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Knowledge management systems

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In this role the notion of knowledge management systems is handled. Under this concept, the organization is considered a supra-network that links networks of people, information and communication technology. Knowledge management seeks to maximize organizational learning with a view to increasing its global competitiveness.

Knowledge can be defined as that information stored in an entity and that can be used by intelligence according to certain objectives. Knowledge can be divided into two groups: a natural one that belongs to living organisms with a nervous system and the other, artificial, that have those mechanisms that simulate or partially reproduce the natural system. In the case of man, knowledge is the product of mental processes that start from perception, reasoning or intuition. In that sense, one of the fundamental concepts for knowledge is the capacity for relationship or association between them.

According to Puleo (1985), knowledge as specific information about something can refer to two different entities: its form and its content. The form is essential in determining the conditions by which something can become the object of knowledge. The content is produced under external influences and where two activities of the mind can be distinguished: perceiving and conceiving.

Perceiving is the mental activity through which external stimuli reach the brain and the process of cognition is carried out. On the other hand, conceiving is the mental activity through which concepts and ideas result from perceived stimuli, which in turn determine the concepts of understanding and understanding that make the cognitive process culminate in learning. Understanding must be differentiated from understanding, a fact, a relationship, a word, a method is understood, on the other hand, a series, a system, a plan are understood. Understanding is a high aptitude of human thought.

The idea that information is the essential input of knowledge is rescued, in that sense, the development of information networks based mainly on Internet technology creates a new context for today's organizations. In this environment, the possibilities of publishing, storing and distributing information have expanded considerably, leading organizations to set more ambitious objectives and, little by little, to transfer the idea of ​​information management to the idea of ​​management of the knowledge.

Business and public organizations have a vital and intangible resource that allows them to develop their essential activity, that resource is knowledge. Knowledge resides in the complex system of processes that results in the materialization of goods or services. There are two basic supports of knowledge:

1. The human resources involved in the production or organizational support processes (training, skills, personal qualities, among others).

2. The information handled in said processes, which enables these people to increase their training or skills for the development of their tasks.

Knowledge emerges from the fusion of these two supports. Thus, to the extent that the organizational structure facilitates the synchrony between person and information, an environment of knowledge will be created. This is one of the essential goals of knowledge management. The necessary conditions for the creation of a knowledge environment as a higher order network that links the resources made up of:

  • The quality of the human resource The ability to manage information The ability of the organizational model to implement and integrate the appropriate tools, techniques and methods.

This set of tools, techniques and methods is what constitutes the knowledge management system in public and private organizations. The main functional characteristic of the knowledge management system is to match the specific information needs of different people and work teams with the effective availability of said information.

From this conception about knowledge and information managed, new work areas have arisen linked to the creation of new organizational models. On the basis of the above, it can be pointed out that an organization is a supra-network of knowledge resources composed of a network of human resources, the network of information resources and the network of computer and telematic resources.

One of the most significant advantages of this approach is that an organization with a knowledge management system will tend to maximize learning performance. In this sense, one of the greatest exponents of a current in administration, Senge (1992), raises the need for teams, in an organization open to learning, to function as a totality, that is, the energy of each of team members are directed in the same direction. This phenomenon called alignment, at the equipment level is also necessary between the equipment, the information network and the telematic resource network. Such alignment of resources generates much lower learning costs.

Currently, there are at least two factors in favor of the conception of knowledge management systems:

  • A greater awareness of managers towards information as another resource of the organization and as the foundation of intellectual capital. Technological advance in documentary computing, telematics and the integration of both from the Internet, and its private deviation, the Intranets.

According to Drucker (1994), in our time there is a transformation in the conception of knowledge. This has gone from one situation applicable to being to another applicable to doing, that is, from a situation referring to the intellectual development of the person to another as a factor of production based on its utility. In this sense, knowledge becomes an instrument or means to obtain results.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge management involves two relevant aspects. On the one hand, the management idea indicates in some way, the organization, planning, direction and control of processes to conform or have certain objectives. On the other hand, when speaking of knowledge, it becomes clear that an organization, like any human being, is subject to a dynamic in which from the outside and inside itself, it captures or perceives information, recognizes it, organizes it, stores it, it analyzes it, evaluates it and issues a response to the outside, based on said information and included in the total information stored, seeking a result.

The reality or part of reality that is the object of our understanding is always seen under the eyes of a paradigm or related set of ideas, principles, theories, methods, techniques, tools, and also basic or essential beliefs. The paradigm constitutes the mental environment and on it decisions and actions are built.

At present, the holistic model par excellence is the biological model, systems with their own rules and self-organizing, capable of optimizing their own resources. Hence its referential use when identifying problems and offering solutions to be able to do something new.

Obviously, a neural system of a living being is capable of very high and subtle data and information processes, of high response and learning rates. In knowledge management, learning is of primary interest. Not surprisingly, one of the most solid trends during the last decade in organizations has been that of permanent training programs for staff and other postulates raised in the V Discipline related to team learning.

In the organizational sphere, human resources have been valued as something dynamic. However, the ability to learn is valued more than the knowledge acquired. It is more important to learn, as this means knowing knowledge, than having a collection of knowledge.

Returning to Drucker's approach, the application of knowledge to knowledge implies the management of knowledge or application of existing knowledge in obtaining results and systemic innovation or the definition of the new necessary knowledge, its feasibility and the method to make it effective.

Additionally, he adds that the task of making knowledge productive is a task for the administration. In this way, knowledge management implies the continuous exploitation of it to develop new and different processes and products within organizations.

The author points out that organizations must incorporate three systemic practices in knowledge management, these are:

  • Continuously improve processes and products. Learn to exploit success and, Learn to innovate.

Associated with knowledge management, the problem of organizations consists of consulting or accessing information and producing information on static and other dynamic factors. In particular, the information that is handled in the real organization must be analyzed, for example, data or databases, decision supports, various documents, both in format and in origin or location and electronic documents.

The success of the organization results from its ability to identify and respect individuals and from the ability to integrate them into a whole. A knowledge management system, in a general sense, supposes that an organization is endowed with three different strategic functionalities, but gathered in a single and same computer application:

1. Reuse or feedback of the added value that the organization generates and acquires, and that represents its intellectual capital, at the service of solving new problems, thus increasing the added value of the services produced and the performance of said exercise.

2. Research and analysis at the service of people, who in the organization are the producers of added value and / or are responsible for making critical decisions, based on an adequate provision of diverse information (data, paper, electronic texts, etc.), and a quick response.

3. Unified access to each and every one of the layers of information woven on the organizational structure.

In practice, the individual in the organization faces all the knowledge or a portion of it, so the management of organizational knowledge must also be a research instrument.

The support of a knowledge management system is constituted by the documentary information that is generated daily in organizations. So if it is handled in an automated way, it can be kept more accessible and safer, therefore more alive. This objective justifies by itself the incorporation of appropriate computer methods and applications.

In the consideration between the management of information produced in the organization and the integration of that information to new knowledge, two valid alternatives must be considered. The first is the possibility of introducing a document management system which solves the management of the files that are internally maintained, transforming manual operations into automated ones and generating electronic documents and paper supports when required. The second option refers to the integrated and independent management of existing information systems, which introduces the concept of knowledge management systems, without this implying higher costs or greater technological complications.

This possibility incorporates the presence of a layer superior to the informational structure of the existing network or external meta-system independent of the operational information systems.

By capturing, storing and using knowledge, organizational processes generate added value for organizations which reduces the cost of learning. Knowledge management systems must be aimed at minimizing the energy consumed and maximizing the energy produced for the acquisition and production of new knowledge that in turn add value to the organization.

The knowledge equation in organizations states that at a given moment when the performance of organizational processes involves the use of knowledge, a certain amount of energy is consumed in resources (human and material). When considering an analogous process at another time, two things can happen: reproduce the same energy consumption or minimize said consumption, having a knowledge management system that allows using the knowledge produced and accumulated.

In summary, a knowledge management system allows the reuse of the information stored in the organization and its incorporation into the functional and operational processes, integrating the existing information systems and allowing the durability of the information and knowledge.

Knowledge management systems