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System of indicators to manage the tourist destination of the canton sucre ecuador

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Management is currently based on the design of indicator systems that allow guiding decision-making to achieve the objectives set. Tourism management does not escape this reality and the need to plan, ensure, control and improve its management. Tourist destinations constitute a cluster made up of tourist companies and not all of them belong to this sector. Due to their magnitude and diversity, it is necessary to have common indicator systems that allow them to focus their efforts to achieve the objectives and goals. The research is carried out in the Costa world, specifically in the Sucre canton, Manabí province, and its objective is to propose a system of indicators for the management of the Sucre destination.The research uses the descriptive method and applies qualitative and quantitative research, the main tools used include: observation, document and bibliographic review, Delphi experts' method, indicator analysis and interview. The main results of the research include: The proposal of a system of indicators for the Sucre destination was made, the indicators managed by the destination were analyzed, verifying that there is no system of indicators to manage tourist activity in the canton, the proposed system is in correspondence with the governing documents that govern the country's tourism development and the current management trends analyzed in the bibliographic review.The main tools used include: observation, document and bibliographic review, Delphi experts' method, indicator analysis and interview. The main results of the research include: The proposal of a system of indicators for the Sucre destination was made, the indicators managed by the destination were analyzed, verifying that there is no system of indicators to manage tourist activity in the canton, the proposed system is in correspondence with the governing documents that govern the country's tourism development and the current management trends analyzed in the bibliographic review.The main tools used include: observation, document and bibliographic review, Delphi experts' method, indicator analysis and interview. The main results of the research include: The proposal of a system of indicators for the Sucre destination was made, the indicators managed by the destination were analyzed, verifying that there is no system of indicators to manage tourist activity in the canton, the proposed system is in correspondence with the governing documents that govern the country's tourism development and the current management trends analyzed in the bibliographic review.The main results of the research include: The proposal of a system of indicators for the Sucre destination was made, the indicators managed by the destination were analyzed, verifying that there is no system of indicators to manage tourist activity in the canton, the proposed system is in correspondence with the governing documents that govern the country's tourism development and the current management trends analyzed in the bibliographic review.The main results of the research include: The proposal of a system of indicators for the Sucre destination was made, the indicators managed by the destination were analyzed, verifying that there is no system of indicators to manage tourist activity in the canton, the proposed system is in correspondence with the governing documents that govern the country's tourism development and the current management trends analyzed in the bibliographic review.The proposed system is in correspondence with the governing documents that govern the country's tourism development and the current management trends analyzed in the bibliographic review.The proposed system is in correspondence with the governing documents that govern the country's tourism development and the current management trends analyzed in the bibliographic review.

Keywords: Management, management control, indicators and tourist destinations


The tourist activity includes the displacement of the habitual territory of residence, the stay for a period of more than 24 hours and less than a year for the enjoyment and enjoyment of a tourist destination implies the use and contracting of means of transport and accommodation. The same ones that must be directed to the satisfaction of the wishes and expectations of the visitors (World Tourism Organization, 1987).

Tourism worldwide has become one of the sectors with the greatest contribution to gross domestic product (GDP ), among the most developed countries are: the United States, Japan, China, Germany, France These are the ones that have achieved great evolution and growth within the industry, therefore it is reflected in terms of the quality of life of its inhabitants.

In the case of Ecuador: the main tourist receptors are located in the 4 Worlds: Galapagos, Coast, the Andes and the Amazon. The country has natural and cultural wealth and is considered one of the 17 countries where the greatest biodiversity on the planet is concentrated, and the largest country with biodiversity per km 2 in the world, but compared to other countries in Latin America, it has developed only between 15 and 18% of its tourist capacity.

According to PLANDETUR 2020 (2007), the tourism products of the Comprehensive Plan for Tourism Marketing of Ecuador were updated. From this update, 11 product lines and variants were identified respectively. The Litoral region is characterized by its beaches, ports, large commercial cities and mangroves; the Andean for its volcanoes, great mountains, Andean landscapes and colonial cities and the Amazon for its jungle of flora and fauna unique in its kind. Considering Galapagos another of the defined worlds.

Manabí is a province with a variety of tourist destinations, unique on the Ecuadorian coast. Its biodiversity of landscapes, spas, culture and even its gastronomy make Manabí one of the favorite places for local, national and foreign tourists. The Sucre destination is located in the world of the coast specifically in Manabí and despite the fact that there are potential tourist attractions, the tourist activity has not managed to develop; Evidence of this is: The marked seasonality, the low percentages of occupancy of its hotel plant, which do not exceed 15% linear in the year and the scarce projection towards international tourism. This means that the Sucre destination has not consolidated its management as an important tourist destination in the country.

One of the fundamental flaws that threaten the canton's tourism management is the existing deficiency in the control of tourism management characterized by:

  • Lack of a system of indicators to control tourism management Scarce systemic approach to destination tourism management Poor focus on processes and towards the client.

For what is defined as a scientific problem of the investigation: The deficient control of the management in Sucre destination. Depending on the defined scientific problem, the general objective of the research is: Propose a system of indicators for the management of the Sucre destination.

To comply with the general objective of the investigation, the following specific objectives are established:

  • Carry out a bibliographic review that theoretically bases the research, including the governing documents of the country's tourism development Analyze the system of indicators that manages the Sucre destination Select indicators for the management of the Sucre destination.

For all the aforementioned, it can be pointed out the importance of an adequate design of the indicator system that allows companies and destinations to define relevant strategies, access to today's competitive world, and if these strategies are not accompanied by the tools of management to ensure its execution, efforts will be useless.

Thematic development

Management consists of directing the actions that constitute the concrete implementation of the general policy of the company and making decisions aimed at achieving the objectives set (Jordan, 1996).

According to (Ivancevich, 2000), management can be conceived as a process and discipline: as a process it includes certain work activities that managers (individuals who guide, direct or supervise) must carry out in order to achieve the objectives of the company. Classifying management as a discipline implies an accumulated body of knowledge that can be learned through study.

Strategic management as "the art and / or science of anticipating and managing change in a participatory manner with the purpose of permanently creating strategies that guarantee the future of the business." (Borello, 2000).

For (Sallenave, 2012) Management requires the generation of action, planning and control of actions that allow conducting a business in order to survive in the short term and remain competitive in the long term. This planning, action and control should be the responsibility of those who carry them out and not a centralized process, to achieve a better use of resources and meet the objectives and goals.

Management control

Management Control is the efficient use of available resources to achieve the objectives (Diaz A., 1993).

For (Jose Amat., 2000) Management Control is "the set of mechanisms that management can use that increase the probability that the behavior of the people who are part of the organization is consistent with its objectives." This concept proposes a new dimension of management control, since they not only focus on the accounting and short-term nature of it, but also recognize the existence of other non-financial factors and indicators that influence the process of value creation, either in products or services, and are focused on the basis of the existence of proposed objectives to be achieved.

The management classics: (Kaplan and Norton, 2000) consider that it is a method of obtaining and classifying information generated by management control systems. It is developed from the grassroots to the highest levels of management. All departments tax the behavior of their indicators on particular dashboards, these go through and adapt to the need for information from the different higher levels until they reach a point (person) in charge of classifying all the information depending on the needs of information from senior management for decision making. The entire process is developed through automated systems that allow the information to go through all the points where it needs to be used or enriched.

For (Anthony, 2001). It is a process by which managers ensure the obtaining of resources and their effective and efficient use in meeting the organization's objectives.

The management of companies requires a system of indicators that facilitate decision-making and control. Therefore, the essential characteristics, for the system of indicators, are the emergent properties of integration, its composition, that is, the set of parts and elements that make it up, its internal organization, that is, the relationships that are established for its proper functioning, and the links established between the system and the external environment that promote its operation and development (Diaz Crespo and Guerrero Ramos, 2013).

At the discretion of the authors: company management includes the performance of various processes in order to meet the goals and objectives, enhancing the contribution of all its members, controlling that the tasks are achieved with the plans previously drawn. Therefore it is the responsibility of the entire organization.

The methods for management control have been subjected to a series of changes due to world globalization, in terms of markets and the increased competitiveness of companies, it is for this reason that management control becomes an important factor in organizations, which determines the win or lose with the same quality as the product technology or the production process.

Indicators - Indicator System

Indicator is defined as a numerical value used to measure something difficult to quantify.

It must be borne in mind that an indicator is a relationship between quantitative or qualitative variables, and that by means of these they allow the analysis and study of the situation and trends of change generated by a specific phenomenon, with respect to objectives and goals planned or already indicated.. (Labrador H, 2006).

A correctly composed indicator has certain structural characteristics such as:

  • Useful: really useful for improvement Expressable in the form of an index Linked to an objective to be achieved Easy to calculate Self explanatory. It should also be taken into account:

Name: it is the identification and differentiation of an indicator, which is why it is very important that it be specific and must clearly define its objective and usefulness.

Forms of calculation: as it is a quantitative indicator, the mathematical formula that will be used to calculate its value must be taken into account, this implies the exact identification of the factors and the way in which they are related.

Units: it is the way in which the determined value of the indicator given by units is expressed, which vary according to the factors that are related.

Glossary: ​​this point is of vital importance, since it is important that the indicator is documented or annexed in terms that exactly specify the factors that will be related in the calculation of the indicator.

The indicator is a quantitative measure of performance, which only becomes meaningful if it is aligned with the objective that has previously been set. It is your comparison with this objective that will tell you if you are acting properly, if the processes are effective and efficient, etc. It is not true that there are short-term indicators and long-term indicators; what exist are short and long-term objectives, since the indicators will be set according to the objective to be achieved.

An organization, therefore, must consider the need to define indicators by answering the following questions:

  • What should be measured? Where should it be measured? When should it be measured? When or how often? Who should measure? How should it be measured? How will the results be disseminated? Who and how often will the data collection system be reviewed and / or audited?

In this way, it is understood that management indicators can be values, units, indices, statistical series, among others; In other words, it is like the quantitative expression of the behavior or performance of an entire organization or of one of its parts, whose magnitude when compared with some reference level, may be indicating a deviation on which corrective or preventive actions will be taken. according to the case. (Labrador H., 2006).

Similarly, it must be borne in mind that management indicators are a means and not an end, they are numerical references that relate variables to show the performance of the organization in relation to one of the management parameters. Variables are quantitative representations of a characteristic.

The management indicators are above all information, so it cannot be indicated that it is simply a specific qualification data of the company, according to Senn, cited in (Labrador H, 2006), the management indicators have the following attributes of the information: accuracy, form, frequency, extent, origin, temporality, relevance and timeliness.

As well as a system, it is a set of interrelated elements based on one purpose, which form a single whole and which has new characteristics that are not present in each of the elements that form it. (Amat, 2004).

A system is a set of interrelated and interacting elements that produce as an effect a series of new qualities that are not present in any of the parts that compose it, a system of indicators can be defined as: a set of qualitative and quantitative variables interrelated, which allow the analysis and study of the existing situation, with respect to the objectives and planned goals. (Fleites Pozo and Barbosa Iglesias, 2013).

Synthesizing the previous definitions, it can be argued that an indicator allows to measure the fulfillment of objectives and goals, allowing to detect the changes related to the intervention in the processes and to evaluate the expected achievements of the Company. Organizations are continuously related by means of systems that allow them to work more efficiently within a series of activities, therefore a system is the one that predominates, which considers the whole, is inclusive, enhances teamwork, transports one to action projected by objectives.

According to (Labrador H, 2006) , management in an organization requires indicators of:

  • Effectiveness: measures the final impact of the action on the total population involved. Reason why these indicators are also called impact indicators. Effectiveness: it is measured by the degree of satisfaction of the objectives set in its action programs, or of the objectives tacitly or explicitly included in its mission. In other words, comparing the actual results with those expected, regardless of the means used. Efficiency:It is defined by the relationship between the goods and services consumed and the goods or services produced; or, more broadly, by the services provided (outputs) in relation to the resources used for this purpose (inputs). Thus, efficient action is defined as one that with certain resources obtains the maximum possible result, or one that with minimum resources maintains the adequate quality and quantity of a certain service.

When it comes to effectiveness, it is referring to the ability or ability to obtain a certain result from an action. Effectiveness is the relationship between the resources used and the impact obtained. The greatest effectiveness is achieved by making optimal use of available resources, achieving the expected impacts. This concept integrates effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, the effectiveness indicators measure the satisfaction of the process needs.

Tourist destination

Tourist Destination, is the place where tourists intend to spend time away from their usual residence (Noelia Cabarcos Novas, 2011).

According to the UNWTO World Tourism Organization, the tourist destination is defined as “the country, region or city to which visitors go, having it as its main objective and it is the tourist destination, the place where demand has to move to consume the tourist product (Ileana Ochoa Llamas, 2012).

On the other hand: It is a specific geographic space with particular characteristics and features. Features:

  • Attractions and services that motivate and facilitate the tourist's stay Means that allow accessibility in adequate price-value conditions Support of the local population, involved in the development of the different aspects of the tourist's visit experience A brand that is markets taking into account its integral nature (Jr. Juan Dellepiani, 2014).

From the point of view of supply, a destination must consider conditions at the level of:

Accessibility: transportation system (routes, terminals, vehicles, etc.) that allow access under adequate price-value conditions.

Attractions: natural, cultural, scheduled events, etc.

Activities: practices to be carried out in different spaces such as walks of various types, sports, courses and workshops, observation of animals, plants or objects, visits to monuments and special places, etc.

Services directly related to the tourist activity: lodging, restaurants, shops, health services, places of entertainment and camping, etc.

Basic services: energy, water, health, telecommunications, banks, security, etc.

From the demand point of view, the destination is the place that the tourist chooses for their trip, with the expectation of living a certain experience that includes, in addition to the cultural and natural attractions, a coordinated offer in the services they receive.

Thus, the tourist destination constitutes a business unit whose management must focus on certain criteria of competitiveness in order to generate economic and social benefits. This vision requires a certain administrative capacity, in order to have common instruments that allow planning, measuring and monitoring the results of the management. (Walter Wust, Andeans Lodges, 2014).

Synthesizing the analysis carried out, it is concluded that tourist destinations can be of different scales. For example:

A destination can be a continent (South America), a country (Ecuador), a region (Amazonia), a place (Puente los Caras) or a particular place (chirigüe). In addition, they can network with larger destinations to promote their commercialization. Just as Tourism is an essential activity for the life of nations, Visitors seek a tourist product full of comfort, the greater the supply, the greater the demand.

The role of destination management is to administer and support the integration of different resources, activities and agents involved through appropriate policies and measures, which requires both governmental and functional decision-making skills (planning, organization and control. of business activities) (Menova Manente Gomez,, 2008).

To understand the principles of management and institutional organization of tourist destinations, it is necessary to first be clear about the nature of the tourist activity to which they must adapt. The nature of tourist activity, like all economic activity, can be analyzed from two points of view: that of supply and that of demand. To the extent that their grouping in the market occurs harmoniously, efficiency will be achieved. In the aforementioned Consensus of this. Gallen establishes that the management of tourist destinations comprises the following spheres of activity: planning (within the spheres related to tourism), negotiation (on behalf of all tour operators), marketing (in an understandable way - that is, product, price, at least some extension in terms of promotion and distribution),and coordination of services (aimed at creating a homogeneous consumer experience).

Summarizing the previous definitions, it can be argued that tourism management is a productive activity, within the world economy, it is one that plans the development of tourism activity. On the other hand, it coordinates the actions of the public administrations, and of the social and economic agents that operate in the tourism sector.

Analysis of the results

The investigation is developed through a three-step procedure, which are described below:

Step 1.- Its objective is to elaborate the theoretical framework of the research, and to identify the most common indicators that are used in the control of tourist destination. For this we used: the bibliographic review.

Step 2.-Management control methods are analyzed in the Sucre destination. Just as the existence of a management system is verified.

When conducting the investigation, it was possible to contact that there is no control of Sucre destination, because no indicator is controlled.

Step 3.- Determination of the tourist indicators to be managed in the Sucre canton.

The objective of this step is to define the system of indicators that the Sucre destination must manage.

Starting from an initial list of 53 indicators, the Delphi Method is applied until the third round, for which 24 experts are selected and evaluated. Of the 24 experts to evaluate, 9 are PHD, with more than 10 years of experience in Tourism Management, 5 MINTUR executives and the rest are Magister.

For the selection of experts, the Oñate Ramos expert evaluation methodology is applied, which evaluates the coefficient of expertise based on the knowledge of scientists and concordances. The experts to be evaluated, all have more than 10 years of experience in tourism management and have a 3rd and 4th level degree related to tourism. See annex # 2

Table No 1. Results of the selection of experts applying the Oñate Ramos expert selection methodology

Experts Coefficient of



Coefficient of



Coefficient of



one 0.9 one 0.95 Tall
two 0.9 one 0.95 Tall
3 0.1 0.9 0.95 Tall
4 0.8 0.9 0.85 Tall
5 0.8 one 0.9 Tall
6 0.9 one 0.95 Tall
7 0.8 0.8 0.8 Tall
8 one one one Tall
9 0.8 0.9 0.85 Tall
10 0.8 0.9 0.85 Tall
eleven 0.8 0.8 0.8 Tall
12 0.8 0.9 0.85 Tall
13 0.8 0.9 0.85 Tall
14 0.8 0.9 0.85 Tall
fifteen 0.8 one 0.9 Tall
16 0.8 one 0.9 Tall
17 0.8 0.8 0.8 Tall
18 0.8 0.9 0.85 Tall
19 0.8 0.9 0.85 Tall
twenty 0.8 0.8 0.8 Tall
twenty-one 0.8 one 0.9 Tall
22 0.8 one 0.9 Tall
2. 3 0.8 one 0.9 Tall
24 0.8 0.9 0.85 Tall

Source: self made

As can be seen, the coefficient of expertise of the 24 professionals evaluated is classified as high, according to their level of knowledge and argumentation.

A Delphi concordance coefficient of 0.85 is set, due to the number of experts, breadth and rigor of the study; In other words, the indicator that has more than 4 negative votes will be eliminated.

When calculating the real concordance coefficient and the preset coefficient, 37 indicators are eliminated, leaving 16 indicators as a result; these being the following:

For this, the concordance coefficient formula is used, the following expression was used

where: CCR: Coefficient of concordance

VN: Number of negative votes for each indicator

VT: Total possible votes

Table No 2. Results of the third round of the delphi method

one Total number of tourists: national and international one
two Average stay per tourist 0.96
3 Occupancy percentage in the period 0.92
4 External customer satisfaction 0.88
5 Internal customer satisfaction one
6 Image 0.96
7 National competitive positioning 0.92
8 Quality of the beaches 0.88
9 Percentage of clients who return one
10 Level of satisfaction of residents with tourism activity 0.96
eleven % of workers with the required qualification. 0.92
12 Quality of the hospitality industry. 0.88
13 Quality of the restoration. one
14 Quality of recreational activities 0.96
fifteen Crime behavior at the destination. 0.92
16 Perception of value for money 0.88

Source: Own elaboration with application of the Delphi Method


  1. The Sucre canton currently does not operate as a tourist destination, due to the existing deficiency in the control of tourism management, and the lack of effectiveness, efficiency and effectiveness in tourism companies.
  1. The designed system of indicators is based on the bibliographic review, and should facilitate management control and the effectiveness and efficiency in the management of the Sucre destination.
  1. It was determined that the canton does not have tourism management indicators, therefore effective management and adequate decision-making is impossible.
  1. 16 indicators are selected that should manage the Sucre destination. Starting from an initial list of 53 indicators applying the Delphi Method, 24 experts with experience in tourism management were used.


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Dear colleague, you have been selected as an EXPERT, for your proven experience and knowledge in tourism management. Our university extension in Bahía de Caráquez belonging to the ULEAM, develops a research project for the creation of a system of indicators that will facilitate management control and decision-making in the tourist destination Sucre. Please, we need to indicate if the indicators detailed below would be useful in managing the destination, if so, indicate it in the YES box, otherwise, check the NO box. If you consider that other indicators should be included, please add them to the end of the list.

one Total number of tourists
two Number of national tourists
3 Number of international tourists
4 Average stay per tourist
5 Tourists days
6 International tourists by market segment
7 Rooms available
8 Occupancy percentage in the period
9 Occupational density
10 Total revenue
eleven Total expenses
12 Promotion and advertising expenses
13 External customer satisfaction
14 Internal customer satisfaction
fifteen Promotion expenses targeted to key markets
16 Image
17 National competitive positioning
18 International competitive positioning
19 Quality of the beaches
twenty Number of complaints
twenty-one Number of claims
22 Number of certified hotel establishments with an environmental management system.
2. 3 Percentage of clients who return
24 Number of tourists dissatisfied with the health and cleanliness of the destination.
25 Level of satisfaction of residents with tourism activity
26 Use of materials and food of local origin and production.
27 Tourist companies with certified quality system
28 % of workers with the required qualification.
29 Average number of workers
30 Existence of airports (access less than 60 min)
31 Existence of public transport service
32 Quality of the hospitality industry.
33 Quality of the restoration.
3. 4 Local food restaurant rate for the menu is local.na/ total.
35 Quality of recreational activities
36 Crime behavior at the destination.
37 Perception of value for money
38 Equipped beaches.
39 Treatment of waste water.
40 Touristic infrastructure
41 Variety of the offer in the tourist destination
42 Existing attractions
43 Attractions with tourist facilities
44 Management of digital marketing and search engines
Four. Five Activities to social networks
46 Risk management
47 Impact of tourism on the economy
48 Quality of access roads
49 Cleaning the main cities
fifty Cultural entertainment
51 illumination
52 Order of services - tourist areas
53 Visual order in services - uniformity
Others that you propose...

Annexed. # two

Applied survey for the selection of experts

Name and surname:

Workplace: ________________________________________________.

Position held: __________ Experience in the position: _____.

Teaching category: _______ Scientific degree: _______


1- Mark with a cross (X), on an increasing scale from 1 to 10, the value that corresponds to the degree of knowledge and information you have on the subject under investigation:

one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2- Carry out a self-assessment, according to the table below, of your levels of argumentation or foundation on the subject under investigation. (You must self-assess each of the sources given by marking with a cross, at the level you consider).

Sources of argument Tall Medium Low
Theoretical analysis carried out by you
The experience you have gained in this regard.
Knowledge of works by national authors
Knowledge of works by foreign authors
Your knowledge of the state of the problem in the country
Your own knowledge of the state of the problem abroad
Your intuition


Dr C Wilfredo Valls Figueroa

Ing Liliana del Carmen Valls Jorge.

Ing Marileyla Monserrat. Bazurto Zambrano.

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System of indicators to manage the tourist destination of the canton sucre ecuador