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Transactional systems, decision support systems and strategic systems

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Information systems

Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON) (sf). “An information system can be technically defined as a set of related components that collect (or retrieve), process, store and distribute information to support decision-making and control in a organization." (p. 3)

Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCA.P) (sf):

It is a set of elements that interact with each other with a common purpose; that allows information to be available to meet the needs of an organization, an information system does not always require computational resources, although its provision facilitates the management and interpretation of information by users. (p. 1)

Peña quoted by Duany (nd):

An information system is a set of interrelated elements with the purpose of paying attention to the information demands of an organization, to raise the level of knowledge that allows better support for decision-making and development of actions. (p. 1)

According to the previous definitions we can affirm that an information system is a set of elements that are designed to work in synchrony and perform a task that would be the receipt, storage, processing and distribution of information of any kind, there are many types of Information systems not only computerized and not only applied to computing, but an information system can also be a library since it receives books, orders and stores them and these books disseminate the information that is written in them when the user The consultations, information systems help us to maintain order in our activities and are used by organizations and companies to facilitate and expedite their work when recording data,process them and convert them into useful information for users who are the recipients for whom the entire process is carried out, and it is these in turn who carry out the entire process with the help of the technologies that serve this purpose.

Transactional Systems

Computer And Technology Dictionary (2012):

It is a type of information system designed to collect, store, modify and retrieve all types of information that is generated by transactions in an organization. A transaction is an event or process that generates or modifies the information that is eventually stored in an information system. (p. 1)

Transactional systems are one of the many types of information systems that exist, they are especially used as their name indicates to carry out transactions or transfers of data, information from one person to another, or money from one account to another, they have among their characteristics that should be:

  1. reliable: since if a money transfer is made, the system must be able to guarantee its security and avoid loss of money; fast: because it is useless to use a transfer system if the information or money takes many hours or days to reach its recipient or the corresponding account; inflexible: since the information required from users must be the same for all and at no time accept erroneous data.

Transactional systems have among their advantages:

  • They streamline and automate the processes carried out by companies Store large amounts of information Manage databases Transform complex tasks for human beings into simpler activities

Decision Support Systems

According to Pérez and Fernández (2.006):

Decision support systems are systems that aid in the analysis of business information. Its purpose is to help the administration to "set trends, point out problems and make smart decisions." The basic idea is to collect operational data from the business and reduce it to a form that could be used to analyze the behavior of the business and modify it in an intelligent way. (p. 2).

The decision support system is used by company managers to analyze and make effective decisions for organizations, so that the productivity and profits of the company can be increased, it is also used to collect information and make decisions in groups with the help of questionnaires, or through the use of a software called groupware; They are made up of four main components:

  • Model administration subsystem: it is made up of commands , modeling language and the modeling directory. User interface subsystem: consists of hardware and software and the user's iteration with the machine. User: is the one who makes the decisions in the company.

Strategic Systems

Laudon cited by Olate and Peyrin (2004) define them as: "computer systems at any level in the company that change the goals, operations, services, products or relationships of the environment to help the institution obtain a competitive advantage". (p. 43).

They are used because they provide many advantages to companies, such as competitiveness: they provide greater performance of raw materials, reduction of production and transportation costs, the company remains at the forefront, and the costs of selling products are controlled. that products, goods and services of better quality are produced, this also causes the quality of the products of the competitors to drop, everything mentioned above is done with one purpose: to meet the goals of the company, for this reason this theory also sometimes It implies a change in the objectives of the company, also generating changes in procedures, suppliers, products, forms of production and distribution, relationships with clients and suppliers, among others.

It should be noted that strategic information systems are also supported by information technologies (IT), since they also provide advantages to the company such as speed for the dissemination of important information, increase efficiency in the sense that perform faster activities such as administration and better preparation, presentation, storage of documents; On the other hand, companies with the support of IT can make digital presentations through holographic simulators in 3D, 4D virtual reality among others, which serve to show potential customers the prototypes of the products they want to launch on the market and thus avoid unnecessary costs of producing a product that will probably never be marketed,Furthermore, clients can contribute their ideas and requirements to be included in the product.

Not always a company has the best technology for a certain purpose, for this reason the theory of strategic systems says that when you want to update to be up to date with IT, which will help you improve your production and reduce costs, you must make a Strategic planning, and for this, a study called the SWOT matrix (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) matrix of the company's IT is carried out, it will consist of diagnosing the technologies that the company has at the time of the study and the technologies that are needed to be up to date. day with the production and distribution of products, goods or services that are sold or provided, thus being at the forefront and being more competitive in terms of achieving the great purpose of any organization, which is to fulfill the objects and finally reach the goal.


  • Dictionary Of Computing And Technology (2.012) Definition of transactional system.. Available at: http://www.alegsa.com.ar/Dic/sistema%20transacional.phpDuany, A. (sf) Information Systems..Available at: http://www.econlink.com.ar/sistemas-información/definición. Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCA.P). Information system.. Available at: http://www.incap.int/sisvan/index.php/es/acerca-de-san/conceptos/ sistema –de-vigilanceInstituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON). (sf). Introduction to Information Systems.. Available at: http://biblioteca.itson.mx/oa/dip_ago/definiciónn_sistemas/p3.htm Olate, M and Peiryn O. (2.004). Strategic information systems and information technologies. Seminar to qualify for the title of Engineering in Information and Management Control.. Available at: http://blog.pucp.edu.pe / blog / wpcontent / uploads / sites / 378/2011/10 / sistemade_informacion_estrategicos_y_tecnologias_de_la_inf.pdf Pérez, S and Fernández, N. (2.006). Decision support.. Available at:
Transactional systems, decision support systems and strategic systems