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Information systems for executives and decision making



In these times, the needs of companies are defined by the global environment in which they coexist, this environment is very competitive; There is no doubt that the large number of existing companies in all countries and the great competitiveness existing among them; whether for raw materials, optimization of its resources, entering new markets, among others; It requires the organizations of our time to function optimally, this in order to achieve a competitive advantage over their opponents.

Due to the aforementioned, it is important to mention that the decision-making that takes place within organizations must comply with certain characteristics such as: be fast, timely, based on specific information, which allows making efficient, effective decisions and with a low cost to the company; since the success or failure of an organization will depend on it.

Given the characteristics previously described that the executive must meet in decision-making, it makes his requirements for the analysis of information very demanding; since the number of available alternatives is greater, the cost of administrative errors can be very large, access to the information necessary for decision-making can also be complex; that the executive has to carry out an infinity of operations to access it. It is here where the need for systems support arises as a tool for decision-making according to the strategic objectives set by the organization.

This article aims to explain the importance and impact of Executive Information Systems in organizations. It is worth mentioning that the Information Systems for Executives are only one type of systems that support decision-making, that there are other types of systems that also help in decision-making such as: Decision Support Systems, Systems for Group Decision Making, Expert System; the use of one or more types of these systems will depend on the needs of each organization.


The Executive Information Systems (EIS: Executive Information Systems) are aimed at supporting the decision-making process of the senior executives of an organization, presenting relevant information and using visual and easy-to-interpret resources, in order to keep them informed.

The main characteristics of Executive Information Systems (EIS) are the following:

  • They are designed to meet the specific and particular needs of the company's senior management. This implies that different executives may require different information or presentation formats to work at a particular company. This is because critical success factors can vary from one executive to another - they extract, filter, compress and track critical business information. The system must have the capacity to handle information that comes from the company's Transactional Systems and / or from external sources of information. This external information can come from external databases, newspapers and electronic letters of the industry, among others; all this on issues such as new technologies, customers, markets and competition, to name a few.It implies that executives can interact directly with the system without the support or help of intermediaries. This can represent a significant challenge, as many executives are reluctant to use computational resources directly for fear of change. It is a system developed with high standards in its man-machine interfaces, characterized by high quality graphics, tabular information and in text form. The communication protocol between the executive and the system allows interaction without prior training. They can access information found online, being extracted directly from the organization's databases. This characteristic of the EIS allows the executive to penetrate different levels of information. For example, you can know the sales by country, by geographical area,by client and by product line, penetrating as desired in the internal and more detailed levels of the information if necessary. The system is supported by specialized hardware elements, such as monitors or high-resolution videos and sensitive to; touch, mouse and printers with advanced technology.

It is important to note that on many occasions the terms Executive Information Systems (EIS) and Executive Support Systems (ESS) are used synonymously. However, the following additional features must be present to consider an EIS:

  • It includes electronic communication facilities, such as voice and data email, teleconferencing and word processors. Data analysis capabilities, such as electronic spreadsheet, specialized query languages ​​that use commands such as SELECT, JOIN and PROJECT. This capacity can be extended to have interfaces with the typical DSS. Tools for the executive's personal organization, such as calendar, agenda and electronic card holder.

As we can see, the EIS have multiple characteristics, these have allowed raising the level of confidence in decision-making, thanks to the fact that the EIS allow obtaining a view from different angles of the data, thereby greatly reducing the uncertainty in The process of decision making.

A very frequent question is: How do HIAs improve decision-making? This improvement is achieved by optimizing the information of the corporate or divisional reports of the organization, this optimization is done through:

  • The redefinition of the information collection methods, this allows whoever is in charge of making decisions not to get involved in obtaining the data directly, but to focus their energies on the analysis of the information. By making changes in the way of presenting the information, making use of new presentation techniques such as: graphs, histograms, drawings and animations, The redesign of current information systems. reports, through which more importance is given to the critical factors that will allow the organization to perform better.

The EIS contribute in an important way to support decision-making by allowing to redefine and reorient some of the phases of the administrative cycle of an organization, mainly to planning and control. This allows the organization to optimize the allocation of resources, both quantitative and qualitative; in addition to improving its processes and therefore increasing its profits.

The graphic below shows the steps an EIS takes to bring information to the end user.

The agents that allow to carry out a new conceptualization and a different way of doing the planning and control processes are:

  • Business activities today are carried out more quickly, which implies that the traditionalist way of seeing planning in longer periods of time changes, previously quarterly and even semi-annual and annual periods were considered, in these times there is a high need to have weekly and even daily information; This allows organizations to make the necessary adjustments to market conditions Having new ways of doing things, such as critical factors for success The rapid change in both hardware and software.

Modifications in the planning and forecasting processes. EIS invigorates planning and forecasting processes in the following ways:

  • Mechanizing the organization's planning process Establishing new methodologies for strategic planning and competitive analysis, these are improved by having adequate communication and access to databases Making decision makers use the system to carry out planning technique with applications that were previously considered for administrative control, ensuring that executives are skilled in carrying out specific analyzes using the information found in databases.

Today EIS are progressing very fast, and it is very possible that in a very near time these systems will be very different. The trends of change are as follows:

  • Better integration with other applications Better commercial software for EIS development Better system-user interfaces


As we can see, currently the global context in which organizations operate, increasingly needs systems that support decision-making, this is where the importance of Executive Information Systems (EIS: Executive Information Systems) lies. as they help together with the executives and / or administrators of the organizations with truthful, timely, structured and reliable information; This allows them to perform more correct information analysis which allows them to reduce costs, improve the processes of organizations, among others; This therefore allows to obtain a competitive advantage in the market.

Likewise, it is important to highlight EIS must adapt quickly to changes and needs, increasingly growing; of organizations since they are in constant change at the same time as the environment in which they coexist is changing.

Finally, it is important to note that EIS are only a tool that supports decision-making, which cannot think or reason, in the last place who interprets and makes the decision is the user.


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Information systems for executives and decision making