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Job satisfaction as a growth tool for your business

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If you are one of those who are fully satisfied with your work, be careful, because you are not necessarily in the line of growth for your business.

Innovation arises precisely as part of a process of dissatisfaction and the principle that "The good is the enemy of the best." Hence the need to change and change!

Companies that are ahead of their competitors are those that show a high degree of dissatisfaction with what has been done so far and remain in a process of continuous learning.

In such a competitive world, where insurance is not so safe and where the Customer is the boss!, Companies are finding that the path of differentiation and staying in the Customer's preferences has to do with the degree of Internal Dissatisfaction on what done so far.

True disruption begins inward, that is, at the very moment we fight against our mental model and against what is already established at the heart of our business.

To break our paradigms, there is no fight so fierce than the one we wage against ourselves to change what we have done, because that is precisely what now represents the "base" (Paradigm) of our Wisdom in business.

I have always been against what is established and what remains in time.

I like to surrender more to change and innovation when they occur in those moments when for many there is no need to change anything.

When the need exists and change occurs, you are late.

But if you want to win and get ahead of your competition, take responsibility for making the change before anyone else.

Don't let them eat your errand and someone else do it for you!

That is why I find beauty in dissatisfaction, that is why my postulate is to keep changing what is necessary until we turn our company into a model of continuous learning and permanent change in the face of the market and in front of our most demanding clients.

It is not an easy matter, because once again our leadership is at stake and it requires our absolute participation to convince those who are with us at 360º (Jefesti-Paresti-Collaborators) of the benefits of change and even more so to act congruently towards it. If you want to stay on top together with your company, you will have to go faster than your competitors, that is a fact and you will not achieve it only by investing in greater installed capacity but by keeping your customers in full expectation of the new products and services that are available to them. will give after each decision.

The Aeroméxico case is obvious: more planes, more flights, but a poor and uncomfortable service that does not produce a fair perceived value between what the customer pays for what he receives.

“To change, learn from the experience of jumping into the void. To win, understand that you must take the risk of your life and for this you have to modify your level of thought and act in a different way "

A short time ago, a businessman told me that the situation of his company was not going well due to the changes in the government and the series of reforms that were being carried out because they were not encouraging the economy.

We continue talking about his operation and suddenly, he begins to tell me that he also has quality problems in his area of ​​operation, that costs are going out of his budget and that there were rejections in customer orders.

My answer was: You cannot blame others for their mistakes and failures, surely you have failures in the leaders in your business! You see, it is easier to blame anyone (governments, reforms, the market and even the customers themselves) than to accept that we are not doing enough.

I asked him again if he was dissatisfied with what he had achieved so far, nodding his head yes. I said, well it is time to change your mental model. From now on, you should concentrate your efforts on improving your internal leadership level and, on the other hand, on reviewing the areas of opportunity with your clients to ensure a service that is not provided by any of your competitors.

It has been 9 months of this, they made changes in the supervision structure, they improved line problems and they are covering their budgets of income, costs and expenses. They have not reached the Accumulated Plan of the Year, but surely they can do it if they persist in the change.

Going beyond customer service always, even when leading the way, will always bring you benefits.

We see the growth of Facebook and its President Mark Zuckerberg, who, even though he remains at the CIMA del Éxito, keeps changing and is now thinking of bringing the internet service and has with Facebook Connectivity Lab to generate a laboratory to create drones, satellites and lassers to bring all possible connectivity to the most marginalized parts of the world using solar energy to make this project a reality.

How do these men keep changing even when fortune and success smile on them?

  1. They are not tied to any belief, even if the idea comes from themselves: They are people who believe that everything can be improved, they know that any idea where it comes from always has the possibility of being capitalized. They listen to the voice of the Client: They are leaders who are oriented to give benefits to others and put their full potential into it. They are committed: They are leaders who are willing to give their lives for their dreams, they pursue them until they achieve them. They do not focus on what they are going to receive but on What they are going to contribute: They do not think about the money that will be returned to them as a result of their intervention, they know that in one way or another and at the right moment life itself will return it to them. They work as a Team: They commit so much to themselves as with their teams,they maintain relationships of trust beyond the ordinary and a range of communication that is out of the ordinary. They listen to them and let them work! They monitor the result, they do not look for what is done wrong: They are focused on paying for innovations in proportion to the greatness of the contributions.

"Changing when it is necessary is important, changing when it is at the TOP of SUCCESS, is a big thing"

"If you are one of those who thinks that what has been done is enough and you are in a comfort stage, you should know that what really happens is that you are standing on the edge of the precipice. Either improve or disappear! You decide.

If you stay unsatisfied you can move faster

Change happens at the speed of light today so you can't afford not to change at the same speed, or your competitors will run you over. The less attached you are to your ideas, to your procedure manuals, to your operating schemes, and the more open you are to the ideas of the people around you, you can achieve what you never even dreamed of. Stop to listen to the voice of your collaborators, your customers and match your dreams with what they bring in your head.

Stay dissatisfied with what you have done so far in all aspects of your life and seek continuous improvement, continuous learning.

Savor when you fail and learn, enjoy the process of gradually climbing to the top.

It is possible that in "learning to climb" you fall, also learn to get up to continue the ascent. Prepare together with your people for it. Follow these tips:

  1. Get the best talent and don't let it go away: Select the best in your position, develop them extraordinarily, and do your best to keep them with you. Each leader of your company must have objectives in this regard, they are responsible for taking care of the best asset of the organization. It is preferable to fire a boss who does not maintain the morale of his collaborators than to anyone who does the result, and puts the total of his abilities to achieve his dreams. Do not hold your hand, even when they have a lot of Mempo these people should not be with you! Pay for results: Never pay for tasks that are not 100% completed, or else you will be making lazy people. And whoever exceeds the goal, keep them absolutely satisfied with their salary and with their level of development. Reward the innovation:Do not stop doing this, repetition and collective contributions depend on it. You must send a message to the entire company that the people who bring you and create added value to your position and the business will always be compensated in the best possible way and the company will invest in your future Expand your vision: Your vision is so wide according to the size of its people. Use the potential of each one and unleash it in favor of those you serve. Constantly learn to be a better leader and teach your people to be a better leader too: Leadership is not a matter of a training event, it is a topic for life.They will always be compensated in the best possible way and the company will invest in their future. Expand your vision: Your vision is as broad according to the size of your people. Use the potential of each one and unleash it in favor of those you serve. Constantly learn to be a better leader and teach your people to be a better leader too: Leadership is not a matter of a training event, it is a topic for life.They will always be compensated in the best possible way and the company will invest in their future. Expand your vision: Your vision is as broad according to the size of your people. Use the potential of each one and unleash it in favor of those you serve. Constantly learn to be a better leader and teach your people to be a better leader too: Leadership is not a matter of a training event, it is a topic for life.

Final reflection

“The more dissatisfied I am with myself, the more the desire to improve and therefore the need to change arises in me. I know that I will not go very far in my purposes until I understand that continuous learning does not take it to the depths of my soul ”.

Job satisfaction as a growth tool for your business