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Information systems and their importance for the company

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Information Systems (IS) and Information Technologies (IT) have changed the way today's organizations operate. Through its use, important improvements are achieved, as they automate operating processes, provide an information platform necessary for decision-making and, most importantly, its implementation achieves competitive advantages or reduces the advantage of rivals.

Information Technologies have been conceptualized as the integration and convergence of computing, telecommunications and the technique for data processing, where its main components are: the human factor, the content of the information, the equipment, the infrastructure, software and information exchange mechanisms, elements of policy and regulations, as well as financial resources.

The previous components make up the protagonists of computer development in a society, both for its development and for its application, it is also recognized that information technologies constitute the central nucleus of a multidimensional transformation experienced by the economy and society; hence the importance of studying and mastering the influences that such a transformation imposes on the human being as a social entity, since it tends to modify not only their habits and behavior patterns, but even their way of thinking.

Within the information technologies we must also consider some concepts and / or methodologies that deserve to be classified as high impact, either for our organization, the individual or society itself.

Information as a resource for organizations.

For some years now, organizations have recognized the importance of managing key resources such as labor and raw materials.

Information has been placed in a good place as one of the main resources that companies currently have. Decision-makers have begun to understand that information is not just a by-product of corporate governance, but also fuels business and can be one of many critical factors in determining success. or failure of these.

If we want to maximize the usefulness of our information, the business must handle it correctly and efficiently, just as the other existing resources are managed. Administrators must understand in a general way that there are costs associated with the production, distribution, security, storage and retrieval of all the information that is managed in the organization. Although the information is all around us, we must know that it is not free, and its use is strictly strategic to position the company in an advantageous way within a business.

The easy availability of computers and information technologies in general have created a computer revolution in society and particularly in business. The handling of computer generated information differs significantly from the handling of manually produced data.

What is an information system?

An Information System is a set of elements that interact with each other in order to support the activities of a company or business. In a broad sense, an information system does not necessarily include electronic equipment (hardware). However, in practice it is used as a synonym for "computerized information system".

The elements that interact with each other are: computer equipment, human resources, source data or information, programs executed by computers, telecommunications, and operating policies and rules procedures.

An Information System performs four basic activities:

  • Information input: process in which the system takes the data it requires to process the information, through workstations, keyboard, diskettes, magnetic tapes, barcode, etc. Information storage: it is one of the most important activities that a computer has, since through this property the system can remember the information saved in the previous session or process. Information processing: this characteristic of the systems allows the transformation of source data into information that can be used for decision-making, which makes it possible, among other things, for a decision-maker to generate a financial projection from the data it contains an income statement or balance sheet in a base year. Information output: it is the ability of an IS to take the processed information or input data abroad. Typical output units are printers, plotters, magnetic tapes, floppy disks, voice, etc.

Types and uses of information systems.

Over the next few years, information systems will meet the following objectives:

  1. Automate operating processes Provide information to support decision making Achieve competitive advantages through its implementation and use.

Often times, the information systems that achieve the automation of operational processes within an organization are called Transactional Systems, since their main function is to process transactions such as payments, collections, policies, payroll, inputs, outputs.

On the other hand, the information systems that support the decision-making process are decision support systems (DSS, for its acronym in English Decision Supporting System). The third type of systems, according to their use or objectives they meet, is Strategic Systems, which are developed in organizations in order to achieve competitive advantages through the use of Information Technology (IT).

Importance of information systems

When many people wonder why study information systems, it is the same as asking why someone should study accounting, finance, operations management, marketing, human resource management, or any other important business function. What I can assure you is that many companies and organizations are successful in their objectives due to the implementation and use of Information Systems. In this way, they constitute an essential field of study in business administration and management.

It is for this reason that all professionals in the area of ​​Business Administration should, or rather should, take an information systems course. On the other hand, it is important to have a basic understanding of information systems to understand any other functional area in the company, that is why it is also important to have a computer culture in our organizations that allow and provide the necessary conditions for information systems achieve the objectives mentioned above. Many times organizations have not entered the stage of change towards the information age without knowing that it is a very great risk of failure due to market threats and their inability to compete, for example,Internet-based IT is fast becoming a necessary ingredient for business success in today's dynamic global environment.

Therefore, the proper management of information systems is a major challenge for managers. Thus the SI function represents:

  • A major functional area within the company that is as important to business success as accounting, finance, operations management, marketing, and human resource management functions An important collaboration for operational efficiency, productivity, and morale and customer service and satisfaction An important source of information and important support for effective decision-making by managers An important ingredient for the development of competitive products and services that give organizations a strategic advantage in the global marketplace An essential, dynamic and challenging career opportunity for millions of men and women.

A global information society

We are living in an emerging global information society, with a global economy increasingly dependent on the creation, management and distribution of information through global networks such as the Internet. Many companies are in the process of globalization; that is, they are becoming global companies interconnected in a network. For example, companies are expanding into global markets for their products and services, using global production facilities to manufacture or assemble products, raising money in global capital markets, forming alliances with global partners, and battling global competitors for customers from all over the world. the world. Managing and making these strategic changes would be impossible without the Internet,Intranets and other global computing and telecommunications networks that constitute a central nervous system of today's global enterprises.

People in many nations no longer live in agricultural societies, made up mainly of farmers, or even industrial societies, where the majority of the workforce is made up of factory workers.

In contrast, in many nations a large part of the workforce is made up of people who are engaged in service delivery tasks or knowledge workers, that is, people who dedicate most of their time to communication and collaboration in teams and working groups, and the creation, use and distribution of information.

Competitive strategies with IT.

Often times, the use of information technology for globalization and business process reengineering results in the development of information systems that help a company give it a competitive advantage in the market, using them to develop products, services, processes and capabilities that give a business a strategic advantage over the competitive forces a business faces. Cost strategies, for example, using computer-aided manufacturing systems to reduce production costs, or creating Internet Web sites for electronic commerce (e-business), to reduce marketing costs. Differentiation strategies, such as developing ways to use information technology to differentiate a company's products or services from those of its competitors,so that customers perceive the products or services as having unique attributes or benefits. For example, providing fast and comprehensive customer support services through a website on the Internet, or using targeted marketing systems to offer individual customers the products and services that appeal to them.


In this short introduction to the vision of change that organizational information systems have caused, a basic understanding of the importance was acquired through its use to automate operational processes and their evolution towards important sources of information that serve as a basis for making decisions. decisions to support middle and senior management levels, to finally become tools to obtain competitive advantages through their implementation and use, supporting the highest level of the organization.

IT is being used more and more every day to support and automate the activities of a company. It is important as a recommendation to have an adequate plan to achieve greater advantages from the use of Information Systems.


Impact of Information Technology I

Informatics and its Social Impact

Cohen Karen, Daniel, McGraw Hill Management Information Systems. 2000

Keen, Meter GW Shaping the future: Business Design through Information Technology.

Cambridge: Harvard Business School Press. 1991

O'Briend, James. Bases of Information Systems. McGraw Hill.


Physical and tangible part of computers.

Computer networks located in a company at a local level that intercommunicate all departments.

Information systems and their importance for the company