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Serve, the effective way to be a leader. fragment of the book of josé luis ochoa gamboa


I.- The history of this book

The book you have in your hands had as its starting point a publication of more than 8 years ago; Effective servants, servants who influence lives, sought to share practical inputs with those who wanted to positively influence people and generate sustainable change rather than occupy the first places. We mean people who want to serve more effectively; many of them influence their environment precisely because of their sincere desire to serve. We released three short editions and several other copies for friends who wanted to have a copy, now we have made many changes and we launched it seeking to reach more people outside our group of acquaintances and hoping to have more friends who share the same vision of leadership as a medium., never as an end.

This book is not intended for those who feel victimized by not being the center of attention, nor for those who want to find another leadership technique to climb positions. It was written with those who are discovering service as a way to change their environment and want to be more effective in this task.

To write the material you have in hand, one of the first things we did was consult several authors who have worked on the subject of leadership. On the one hand, there were those that focused on personality, the development of techniques or skills to attract attention or strategies to convince the audience.

On the other side were those who focused on developing character and building inner victories to form other leaders. We understood that for those organizations that work based on honor, these authors would be the best reference.

There was a constant in this group of authors: they all shared recurring principles, truths said in different ways but with similar content.

Focusing on these principles and considering that becoming a leader should never be an end in itself, we find the central theme from which the entire book will be organized: service motivated by a higher cause.

If you have been one of the few who have reviewed any of the previous versions, in this volume you will find new topics that are the fruit of the reflections of our journey in recent years.

We must confess that this version sees the light because we were "pushed" by good friends who on more than one occasion asked us to delve into some themes and include them in a new version.

The purpose of this book

Although the book is intended to be classified as "leadership", we believe that it will be most useful for those who want to empower the people they serve, whether they are in front of any human group or part of a team with a higher end.

This book is not focused on how to be a better leader, but on how to be a better servant and influence people in a transcendent way.

What you will read below is not intended to increase self-esteem, nor are they momentous statements.

We simply want to share with others those principles and tools that we are learners of and value highly when we apply them in our service relationships.

In short, the book seeks to present a service perspective beyond a strategy to gain followers or followers; its objective is to help contrast us by sharing tools to serve effectively.

Who is this book dedicated to?

For those who have discovered the new dimensions of service, those who, after having internalized the proposals to influence through service, discover its tremendous power in practice.

These people do not need a presentation of service as an alternative to traditional leadership, nor a theoretical background to defend their point of view.

For them it will be more useful to have inputs that help them to improve personally as servants who influence others and to have useful tools focused on the lives of the people who have decided to serve and help grow.

We are grateful for having worked for more than 15 years in a non-profit service organization, belonging to the boards of directors of others and also for having been able to carry out studies on the subject in different spaces.

These experiences have allowed us to have instruments that we can now share with you.

But this is only part of a process in which "lives were touching lives", in an eternal learning where various authors and people were enriching with their points of view this perspective of which we consider ourselves simple compilers.

We consider ourselves only learners of truths that always surprise us when applied in the lives of the people we serve, and it is our hope that with this material the service, you can increase your effectiveness in We wish that this is not just another book, but that it is worth investing time and resources in it.

When we gave up our nights to write these pages, we were aware of something that was said before: "learning is a door that opens from within." We just want to do our part.

II. Introduction

The book begins with a brief reflection on why the commitment to service as an element to influence people and assume greater responsibilities

Then we share briefly about the meaning and characteristics of an organization based on honor, the ideal environment for the development of effective servers. This is the supporting framework for the content of the rest of the book.

From there we focus on two themes. In the first, we work on personal aspects to be effective servants; This topic is focused on building our inner wealth, which from the book's approach is the essence for effective service.

What elements are necessary to internalize to serve effectively? How can we get rid of the service that is only the result of seeking to please petty interests or alleviate fears?

What is the difference between servility and effective service? We sincerely hope that this first part will help answer these and similar questions.

The second topic is dedicated to sharing some guidelines to improve in the practice of service; are some elements that we have been learning about others.

How to accompany personal missions to achieve synergistic objectives?

At the end we share some additional reflections on the subject and a reference bibliography for those who wish to delve into some aspect that is particularly interesting to them.

II. Service as the expression of inner greatness

Jesus sat down and called the twelve disciples and said:

"Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of all the others."

Server-people vs. Leader- followers

Let's discuss the difference between empowering people to achieve their purpose in life and summoning them to fulfill my purpose.

a.1. Why seek to serve rather than try to get first place?

Usually in the meetings to which we have been invited to talk about leadership, we start with a simple exercise that we invite you to the next 5 minutes: start those leaders doing the opinion reminders that appear in the newspapers or recent history, those men and women they have the "world at their feet." Think about its characteristics that come to mind.

You will probably think of intelligence, mastery of the stage, ease of speech, overwhelming living personality, charisma, a good-looking person, etc., you will also think of the ability to handle the situation, economic power, political power, even manipulative skills or greed.

We now invite you to remember the life of a person with a name and surname who marked your life, who you will never forget, who left a mark on you and who makes you feel grateful for having met her.

Do you want to think about its qualities?

Can you now see the difference between the two groups of people?

Do you realize why we bet on being servants who influence lives?

Do we need more arguments than those that speak to us in our own flesh?

What do you prefer? Appear in the newspaper or touch and inspire people's lives? Of course, there are servers that appear in the newspapers, but unlike those of the first group, they do not cease to be what they are and they do not lose their power to touch lives if we do not see them the next day in the media. More than "opinion leaders," they are inspirers of far-reaching causes. Don't change with fame or power.

a.2. The danger of having new or better tools without changing your heart.

We are in a dangerous age in which the charisma of the leader, when accompanied by cynicism, can seduce entire groups or societies, even in the name of God or any other noble cause. In this way, abuse of power, barbarism or short-term solutions that condemn us principles can be justified.

Who can stand up to it? Certainly not those people who define their leadership based on how many people follow, nor those who make service a "requirement" to become leaders rather than a leadership practice. They will not be able to sacrifice the first places because they find the source of their power and influence. They will not be able to say "no" to their followers because in many cases they are spokesmen for the current fashions; they are experts in interpreting and repeating the message we want to hear, even if it is not true or they do not commit to it. Experts in entertaining but unable to confront.

Many times we provide the tools to govern or lead those who see the position rather than the responsibility; our natural tendency is to want to be above, not to wave the flag of a cause or inspire others but to show how good we are. Giving only tools and thinking that with this we are going to transform communities can lead us to be more efficient in going nowhere. But giving tools to people who have convictions born of personal commitments and seek transcendent ends, triggers transformative changes.

Today more than ever, in a globalized world, "infotoxic", with a hyper abundance of information and options to follow, we need to trust. Who can build trust? We refer to true trust: not to friendly environments, but to spaces where we have evidence that they care about our good and build the common good. We believe that servers are more skilled than those who offer "enjoy now, pay later" solutions or those who only offer us leadership skills but show no commitment to their cause or respect for our lives.

Only those who do not expect short-term rewards or first places, those who love a truth and want to serve it even despite their own recognized contradictions, will be able to confront a fashion and through their selfless service will have earned the honor. right to be heard to go after what they consider right.

The leader-follower model is based on a relationship in which the first must keep his distance, must be effective as a captivating leader, strives to put his personal vision in the lives of others and is defined by the people who follow or admire him. While the servant-people model is based on the fact that the first must magnify the people he serves, he must earn the right to speak the liberating truth even if it is uncomfortable and unpopular, he strives to discover the higher purpose of the person he serves and seeks to help her achieve that purpose, it is measured by the positive changes she can make in the lives of others.

The leader who seeks followers knows that he needs people to achieve his cause, the servant knows that all people have a higher cause to fight for.

The leader looking for followers is lost if his image is attacked; it must win followers, remain in time and have the answers or the power capable of attracting its followers. While the servant is lost if he is not consistent with himself, he must make sure to go after causes that remain in time and ask the right questions to accompany people in far-reaching causes.

Later we will talk about paradigms, now we must concentrate on other differences between the conception of the servant-people model and that of the leader-followers.

a.3. Service as part of the dignity of the person

The paradigm of service is that of dignity, knowing that we are all important to God, that we do not need to differentiate ourselves from others to be important, that when we assume an important role it does not mean that another is less important. Sometimes we say that we are all the same but there are some who are "more equal" than others.

If we are hurt and we think that we do not have an intrinsic value, we will fight to take it from the other, he must be less because he acted as if there was no other way for me to be more or better.

With the paradigm of dignity we feel grateful for who we are, we strive for excellence and we will become "battle partners" of those who are also seeking and fighting to be better. We will be happy to hear that

others are better as we are happy to know that it is possible to continue advancing, or that there are other and better standards of living; It will be natural to encourage others to be better, so that we can have friends with whom to learn and chat about our personal struggles and victories.

In my personal opinion, the problem started when our first referent of God, of superior intelligence, of the greatest architect, were our parents, and one or two of these things happened: our parents were absent or they told us with their words or deeds that we were not important. Now we spend our lives trying to show that we are important because God planted in us the dignity of being beings in his image and likeness.

a.4. The leader with followers starts from the differentiation between people

So, in opposition to the server-people paradigm, the leader-follower paradigm is that of differentiation, I am not talking about valuing diversity, but about feeling the need to be recognized as superior to the other, because deep down we need to be recognized as important, perhaps because we don't feel that way now or in our childhood; We are continually striving to be worthy rather than thankful for being worthy. Alex Pattakos, quoting Marin Buber mentions that we can have two opposite attitudes towards others and each one constitutes a different type of relationship, in the "I-It" relationship, we treat others as objects and always expect something in return. In the «I-You» relationship, we relate to others based on respect, friendship and love.

It is impossible for me to believe that we are just another type of animal differentiated by different abilities or practices. By behaving like this, we are carrying within us a root of bitterness that revolts us before this injustice.

We will look for some god created by us to resemble or wish to be our own gods. This will only increase our bewilderment or lead us to follow models that can never satisfy us.

In other words: either we see others as useful objects for our selfish purposes or we consider them for their own intrinsic value, later he quotes Jonathan Edwards who mentioned that the identity of an individual does not come from his differences with others, but of their relationship with their neighbor If we are immersed in the servant-people logic, making people grow will no longer be a useful way to achieve my personal vision and mission, but rather an opportunity for a relationship that generates wealth between seekers of greatness, the Effective Servants We love inner greatness and a sense of accomplishment.

It is clear that everyone needs recognition and appreciation, to say otherwise is to deny that we are sociable beings, the key is in how we obtain that appreciation.

Throughout this book we will present different ways in which the server thrives on recognition and appreciation, without having to seek followers or better positions to affirm their worth and personal achievement.

It is also important to clarify that we can be aligned with the vision of another. This can happen when I discover that my vision is very similar, or when I understand that it may be included in that of another, but I must always be clear about my purpose to authentically develop my vocation.

a.5 The leader with followers flees from failure, the servant of people embraces his contradictions and learns to build authentic relationships to overcome it.How do we see and feel failure? When fleeing or hiding it weighs more than accepting it and learning from it, then we are In a leader-follower model, where we have to show ourselves perfect, martyrs, or of a higher caste, this only brings cynicism into our life and a huge waste of energy. Always trying to be in command and maintain control, unable to recognize that we are not God and that not everything depends on us, denying failures, disguising them as "different" victories, unable to experience pain and learn from it to be better, incapable of having our own "duels" over losses and showing our vulnerability.

In the server-people model, relationships weigh much more than temporary successes, therefore the desire to build authentic relationships drives you to accept your failures, and look for people who have overcome the same challenges to learn from them without any kind of embarrassed, celebrating and thanking that they are there. In a sense, this model of leadership based on accepting our vulnerability and establishing real connections is like crossing deserts and climbing mountains. In the deserts I recognize my limitations and I accept that I need others, I do not depend on them to be better but I accept that I need to complement myself to achieve things superior to myself, there I can also go through the process that Agustín de Hipona illustrates in a famous phrase «Know yourself, accept yourself, overcome yourself «. Then come the challenges of climbing mountains and finding peaks that paradoxically show us valleys to which we must go down to climb other higher mountains.

As you can see, this book is not dedicated to those who see service as the only path that remains when it was not possible to achieve other triumphs in life.

IV. Defining the effective server

"The effective manager is one who turns the strengths of the people and the organization into productive ones and tries to make their weaknesses irrelevant." Peter Drucker.

An effective servant is someone who seeks to touch the lives of others to enhance their growth with the desire to accompany them in the construction of works that transcend their own lives. Efficiency will always be related to concrete results, it has to do directly with people with a first and last name, while efficiency is related to processes.

With this we are not referring to one more label for the topic of leadership, it is not another strategy to gain followers through service. It's about making the people you serve great, looking for them to grow as big as you, and celebrating if they achieve greater victories.

We are not exaggerating when we refer to the hundreds of books that talk about leadership, the participatory leader, the synergetic leader, the successful leader, the dictator leader, among many others similar. Go ahead and choose an adjective and you may find literature on the subject. We do not want to establish value judgments on these books because each one contributes; in fact, we have learned a lot about them. However, we want to emphasize that this book is not focused on the leader-follower theme and therefore we will not focus on how to be better leaders, but on how to be better servants.

To cite valuable literature on leadership that is based on principles and internal victories, we can turn to one of the definitions of leadership that matches service. Jhon Maxwell says: "a leader is a person who influences." Can you be a person who influences - read that exercises leadership - but who does not seek to have followers but to magnify the person he serves without having to belittle himself? Like many others, we believe that it can, and we also believe that for an efficient server this is naturally possible.

An effective servant is someone who seeks to touch the lives of others to enhance their growth with the desire to accompany them in the construction of works that transcend their own lives. He is a person who positively influences others to generate changes of which he himself can attest. We therefore consider the term efficient server more useful than leading server.

There are two more elements that should accompany us in the description of the effective server:

b.1. It does not feel inferior because it works. He is a person free from inferiority complexes or ties that humiliate him in front of others; discover what more than one called "internal greatness", that living sharing and building superiors to oneself.

b.2. He does not forget the results: an effective server has clear objectives; as S. Covey would quote: "efficiency is doing things correctly, efficiency is doing the right things." We can be determined to fix a house in the most efficient way, but if we go to the wrong house, we will never be effective. An efficient server is oriented by a compass and looks for concrete results for people with first and last names, in precise places and times.

V. Organization based on honor

Perceiving pleasure in work means being involved with the soul, showing gratitude and appreciating what you do. Trust is the beginning of a company, enjoyment is part of it and love is the heart of everything. Öystein Skalleberg

What is the natural environment of an influencing server? Where can you develop your full potential without having to explain, be hampered or used by eternal hunters of talent or the generosity of others?

The ideal environment for effective servants to develop their vision is the honor-based organization, or rather, the honor-based organization. A servant feels that the natural environment where he can express himself, contribute, run and fulfill himself personally and professionally, is in this type of organism, which to avoid confusion we will call an "honor-based organization."

Effective organizations are better reflected in a body than in an organization chart. Honor is closely linked to valuing the person for what he is, and not for what he has.

We consider that it is increasingly evident that the institutions recognized for their great effectiveness are more like an organization than a static organization, where there are no greater interrelationships than those established in the role and function manuals.

In a body the interrelationships are more dynamic and the parts interact in many ways. Just as the body has a spirit, the organization has a vision and mission. Just as the body has a soul, the organization has a culture and values. And just as the body has a physical appearance, the organization has a series of systems and structures that seek to fulfill the institutional mission by executing a budget.

What would we call the heart? We would call it honor, respect for dignity and faith in the potential of people; it is a force that "pumps" a job fueled by the nobility and the desire to find real changes in the realities where it has to intervene.

There is a tremendous paradox in the human being that puts his word at the level of what he wants to be. His concept of honor, respect and dignity is high, but he is constantly looking for new ways to make up the changes in his commitments, to relativize his promises and institutionalize infidelity. Despite this, even in the depths, there remains the certainty of the concepts of honoring and being honored, valuing and being valued, respecting and being respected, notions that go beyond cultural learning and are based on the conviction of dignity human.

Just as many illnesses that manifest in the body have an emotional origin, so many meager results in institutions are caused by internal contradictions between the members of this body. These contradictions may arise from the incongruity between the person and the mission and vision of the company, or from relationship problems between the members who, for example, would be the people of the institution in which we work.

Within this "body," interdependent members are permeated with the vision (which is capable of containing their own visions), internalize the mission, and willingly and enthusiastically decide to align their relationships and goals with those of the organization.

Implications of being part of an honor-based organization

The people in front must have private victories to be able to evidence long-term public victories in the institution. Warren Bennis mentions that " the process to be a leader is very similar to the process to be a whole human being, character counts more than any other quality ".

Character has to do with our mental and moral attitude, it is the internal forum where we look at ourselves and we always say "this comes out, I'm really out there, and me."

The character expressing it verbally or evidencing it through our or attitudes; Personality actions may impress for a time, but sooner or later character shows who we really are. It is about being a person with a life that can be read backwards and forwards, not a perfect being, because that only leads to cynicism or emotional schizophrenia; Be a person who, knowing that he is vulnerable, knows that he can improve and is willing to accept help.

This will make it possible to listen to whoever is in front, not as a show of indulgence towards the one below, but as a necessity born of the conviction of their own limitations and the importance of the contribution of the partner.

The people who are in charge and have authority are key, because just as there is DNA in a body that is reproduced in each cell, the character of the leaders is also permeated in the institutional culture.

Authority will emanate from principled power. S. Covey mentions that this power “ originates when the values ​​of the followers and those of the leader coincide. It is not something forced but voluntary, since the personal agendas of the leader and those who follow him coincide towards a higher end «.

At this level we are dealing with a person who has had to be ahead by delegated authority, not by his followers, but by people who give him equal parts authority and responsibility to give direction to the body and make timely decisions.

Followers ignore leadership and many leaders ignore followers. In the case of effective servants, this will never be the case: they will always be aware that they have in their hands a delegated authority with which they are not going to play God, they know and feel that when they are in authority they are part of the body to whom they are accountable. This also gives them tools to achieve results with the participation of others.

On the other hand, everyone will feel part of the "organism", since they believe in the mission and bet on the vision that sustains the person who had to lead; They know that despite his personal contradictions and recognizing the diversity of perceptions, they are sure that he is sincere in his search and desire to bring the organization to fruition. It is not about man-based messianism, it is about aiming for a higher end and organizing for long-term work.

Humility and acceptance should prevail over the vertical direction, understanding humility not as a degradation of personal worth, but as an attitude of respect and recognition of the partner's talent. It takes more power and courage to assert yourself for the value of ideas, than for the weight of office.

Part of the job of the servers within the organization will be to honor the team members they work with. This involves everything from respecting their contributions at work to protecting their good name to others to the best of our ability. It does not necessarily refer to proclaiming the virtues or heroic deeds of the people who work.

In an honor-based organization it is important to remember that we are working with servants and not victims. They can be self-sacrificing in their work, but for some mysterious reason we always find out about their suffering, they need to be recognized for what they do or for what they suffer, otherwise they leave work.

Instead, the servers work with clear objectives and more than personal recognition, they need to know themselves useful and supported for the achievement of the greater objective. These servers do not worry about what has already happened, rather they are building the future with simplicity, knowing that they have to establish solid foundations in the present.

The archetype of an organization based on honor should be like a Church where all members know that they are part of the other and feel that growth is a process of interdependence; a higher place, they all point to an end where the standards of relationship (love and mutual respect), of accountability (transparency, confession and mutual forgiveness).

From it also comes the vision that is discovered through work and where talents are defined from what the members are capable of building and generating. Although there is no local Church that represents this archetype, we believe that many of these qualities are found in the diversity of churches.

Let's not expect the perfect organization, this only brings frustration and hopelessness. However, let us not tire of improving our environment, the victories of others confirm that it is possible to be better.

The fact of seeing isolated qualities in different organizations confirms that it is possible to develop our organization towards this model.

We propose a group of questions that will help you check if you are part of an organization based on honor or with the potential to be one. Remember that the book is for servers who want to be effective, not for victims who are looking for those responsible for whom to blame, therefore this list was not prepared to blame the organization, as you cannot blame the track when we crash due to speeding But so that, through the answers and cross-questions that we ask ourselves, we can see how we can be agents of change in organizations where we assume the responsibility of serving.

1. Would you pay to be part of the organization? Are you proud to be part of it?

2. Do you want to thank your colleagues as if you were the owner of the company?

Does the organization's vision satisfy your personal vision of what you want for your life?

3. Are you passionate about what you can do through it?

Are there spaces to interact and have a positive influence on others?

4. Does authority emanate from consistency with the mission and values ​​we proclaim?

5. Is service seen as an opportunity rather than a punishment?

6. Is the honor and good name of the people and the institution taken care of above the profits or advantages that the organization can obtain?

7. Are there spaces to be vulnerable and learn from mistakes in a climate of trust and mutual improvement? Is there room to learn from others?

c.2 How to build an organization based on honor?

As apprentices, we don't pretend to give a recipe, we just want to apply a principle that always works: "Start with yourself." Let's not be coffee revolutionaries, we already have enough. If the honor-based organization is built by effective servants who build from an end greater than themselves, then let's begin by being effective servants as well. More and more authors that more important than having one coincide in an idyllic vision and mission, is that the right people come together in pursuit of a common dream; and we are convinced that effective servants will naturally form an organization based on honor because it will only reflect what is in their hearts. Even despite their contradictions, as long as they rise up to be true to themselves, the organization will be in good health,be it to make bread or to transform a city, always within a vision of transcendence.

We are convinced of the transformative power of effective service that touches people and challenges them to be better. And if after a sincere effort, an effective server realizes that he cannot go further with his organization due to "incompatibility of characters", he will be able to leave by the front door because he will have influenced his environment.

We also believe that the success of the individuals will determine the success of the group. Understand well, we are not trying to reduce only to personal changes so that there are structural changes, it is obvious that there are superstructures that favor impoverishment, pressure us, seduce us and always invite us to justify ourselves or take shortcuts.

We do not pretend to talk about how to change the world, we want to show the importance and the need to be effective servants and change the environment in which we have immediate influence, only then will we make our influence grow.

We must take the steps to build in ourselves the roots that will feed us into effective service.

In the next few pages we will share principles to be effective servants and some tools to increase service efficiency, always from the perspective of an excited learner.

Serve, the effective way to be a leader. fragment of the book of josé luis ochoa gamboa