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Information system to support decision making


The article explains the fundamental aspects that affect the resistance to change that arises in the face of the new within the entities and how the control of changes is part of the organization, control and management of companies, so it must be very into account in the strategic policies of the organizations, reaching the expected success after the development of competitive advantages produced by designing an information system, responsible for facilitating the control of one of the fundamental resources of companies, information.

Life in different organizations is always exposed to constant changes, sometimes behaving abruptly, although these have also been calm, but the reality is that more and more companies must face new challenges, affecting the behavior of Its performance.

The need for companies to provide not only quick solutions to the different problems that have arisen but also with the required quality, consequently giving answers to the constant changes in the environment that threaten the existence of entities, the emergence of new external competitors, changes monetary, changing technologies, constituting challenges that propose that each of the organizations put into effect the control and efficient use of the entity's resources, the human factor and information being important, in addition to forcing the people who make decisions to be properly prepared for these events and not only that, but also to have the capacity, ability and creativity to motivate individuals to continuous renewal,Without forgetting the communications within the organization whose operation is vital called to transform the organizational culture in benefit of the results obtained as fulfillment of the goals for which the companies were created.

The great technological advances originate a significant amount of new tools that oblige organizations to acquire them to include them in the development of their processes, in order to remain competitive in a permanently revolutionary and increasingly saturated market. This determines a structural change in establishing organizational changes. Companies cannot be conservative when it comes to optimizing their processes through the insertion of new technological instruments, they must be found mainly in the strategic areas; however, it is important that all the units of the organization are oriented. "The success of a company depends on the quality of its information and the speed with which it can be communicated." * 1

The foregoing presupposes the optimization of the Information Flow developed within the company as it will allow users of the Information System to support decisions to demand it at the appropriate time and that this resource is required, to process it properly and achieve a better performance of the entity's tasks, bringing with it changes, which suppose crisis, since the very tendency to the continuity on the part of the social behavior, makes it inevitable even in the most insignificant changes.

The crisis continues until some new form of adaptation is reached in which the old elements merge with the new elements. This happens because the members of the organization can perceive the effects of change in different ways, as beneficial, harmful or ambivalent, according to their personal convenience and their ability to adapt.

Then, it can be asserted that any change that is introduced in the organization produces resistance and the adoption of these Management Information Systems is not the exception because the implementation of a system of this type has an impact on the structure and processes, for Consequently, in the members of the same. Therefore, it is not only about applying a new technology, but the key is to know how to handle it to make the most of its potential. For this, the administration must recognize the stages of the process, in order to establish measures that guarantee an adequate management of the resistance that arises and until the change is successful, in short, orient it strategically, taking profit and achieving the expected results.

Therefore, it would not be wrong to investigate Resistance to Change, using the tools provided by the Science of Administration, since on many occasions the implementation of an Information System brings with it, as it appears at the beginning of this article, the emergence of a category that deserves analysis from the definition of the System envisaged in its design, specifically when exposing the Operational Feasibility, that is, knowing or analyzing whether the new system can be operated or not in the organization, which is dependent on different factors ranging from the conditions with the company accounts to the degree of acceptance of the users, so it is proposed before implementing due to the great need that there is to have an automated Management Information System, to say the least,be exhaustive in the design phase, foreseeing each of the stages and it is very important not to forget the participation in this phase of the human factor, that is, that it is an important part of the project, in fact it is in addition to the information resource, not obviate diagnosing the state of the information, the culture and the level of consciousness of the users in the face of the challenge that lies ahead.

“… There is generally a lack of a person who takes responsibility for managing organizational change driven by technology and acting as a champion of change, driving company innovation through information technology.” * 1

Why does change represent a conflict?

Change means action and effect of change, bringing with it obvious alterations that influence the members of the organization, consisting in that they must adopt new ways of thinking when making decisions and applying certain actions to develop their functions, elements to be be taken into account in the company's strategy, in working with teams of people, in order to carry out the work carried out in a different way and frequency, including relationships with superiors and / or subordinates or colleagues in the area.

Why is resistance to change so common?

According to Miguel Sagüés González _ Estrada states in his article * 1, summarizing it as follows:

  • Responses of people to the change Dependence of people's behavior on the cost _ benefit analysis Violation of the individual _ entity relationship Lack of or low visibility on the part of the worker of benefits associated with the change Appearance of uncertainty in the individual Formation of rumors around the change.

The previous summary is directed towards the behavior of individuals within the entity, in any of the changes that are proposed, the advantage that it brings should be felt, such as the implementation of an information system that supports decision-making once foreseen the feasibility of the same to develop the strategy of the organization oriented to fulfill the objectives.

Solution proposals

Following what was stated by professor Miguel Sagüés González _ Estrada in his article * 1, we consider it important to propose some solutions:

  • Change analysis: Analyze how to influence the change on the behavior of the people who make up the entity, that is, not to break what Sagüés calls a psychological contract and develop aspects that positively influence people, in addition to applying a correct diagnosis where the speed of acceptance of the new and how it affects the degree of anxiety of those affected by the change * 1 Communicate: Once the instruments have been applied in order to know the impact that the application of the new has had, in addition to detecting the Impossible consequences to develop the maximum proposal if you have a clear idea that said change is necessary to achieve success,Then those responsible for change must take advantage of all the aspects that communication offers them so that the need is understood and thus achieve a different behavior in the face of the new.Awareness: Take into account within the organizational culture the awareness of the individuals arising the urgent need the different way of seeing things. “… A visible crisis that a company is going through can be an important pressure factor to make the change in behavior effective,…” * 1, even when the change brings with it a relevant cost for those who see the need for change. In reality, going out of the traditional is an effect of crises and even the process is given way by questioning the established, but by themselves crises do not bear fruit,The willingness of the people in the organization to access new ways of acting and thinking must be taken into account.

Partially completing the introduction of the change presupposes following certain steps: * 1

  • Creating an awareness of the need for change Making a diagnosis of the situation that creates the need for change and determining the direction of change Communicating the change to those affected Monitoring the change and making adjustments if be appropriate.

Culture in Information Systems

"An adequate functioning of communication within the company can contribute, if it is strategically oriented to modify the organizational culture for the benefit of the organization…" * 2

Referring to the processing of Information knowing how to use it properly, but for this it is necessary to potentiate the skills of people so that they can use the information, considered as the liquid of the entities to survive without forgetting the human factor.

At present, the level and development of Information Systems must be emphasized that all members of the organization are aware of the importance of IS and not only that but accept the role they play within the entities to comply with efficiency the objectives and reach the competitiveness that will allow to position itself in today's market, globalized by others.

How to develop such a culture?

  • Internal management. During this phase, the necessary resources must be selected, with the general management playing an important role since it is the one who must assume the organizational commitment.

1. Train workers through seminars, conferences or workshops inside and outside the entity.

2. Motivation is an important factor because through promotion and incentives it develops the spirit of collective creation, of innovation.

3. Organizational structure enhances the role of information systems whatever their function, involving not only managers but also workers in general.

  • Internal communication. They are the messages that must be issued throughout the organization, disagreeing with Sagüés, the main actor is not the CEO, if so we would be feeding verticality in communications, since they are nothing more than the communications where they are integrated leaders with employees in order to achieve a good internal image.

1. Statement of the entity's mission where the IS must be taken into account since the development of information technologies will allow the company to fulfill its mission.

2. Use of these technologies based on communications, such as: the use of video conferences to transmit progress, results and the future, as well as including different aspects of the IS to see which way to go, what has been done, etc..

3. Creation of business newsletters, magazines, bulletin boards, development of the Science and Techniques Forum where progress, new things to come and the results obtained are exposed.

  • External communication. Promotion of the company in the network of networks, brochures, articles aimed at clients. The behavior of senior managers. They should pay more attention to the development of the IS; looking at the organization as a whole, worrying about the inclusion of technologies and their maintenance.

*two. Barreiro Pousa, Luis Dr. "Business Improvement and Internal Communication" Espacio Magazine. Cuba. No.1. year 2000

Consulted bibliography

  • Barreiro Pousa, Luis Dr. "Business Improvement and Internal Communication" Espacio Magazine. Cuba. No.1. year 2000García, Gustavo; Rancel Johanna. "Resistance to technological change in organizations during the development of an Information System in the HRH area" Marolla (1993). Who is opposed to change? Managing the human component in the introduction of new technologies. Managing the human component in the introduction of new technologies. Management and Management. Taken July 13, 2006.

*one. Sagüés González _Estrada, Miguel, “Resistance to change in organizations and the development of a culture of information systems”. 1994 _ 1995. Published by the Department of Business Research, María de Molina, 13 28006, Madrid, Spain.

Information system to support decision making