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Dashboard for project execution control


The development of the dashboard for the control of project execution requires a structured organizational base, which guarantees a systematic evaluation of a set of indicators, which allows a diagnosis to be made to make decisions based on the strategy defined for the project. The ongoing projects database and Project 2002 provide this organizational basis for the project management strategy.

The project dashboards are part of an information system based on a set of key indicators, disaggregated according to the functional structure, which allow evaluating the status of the projects in each court as well as accessing primary information through the Web pages as an interface between the Project and the database. The most important indicators are associated with cost, time, quality, logistics and partial results. The evaluation of the indicators allows decision-making based on the objectives and strategy of the project.

In the content, the programming documentation is expressed, the cuts are made in accordance with the project control strategy, the information is organized in data warehouses, shared resources fund, tables, graphs and evaluations, the information is analyzed and It is grouped according to the interested parties with a view to exercising control of project execution. Forecasts are made, to finally make the decisions, proceed to the adjustment and update the system. The sequence to follow is shown, in a cyclical process per cut programmed in the milestones.


The databases of the projects in execution provide an organization that facilitates access to them, based on primary information, which allows access to complementary information in cases where it is required. The weighted evaluation in the project database allows the evaluation of the indicators and constitutes the basis for the development of the Integrated Project Management (DIP).


In the project development stages, execution is one of the most important due to its complexity and the importance in making decisions to achieve the project's objectives, in the shortest possible time, within the budget and with the quality required by the client and the interested parties.

During the planning process, the structured programming of the project was developed and on this basis the computer map of the project was drawn up with the aim of facilitating knowledge management of the project, an important concept to develop a good control of execution with the necessary information.

To achieve the success of the execution, it is necessary to develop a team management work, where the role of the project manager as leader is decisive.

Project development is a process in which all stages have their functions. A well-planned project, with study of alternatives, evaluations, with a good schedule, definitions of quality and budget, facilitates the task of management in the execution stage.

The execution and control process is repeated as many times as the project has cuts.

Information analysis is the previous step between the information system and the project control process. It is the process by which the necessary information to prepare the evaluation is selected from the data warehouse using the dashboard at each structured level of the system, taking into account the responsibility matrix and its objectives. Decisions to be made for adjustment and updating are obtained in an iterative process.

At the end, the project is closed as long as they meet the project objectives approved by the management. It is not possible to go to the closing stage without approval.

The diagram roughly represents the most important steps in the control of execution by cuts in the project.

The analysis must be developed on the basis of the programmed cuts, designing information outputs to the interested parties in the project, according to their functions through tables, graphs, reports, Web pages, dynamic links through consultations or previously prepared reports. The analysis capacity must be in correspondence with the volume of information to be processed and the requirements to carry out the control according to the functional structure of the entity.

The information stored in the court requires an analysis and distribution of it according to the areas of interest. The information associated with a certain problem, detected in the cut, must be capable of characterizing it, of making a diagnosis where the quality, logistics and factors that affect it are evaluated. When this is not possible, it is necessary to seek more information. If the problem is well defined and characterized with a good diagnosis, the solutions will be consistent with the problem. One of the most important skills that the project manager must have is knowing how to identify when the level of information and its analysis is adequate for decision-making. A misidentified problem leads to wrong solutions. A well-posed problem always has a solution.Defaulting solutions are inopportune, risky ones are dangerous.

In the execution process, the concept of computerized map facilitates the graphic interpretation of the controls by cuts that are executed in the structured project. The dashboard must reflect the indicators and their evaluation, which is achieved with the combination of the baseline, progress line and the monitoring table. Web pages contribute to this concept by the information it reflects and the facilities provided by the links.

  • Base line.

During the execution of a project it is necessary to proceed to make a set of adjustments of start dates, costs or resources among other variables that it is necessary to keep in a controlled way to be able to compare the intermediate adjustments with the initial schedule and to be able to measure the behavior of the project execution and its deviation. The baseline is the way to store this initial information against which progress is measured.

  • Progress line.

The progress line provides graphical information on the status of the project. Web pages play an important role in this process of informing interested parties.

In the progress line, several factors are combined, among which are the milestones to define the cut-off dates, the physical progress according to the% of completion and the work volume defined for the task in the project monitoring table. In the same graph it is possible to see the baseline to compare the cutting results with the initial programming.

By simple observation, it is possible to appreciate the tasks that present delays such as A43 that presents in its notes an explanation of the reason for the same, the implications and the proposed solutions.

  • Project monitoring.

The tasks have a defined volume of work that allows assigning resources and calculating duration times. In the execution process, the physical advance for the cut and the% completed are determined. If task A43 has a working volume of 1000 m 3 of earth to move and until the cut date it has moved 200 m 3, the completion is 20% represented by the physical progress bar.

Tracking table.

The values ​​shown in the table are reflected in the graph of the bar diagram with a sample of the execution progress by tasks for a cutoff time reflected on 2/14/2001. The graph shows that task A43 is late for the cutoff date represented by the progress line.

  • Project control.

Project execution control is developed on the basis of having the necessary information, analyzed and structured in accordance with the management pyramid of the same. An efficient control guarantees the direction of the project from making timely decisions.

The analysis of the information and selection of the fundamental problems weighted according to their importance, allow to define a strategy in the control of execution, study possible variants to give the most feasible solutions and prepare the information for decision-making.

The control process begins with the self-control that the simple operator of a team develops in ensuring the quality of his daily work, taking care of the work means and the continuity of the production flow, specifying the way in which he must deliver his task completed to the boss of the next task. According to the production flow, the following tasks deliver the information to the head of the summary task for control according to the structured schedule. This in turn comprehensively evaluates the summary task and its link with the fulfillment of the partial objectives of the system, reflected in the milestones, evaluating and responding to the measurement criteria. At this level it is important to manage the total, free and interference slack in order to make the decisions that are at your level of responsibility.The head of the task updates the problem presented in the notes or with a file linked to his task, the project manager is informed by accessing the project through a diskette, email or on the server. The tasks that present problems in the cut require additional information, characterizing it and proposing the solutions related to the task, the rest do not necessarily require additional information.

The manager of a subproject generally functions similarly to the manager of the summary task.

The project manager consolidates the information and develops the project evaluation at the cutoff point corresponding to the milestone (I). It is based on the evaluation and compliance with the previous cutoff (I - 1), evaluates the forecast and the decisions made in the summary tasks and subprojects for the interval being evaluated (I - 1, I). With the available information, he characterizes current problems and makes the corresponding decisions and adjustments with a forecast based on the needs of the director of the company, specifying the goals to be met and the possible benefits. This will be the basic information to control in the next milestone (I + 1), The control of the project is executed based on the project documentation, the programming and the measurement criteria that guarantee the fulfillment of the partial objectives reflected in the milestones.

The control system must be comprehensive, from the one carried out by the investor, the designer to the self-control that the crew chief, the operator of a team, must do, reviewing the work done and seeking excellence in it. This comprehensive approach to control has paid off for successful companies. Preventive control, which alerts to a problem, guarantees a more efficient work.

- Evaluation of the project's behavior.

In order to obtain an evaluation of the behavior of the project, the main calculation expressions, indices and indicators are defined and ways of qualitatively evaluating the project in the cuts are proposed, based on its partial results.

Main definitions.

In order to know the characteristic parameters of the process, some definitions are provided that allow their analysis.

CPTP. Planned cost of cumulative planned work up to the cutoff date (TC). Earned value field that indicates the amount of the cost that should have been run through TC.

For a cut-off time (TC) the following conditions may occur:

If the task finished, TC> TFP (Planned End Time)% plan axis = 100.

CPTP = Planned budget in relation to the initial planned Baseline (LB).

Take the total planned budgeted cost at the end of the task. CPTP

CPTP = T x JT x  (R xt) x% planned axis R = planned. T = Total planned time regardless of whether the task is late or early in the TC time. % of Planned Execution = TC - TIP / T.

CPTR: Planned cost of work performed accumulated for the cut-off date. It is the total budgeted cost multiplied by the actual percentage executed or completed by the cutoff date.

Earned value field that indicates the amount of the budget that should have been executed taking into account the amount of work done up to the TC.

Behavior for different conditions.

  • If the activity has already finished,% axis = 100, CPTR = CPF = TP x JT x  (R xt). If the activity is running , CPTR = T x JT x (R xt) x% real axis CPTR = CPF x% real axis. T, R and t are planned. If the activity has not started,% axis = 0, CPTR = 0.

% Actual Execution = Actual Execution Time / Total Execution Time.

% of actual execution = TFR - TIR / TFE - TIR

In advanced tasks, the CPTR is calculated up to the TC.

ACWP: Actual Cost of the actual work executed cumulatively for the court date. This field shows the actual accrued costs for the task. It assumes the variations in cost due to adjustments in duration, resources or rates.

CRTR = T x JT x (R xt) x% actual execution. Actual cost x% actual execution. This is true only for real R and T. If there is a reduction or increase in resources or execution time, the real cost varies in relation to the planned one.

According to the three variants, this field behaves as follows.

  • If the activity is finished, CRTR = T x JT x  (R xt) = CEF (It has cost variations included). % actual execution = 100% If the activity is running,

CRTR = T x JT x (R xt) x% actual execution. T, R, and t are real.  If the activity has not started, CRTR = 0.

CRTR assumes cost variations based on changes in R, t and T.

Yes T real = T plan, R real = R plan,% of execution = 100: CRTR = CPF = CEF.

For tasks ahead of the TC, the CRTR is calculated up to the TC.

CPF: Final Planned Cost. Remains constant. Matches the baseline.

CEF: Final estimated cost. Assumes cost variations in cuts.

VAF = CPF - CEF assumes the accumulated cost variations in each cut. The variation of VAF in the cuts provides important criteria to evaluate the performance of the project as a function of cost.

For tasks completed with 100% execution, CPTP = CPF CRTR = CEF is met.

Indices and indicators.

Taking into account the set of characteristic parameters of the CPTP, CPTR, CRTR, CEF and CPF process, the indices are defined that allow the analysis of the behavior and evaluation of the project that are required in the command panel.

VP = Programming variation = CPTR - CPTP. It expresses the variation of the schedule in terms of cost.

Comparing the CPTP with the CPTR field allows you to determine if the task is behind or ahead of the schedule in terms of cost.

VP = CPTR - CPTP = CP. % REAL AXIS - CP. % PLAN AXIS. VP = CP (% REAL -% PLAN.) IF CP> 0 and% REAL>% Plan  VP> 0.

If CPTR> CPTP VP> 0 then programming is early.

Average daily cost of the project CD = CT / DRC.

DRC. Duration by R. Criticism.

VP1 = Estimated days in arrears. = PV / daily cost. VP / CD.

VP1 = Days in arrears.

The actual duration DR = TC - VP1. FA = FC - VP1

For a given cut-off time TC, the actual working duration DR will be affected by the days of delay of VP1.

VC = Cost Variation = CPTR - CRTR

The CPTR can be compared with the CRTR field to determine if the project expenses are in accordance with the budget in the TC.


CV =% REAL (CP - CR) IF CP> CR and% REAL AXIS> 0  CV> 0 If CPTR> CRTR CV> 0 The cost is below budget.

For the cut-off point CR = C contb. The actual cost should be equal to the accounting cost given by the project cost center in the TC. This is a condition that reflects the reliability of the cost process, where all the tasks are included in the TC

Budget control indicators:

According to the values ​​obtained from the indices, a general evaluation of the project can be achieved in the cut-off time (TC).

The indices can be selected according to the characteristics of the project being evaluated. A possible variant is the following:

The SPI is the relationship between the CPTR and the CPTP and measures compliance with the schedule. For values ​​greater than 1, it can be said that the programming in the TC is fulfilled.

SPI = CPTR / CPTP = CP% Actual / CP% Plan.

% real axis = DR / DRC% axis Plan = DP / DRC

If DR> DP the project is advanced. DP = D. Planned.

If DR <DP the project is behind schedule.

Yes% real % plan  SPI  1 The programming is advanced.

If the% of real execution =% of execution of the SPI plan = 1  CPTR = CPTP

For tasks that are on time, it is true that CPTR = CPTP

The CPI is the relationship between the CPTR and the CRTR, it measures budget compliance. CPI = CPTR / CRTR = CP% real / CR% real CP = T x JT x  R xt T; R and t planned. CR = T x JT x  R xt T; Real r and t.

If they do not vary CPTR = CRTR  CPI = 1

Rates t do not normally vary greatly therefore fundamental variations are given in adjustments in Planned Time and Resources against the actual ones. These variations affect:

Yes% Real axis> 0 and CP  CR  CPI  1. The project in this cut is below budget.

If T real <T plan with R yt = constants  CPI> 1 If R real <R plan with T yt = constants  CPI> 1 These two conditions are favorable to the project.

If actual T, R and t vary in relation to the plan, it is necessary to calculate the CPI and analyze the results.

The indicators that express the% of project execution are formulated below:

$ Cumulative cost curve.

PIP = CPTP x 100 / CPF. Planned percentage of budget execution in relation to the total cost planned on the cut-off date according to the baseline and based on physical progress.

PIPR = CPTR x 100 / CPF. Percentage of real execution in relation to the total planned cost on the cut-off date according to the baseline and based on physical progress.

PIR = CRTR x 100 / CEF Real percentage of budget execution in relation to the total cost expected at the time of the cut.

The PIP and the PIPR allow to determine the percentage of delay or advance that the project has in the TC.

The PIPR and the PIR allow to determine the percentage in relation to the cost.

The following table from Project 2002 provides all the information necessary to perform the analysis of the indicators that should go to the dashboard for project evaluation and strategic decisions.

The project should have executed 29.0% of the cost and is actually at 25.8% in relation to the planned cost. The difference represents the% behind the project. The 26.4% represents the real cost in relation to the CEF where the cost variations during execution are included. It should have been at 25.8%.

In this case the SPI and CPI are less than 1. Therefore the project is wrong. VP1 = (CPTR - CPTP) DR / CRTR.

PCR = CR x 100 / CEF Percentage of the real cost (CR) in relation to the CEF The combination of the CPI and SPI indices or the selection of others according to the characteristics of the project, allow the analysis of cost and time both in a cut-off point, such as at the end of the project, by groups of projects or any other grouping that is desired, allowing to characterize and evaluate the situation of the same in the dashboard.

These indicators and indices can be determined at the end of the project, in intermediate stages, by tasks and execution units, depending on what is to be evaluated at a cut-off point. A well-structured system must evaluate the most representative indices and indicators of its execution units according to their breakdown structure.

The continuous evaluation of the indices at the different levels of the structure, allow to analyze the behavior and provide criteria for forecasts. It also provides the necessary elements to evaluate performance at different levels of the project structure.

For the tasks completed with 100% execution, it is fulfilled.


This analysis is valid for a task, summary task, project or set of projects, so it allows its evaluation by cuts and its registration in the database of the control of personnel in human resources.

Quantitative evaluation of the project.

In the project control process, a large volume of information is generated, represented in tables, graphs and evaluations, among others. In the following graph you can see the different evaluations that can be presented of a project in execution.

If CPI and SPI > 1 the evaluation must be MB.  If CPI and SPI <1, the evaluation must be M.

For intermediate values, an evaluation between R and B can be given depending on the numerical values ​​achieved and the prioritized qualitative evaluations.

If  CPI >  SPI  the evaluation must be from B.

If CPI   <  SPI evaluation should be R.

Alternating axes can change the priority of cost over time in the second and fourth quadrants. If the methodology is valid for a set of projects and if they are applied consistently, benchmarking relative to the same evaluation system is valid. After the methodology is consistently applied, it can be adjusted in the refinement process.

The use of the dashboard is very generalized in the current literature and conceptually provides primary information that characterizes the evaluation of the cut and allows, through a set of links through the Web pages, to continue searching for information in cases where complexity requires it. If the information on the dashboard gives a green light, it indicates that it is not necessary to search for further information, the evaluation is satisfactory and more time can be spent on other projects that require it.

The measurement criteria are associated with cost, time, quality and logistics and each one has been evaluated in the different cuts. A valid criterion is to affirm that quality and logistics problems are normally reflected in cost and time, therefore a solution is to find a way to evaluate these indicators together to qualify the project evaluation. Another criterion is to represent the quality in a third axis, however, the problems of rejection due to low quality or great successes are reflected both in cost and in time. The R and B ratings can be relatively defined.

If CPI> 1 and SPI <1 The evaluation can be R or B.

The evaluation of projects by cuts with the progress line and the monitoring with the fiscal progress, allows to obtain in each cut, a characterization of the project that taken to the electronic spreadsheet, allows evaluating the behavior of the project, making a diagnosis of it and provide the necessary elements for the forecast based on the current situation and the characteristics of the next interval.

The Project provides the instant information of a cut. The transfer of the information of the cuts from the Project to the Excel, allows to measure the behavior of the project through the interpretation of the corresponding tables and graphs.

The registration of the SPI and the CPI in the dashboard by cuts, allows the analysis of the behavior of the project with the aim of making the strategic decisions that lead to the success of the project.

The following graph shows an example of the variation of the SPI and CPI according to the cuts programmed in Project and represented in Excel.

The SPI presents four characteristic sections, two with SPI> 1, in which the programming is advanced and two with SPI <1. At the end it ends with SPI = 1 complying with the programming and depending on the value obtained, it will receive the qualification of good to regular.

The CPI in the initial tranche has no variation, maintaining the CPI = 1 value, then it goes to CPI> 1 where less than budgeted is spent and then takes CPI <1 and ends with this value. In the end it ends on time with a higher cost.

The project provides information on the behavior of the budget in each court. To evaluate it, it is necessary to export the information to the electronic calculation table and with this information it is possible to calculate a set of indicators and then select in each case which ones to select for the final analysis.

The following example shows the progress line in the cut dated 7/7/99 with tasks 5 and 7 that have a favorable evaluation in relation to the SPI and CPI according to the information in the table provided by the Project, therefore, in the evaluation of the performance of the participants in these tasks, these positive results should be collected. In the case of task 8, it should have executed in value $ 4,156.19 and executed for the cutoff date $ 3, 127.84. If you did not execute what you had planned, it is equivalent to a delay in time represented by the SPI <1. In this case, both the SPI and the CPI are less than 1 and therefore their evaluation must be 2 points or its wrong equivalent (M). These results may adversely influence the performance evaluation of the participants in this task.This analysis must be carried out in a column inserted in the Project that updates a database of the workforce that must systematically evaluate human resources for cuts in projects. Task 5 represents a similar analysis. This analysis is valid for an isolated task, a summary task such as No. 2 that has a favorable evaluation SPI> CPI> 1 MB and the evaluation of the representative project of all the tasks, which in this case is M.1 MB and the project evaluation representative of all the tasks, which in this case is M.1 MB and the project evaluation representative of all the tasks, which in this case is M.

The Web page that collects the evaluation is related to the cost and time indicators CPI = CPTR / CRTR and SPI = CPTR / CPTP that provide a quantitative criterion for the evaluation of the project based on cost, time, logistics and quality. When cost and time have evaluations less than 1 the evaluation is 2 and the traffic light is red, when both are greater than 1 the evaluation is green 5. For intermediate values ​​or combinations of both the evaluation is yellow 3.

When it is red or yellow, it is necessary to look for a greater detail of the causes and the Web page provides the link to Project 2 002 in which more information is provided on the tasks that affect the cost, time, quality and logistics indexes. The representative evaluation of these indices is reflected in the database of projects in execution

The planned time cost curve and the actual curve provide an important criterion of how the project is, fundamentally when cost is one of the fundamental elements of the objective function. This graph allows to have a criterion of the behavior of the project and its possible forecast.

Database of projects in execution.

As projects are developed in electronic format, it is essential to create a database of projects in progress in order to provide information to interested parties using the operational command panel for projects. From the database, it is possible to access the project in Project and obtain more information about the progress and detail of the execution control for cuts in the projects.

The following graph shows a table of the database with the information that characterizes each of the projects, providing management and interested parties with summarized and updated information on the results of the last cut executed in the project.

In the table there are two important fields through which more information can be found. The first is that of the project where the link with the Project appears, showing the details of the tasks that present problems in order to go to the notes or the linked files where the information is expanded detailing the causes and their implication in the variations in time and cost.

The second is the field of the project status or its representative evaluation, which in this case may depend on the SPI and CPI indicators. This field is the reflection of the evaluation of cost, time, quality and logistics with its corresponding weighting according to the characteristics and objective function of the project. Some of these parameters can be evaluated quantitatively, such as the SPI and CPI from the table provided by the Project, and others can be evaluated qualitatively from previously established models. The evaluation that appears in the table is the weighted summary of the chosen indices. From this status field it is possible to establish a link to a Web page where the indicators used, the weightings and the obtained evaluations are detailed.The Web page can be an interface between the database and the Project.


The development of the dashboard for project execution control requires a structured organizational base that guarantees a systematic evaluation of a set of indicators, which allows a diagnosis to be made to make decisions based on the strategy defined for the project. Project 2002 provides this organizational foundation.

The operational dashboard by project provides valuable information to feed the dashboard of all projects and this in turn feeds the strategic dashboard of the company, in which the projects must be included. The database where the evaluations of all the projects are collected allow a comprehensive analysis from which the regularities of the same can be studied and through an analysis of trends obtain the strategic projections that must guarantee the continuous improvement of the management process in the company.

The results of the evaluation of the measurement criteria, the controls by cuts, the control with analysis of variants for the adjustment associated with the cost, logistics, time and quality allow making strategic decisions, making forecasts and proceeding to the adjustment and upgrade system.

The combination of the baseline, the progress line and the monitoring table, with the physical progress of the tasks, allows the evaluation of the project to be obtained through a set of indicators for making strategic decisions, with the support of the dashboard command.

The behavior of the parameters in the cuts made, the current situation of the project on the cut-off date, the analysis of the next period until the cut-off, the project objectives and the changes that occur in the environment between cuts allow strategic decisions to be made from the integrated balance of the functional structure with the project manager. The dashboard with the behavioral evaluations, allow to draw up a strategy in order to guarantee the success of the project and the client's requirements.

The project dashboards are part of an information system based on a set of key indicators, disaggregated according to the functional structure that allow evaluating the situation of the project in each court and accessing primary information through the link with the Project 2002. You need to define at the different levels of the structure, which are the most important indicators to control. The evaluation of the indicators allows decision-making based on the project strategy, which constitutes the basis for the development of the DIP. Dr R. Delgado. [email protected]

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Dashboard for project execution control