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Quality management systems in the extra-hotel branch palmares cienfuegos cuba

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This work is a synthesis of the experiences obtained in the process of Implementation of the Quality Management Systems and the Extra-hotel Branch Palmares Cienfuegos, belonging to the Cuban Ministry of Tourism. This article will first deal with what refers to the QMS, implemented in the Palmares Cienfuegos Branch, and the experiences obtained, reference is made to the quality manual of the branch, the QMS documentation and the implementation schedules and system audits respectively. Likewise, references are made to the advantages and disadvantages detected in the Implementation.

SGC Palmares Cienfuegos

The Quality Management System of the Palmares Cienfuegos branch is based on the NC- ISO 9001: 2000 “Quality Management Systems-Requirements”. It includes:

  • Quality Manual. System documentation. Implementation schedules. Audit schedules of the QMS.

Quality Manual

The Quality Manual constitutes a requirement of the quality management system of the Branch, described by chapters. In each chapter the responsibilities are described and reference is made to procedures and instructions of the jobs, which allow the success of the activity in question. It includes all the activities that intervene in the quality of the services provided by the facilities

of the Branch and its scope is the formal expression of the guidelines and objectives set by the General Management of the organization.

In the MC the Quality Policy is identified, and from it the quality objectives are drawn up to comply with it. These objectives will guarantee that all branch personnel are involved, which makes the SGC participative.

The manual will identify the Processes that influence the satisfaction of all interested parties and will determine the sequence and interaction between them. Identify the responsibilities and functions of all members of the organization through the General and Specific Procedures and work instructions. Each of these identifies the What, Who, How, When and Where?

This documentation must respond to the same format.

System Documentation

The following constitute documentation of the SGC:

  • The Quality Manual Procedures and instructions Records All information that contributes to improving the quality of the Branch.

The quality representative will be the person in charge of circulating and safeguarding the documentation, identifying each of the documents

All documentation must maintain the same format, to achieve homogeneity of it. As figure # 1 shows.

Figure # 1. Documentation format.

The documentation will be identified through the document matrix, where reference is made to the requirement of the standard, and in which procedure or instruction it is reflected. It is feasible for the entity that does not generate large amounts of documentation, which will facilitate the operation of the system.

Implementation schedules

The implementation schedule is the document through which the implementation of the QMS documentation and control is executed in a branch. It will contain execution dates for each of the scheduled activities and will serve as a document for evaluation.

In the same way, define those responsible for each of these tasks. Achieving compliance with the schedule will guarantee the success of the implementation of the QMS.

QMS Audit Schedules

The audits to the QMS are carried out in order to determine the adequacy of the QMS with the requirements of the NC-ISO 9001: 2000. Through them, evidence is sought, and criteria of conformity or not with the established are issued.

There are internal and external audits, the first ones are carried out by the entity's team of quality auditors. External audits are carried out by certified external audit teams, and may be requested in the interest of the entity or the clients or certifying bodies to evaluate the QMS.

Through the audits to the QMS, the certification or endorsement of the QMS will be achieved. Implanted in the organization, it is necessary for this to make a schedule for their execution. Starting with the conformation of the audit team, and subsequent completion of the audit program, as shown in table # 1.

Table # 1. Audit Schedules of the SGC 2007 Palmares Cienfuegos.

Advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of the SGC Palmares Cienfuegos.

The implementation of the SGC in the Palmares Cienfuegos branch has brought a series of advantages and disadvantages, which are listed below.


  1. Raise the quality of service. As all the company's processes are documented, the QMS Procedures manual provides homogeneity in the service. As all processes are documented, it establishes the What, Who, How, When and Where ?, for each activity. Through documentation It facilitates the control of activities It gives recognition to the installation, with external and internal customers.


  1. Generates extensive documentation It involves an extensive training program, training and awareness of the workers Need for resources.


NC-ISO 9000: 2001. Quality Management Systems. Fundamental principles and vocabulary.

NC-ISO 9001: 2001. Quality Management Systems. Requirements.

NC-ISO 9004: 2001. Quality Management Systems. Guidelines for performance improvement.

NC-ISO 19011: 2004 Guidelines for auditing quality and / or environmental management systems.

Quality management systems in the extra-hotel branch palmares cienfuegos cuba