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Planning techniques and tools

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In the administrative process, planning is taken as an initial stage and this consists of the formulation of the state that is desired in the future for the organization and based on this, some alternative courses of action are proposed, to evaluate them and thus define what are the adequate strategies to achieve the proposed objectives.

Planning implies the creation of a future from the present with a prospective vision, that is, as an extension of it, so it includes the anticipated establishment of objectives and goals.

To carry out proper planning, there are different techniques and tools that allow it to be carried out, therefore, in this article each and every one of them will be analyzed.

The application of one or the other will depend on some important factors, such as the size of the organization, its turn, etc.


  • PlanningTechniquesPlanning toolsStrategic planningAdministrationTactical or operational planning



Planning is an administrative function that is responsible for providing the means with which human resources handle the problems of an environment that is complex, dynamic and / or always constant.

That is, a whole set of strategies, programs, procedures, goals, policies and objectives of an organization.

In other words, planning means determining in the present what future actions are going to be carried out, based on an objective that is set in advance.

Thus, then the objectives and purposes of planning are:

  • Of objectives: To be meaningful, they must be clear, achievable and measurable Contribution to the objective: Promote compliance with business objectives Of primacy of planning: Planning precedes all other administrative activities Of efficiency of the plans: The efficiency of the plans is measured according to their contribution to the company's purposes and objectives.

(UNAM, 2014)

Types of planning

Strategic planning

It is a permanent and continuous process over time, which sets in motion the direction of organizations to address with the minimum of risks in the future.

It is based on the analysis of the organization, from an internal point of view and contemplated from its context, the results derived from this analysis reflected in long-term objectives, which must be measurable and viable, in addition to materializing the strategies with their respective indicators and goals, which allow the process to be monitored. (Gutiérrez Betancur, 2007)

Strategic planning tools

SWOT methodology

The acronym SWOT defines four concepts that are fundamental to the organization:

  • Strengths: Positive aspects of the organization that are worth maintaining Opportunities: Aspects or situations offered by the environment and that are favorable for the company Weaknesses: They are internal in nature since they are the weak points of the organization Threats: They are long-term obstacles that prevent the achievement of organizational objectives.

Steps for the implementation of a strategic planning

  1. Company mission Identification of strategic business units Market research Setting objectives for each strategic business unit Calculating the growth rate of the organization Compare sustainable growth with expected growth in demand Change in organization policies BCG (Boston Consulting) parent Group) Competition study Corporate strategy

(Universidade de Clea, nd)

The corporate strategy is "a pattern of decisions that determines and reveals the objectives, purposes or goals, likewise, it is in charge of producing the policies and plans to achieve the goals, defines the business sphere to which the organization aspires…" (Gutiérrez Betancur, 2007)

Operational Planning

It consists of establishing the application of the strategic plan according to the specific objectives, as well as the strategic plan, it must be simple, easy to understand for all people or participants, and allow them to know the activities that must be carried out and the time of the they have to complete them.

These operational plans can range from simple timelines that identify the most important events to more complex ones that are able to pinpoint in great detail what is going to happen on certain dates. (UNAM, 2014)

Tactical Planning

This type is carried out at the departmental level, since it consists of making short-term plans (one year or less) towards the future, it is usually used to describe what the organization must do to be successful in that time.

Its main characteristics are:

  • It is projected for the medium term, regularly annually. It covers each department, its resources and is also concerned with achieving objectives. This planning is defined in each of the elements of the company.

Below is a comparative table between the main types of planning:

Comparative table types of planning (Universidade de Clea, nd)

Planning tools and techniques

According to Münch Galindo, the types or methods of planning are divided into three categories:

  • Qualitative: Or commonly known as research methods, among the best known are T groups, brainstorming, game techniques, weak points, strong points, mostly they are studied through cases and dramatizations. operations research, supported by decision trees, queuing theory, networks, etc. They can be computerized or manual.Economic engineering: Using financial methods or techniques such as the NPV (Net Present Value), recovery analysis, breakeven point and the internal rate of return.

(Münch Galindo, 2006)

Among its main tools and techniques are:

  • Flowcharts Policy and Objectives Manuals Gantt Charts Critical Path or Critical Path Method Program Review and Evaluation Technique (PERT)

All these techniques in the same way serve for control. (UNAM, 2014)

It is a tool that allows a user to model the planning of tasks necessary to carry out a project, it was invented by Henry L. Gantt in the year 1917.

Due to the relative ease with which it can be created, this tool is used by almost all project managers, as it allows you to make a graphical representation of the project's progress, but it is also an excellent means of communication between people who are involved in the project.

(Kioskea.net, 2014)

The steps to carry it out are:

  1. Detail the activities that will be carried out Place them in order On the horizontal axis the units of time will be placed On the vertical axis, the activities in an orderly manner Determine the time for each activity Represent that time with horizontal bars

(UNAM, 2014)

Critical Path (CPM)

The Critical Path Method (equivalent to its acronym in English CPM, Critical Path Method) is widely used for the development and control of projects, its main objective is to determine the duration of a project, understanding this as a sequence of all the activities that They are related to each other, where each has estimated durations. (Investigation of operations.net, nd)

This technique is used to plan and carry out time control on the activities to be carried out in a project, also, the expected costs for each of them are determined. On the critical path, only a probable time estimate is made for each activity. (UNAM, 2014)

Elements to design a critical path (UNAM, 2014)

It has a similarity with the CPM technique, but its main difference lies in in addition to the activities, the expected costs are determined for each of the activities, in addition to time, it is carried out based on three estimates (the optimal, the probable and the pessimistic time) to obtain a single estimation time.

PERT is used when there is no previous experience to carry out programs, or when there is a difference of opinion regarding the times.

The PERT network (sometimes called a PERT chart) consists of the following elements:

  • Tasks (activities or stages), are represented by an arrow. Each one is assigned a code and a duration, although the length of the arrow is independent of the duration of the task. Stages, start and end of each task, each task has a stage in which it starts and another in which ends, they are generally represented by a circle. Fictitious tasks are symbolized with a dotted arrow, which indicates the limitations of the task chains between certain stages.

(CCM High-Tech, nd)

Headquarters of Boston Consulting Group (UNAM, 2014)

This matrix is ​​in charge of showing the links between the growth rate of a business and the relative competitive position of the organization, which is identified by its participation in the market.

In general, the businesses that are in the quadrant of the question mark have a weak position in the market and a high rate of growth, they require cash investments to become stars, which is where the businesses with a great growth position and that they are very competitive, they also have growth opportunities and profits.

Cows, have a strong competitive position and a low growth rate, are well established in the market and have the potential to manufacture products at a low cost, so these businesses provide the necessary cash for their operation.

Dogs are businesses that have a low growth rate and little market share, and they are not very profitable, so they must be liquidated. (UNAM, 2014)


The use of these techniques will depend on several factors such as the size of the organization, external and internal factors; It will also depend on the decisions made by the administrator, the company's line of business, the position in the market, the resources and the projection of the expected results.

Planning is an activity that is inherent to all human beings and therefore, to the development of all functions.

Their role and intervention in all areas is very important, since they all have objectives and goals to achieve, the functional areas are: marketing, finance, production and human resources.

Thesis topic proposal

Implementation of a Blue Ocean strategy in a SME in the region.

General objective

Analyze the feasibility and implementation of a blue ocean strategy in an organization in the Orizaba region to create a competitive advantage.

A g r adequacy

To the National Technological Institute of Mexico for being my alma mater and to Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for their support and motivation to carry out these articles on the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering.


  • CCM High-Tech. (sf). Retrieved May 2016, from http://es.ccm.net/contents/582-metodo-pertGutiérrez Betancur, JF (2007). Diagnostic tools for planning. Lecture IV World Symposium on Physical Activity and Sports Business (page 29). Melilla, Spain: Esp. Sports Administration. Investigation of operations.net. (sf). Retrieved May 2016, from http://www.investigaciondeoperaciones.net/cpm.htmlKioskea.net. (July 2014). Retrieved May 2016, from http://es.ccm.net/contents/gestion-de-proyectos-1343593641#580Münch Galindo, L. (2006). Fundamentals of Administration. Mexico: Editorial Trillas.UNAM. (March 20, 2014). National Autonomous University of Mexico. Retrieved May 2016, from the Faculty of Accounting and Administration: http://fcaenlinea.unam.mx/2006/1231/docs/unidad3.pdfUniversidade de Clea. (sf).Online Education México-Bogotá. Retrieved May 2016, from:
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Planning techniques and tools