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Quality measurement systems and best practices. presentation


Model vision

Have a model that unites the mission and the effort of all the staff, in a synergy of results towards competitiveness and world-class quality.



- It allows to elaborate diagnoses and recommendations based on systematized evaluations and with a methodology

- Knowledge of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats

- Recommendations are issued under all circumstances, except when the company is in the best practice

- Opinions are issued in circumstances in which general performance standards have been accepted

- It is a key instrument for implementing continuous improvement processes and quality models


- It allows to establish an action plan or implement a quality model on the reality that the company lives

- Know the needs of the clients

- Verify if the economic interests of the investors of their creditors and the staff are met

- Raise the levels of effectiveness and quality of the company

- Evaluates the sufficiency and effectiveness of the administrative, internal control, information, financial, operational and quality systems


- Know if the regulations and legal and regulatory provisions are being followed

- Know the transparency in the application of resources and accountability

- Determine if the resources are managed efficiently, effectively and economically

- Determine the degree and form of compliance with the mission, vision, objectives, policies, strategies, systems, processes, programs and controls

- Have sufficient, truthful, and timely information to implement a Quality Model

- Have a clear, simple and precise vision of the organism, in order to detect critical areas or problem areas


When determining the scope of a comprehensive evaluation study, the following factors should be taken into account:

- Existence of mission, vision, objectives, goals, programs, systems, organization manuals and procedures and controls

- Structural and functional complexity

- The established operating criteria

- Dimension and scope of interrelationships and internal and external operations - Internal and external

communication systems

- Facilities to obtain information

- Degree of computer development

- Degree of organizational development in which it is found

- Degree of development technology of the company

- Culture of measurement

- Business culture


-Establish the scope with objectivity, which can be completed in a given period

-The time to carry out an evaluation will vary according to the extent and depth of the work and the size of the organization

-There are evaluations that last months and others that last years


- More modern and technical services

- Purchasing and supply strategies

- Programmatic, organizational, administrative, operational, technical and control recommendations

- Possible changes to the management control system

- Proposals to improve staff performance

- Actions to redirect operations towards the objectives

- Preventive and corrective measures to be taken

- Options for more efficient operations, with economy and quality


- Plan improvement actions, put them into practice, evaluate and standardize them

- Analyze the information to verify the effectiveness of the processes

- Form a group to prepare progress reports

- Promote that staff receive adequate training

- Specify the measurement criteria to qualify and stimulate staff



- Foster a culture of measurement and information

- Establish measurement criteria to measure efficiency, effectiveness and economy in administration and operation

- Determine the measurement criteria to measure the level of customer satisfaction

- Have evidence of all measurements and tests that verify its validity

- Design controls considering measurement criteria

- Information must be comparable with that of other bodies recognized for their best practices


- Qualitative and quantitative factors that provide an indication of the degree of efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the administration and execution of operations

- They can be expressed in monetary terms or in statistical measures

- Relating to the actual operation of the organization

- They include financial, operational and administrative, to analyze the data and compare them with the performance standards

- It is required to know how the objectives and criteria were established with which the achievement of the same will be measured

- From these criteria the performance indicators are developed


- They are those that relate the volumes produced with the resources used by the company

- The measurement of productivity is used to make a diagnosis on the efficient use of resources

- Make the combination of factors to minimize resources, but at the same time achieve quality products

Productivity is conditioned by the advancement of the means of production, technology, and the improvement of attitudes, capacities and abilities


- The efficiency qualification requires that the cost analyzed by its elements and the dimension of what has been achieved be proportional to each other

- When this does not happen, the operations will be evaluated with criteria appropriate to each particular situation

- There is no scale of values ​​with The degree of efficiency with which a function or activity is performed can be accurately measured

- Such values ​​are at the discretion of the person who performs the review work and the managers involved in this


- A high degree of effectiveness that achieves the objectives set at the lowest possible cost

- Comparisons of what has been done with previously established objectives

- Efficiency measures the results achieved based on the objectives that have been proposed

- Efficiency is the ratio of the magnitude between the objectives, with the achievements achieved

- When an activity or program is done outside the agreed time and with a different quality than the agreed one, it is not effective

- If the same activity is done adding unnecessary costs, it is not as effective as using less resources with the same quality


- Savings in brochure design, printing and shipping vs. Results obtained

- Impact on positioning and loyalty vs. impact produced by traditional Marketing.

-% of Impact on the total productivity of the company -Impact on total sales by brands, products and periods.

- Percentage of positive and negative advertising impacts vs. Impacts produced with traditional marketing

- Percentage of positive feedback vs. negative.

- Percentage of visitors vs. total target audience.

- Percentage of buyers vs. total visitors to the site or portal.

- Percentage of actual sales vs. Forecast sales.


- Quality in customer service

- Knowledge of customer needs

- Quality of processes, products and services

- Quality and supplier compliance

- National and international procurements scheduled

- Organization and capacity of warehouses and inventories

- Preservation of movable property and real estate

- General services to support operating conditions

- Distribution of space, times and movements


- Generate a culture of measurement

- Make the company more competitive

- Ensure the satisfaction of internal and external customers -Generate a culture of quality focused on customers

- Immediately correct deviations in processes

- Have positive changes in the staff attitude

- Develop and improve the level and quality of life of staff

- Reduce costs in all processes

- Rethink where the organization wants to take

- Concentrate efforts on achieving strategic objectives


Jack Fleitman:

www.ciemsa.mx professional consultants


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Quality measurement systems and best practices. presentation