towards certain answers and the percentage that they represent. For this, the calculations of the mean and the central value were taken into account. In this sense, the sample under study presented the following results related to the work environment.

  1. In the entity, the boss-subordinate relationship is characterized by being very good, as expressed by 41.3% of those surveyed. Another criterion that is directly linked to the boss-subordinate relationship is the possibility of workers to express their criteria or opinions, where 79.4% of the workers answered always and can almost always express their criteria, and none ever responded, leaving clear the ability of bosses to interact with their subordinates. In addition, there is great recognition of the work successes of the workers since 82.5% of the total responded between always and are almost always recognized. 6% of the workers considered that the material availability of resources was between good and very good, as well as the physical-sanitary conditions of the position, which are according to 42.9% of those surveyed, very good, which shows that internal clients are materially and hygienically satisfied with their job position. Regarding the recognition of their work successes, 5% of those surveyed responded that they are always and almost always recognized, and they also expressed their agreement and totally in agreement with the training policy provided by the entity for 76.2% of internal clients. This shows that in terms of professional growth needs, the entity presents excellent results recognized by its staff, since 73% of them are professionally carried out with their job. The mix of all these variables and the close relationship between them result in the entity presenting an average of 77 in terms of professional matters.2% of workers who agree with the treatment that the company gives to this aspect. 34.9% of those surveyed work as a team with their colleagues, resulting in the organization promoting 74.6% of the time teamwork. Regarding work motivation, 8% of those surveyed answered that they are always and almost always motivated by their work, this aspect is directly related to the fact that 76.2% of the workers agree and totally according to the distribution of job functions, since by defining everything that corresponds to each individual, internal clients are more motivated to carry out the work that corresponds to them Mission, vision, values ​​and institutional objectives they are known only by 42.9% of the entity's workers.In other words, all these aspects are really known by less than half of the respondents, presenting these deficiencies; since if the workers of the entity are not aware of what the organization exists for and where it wants to go, then it is working by inertia, without a clear objective or a path that indicates the transition towards the evolution of the company. This aspect is related to the existence of internal communication to achieve results since only 38.1% of those surveyed state that this always exists, as there is no good internal communication of the employees, therefore knowledge and disclosure of the entity's objectives cannot encompass the majority of the staff.Regarding the correspondence of salary remuneration with the work carried out, only 15.9% of those surveyed were in complete agreement and 54.4% in agreement. This is due to the fact that although the entity has a better remuneration system than most companies, the respondents state that it is not enough, since although it increases in a nominal way it is not perceived by the workers because prices increase in almost the same proportion The real salary remains unchanged. The entity must emphasize the influence of quality management in improving internal processes, since only 27% of those surveyed are in complete agreement with it.This result shows that the entity does not have an awareness of what Total Quality means for the organization and the competitive advantage that it represents, this is justified since being alone in the market they apparently have no one to compete with. According to the entity's workers, the products were useful to external clients by 17.5% much better than expected, 34.9% better than expected and 36.5% as expected. At the level of satisfaction of the company in general, 68.3% of those surveyed are very satisfied and satisfied with the company in general, which is evidenced in Figure 1According to the entity's workers, the products were useful to external customers by 17.5% much better than expected, 34.9% better than expected and 36.5% as expected. Regarding the level of satisfaction of the company in general, 68.3% of those surveyed are very satisfied and satisfied with the company in general, which is evidenced in Figure 1According to the entity's workers, the products were useful to external customers by 17.5% much better than expected, 34.9% better than expected and 36.5% as expected. Regarding the level of satisfaction of the company in general, 68.3% of those surveyed are very satisfied and satisfied with the company in general, which is evidenced in Figure 1

Figure 1. Satisfaction level of workers with the company in general.

Satisfaction level of workers with the Hisense company

This is the result of all the items that we have previously evaluated and that in themselves reflect the state in which the workers of the company feel with the organization.

Several variables were crossed and their influence on satisfaction with the company in general. 36.6% of those surveyed are more than satisfied with the company in general, motivated by their work and professionally carried out with the work they do; demonstrating the high relationship that these attributes present and the level of incidence between them. In addition, the variables satisfaction with the company in general and salary remuneration were crossed, showing that these are highly related since 61.9% of internal clients are more than satisfied with both indicators at the same time. Figure 2 shows the average for each item, which reflects that the main reasons that threaten the satisfaction levels of workers in the company are:firstly, the little contribution of the quality management system in the improvement of internal processes and customer satisfaction, the motivation of workers with their work and their satisfaction with the company.

Figure 2.

Influence of variables on the work environment of the Hisense company

2.2. Diagnosis of the survey results in terms of importance and assessment of internal customers

The perception that internal customers have regarding the importance and satisfaction that these items have for external customers is another of the objectives pursued with the application of the survey. In this sense, internal customers valued all the items surveyed as very important for external customers, receiving a value of more than 4.4 in each of them. Regarding the valuation, the most critical aspects are the fulfillment of the quality standards, the satisfaction of the expectations of the external clients and the fulfillment of the established guarantee periods. Figure 3 shows a comparison between importance and valuation.

Figure 3. Comparison between importance and assessment of the perception of internal customers.

Comparison between importance and assessment of the perception of internal customers

Regarding the assessment of each of the attributes, the following results are obtained:

  1. Regarding the presentation of the products, 4.8% of those surveyed valued this attribute as very good and 52% as good. Although the attribute was valued as favorable by 56.8%, this shows that there are different problems in this regard and that these are recognized by the company's workers. Associated with this aspect is the quality of the product made, where only 3.2% of the workers rate it as very good, with a large difference with the rating of good that 58.7% of those surveyed represent. These results make it clear that much remains to be done for a satisfactory recognition in terms of the appreciation of the final product, it is necessary to modernize in this aspect and innovate,coupled with a conscious evolution of the needs that customers have and how to give the maximum to meet them.The professionalism of the staff is coupled with their qualification levels and the demonstration of their knowledge throughout the development of their work, the 92.1% of the workers evaluate this aspect between fair, good and very good. The entity has a qualified staff to respond to the new challenges it faces and capable of evolving towards a path that leads to continuous quality improvement.When the delivery of merchandise is analyzed on time, it is observed as in the opinion of the workers of the company this presents a punctuality that is good and regular and this is expressed by 73% of them. It is an aspect that must be improved,Although most of the time it is due to factors beyond the control of the entity, emphasis should be placed on minimizing the causes that affect it and that the solution is in the hands of the company. They believed that 50.8% of these quality standards are in a terrible, bad and regular way. This element is in a low rating because most of the products are not made with the required quality and therefore affect the perception of customers about them and the utility they provide. This aspect is highly related to the quality of the inputs with which the products are made, since quality must be ensured from the raw materials that are requested from suppliers,the entity's workers rate these inputs at 44.4% as terrible, bad and fair. This directly affects compliance with quality standards since it is almost impossible to make a very good product with materials that are not suitable for it.The entity's adequate quality-price ratio is in a favorable way since 92% of the staff states that this is between good, very good and fair, making it clear how well balanced this aspect is since none of the respondents rated it as bad and the remaining percent rated it as poor. This is not because of the high quality of the entity's products, but because the prices are in correspondence with the average quality they present.Satisfaction of customer expectations is one of the most important aspects that a for-profit organization must have, since it is this who consumes, judges and values ​​its products. In the company, this is 77.7% between fair and good and none rated it as bad. It is important for the entity to realize that for clients to trust the company, it is necessary not only to meet their expectations, but to exceed them. This aspect is highly related to the question that reflects the consideration of the workers about how they believe the services and products provided by the entity to external clients were, which is reflected in figure 4.In the company, this is 77.7% between fair and good and none rated it as bad. It is important for the entity to realize that for clients to trust the company, it is necessary not only to meet their expectations, but to exceed them. This aspect is highly related to the question that reflects the consideration of the workers about how they believe the services and products provided by the entity to external clients were, which is reflected in figure 4.In the company, this is 77.7% between fair and good and none rated it as bad. It is important for the entity to realize that for clients to trust the company, it is necessary not only to meet their expectations, but to exceed them. This aspect is highly related to the question that reflects the consideration of the workers about how they believe the services and products provided by the entity to external clients were, which is reflected in figure 4.This aspect is highly related to the question that reflects the consideration of the workers about how they believe the services and products provided by the entity to external clients were, which is reflected in figure 4.This aspect is highly related to the question that reflects the consideration of the workers about how they believe the services and products provided by the entity to external clients were, which is reflected in figure 4.

Figure 4.

Consideration of the company's workers of the usefulness of the products to external customers

This figure shows how the majority of workers perceive that the products were useful as they expected and better than they expected in 71.4%.

  1. Regarding continuous communication with the client, this is one of the aspects that are being affected the most since it is only rated as very good by 7.9% of the total workers surveyed, in addition 81% rate it as good and fair and presents a rating of terrible for 1.6% of the total. The entity must maintain continuous communication with the customer in order to know how satisfied they are with the products it offers them and that they feel comfortable and willing to repeat their purchase. good, very good and 88.8% regulates and only 11.2% is classified as bad and terrible;making it clear that it is necessary to emphasize in fulfilling the guarantees of the product and trying to turn them into a stimulant for the purchase of these products.

Section 3. Diagnosis of the results of the survey for external clients

The questionnaire aimed at external customers was applied to regular customers of the company, to find out the factors that affect the quality of service and the satisfaction of external customers. The importance of studying customer satisfaction lies in the fact that a satisfied customer leaves out the competition and generally reacquires the service by communicating their positive experiences to other potential customers. For the analysis of the results, descriptive statistics were taken into account, which were used to describe the data through the frequency distribution. In addition, inferential statistics were used through the mean, in order to be able to generalize the data obtained from the sample.

3.1: Frequency analysis. Customer classification

Taking into account the results of the questionnaire according to importance and assessment, it is obtained that external customers give high importance to the attributes since all are above 4.2. However, when they emit their level of satisfaction, it is not in accordance with the importance since they are not very satisfied with the attributes, as shown in figure 5.

Figure 5. Perception of external customers according to importance and satisfaction.

The figure shows how the attributes that most negatively affect the perception of customers are the delivery of the goods on time, the satisfaction of expectations and continuous communication with the customer. Those that best affect customer satisfaction are the professionalism of the staff and the appropriate value for money.

Regarding the evaluation of the attributes, the following results are obtained:

  1. The presentation of the products was only evaluated by external clients as good and fair with a percentage of 40% and 60% respectively. This shows that more than 50% of those surveyed appreciate that considerable improvements are needed for this aspect. This attribute is related to the quality of the product, where 40% evaluated it as good, 57.2% as fair and 2.9% as poor. Regarding the professionalism of the staff, 68.6% of the Respondents perceive it as good and very good, being an attribute with a high perception of satisfaction by external customers. The delivery of the merchandise on time was only rated as bad, good and fair, obtaining in the latter rating 51.4 % of the satisfaction levels of the respondents.In this attribute it is appreciated how there are different problems that affect it and in most cases the solution is not in the hands of the entity, however, it must apply through innovation and within what is possible, a method that help mitigate the aggravating factors that threaten this attribute.Fulfillment of the quality standards obtained a rating of 57.1% of fair, 40% of good and is highly related to the quality of the inputs required for the elaboration of the product which was rated 54.3% fair, 40% good. Both items present problems but are also highly conditioned since without a good quality of the inputs the product cannot meet the quality standards that are required of it.Regarding the quality-price ratio, it presents high levels of satisfaction for external customers since it was only evaluated as fair, good and very good with 34.3%, 42.9% and 22.9% respectively. This indicator does not reveal that the quality of the product is good, but rather that the price at which the entity offers it is in line with the quality of the service or product. 71.4% of customers evaluate it in terms of satisfaction of expectations of regular. This means that the product was as expected and was only able to exceed the expectations of 20% of those surveyed. This aspect is very important since a client must be satisfied with what the entity offers and the products must always exceed their expectations to determine whether they choose the product again.Communication with the client was evaluated between fair and good by 97.2% of those surveyed, these results show that we must continue working on this aspect since none of the external clients rated it as very good. The guarantee yield results that 97.2% of those surveyed rate it as fair and good. This attribute should be improved since there was no evaluation of very good but of bad by the remaining percent.This attribute should be improved since there was no evaluation of very good but of bad by the remaining percent.This attribute should be improved since there was no evaluation of very good but of bad by the remaining percent.

3.2. Customer loyalty index.

It is necessary to know for the company which are the safe, favorable and vulnerable clients. The results of the attributes of how he felt with the product received were crossed, he would choose us again and recommend our products, to use the contingency table obtained from the output of the SPSS statistics to calculate the percent presented by the entity in terms of classification of customers by levels of loyalty:

  1. Secure clients: 8.5% Favorable clients: 40% Vulnerable clients: 51.5%

The company must take measures to improve the rate of customer loyalty since it presents more than 50% of them as vulnerable as shown in figure 6:

Figure 6: Customer loyalty index

3.3. Problems, causes and improvement actions for the attributes that most affect quality in the entity

Table 2. Problems, causes and improvement actions for the attributes that most affect quality in the entity

issue Possible causes Improvement actions
Compliance with the required quality standards

1-Low quality assurance of the required inputs.

1- Create a group that directly supervises the quality of the raw material with which the product is made.
2- High bargaining power of suppliers. 2- Carry out a periodic diagnosis of compliance with the quality standards of products and raw materials.
3-Insufficient supervision of the quality of the products. 3- Create a department, commission or subdirectorate that directly and periodically manages quality problems and makes a periodic report on the resolution of these.
Communication with the customer 1-Lack of studies on the client.

1-Carry out market studies that show the preferences of the end customer.

2- Absence of use of the media. 2-Inform through the media about the improvement of products and the innovations and changes that are made to them.
3-Little internet access 3- Find out about the client's preferences and send him information about the entity and its products in other ways
Product presentation 1-Low quality of inputs 3.1- Raise the knowledge of the personnel that concerns this attribute through training that improves the presentation of the products
2-Low levels of investment in the presentation of the products 3.2- Create workshops for the debate and the exchange of ideas that promote the improvement of the presentation of the products
3- Low levels of innovation focused on the presentation of the product
Compliance with warranty terms 1- Total definition of the guarantees for each product 1-Require wholesale customers to apply the warranty terms for each product
2-Preparation of each of the warranty terms for each product.

In the work environment study, to know the satisfaction of internal clients with the entity, it is necessary to diagnose the problems, causes and actions to improve it, which is shown in table 3.

Table 3 Problems, causes and improvement actions for the work environment.

issue Possible causes Improvement actions
The mission, vision and institutional objectives are known to all staff. 1- Little diffusion as to what these aspects mean for the entity. 1- Word of mouth dissemination.
2- Carrying out dissemination workshops where it is explained what the company is and where it is headed based on these attributes.
3- Carry out periodic evaluations that check the knowledge of the workers on this aspect
Influence of quality management in improving internal processes 1-Lack of knowledge about the influence of quality management in the organization. 1- Create panels or seminars where the importance of total quality in all aspects of the company is raised
2-Lack of use of quality management as a method of solving problems. 1- Adopt measures for the dissemination of what is total quality and how it supports the resolution of problems in the entity.
2- Spread the influence of quality management by processes and total quality.


  1. The attributes that most negatively affect the perception of customers are the delivery of the merchandise on time, the satisfaction of expectations and continuous communication with the customer. Those that best affect customer satisfaction are the professionalism of the staff and the adequate quality-price ratio. Continuous communication with the customer, this is one of the aspects that are most affected. The presentation of the products was only evaluated by external customers as good and fair with a percentage of 40% and 60% respectively. It is necessary to continue working on achieving the satisfaction of internal and external customers based on the attributes that are most depressed.
Customer satisfaction at hisense company