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Comprehensive management system. iso ohsas


At present, quality turns out to be a highly competitive factor that allows organizations to maintain and grow in the market, obtaining the preference of customers through the goods and / or services they offer, always fully satisfying the needs that These externalize, without neglecting the interests and objectives of the company.

However, an organization must not only attend and comply with its external clients, but must also contribute to the care of its environment and ensure the well-being of its collaborators, therefore in this work the ISO 9001: 2008, ISO standard will be exposed 14001: 2004 and the OHSAS 18001: 2007 standard, which in their interaction and conjunction make up what is currently known in organizations as the Comprehensive Management System.

ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. The ISO portfolio provides practical tools to companies, governments and society for the sustainable development of economic, environmental and social variables.

ISO International Standards make a positive contribution to the world we live in. They facilitate trade, disseminate knowledge, disseminate innovative advances in technology, and share good management and compliance assessment practices.

ISO standards provide solutions and benefits for almost all sectors of activity and are very important for any organization that wants to distinguish itself from other companies, since they reflect the guarantee of quality-based products and practices at all times.

The ISO 9000 family are a set of international standards and guidelines for quality management that have earned a global reputation as the basis for the establishment of quality management systems.

In the first instance, establishing a definition of what quality is is something very complex, because this term lends itself to a certain vulnerability to change according to the ideology and way of thinking of each person, where as a first point it could say what quality is to do. things right the first time.

However, according to the ISO 9000 standard, quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics meets the requirements, understanding as a requirement that established need or expectation, generally implicit or mandatory.

Therefore, quality management systems is nothing more than the interaction and coordination of planning, control and improvement activities in a company that are carried out on a set of elements to achieve the quality of the products or services offered. customer, which are measured through user satisfaction indicators.

The quality management system is based on eight principles that are shown in the following image:

The 8 principles of quality management

Thus, the ISO 9001: 2008 standard describes the way in which companies can design and implement a quality management system, which will take into account aspects such as: environment that surrounds the organization, needs in the face of change, the objectives, products and processes it uses, as well as taking into account the size and structure of the organization.

This standard specifies the requirements for a quality management system to be applied when a company needs to demonstrate its ability to regularly provide products that meet customer needs, applicable legal and regulatory requirements, always aiming to achieve increased customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system with the help of the processes for continuous improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity with the aforementioned requirements.

The particular characteristic of this standard is that it is based on the process-based approach, which takes into account the application of a system of processes within the organization, the identification and interactions of these, as well as the management to produce the desired result. taking into account all the processes and their synergy with each other in order to constitute it as one.

Continuous improvement of the quality management system

In the following image you can see the model of the quality management system based on processes, established in the standard, which has as its fundamental objective to seek continuous improvement of the system always taking its client as the main development engine, understanding of this way your cycle begins and ends with the customer. Thus, it can be seen that the QMS has as its input the requirements and needs and as its output the satisfaction that the products and services that the company offers to users originate.

In this way it can be said that the ISO 9001 Standard specifies the requirements for a quality management system that can be used for internal application by organizations, for contractual or certification purposes, where the latter consists of evaluating the degree of conformity of products, services or people with respect to what is established in the standards and specifications, in order to offer greater guarantees to consumers that they receive a quality service or product that meets their requirements and satisfies their needs.

On the other hand, we have that within the ISO family we have those standards that are established for the care and protection of the environment due to the effects and damages caused by business activity. In this case we are talking about the ISO14001: 2004 standard.

ISO 14001: 2004 refers to what an environmental management system (EMS) is, its purpose is to provide organizations with the elements of an effective EMS that can be integrated with other management requirements, and help organizations achieve environmental and economic goals.

At the same time that it helps the company to detect those significant environmental aspects that affect the environment due to the performance of its tasks, specifying the requirements for an environmental management system, intended to allow an organization to develop and implement a policy and guidelines. objectives that take into account the legal requirements and other requirements established by the organization, and the information related to significant environmental aspects. It applies to those environmental aspects that the organization identifies that it can control and those over which the organization can have influence without establishing specific environmental performance criteria itself.

The EMS can be represented in the following figure where it is important to highlight that the success of the system depends on the commitment of all levels and functions of the organization and especially of senior management.

Continuous improvement cycle

Making a comparison between ISO 90001 and ISO 14001, we can see that in both standards it is important to design and establish policies and objectives, each one in its field (quality and environmental) for the design, development and implementation of the management system.

In the same way, within an organization, occupational health and safety is truly important since it will allow safeguarding the integrity of each and every one of the people who are within the company's facilities, for which the OHSAS18001 standard has been established..

The OHSAS Standards are made to provide organizations with the elements of an effective Management System that can be integrated with other requirements and in this way help organizations achieve established objectives.

Likewise, this standard is recognized for being in charge of regulating occupational safety, which has been developed in response to customer demand for a recognizable standard for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System against which its Management systems can be evaluated and certified which is applicable in the areas of industrial safety and occupational health of any company, whatever its size and business.

Steps of continuous improvement

Matching the characteristics of these three standards set out above, we can detect that the methodology of the development of the management system of the three focuses on the Deming method (Plan-Do-Check-Act).

As regards the planning part, the objectives and processes necessary to achieve the results are established.

The make refers to the implementation of the processes.

The verification part focuses on monitoring and measuring the processes and products obtained from the previous steps.

And finally, the act that will give a guideline to take and execute the necessary actions to continuously improve the performance of the processes.

Where these four phases will contribute to the continuous improvement process pursued by these standards and which has a common objective.

Continuous improvement phases

It is in this way that having the foundation to which each of these standards refers, it can be said that their integration contributes to the development of what is an Integral Management System (SIG).

The objective of the SIG is to ensure that an organization guarantees the occupational health of its employees and the protection of the environment, while increasing the productivity and quality of its operations.

Iso 9000, Iso 14000 and Ohsas 18000

This system takes into account the main authors that allow a company to be present in the market, since through ISO 9001 it guarantees its clients that all products and / or services they receive from the organization that apply it are quality, in turn allowing the company to meet the requirements of its customers by making it present in the market and gradually achieving customer loyalty with the brand.

Likewise, with the application of ISO 14001, in addition to the company being concerned about the environment that surrounds it and contributing to caring for the environment, it also allows society to have a better conceptualization of the entity due to its collaboration with social responsibility activities, just as it establishes the opportunity for organizations to be sustainable, thus optimizing each of their resources.

Finally, the last but not least author is established in the OHSAS18001 standard, which covers the part of the human factor that collaborates in organizations that, as already mentioned through this, establishes the management system that allows safeguarding integrity and health occupational of the workers, who are the main actors for the optimal development of an organization, since they are in charge of designing and executing each of the established activities that allow the achievement of the mission of a company and of those who without their contribution would not be possible the development and implementation of this system. All this as can be summarized in the following image.

Integrated management system

It is in this way that it can be concluded that the application of an Integral Management System in organizations allows them to optimize their resources, as well as to always be at the forefront, since the implementation of this system requires them to always seek an improvement in any of the aforementioned aspects.

Likewise, this integration is key for a company since through its application it allows it to comply with both the client and its work team at the same time that it contributes to the care of its environment, that is, they are complementary to each other., this being reflected in the productivity and profitability of the company as well as the loyalty and recognition of the brand in the market.

Therefore, it is important that a company is certified in these three regulations, since this, in addition to helping in its development and improvement, will also give it a competitive advantage since the certification means added value for the products and / or services that offer each company, in addition to recognition and guarantee that the activities and everything that an organization generates are well executed.

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Comprehensive management system. iso ohsas