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Quality system for Cuban customs

Table of contents:


The successful maker must find the courage to change what can be changed, the serenity necessary to know what cannot be changed, and the wisdom necessary to distinguish between the two ”

Pat Riley 1995

1. Introduction

When faced with a methodology, we almost always think of systematic, regular, ordered, exact, careful actions, etc. terms that give us the idea of ​​organization, of method in carrying out the activity in question.

But in essence it is a problem of achieving coherence between what we think and what we do in relation to the concrete reality where we want to influence and transform.

The term "methodology" is then understood by us as the set of rules and indications that refer to the articulation of all the elements of the process that we want to carry out with the theoretical framework and with the objectives and goals that we set ourselves to make our aspirations come true. s, means defining the logical coherence between objectives, tasks, policies, evaluation and the organizational climate through the steps, actions, moments and stages that allow the general objectives set for the activity to be realized.

During the process of improvement in customs, which began in 1998, the institution's mission was identified as “… it consists of controlling compliance with state policy related to customs activity… for which it reconciles control measures with facilitation measures. in the provision of their service ”. Due to the characteristics of this institution, this duality in the mission, in that year in the analysis that was made it was understood that emphasis should be placed fundamentally on control.

In a later analysis (2000) it was decided that the fundamental activity should be service, so the mission was changed in its final part that says “… for which it reconciles control and facilitation through the provision of an effective and efficient service ”, Since our country tries to be a power in the field of tourism and without eliminating control as aspects that are also necessary and fundamental in the mission, our entity must also work in order to provide a quality service, understood professionally and without favors, to passengers so that they also contribute to the country in the intention of being a tourism powerhouse.

When analyzing the problems that affect the institution for the successful fulfillment of its mission, it was found that one of them is the absence of a Quality System for customs, this is due first, because it is not necessary to certify the institution to be able to provide the service, second, because the world organization does not require it and third because there is no quality system for customs, but with the process of improving the institution it was seen that the Cuban customs did not need to be certified, but if it is necessary to create a quality system for the institution.

Although we have done some work on this aspect, which has allowed us to obtain some achievements such as the increase in the demands on the professionalism of the inspectors, however the number of complaints due to procedural errors, mistreatment, etc. has increased.

After different analyzes and studies, the need to develop a Quality Management System for customs was determined, a very novel aspect since in the literature there is no, at least registered, any quality system for customs

2. Definitions and concepts

Among so many concepts we could define as Quality the sum of properties and characteristics of a service that have to do with its ability to satisfy a specific need. It is to do the service right on the first try so that it fully meets the customer and user requirements. That is why we can affirm that excellence in service is to consider as a fundamental objective to achieve zero defect taking into account both internal and external customers.

Let's briefly analyze the definition of quality as we see it is a set of properties and characteristics so we can say that it is a, System then, system is a set of interrelated elements that affect each other over time and operate following a common purpose, the result is not the result of the sums of its parts but the result of their interaction.

That is why the Quality System is the result of the coordinated and coherent integration of processes, personnel, procedures and resources necessary to offer a service that satisfies the needs and expectations of the client.

Let us now return to analyze the concept of quality system, as we see it has several key aspects among which are (we are going to define the most important for our criteria):

Process They are a sequence of activities that are constantly repeated that uses resources to transform input elements into output elements to always offer the same result so they are predictable and measurable.

Service is any activity that one party offers to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the transfer of ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be linked to a physical product. In other words, they are intangible, inseparable, variable and perishable, which is why they usually require greater quality control, credibility on the part of the user and the internal and external customer, and adaptation to consumer preferences.

This analysis allows us to define Quality in Services as a form of attitude, related but not equivalent to satisfaction, where the customer compares his expectations with what he receives once the transaction has been carried out.

Due to all this study we were able to define the Customs Quality System that is structured from its processes, in addition to the identification of needs taking into account the coordinated integration of the processes, personnel, procedures and resources that They are needed to offer a quality service where the needs of customers (internal and external) and users are satisfied.

3. System development

The Cuban Customs Quality System is made up of three fundamental subsystems, these are: (see figure 1)

  • AgentsServicesResults

Figure 1 Graphic model of the Customs Quality system

As we can see, these subsystems are not linear, nor does it mean that when we have finished carrying out the activities corresponding to each of these, our commitment to quality ended, on the contrary, these moments are cyclical and that is precisely what makes it a system.

We are going to take a detailed look at each of these subsystems:

1st subsystem

Agents It is made up of 4 elements which have a very strong interrelation. These are:

  1. Leadership: characteristic by which the management group directs the Organization towards Quality, as a basic management process, ensuring from the beginning the commitment and active participation of all. Policy and Strategy: guidelines and objectives of the organization related to quality, formally expressed by the management group of the organization. The management together with its entire team and other workers, collectively analyzes the mission, values, vision, etc. and designs the strategies, sets guidelines and establishes policies, to ensure the achievement of the fundamental objective that is the implementation of the quality system Personnel Management: staff at all levels are the essence of the organization and their full involvement facilitates the application of their skills to its benefit. To manage the potential of the staff, a level of involvement is needed in which an individual complies with the agreements established with the team in a way that ensures the achievement of the objectives. Resource Management: it is a set of planned and systematic actions that are necessary to ensure the application of quality. It is the support for your policies and strategies to implement and maintain the quality management system.

2nd. subsystem

Services: It is made up of 2 elements which are interrelated, these are:

  1. Processes: it is a set of activities to obtain a service that satisfies internal and external customers; they are a sequence of activities that are constantly repeated to offer the same result so they are predictable and measurable. Resources: are those resources that the organization considers necessary to implement and maintain the quality system. As well as increasing customer satisfaction.

3rd. subsystem

Results: It is made up of 4 elements which are interrelated and are:

  1. Customer satisfaction: it is the analysis of customer and user satisfaction of the services offered. In this regard, we must bear in mind the fundamental characteristics of our institution, which is a control body and our main external client is the Cuban State, which we must care for and protect, since one of our functions is to protect socialist society from everything. type of illegalities. Staff satisfaction: it is the study of achievements in relation to the satisfaction of the institution's staff; in a shared process where the organization and each member of it establish actions for their personal and professional development. Social impact: It is the presentation of results obtained in the implementation of the quality system to the community, in order to analyze the perception that society has about the work of the Organization and vice versa, as well as work together with other institutions that influence ours. Results evaluation: establish necessary indicators that allow the results to be measured, see their trend, and compare them with the objectives, but it is very important to make each of these indicators known to all the members of the institution by which performance will be evaluated..

But in addition the quality system is supported on 3 supports, which are essential since they are the principles of this system; these are:

  1. Concepts: the creation of the necessary concepts for the implementation of the quality system that adjust to the characteristics of our customs is required. Define measurement criteria to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. Create an efficient information system that serves the institution for effective decision-making, improvement and innovation of processes. Standards: allows the creation of quality standards for customs activity, which serve to standardize the processes, procedures, functions and areas to be regulated. Procedures: Creation and reworking of procedures that conform to the standards already set out.

After defining the Customs Quality System, it was necessary to define the Methodology for its implementation.

This consists of 10 steps these are:

  1. Sensitization and commitment of senior management for change Equipment for quality improvement Diagnosis of the quality system Establishment of action plans Review and preparation of system documentation Awareness of staff regarding quality Training to achieve quality Monitoring and certification of improvements Recognition of achievements Start of a new cycle

Now we are going to analyze each step separately.

Step 1

In this step, the fundamental objective is to get the management to explicitly state the priority they give to quality, this commitment must be visible and be demonstrated in all the actions carried out on a daily basis, being involved in each of the phases of the process.

It is also necessary to create the necessary infrastructure to ensure the implementation of the system.

Another fundamental aspect in this step is to create the action plan for the implementation, this plan is the map that will guide all the actions aimed at improvement.

Step 2

The fundamental objective in this step is to integrate the members of the first level into the improvement team.

This committee must be made up of the head of the institution, in addition to all the managers or heads who report directly to him or who are understood to participate. The objective of this team is that there is an organization that develops, plans and directs all the strategies, objectives and tasks that must be undertaken. You must also organize the implementation of the process and evaluate and recognize the achievements obtained in the improvement process.

The senior managers of the institution should be the leaders of the key processes, the middle managers the leaders of the support processes and the key men are the heads of departments and trusted personnel. Technical supervisors are the experts in quality modeling.

Step 3

The fundamental objective in this step is to carry out a thorough examination of the processes and procedures implemented by the organization to carry out quality management.

During the implementation, it is necessary to evaluate the processes and procedures, the people involved and the qualitative and quantitative results that are being observed. As well as the diagnosis of the documentation.

In addition, it is necessary to determine what are the Moments of Truth (precise moment in which the client contacts the worker who offers the service and on the basis of which an opinion is formed on the quality of the service) of the organization

It is also essential to periodically evaluate the implementation of the model in order to observe the process of said implementation.

One of the ways to carry out the diagnostics is to collect direct information from the "senders and receivers" of the processes. When doing so, it can be taken into account:

  • Reliability of the service executors: the ability to develop the promised service with security, accuracy, free of errors or failures. Response level of the service executors: the willingness to assist and provide a service quickly and agilely. Professionalism of the executors of the service: the possession of skills and knowledge to adequately develop the service Courtesy of the service executors: friendly treatment, understanding and respect for customers and users Communication by and through the service executors: the means that it maintains informed customer or user through understandable languageTangible aspects of the executors of the service: the physical appearance of the staff, the equipment facilities and the information material.

Step 4

The fundamental objective in this step is to create and organize the necessary infrastructure to ensure the implementation of the system.

This step needs to be performed by the organization's quality improvement team.

You must have a detailed plan where you must keep in mind.

  • The quality policies The strategic quality objectives to satisfy the needs of customers and users The resources necessary to achieve the implementation The stages, activities, responsible party and start and end date.

Step 5

Documentation is the support of the quality system because it not only establishes the ways of executing in the organization, but also all the information that allows the development of processes and decision making.

The fundamental objective of this step is to guarantee that the document system works as it should, as it is a very important step in the implementation of quality.

The application of the procedure for documentation requires a good dose of common sense so as not to turn it into bureaucracy and prevent it from becoming something that complicates the process. The elements that we propose for this are:

  • Determine documentation needs Design the documentation system Prepare the documents Implement the documentation system Maintain the system

Step 6

The main objective of this step is to ensure that the staff understand the need for the organization to work with quality in all processes and that the staff commit to perform all their work with quality

To achieve this goal it is necessary.

  • Raise awareness among all staff on quality issues Encourage the development of a spirit of quality in all staff Engage staff in the quality improvement process Conduct quality seminar with the first level of management Conduct quality discussions with all workers Encourage staff to reflect on the importance of quality in carrying out their daily work Creation of quality circles (a small group of workers who meet voluntarily and are trained to identify, select and analyze problems and possibilities for improvement related to their work, recommend solutions and present them to the organization improvement team)

Step 7

The main objective of this step is to develop in the staff the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values ​​that are necessary for them to carry out their daily work with quality.

To achieve this objective with quality it is necessary:

  • Disseminate the standards and actions to achieve quality in each process Provide training to quality team leaders Provide training in statistical techniques and tools for quality Provide quality training to all workers Provide ease of professional development courses for all workers Prepare staff in the domain of skills necessary to carry out the new tasks.

Step 8

In this step the fundamental objectives are:

1. Ensure that I have precise follow-up to all stages of the process

2. Evaluate, recognize and reward the achievements obtained in quality efforts

To meet the aforementioned objectives, it is necessary, among others:

  • Organize the follow-up of the implementation of the process Follow-up on improvement projects Address immediate solution problems Organize constant quality evaluation in each process or area

Step 9

The fundamental objective of this step is:

Manifest the importance that the senior management of the institution sees in the implementation of quality, recognizing with great satisfaction the people who have contributed with their actions to improve quality.

For this it is necessary among other tasks:

  • Decide the aspects that will be taken into account for the evaluation of the personnel Decide the recognitions that will be awarded Disseminate the achievements

Step 10

The main objective of this step is to evaluate the successes and limitations encountered during the implementation of the process.

For this objective to be met it is necessary:

  • Conduct internal audits in time frames decided by the improvement team Evaluate the way in which the process was implemented The quality improvement team will determine the aspects of the process to be evaluated Prepare the instruments with which the evaluation will be carried out Determine the actions to initiate a new cycle of improvement It is required to make a plan of the tasks to be carried out with dates, person in charge, resources, among others, to apply it in the restart of the implementation process.

Our Quality System, when taking into account the coordinated integration of processes, personnel, procedures and resources that are needed to offer a quality service, we must insist on the need to ensure that personnel understand the organization's need for work with quality in all processes and that it is essential to achieve the implementation of this system the commitment of each of the institution's workers to perform all their work with quality, for this reason it is essential to develop knowledge in the staff, skills, attitudes and values ​​that are necessary for you to do your daily work with quality.

Another essential aspect is the creation of the Quality Improvement Team, in which members of the first level of management are integrated. This team must be made up of the head of the institution, in addition to all the managers or heads who report directly to him or who are understood to be involved.

In addition to the first-level management team, it is also very important to create quality circles (a small group of workers who meet voluntarily) in order to prevent errors that may be made in the implementation of the system in a timely manner.


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Quality system for Cuban customs