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Quality customer service, how SMEs can achieve it


One of the biggest and most common concerns among small and medium-sized entrepreneurs is around quality of customer service. Everyone recognizes that it is a very important topic for the success of any company, whatever the activity it carries out, about which innumerable treatises have been written, about which people talk everywhere, but unfortunately, few understand it and much less it. they practice.

Customer service is a very effective way to differentiate yourself from the competition. And it is so much so that it can be one of the strengths of small and medium-sized companies, so much so that if a general culture of service is created in them, it can lead them to have the possibility of competing with large companies that are in better conditions, but they have neglected the customer service aspect. However, many small businesses are limited in customer service.

To be sure that the customer service provided by the company is of unbeatable quality, spy on the competition, imitate it and overcome it. Successful entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to improve all aspects of their business.

Initially, the employer should ask himself the following question, as far as customer service is concerned:

Am I willing to take on the risks and challenges of guiding the company towards the customer. In order to offer the service that the client wants? This includes investing in an indoctrination of all staff and a personal change in attitude.

Secondly, it is important to define exactly what they are, both for the owner of the company, and for all personnel who work directly and indirectly in the company: the customer, customer service and quality customer service.

The client

It is an individual, subject or entity that accesses resources, products or services provided by another person or entity.

Customer service

A service is an activity or group of activities of an almost always intangible nature that is carried out through the interaction between the client and the employee of whom the service is provided, with the sole purpose of satisfying a desire or need. It can also be defined as: Set of interrelated activities offered by a supplier in order for the customer to obtain the service at the right time and place and ensure its correct use.

Quality customer service

A service is of quality only if it equals or exceeds the expectations that the client has in relation to said service.

What the customer is trying to get when they buy

  1. A reasonable price Adequate quality for what you pay A friendly and personalized attention A good home delivery service A convenient time to go shopping Some geographical proximity, if possible Possibility of buying on credit (card, checks) A comfortable and clean place.

Basic elements of customer service

  1. Knowledgeable employees: not only must they know as much as they can about the services that the company or business provides, they must also be able to communicate that information effectively to customers and be willing to provide answers to customer questions. Empowered Employees: To provide exceptional service to customers, employees must have decision-making authority. Employees must have the authority to do whatever it takes to satisfy customers until they are allowed to make mistakes or break a rule in the process and on the job that involves customer satisfaction. Utility: the employee must have an attitude of interest and courtesy which is essential to make customers feel that you value their doing business with the company you represent. Honesty: when you have to apologize and take responsibility for mistakes made, ask for it and claim them as your own, then correct them. Convenience: the more facilities the company provides for customers to do business with the company, the more customers it will attract. Convenience includes an easily accessible site and hours of operation that meet customer needs. Timely response: Return calls promptly, resolve customer requests as soon as possible. Reliability- Do not promise what you are not sure of keeping, broken promises are the main source of dissatisfaction in customers and can drive them away from the company. If you say that a service will be performed on Thursday, do it on Thursday in case of something unforeseen and inform the customer immediately and apologize, make a new agenda and comply with it. The personal touch: always address customers by name. Thank you for doing business with the company that you represent. Among others…

How to Make the Most of Small Business Status to Give Better Customer Service

  1. Apologize, Don't Argue: If a customer has a problem, apologize, resolve the problem. Allow customers to air their complaints, even if you're tempted to interrupt and correct them. Correct the errors immediately. Keep in mind that a complaint about your business is an opportunity to transform the situation and create a loyal customer. Naturally, some customers will make complaints that you will not be able to satisfy, if that happens, do your best to offer another alternative. Ask for feedback so you don't lose your way: Ask your customers to rate your service periodically. This can be done through a short questionnaire. Make the questionnaire short so it is not cumbersome for them to answer and make sure customers know that they can decline to participate. Always inform the customer that the objective of the survey is to serve them better. If they complete the survey and have no problems, it will serve as a reminder of the good service you provide. If problems arise they can be treated. Be flexible. They must be flexible when it comes to their clients. This means doing a project for a client in the blink of an eye, solving business for him on the weekends. Flexibility can also mean getting information for your client, even if it's not in your area of ​​expertise. Always say yes. There are always ways to help satisfy customer requests in less time. Always say that if it means never to use the words "that is not possible" these expressions must be prohibited in the company. You cannot afford to use them. This can be expensive and inconvenient; but it is more expensive to lose a customer because of what it implies the money and time to attract a new one.

Principles on which the quality of service rests

  1. The client is the only one capable of evaluating the quality of the service. The client is the only one who determines the level of service excellence and will always want more. The company must always have a plan that allows it to achieve its objectives, earn money and distinguish itself from the competition. The company must "manage" the expectations of its customers, minimizing as much as possible the difference between the reality of the service and the expectations that the customer has. Nothing prevents promises to customers from becoming standards of quality of service. Strong discipline and constant effort must be imposed to eliminate errors.

Customer expectations regarding quality treatment

  1. Immediate attention Understanding of what the client requests Complete and exclusive attention Courteous treatment Expression of interest in the client Responsiveness to client questions Promptness in answering or solving problems Efficiency in providing the service.Explain rules and procedures in a clear way.Expression that the work we do in serving the client is a pleasure.Expression of appreciation with the client.Attention to complaints and requests.Solution to complaints taking into account customer satisfaction.Accept responsibility for mistakes made by both oneself and the rest of the company's staff.

Reasons that lead to poor customer service

  1. Negligent employees Poor training Negative attitudes of employees towards customers Differences in perception between what a company believes to give and what customers believe to receive Differences in opinion between what the company thinks about how to treat customers customers and how customers want to be treated Lack of a philosophy of customer service within the company. Poor in handling and resolution of complaints. Employees not empowered or encouraged to provide good service, unable to assume responsibilities and make decisions that satisfy the customer. Frequent poor treatment of employees and customers.

Deadly sins of customer service

  1. Apathy Shaking the client Coldness (indifference) Acting robotically Rigidity (intransigence) Sending the client back and forth.

Commandments for an excellent service and the preservation of clients

  1. The customer is the most important person in the company, the customer does not depend on you, you depend on the customer. You work for your clients. The client does not interrupt your work, it is the purpose of your work. The client does you a favor by visiting you or calling you to do a business transaction. You are doing him no favors by serving him. The customer is a part of your business like any other, including inventory, staff, and facilities. If you sold the company, your customers would go with you. The customer is not a cold statistic, but a person with feelings and emotions, just like you. Treat the customer better than you would like to be treated. The customer is not someone to argue with or to outsmart you. Your job is to meet the needs,wishes and expectations of your clients and whenever possible, allay their fears and resolve their complaints. The client deserves to be treated with the utmost care, courtesy and professionalism that you can provide. The client is the most vital part of your company or deal. Always remember that without your customers, you would not have business activities. You work for your clientele.

Using the phone

Whoever receives phone calls should keep the following in mind:

  1. Greet the interlocutor Always give the name of the company Always say your name Offer help (in which we can help you) After understanding the client's request, you should immediately channel the solution In the farewell with the client, assume that Your request will be answered in the indicated time.

What is a customer complaint?

A complaint is an opportunity to improve the service and to know the opinion that the client has about our service, because there may be dissatisfied clients who do not make complaints and we only know their discomfort when they leave.

Complaints should not always be considered a customer justification for not paying, behind them there will always be valuable information:

  1. They allow us to know the perception that the client has of the service we provide. It serves as a guide to make improvements, since they help us to correct errors or defects that we have systematically repeated without realizing it. They are an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with the client, the You will feel cared for, listened to, and a valuable part that provides information for improvement to the company. They provide us with information that we may not know about the needs and expectations that customers have.


The key to optimal handling of complaints is that they serve to minimize the reasons for them.

Managing complaints well is the best way to have a loyal customer, since it conveys an image of a company interested in customer service and attention.

Techniques for dealing with an angry customer

  1. Listen carefully and with interest to what the client has to say. Put yourself in their shoes Provide responses that show that you care about their concerns and are listening Ask a concerned question and actively listen to the customer's responses Suggest one or more alternatives to respond to their concerns Provide no-blame apologies Solve the problem or find someone who can.


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Quality customer service, how SMEs can achieve it