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Control panel. you cannot direct what you cannot measure


When you are driving on the highway, a quick glance at the dashboard provides you with a wealth of information. In an instant, you know how fast you are traveling, how much fuel you have left, and whether or not your engine is overheating.

The dashboard tells you how many kilometers the vehicle has traveled, and often how many it has traveled on that precise trip. A quick glance at the dash also lets you know the time, if the high or low beams are on and if the turn signal is flashing.

You have all this information at a glance at the dashboard. The dashboards of many modern cars offer even more useful information and indicators.

One of my clients, Tobías, is the CEO of a factory that operates at a high level of efficiency. Tobías has created a dashboard for his company.

With a quick glance, Tobías can see the total sales for the month and the accumulated annual total.

You can also find out which orders are late, how many overtime the manufacturing process took, and how many on-time deliveries.

In addition, the dashboard tells Tobías the updated profitability figures, the percentage of production capacity scheduled for the next thirty days, and a dozen other key performance indicators.

Tobías can better manage his company with the help of the information he gets from his dashboard.

What are you looking for when running your business? Do you drive your company (or your car) with your eyes closed? How easily and quickly do you obtain critical information on your key performance indicators?

Another of my clients, let's call him Germán, told me how important the long-term maintenance contracts he sold were to him, as opposed to specific projects.

It makes a lot of sense. Long-term contracts provide stability and predictable cash flow. They help you bond with your customers. They also make it easier for you to apply for loans.

For now, all good.

When I asked him how many of these long-term maintenance contracts he had at the time, he was unable to answer. I did not know, I did not know it! He said he was too busy to keep track of the number of such contracts.

Hey, wait, please! If these contracts are so important to Germán's growth strategy, how come he doesn't know their status?

The truth is, most owners and CEOs know what is important to their companies, but they can't (or just don't) measure those things.

We all know the old adage: "You can't direct what you can't measure."

Here is my suggestion:

1. Identify the five to ten most important and essential KPIs and performance indicators for your business.

2. Define an active system to measure and track these indicators. This could consist of simple printed reports of just a couple of pages, or a sophisticated interactive, web-based display with real-time data.

The important thing is that you get this information on a daily basis. It should only show the key performance indicators (with the ability to see the details elsewhere). Ideally, the data should be color-coded to show which indicators are in the 'red zone' (need immediate attention), which are in the yellow zone (caution), and which are in the 'green zone' (OK and on budget).

Use your dashboard on a daily basis to determine which areas of your operation should be of concern to you and which are candidates for long-term strategic planning. Look for indicators that suggest possible delegation of improvement projects. Assess the trends.

It is very possible that you will get precisely what you are looking for: improvements in those areas.

With your dashboard, you will conduct your business with absolute confidence and security.

Control panel. you cannot direct what you cannot measure