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Stakeholders, also known as "multistakeholders" or "constituencies" because of the similarity that exists with citizens regarding state affairs (which suggests that organizations should be responsible for other groups in addition to the owners), are all those groups, organizations, companies or people who have an interest in a given company or organization, among them are: employees, customers, providers of goods and services, providers of capital, the community and society.


Direct and indirect stakeholders of a company that having some type of interest in business operations, provide their support and to whom the organization is responsible.

Stakeholders are groups with real or potential power to influence managerial decisions.

Stakeholders are understood to be all those people, groups, companies, the community and society insofar as they have an interest in the existence and development of a company.

They are the groups that have an interest in the company surviving. These stakeholders (people or organizations) can affect or be affected by the decisions of the company in which they are interested.

“Stakeholders are an individual or group of individuals who have direct and indirect interests in a company that can be affected in the achievement of its objectives by actions, decisions, policies or business practices, since they have a moral obligation to society and these obligations is known as corporate social responsibility. "

"Corporate social responsibility is the active participation of the company within the community where it carries out its business activity, providing moral, economic and social support and defending the labor rights of its workers and the community."

Direct interests or internal levels

  • Owners Managers Workers Suppliers Clients

Indirect interests or external levels

  • Public administration Competitors Defenders of clients Ecologists Specific interest groups Local community Society in general Media

The “stakeholders” is a conception that is interested in the responsibilities of the management at the internal levels of the company as well as the relationships with the participants in the “immediate environment”; They are those people, groups, companies, the community and society that have an interest in the existence and development of the company. In its important work of the company, that is to say "The moral responsibility of the company" before society.

Relationships are valid interlocutors and it is the company's moral obligation to get in touch with all of them.

In the analysis of tasks and responsibilities, the groups, organizations and institutions that have to do with the companies are taken into account, whether they are a participant in their activities, such as employees, suppliers, customers and those who follow their development with interest such as the community and state.

Peter Davis and John Donaldson of the University of Leicester propose seven principles or values: pluralism, mutuality, individual autonomy, distributive justice, natural justice, the center in the people and the multiple role of work.

  • Pluralism.- It is the recognition of the rights of all stakeholders and respect for cultural diversity within the community. That needs to be accepted in all legitimate forms of the organization. Mutuality.- The fundamental right of all is to obtain a mutual benefit from the associations that are part and the right not to be tied to any other association that poses a permanent disadvantage. Individual autonomy.- This principle affirms that the individual engaged in service should be delegated freedom and independence as allowed by dignity, trust and solidarity that unites everyone in the community to involve members in free dependence and cooperativism in responsibilities and obligations towards its stakeholders and the fulfillment of its purposes. Distributive Justice.- It is access to the means for the creation of wealth and fair participation, creating a line with economic activity and economic need in fair employment and exchange for all participants and stakeholders of the members. Natural justice.- As the one that occurs with the guidelines accepted in all bodies in favor of a fair, independent and impartial treatment by the manager or administrator and within the administration process. The center in people.- Companies must accumulate capital for their ultimate goal, but also to better serve people, especially in the management of resources and the growth of people. The multiple role of work.- It is the recognition of the importance of work for the well-being of the individual and the community.

Managers have a special responsibility to work for the well-being of the individual and the community to ensure the quality of working life in the activities affected by their decisions.

Stakeholders have attributes and the most important are: legitimacy, power and urgency.

  1. Legitimacy.- It is the perceived validity of a stakeholder's claim. Power.- The ability or ability to produce an effect on the company. Urgency.- It is the degree of demands that require immediate attention.


Stakeholders stakeholders

Some general stakeholder groups have been prioritized based on both the impact and the influence they have on companies.

  • Investors and Financial Entities: Creation of value for both companies, that is, investors and financial entities with the company. Clients: The company will have to maintain sustained contact with its clients and participate in the development of corporate social responsibility. Employees: The company is committed to its employees, seeking quality of life and defending their labor rights. Strategic Allies and Suppliers: The company creates strategic alliances in order to create added value with its allies and suppliers. Administrations and Regulators: Create a commitment to the environment and a commitment to the society where it carries out its business activity.Homeowners and Neighborhood Communities: See the commitment to the environment and the commitment to the society involved. Society and the General Public: It has a commitment to the environment »and to the society where it works. Creators of Opinion and Knowledge: Has a commitment to society, trying to improve the quality of life within the community or area where it develops its business activity.

Stakeholder engagement process

Additionally, the company uses different communication methods depending on the group of Stakeholders. Some of these applied methods are:

  • Surveys of perception / opinion of the management of Social Responsibility within the field in which the company is involved. Studies and research focused on specific issues. Meetings / encounters with organizations that represent the interest of the "Stakeholders", through associations and global organizations Involvement of Stakeholders in specific projects or issues of the company Publish the Corporate Social Responsibility Report for stakeholders Communications about our position on certain issues By identifying Stakeholders' expectations, The company tries to ensure that all the information obtained through the communication process is used to improve our decisions and business actions. The surveys carried out with Clients,The General Public, Social NGOs and Environmental NGOs make known the priority aspects of management and the needs to improve and be part of the Social Responsibility program. Making it easier to prioritize and analyze trends in perceptions about the different aspects of Social Responsibility.

Stakeholders identification



XX ADENAG congress, The Stakeholders' approach to senior management. Speaker Isaac Bleger.



Here is a series of videos through which you can continue to learn more about what stakeholders represent for an organization. (5 videos - 15 minutes - Miguel Hernández University of Elche, Professor Antonio Verdú)
