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Administrative decision making and problem solving

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In organizations, problems always arise, some everyday, others complex, and many times it is not known how to respond to them or what decision to make, for administrators it is one of the greatest responsibilities, to facilitate this task, processes, models, and tools can be used that They will help us not to make a mistake in the best solution to the problem or situation presented.

Problem solving consists of a process that encompasses various activities, these can be short or extensive, problem solving is a determining factor within companies and organizations, which is mainly a risk taken by administrators. From this need arises knowing the main steps for the identification and good application of techniques, methods and models that help to solve problems.


To understand this topic, it is necessary to define the main concepts that make up the topic of problem solving and decision making.

Problem concept

A problem is some issue or question to which a solution needs to be sought.

Solution concept

The word solution comes from the Latin solutĭo that refers to the action or effect to solve some difficulty or doubt.

Problem solving concept

It is the process by which various actions are carried out to resolve a question through reasoning processes.

Decision Concept

The word decision comes from the Latin decisĭo that refers to the resolution that is chosen for something.

Decision making concept

It is the selection process between two or more alternatives after carrying out a previous analysis a series of factors that intervene directly to choose the most appropriate.

Decision-making and problem-solving process

The decision-making process can vary according to various criteria and it can be short or as long as desired. Figure 1 shows the main stages of this process.

Figure 1. Problem solving and decision making process.

Identification and selection of the problem

This stage refers to finding the problem and being aware that at a given moment a decision must be made to find the solution to the problem. This problem may have the characteristic of being current or be the cause of many conflicts in the organization. The following questions can be asked to aid in problem selection:

  • Where is it happening? What is happening? When is it happening? Who is involved? Why is this problem happening?

Problem analysis

The problem must be understood, define it, structure it and analyze the failures. If the problem is very complex, it is advisable to divide it into segments and make a brief description of each of the parts.

The understanding of the problem should be verified. This turns out to be easier if it is shared with other people to ensure that the understanding is adequate.

Assign priorities to problems: If there are several problems that arise, priority must be set to identify which one will be solved first and which ones successively.

The aspects that are “important” and which are “urgent” should be differentiated, since those that turn out to be important should be given more attention.

An example of this may be that calls are often answered by phone and these are urgent in nature. The important thing to do would be to design a system that allows you to filter and prioritize them.

Generate alternative solutions

The solution of the problem can be achieved through various alternative solutions, these are based on uncertainty.

Possible solutions are developed and many must be generated in order to find one that is suitable for satisfactorily solving the problem.

To generate a large number of alternatives in the case of organizational problems, it is useful to involve others who are involved in the issue and with the help of techniques such as brainstorming to collect information from others.

Evaluation of alternatives

A study of each of the possible solution alternatives for the problem is carried out, the advantages and disadvantages of each one must be identified according to the objectives of the organization and assign a weighted value.

Selection and planning of the solution

One or more alternatives must be selected according to the evaluation to obtain better results for solving the problem, for which the following questions must be taken into account: With which alternative is the most likely to solve the problem? Are the necessary resources available? What is the degree of risk inherent in each alternative?

For the planning of the solution, the measures and / or processes that must be modified in the organization must be taken into account, as well as the human, financial and infrastructure resources that will be needed, the time in which it will be carried out and who will be responsible..

Execution and Control

This step is responsible for ensuring that the planning of the solution is carried out in the previously planned times, applying correct controls to ensure the desired objectives.

Decision-making styles

Decision-making styles vary according to the circumstances and in which manager or decision-makers are found, alternatives also play an important role. Below in figure 2 shows a table showing some styles for decision making.

Figure 2. Decision-making styles.

Types of decision making

Scheduled decisions

These are taken frequently due to their nature of being repetitive and routine due to the fact that the problems they solve occur on a daily basis. These types of problems already have steps planned for their solution, this type of decision is also known as structured. The people who are in charge of making these types of decisions no longer have to design the solutions but instead make the decision that they applied previously.

These decisions must follow policies, procedures and rules to facilitate decision-making in situations that occur with a certain frequency.

Unscheduled decisions

These are also known as structured, they are contrary to the previous ones, the decisions that are made are to solve situations that arise sporadically or those that require a very specific model for their solution, for example a change of office location, the launch of a new product among others. These decisions require the help of some model for decision making for adequate solutions.

In circumstances that do not arise very frequently or situations that are important to the organization, it should be handled with special treatment and as an unscheduled decision.

Group decisions

Some of the decisions in organizations are made in groups belonging to the same or in different departments depending on the situation, this form of decision is considered an important factor of organizations.

Some advantages of making group decisions:

  • As a group, more forms of solution can be suggested. The groups have greater contribution of knowledge and different experiences. Greater involvement of all members is promoted in the search and application of the solution. The consequences are better assumed in the group The solution strategy it is more complete.

Some Disadvantages of Group Decision Making

  • The group tends to decide on the basis of some familiar situations. Groups always have a leader and generally always follow him. Groups take longer to make decisions and sometimes cannot reach an agreement.

Decision-making tools and techniques

Data collection

This tool allows gathering, classifying and analyzing information according to the situation or problem of which a decision is to be made, it is mainly used for the identification and analysis of problems.

It facilitates the analysis because when identifying the problem to be studied, categories are determined and the data are recorded in a list that facilitates the management of information. Some of the aspects to be analyzed are mentioned below:

  • If the information is qualitative or quantitative. What will be the procedure to be followed to collect the data. What will be the use of the information collected. How the analysis will be performed. Who will be in charge of collecting the data. What will be the frequency? where the analysis will take place Place where it will be carried out.


Often this tool is used when trying to carry out an activity or solve problems according to different points of view of the members of a group. Within organizations, the use of this tool is important as it encourages teamwork and motivates the generation of opinions from group members as long as they are coherent according to the topic being addressed.

Main benefits

  • The members reach higher levels of reasoning than they imagined Creativity is generated Confidence is generated in the members It encourages participation

It is considered a planning tool since the participation of the group in the generation of brainstorming can create important and creative strategies that can positively affect the organization.

Pareto chart

It helps to detect problems that are more relevant, visually it allows to identify minorities but with vital characteristics to which it is essential to pay attention and thus make decisions to carry out an action. In the figure - the vertical axis is the frequency with which the values ​​occur individually and the right vertical axis is the cumulative percentage. As shown in figure 3.

Figure 3. Pareto diagram

Gantt diagram

This contribution is by Henry Laurence Gantt, hence the name of this tool "Gantt chart" to this day is used quite frequently since its origins in 1910.

This tool consists of showing by means of a graph the duration times of the different activities that make up a project in a way that allows observing the progress of the project and the start and end time of the same

It allows to carry out the planning and control of all the activities to be carried out in a project and in each of these activities the start, duration and end time is determined so that the project is completed on time and as planned. At present, for the development of projects, there are already many software that are responsible for storing more information about each activity and allows to carry more details such as costs to whom that activity was assigned among other things, which is valuable information for the project manager. An example is shown in figure 4.

Figure 4. Gantt chart example


In this tool, geometric figures that have their meaning in the diagram are used in order to solve problems or improve a system or process.

Figure 5. Flow chart

Ishikawa's diagram

Also known as the Cause Effect Diagram or Fishbone Diagram, the name of this diagram honors DR. Kaoru Ishikawa where he developed this tool by observing that a procedure cannot be predictable without taking into account all those factors that can originate that process and how they interrelate. This diagram consists of a horizontal arrow which leads us to the far right where it takes us to the "problem" to be analyzed but at the same time contemplates various "cause" factors that are directly related to the problem being analyzed, either because they influence or affect, as shown in figure 6 Oblique lines similar to the spine of a fish that represent the causes, in turn, each of these lines that represent a cause, arrive at the horizontal axis.they receive other perpendicular lines that represent secondary causes, forming a group of causes of a common nature.

Figure 6. Ishikawa diagram

Main benefits:

  • It helps to think about the real causes of a problem and not only the obvious or simple ones It widens the visualization of a problem It motivates group discussion It helps to identify solutions, make decisions, and carry out an action plan

Decision trees

Decision trees is a technique that allows you to analyze decisions based on the use of results and probabilities. Decision trees are the best known form of representation for outlining decision problems, the information is represented in a way that is easy to understand and visualize possible alternatives to make a decision. In these schemes, alternatives, events, possible outcomes, and the sequence of decisions are observed. As shown in figure 7.

Figure 7. Decision tree.

Decision-making and problem-solving models

D 'Zurilla and Goldfried model.

In D´Zurilla and Goldfried's model, two dimensions are considered:

An orientation to the problem.

Where it contains the beliefs about the domain that the individual exercises over the solution of the problem. But it also includes two aspects that are based on the theory of self-efficacy:

The belief in self-efficacy in solving problems. Based on the expectation of efficacy.

The belief that life's problems can be solved. Based on the expected result.

Orientation to the problem can be positive or negative

The positive orientation to the problem can generate the following aspects: The problems are viewed as challenges.

Generate optimism knowing that every problem has a solution. Know that you have the capacity to deal with problems.

Be aware and be willing to invest time and effort in its solution.

Negative problem orientation implies viewing problems as threats. Doubting the abilities to solve them.

Emergence of stress and frustration when faced with the problem

These two orientation serve for in the case of the positive one to which problem induces the subject to face it, on the other hand the negative orientation prepares him to avoid it.

This model proposes a process for solving problems: Definition of the problem.

  • Development of solutions and alternatives Decision-making and execution Evaluation of results Restart the process

Rational model of L Taylee

  1. This model proposes seven steps: Definition and diagnosis of the problem Establishment of goals Search for alternative solutions Comparison and evaluation of alternative solutions Selection between alternative solutions Implementation of the selected solution Monitoring and control.

Future work

Creation and implementation of manual for problem solving and decision making.


Create a manual that contains the tools that you can apply for decision-making, as well as the facilitation of problem solving


Problem solving and decision making are important for organizations as it helps us to identify problems and their possible solutions. If a problem that is intended to be solved is not correctly analyzed, it can lead us to make a bad decision that can affect financial aspects, time, depending on the area that is being focused on.

Problem solving and decision making are a process that increases the chances of making more efficient and effective decisions, this is because problems can be identified and evaluated by involving people to deepen the analysis


  1. http://definicion.de/problema/http://definicion.de/solucion/http://www.gqs-inc.com/spanish/solucion-problemas.htmhttp://definicion.de/decision/http: //www.gestiopolis.com/administracion-estrategia-2/take-decisiones-solucion-problemas-administracion.htmhttp://www.slideshare.net/ishtarmaria/toma-de-decisiones-y-solucion-de-problemas# btnPrevioushttp: //www.gestiopolis.com/Canales4/ger/sixpautas.htmhttp: //www.gestiopolis.com/administracion-estrategia/women/styles-de-making-de-cisiones.htm
Administrative decision making and problem solving