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Leader attunement and its relationship with the human brain

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Our body is: vibration in the unified field that ends up forming its molecules, when it agrees with those of the universe, it is called: drag (or rhythmic relationship); feeling your body connected to the sacredness of nature: it is communion with it and in accordance with the vibrations of the earth (circadian rhythm). In this way the leader is in inner harmony; from his spheres of feeling, communion with the whole is born; openness, adaptability and neatness. To connect with the reaction of our interlocutors, the amygdala and its associated circuits constitute a kind of regulatory station that is essential for the open circuits of the people involved to synchronize their emotions: limbic resonance. Thus establishing contact with his followers through his tuning:connection and synchrony of vibrational frequency.


The reasons that explain the importance of the leader's attitudes and behavior do not depend so much on: what he does, as the way he does it. It is based on the same structure of the human brain, specifically in what scientists call: open circuit of the limbic system (brain center that regulates emotions). While closed systems, such as the circulatory system, are self-regulating and independent of the circulatory system of another person around us, on the contrary, open systems are largely externally conditioned. We are not fragmented beings. Although three or more episodes of stress within a year (serious financial setback, layoff, or divorce) triple the death rate in socially isolated middle-aged men,it does not have the least effect on those who maintain very close social ties (Rosengren, 1983).

In this world we are used to fragmenting everything, as part of the approach to science in general (Bohm, 2004). We divide the world into countries, religions, cities, and political systems that then enter wars and violence. It ensures that reality, although we perceive it this way, is not fragmentation, but the whole. Human beings are part: of the universal flow that gives rise to everything that we see apparently fragmented. The analytical and fragmented contemplation of reality with which we have lived for so long is, in the opinion of the physicist and writer Capra (1975): inadequate to deal with our overpopulated and interconnected world. It indicates that we are experiencing a "perception crisis." Chaos theory suggests a perception and associated conception of a one-piece world, an organic world, seamless,fluid and interconnected: the whole. He says he can find self-similar reflections of the cosmos within each of its "parts."

The open circuit enables continuous interrelation between the limbic systems of the members of a group. By staying in tune with the reaction of our interlocutors, the amygdala and its associated circuits constitute a kind of regulatory station that is essential for the open circuits of the people involved to synchronize their emotions. One of the scientific terms used to refer to this neural attunement is limbic resonance: a symphony of constant exchange and internal adaptation, through which people keep pace with their emotional states (Lewis, Amini & Lannon, 2000).

The ability to grasp the context is: the ability to weigh a series of factors ranging from the way in which different groups of people will interpret a gesture to the ability to put a situation in perspective. Without it, the leader is absolutely lost because he cannot establish contact with his followers (Bennis & Thomas, 2003).

Hypothesis: what allows the leader to tune into the same frequency of vibrations with nature and with people, is his inner harmony in the spheres of feeling: inner peace. It is preceded by freedom, detachment in the cognitive (consciousness without thought) and material realm.

Theoretical foundation

The lack of Compassion (implies knowledge and identification) and lack of will to tune in (love your neighbor as yourself) with the request of another damage any type of relationship: intra or interpersonal. If it is a virtue to love my neighbor as a human being, then it must be a virtue - and not a vice - to love myself, since I am also a human being. There is no concept of man in which I myself am not included. The idea expressed in the Bible, Love your neighbor as yourself, implies that respect for one's integrity and uniqueness, love and understanding of oneself cannot be separated from respect, love and understanding of another individual.. Love for my own being is inseparably linked with love for any other person (Fromm 2000, p.142).

Love is an activity, not a passive affection; it is a continuous being, not a sudden start. The active character of love is to give not to receive, its most important sphere is not that of material things, but the domain of the specifically human. What does one person give to another? She gives of herself, of the most precious thing she has, of her own life. This does not necessarily mean that she sacrifices her life for the other, but that she gives what is alive in her (gives of her: joy, interest, understanding, knowledge, humor, sadness), of all the expressions and manifestations of what is.

Besides giving, the active character of love becomes evident in the fact that it involves certain basic elements, common to all forms of love: care, responsibility, respect and knowledge are mutually interdependent. They constitute a syndrome of attitudes found in the mature person, the one who: productively develops their own capacities, wishes only to possess what they have earned with their work, has renounced narcissistic dreams of omniscience and omnipotence, has acquired: humility (Fromm 2001, p.40).

Analysis and Results

Everything in the universe is made up of vibrations at different frequencies. If the frequency of a vibration is changed, the nature of the particle defined by that vibration is changed, since its energy changes. Everything is energy, and it has a vibratory wave, be it light, sound, electromagnetic waves, the energy vibrates; the only thing that changes is the way it manifests due to the type of vibratory wave.

Although the world gives the impression of continuity, it actually goes on and off. Everything vibrates and for there to be a vibration a shutdown signal is necessary, that's why it's called vibration. If we could see the world at the photon level, we would see it on and off. Even our thoughts are clusters of photons that emerge and vanish into infinite emptiness. Some things vibrate at great speed, as a thought is very accelerated; At the photon level, vibration occurs at the speed of light. Others are slower like the vibration of a rock. The shutdown is also known as the discontinuity. In our consciousness we create the experience of continuity from something that is essentially discontinuous, to our senses the universe appears continuous. They,they cannot process the information that emerges and vanishes into infinite void at the speed of light, so they create the illusion of continuity. We can't see the shutdown; only the ignition because everything happens so quickly that we create continuity in our mind. The perception we have only captures the on but not the off.

The different waves of vibration produce perceptions and sensations in the body. Cells and organs of the body are continuously vibrating at certain frequencies. Each organ has a certain vibration and each part of your body a different vibration. When our body receives the right amount of energy and in the given vibration, we enjoy good health. On the contrary, if that energy level and its vibration drop, we get sick or even die. Our thoughts affect this level of energy and vibration and are capable of accelerating or stopping its frequency, for this reason the closer we get to the higher vibrations (love) the better we feel and we have a greater amount of energy.

Our body is nothing other than vibrations in the unified field that end up forming the molecules that make up the body. These vibrations must agree with the vibrations that make up the universe. This concordance or rhythmic relationship is called: drag. It is a universal phenomenon and begins at the moment of conception. The baby's rhythms begin to synchronize with the cosmic rhythms through the mother's physiology. Throughout the pregnancy and even after the baby is born, the heart rate of him and the mother are synchronized and the entrainment remains as long as there is proximity with her. Our body is part of the universe, and everything that happens in it will affect our physiology. Our biological rhythms are an expression of the rhythms of the earth in its relationship with the entire cosmos.Due to the rotation of the earth on its axis we experience a 24 hour cycle. Built by day and night, which is called: circadian rhythm.

Technology does not heal, but being in tune (inner harmony), feeling your body that is part of nature and entering into communion with it, thus, you are in accordance with the vibrations of the whole earth. In communion we feel equal to all human beings, we are not superior or inferior to anything, in tune with everything we feel what your neighbor feels and we communicate without the need for words. Then tune is: communion, is to connect in the same frequency of vibrations with nature that leads me to be in connection with everything; and it also involves human beings.

Laughter (joy), is very contagious, it is based on complex neural circuits fundamentally involuntary that, consequently, are more difficult to simulate (Small 2000, p.24). This involuntary reaction constitutes. The most direct communication possible between people - a brain-to-brain communication in which the intellect is limited to being a mere spectator - and establishes what we could call a limbic link, nor is it related to witty phrases (Provine 2000, p.133). Laughter and timely joke stimulate creativity, open communication channels and consolidate the feeling of connection and trust (Tuning), then turn work into something more enjoyable (Clouse & Spurgeon, 1995). In contrast, "anxiety" not only erodes mental abilities,it also reduces empathy and consequently hampers their social skills (Henriques & Davidson, 1997).

Leaders who demonstrate empathy and adaptability to the moods of others affect both their own brain chemistry and that of their followers. Individual minds, in a sense, merge into a single system. When we consciously or unconsciously detect other people's emotions through their actions, our mirror neurons reproduce those emotions. They create an instant sense of shared experience; The finely tuned leader. Executives talk about leading from intuition, and it is produced in part by a type of neuron known as spindle cells. They are about four times the size of other brain cells, with an extra long branch to make it easier to join other cells and convey thoughts and feelings to them more quickly.This ultra-fast connection of emotions, beliefs, and judgments creates what behavioral scientists call our social orientation system. Leaders shouldn't be afraid to act on these judgments, as long as they are in tune with other people's moods. Much of this sensation is generated unconsciously, thanks to mirror neurons and spindle cell circuitry. Additionally, there are other neurons involved: Oscillators physically coordinate people by regulating how and when their bodies move together. When two cellists play together, not only do they play the notes in unison, but thanks to the oscillators,the right hemispheres of the brains of both are more closely coordinated than are the left and right sides of the brain of each of them (Goleman & Boyatzis, 2008).

In the 80s, the German biophysicist Fritz Albert Popp demonstrated that all cells emit light: called biophotonic light, coherent and harmonic radiation that has the ability to communicate some cells with others. Cells of the same type produce photons of the same frequency that interfere with each other, creating communication channels between them. In this way, a few photons can transmit a large amount of information, and can even indicate when chemical reactions have to take place inside a cell. Biophotonic light seems to be at the base of all biological processes.

What are photons? Photons are elementary particles that make up light (quanta) and are the cornerstone of electromagnetic radiation. One of the most surprising properties of these subatomic particles is the capacity for instantaneous transmission between photons that have previously been united, assembled, which are also known as “twin photons”. “Quantum entanglement” is an intimate union between two subatomic particles no matter how far away they are from each other. When two particles are "entangled", any modification we carry out on one will be immediately reflected on the other, even if it is at the other end of the galaxy.

There is a close link between leadership, organizational climate and effectiveness. The way in which workers experience the climate of their company depends between 53 and 72% on the attitudes and behaviors of the leader (Kelner, Rivers & O'Connell, 1996). They then very directly influence the way employees feel, and determine their performance. The way in which the leader manages his moods is not private (Self-control), since his influence is direct on the mood of his subordinates (Tuning), it makes him a determining factor in the operation of a company (George & Bettenhausen, 1990).

Consciousness covers only 1% of what exists in our brain, the remaining 99% of our potential resides in the unconscious (Ribeiro, 2000). Our brain has two differentiated areas: the left hemisphere, which acts on logical reasoning (thoughts); and the right hemisphere, which is more open to intuition and the presentiment that allows "access" to the unconscious (feelings). If we developed the right part of the brain (the sphere of feeling), we would be able to come into contact with our unconscious (I am). In turn, the individual unconscious is related to the collective unconscious (attunement), and access to it would confer on us a power that now seems impossible to us.


From humility (free of its own importance) I do not attach; personal integrity competence emerges, implies credibility and reliability: Fair; This does not occur isolated from the ability to influence, it implies compromising and persuading towards a valuable transcendent goal (idealized influence). It occurs, in connection and synchronization of the frequencies of vibrations of the leader with his followers: drag (rhythmic relationship) will remain as long as there is proximity with his people (face to face).

Attunement is key in personal relationships, without it there is no synchronization, or any connection with another being, it is to be in concordance or rhythmic relationship: drag. It is born from her heart: love. Main force for any action and the most solid base of any interpersonal relationship; the practice of human power, which can only be done in freedom and never as a result of a compulsion; it is living and experiencing the limitless (non-attachment). When we are adaptable (infinitely flexible) in all situations; This acceptance: letting flow, provides us with an inner stability (stillness) that surpasses all understanding; it implies letting the known go by now (it is an illusion); reality is the unknown, we live in this state. When we step into the unknown (detachment),we free ourselves from the past and from all limitations when we find ourselves facing new possibilities at each moment of our existence (transform and evolve); We are no longer stuck in an imagined past (depression) or in fear of an anticipated future (anxiety), we live the only real thing: the eternal moment.

This is reflected in compassion: an action, which implies knowledge and identification. Knowledge is only possible when I can transcend concern for myself and see the other person on their own terms. By the experience of union, fusion (attunement), not through some knowledge provided by our thoughts. I have to know the other person and myself objectively, to be able to see their reality, to put aside the illusions, my irrationally distorted image of them. Only in this way can I know him in his ultimate essence: in the act of loving. Every human being has the same cycles of sleep and rest, appetite and elimination: circadian rhythm. We need the sun, water, land and light to live. We are born, we develop, we procreate, we age and we die. Therefore as people we are the same: identical.But at the same time we are different, not different, unique and unrepeatable, in this situation how harmony is achieved: only with respect (adaptable), responsibility (neatness) and honesty (openness), first with oneself then with others (love your neighbor as yourself). This is only possible if I have inner harmony in the spheres of feeling: peace.


Tuning is merging into the same frequency of vibrations with nature and then with others (Fardella, 2013); This is what is called: twin photons, a quantum entanglement, bone, limbic bond. Our body is: vibration in the unified field (photons) that end up forming its molecules, when they agree with those of the universe, it is called: drag (or rhythmic relationship); feel your body connected with the sacredness of nature: it is communion with it and in accordance with the vibrations of the earth: circadian rhythm. Thus the leader is in inner harmony: peace with himself; then from the spheres of feeling, communion with the whole is born; it is openness, adaptability and neatness. To connect with the reaction of our interlocutors,the amygdala and its associated circuits constitute a kind of regulatory station that is essential for the open circuits of the people involved to synchronize their emotions: limbic resonance.

The first step: it is freedom, thoughtless awareness free of its own importance (not attachment to: food, drink, clothes, things, people, your own body); after that state is born: communion with: air, water, sun, earth, plants and animals: inner harmony: peace, tuning of frequencies of vibrations with nature; joy springs from it: compassion, limbic bond with people.


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Leader attunement and its relationship with the human brain