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Information technologies and their utility in the company

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This article gives an introduction to what Information Technologies are and their use in companies today. We can see how Information Technologies have come to occupy a core part in any corporation that intends to excel in today's highly competitive markets. For this, it is necessary to implement Information Technologies not only in production or distribution processes but in all activities of the company, that is, entry, conversion and exit. Many people do not know how to use Information Technology in the administration of their company, and the vast majority do not even know what tools they can use to efficiently coordinate and control their company or business,This article presents a classification of Information Technologies that can help administrators and executives


In the electronic world in which we live we find ourselves surrounded by sources of information: television, radio, magazines, newspapers, gazettes and more recently the Internet. Every night we watch a newscast, in the morning we read the newspaper and during the day we browse a magazine, check the Internet or watch an informative program on television.

And this great accumulation of information that we absorb every day often goes unnoticed before us; We are so used to this type of information that we do not realize how important this information is to our personal life.

Each of us uses this information in very different ways, from the person who takes an umbrella before going to work, because he saw the weather, to the investor who buys or sells shares thanks to the information from the Brokerage House. The important point is that we all look for a way to always stay "well informed", in addition to finding a way to use that information to our benefit.

Now imagine that we lived in an isolated world, without any type of information other than that which is transmitted orally, from parents to children, from boss to employee. Just for a moment, think that at the dawn of the 21st century, there were no newsreels, newspapers, magazines, gazettes, or any other type of information medium, no, not the Internet. Surely you are thinking: Primitive? Impossible? Unimaginable? Well, this is precisely what may be happening in your company or business, if you do not have enough –and adequate– information channels, both inside and outside of it.

The information allows us to streamline all internal processes of our company, it also allows us to better understand our competition as well as the market for which we compete. In general, we can better understand both the internal and external environment of our business, in order to detect our weaknesses and potentialities, attack them, and achieve a competitive advantage over other companies in the industry.


Generally we all think that Information Technology is only used in the production stage, and large manufacturing systems or automated systems of continuous production come to mind, however, currently Information Technology should be present in all the activities of the company, that is, in the entry, conversion and exit stages.

At the entry stage, information technologies must contain all the skills, procedures and techniques that allow organizations to efficiently manage existing relationships with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, government, unions and the general public) and the environment. in which they unfold.

In the Human Resources function, for example, there are specialized techniques, such as interviews or psychological tests that allow the recruitment of personnel with the best profile to satisfy the needs of the company. Besides that currently, thanks to the Internet, you can have access to job boards from anywhere in the world. In Resource management, there are delivery techniques with input providers (such as Electronic Data Interchange standards, for example, see fig. 1) that allow obtaining high-quality resources at a lower cost. Thanks to Information Technologies such as electronic banking or modern Internet banking portals, the Finance department can obtain capital at a favorable cost for the company.

In the conversion stage, Information Technology in combination with machinery, techniques and procedures, transform inputs into outputs. Better technology allows the organization to add value to the inputs to reduce consumption as well as waste of resources.

In the exit stage, Information Technologies allow the company to offer and distribute services and finished products. To be effective, an organization must have techniques for evaluating the quality of its finished products, as well as for marketing, sales and distribution (such as the Electronic Data Interchange standards, for example, see fig. 1) and for the management of after-sales services to customers.

Information Technologies in the entry, conversion and exit processes give the company an important competitive advantage. Why is Microsoft the largest software company? Why is Toyota the most efficient automotive manufacturer? Why is McDonald's the most efficient fast food company? Each of these organizations excels in the development, administration and use of Information Technology to manage the organizational environment and create value for the entire company.


This is a very common question in the middle, since many executives only associate Information Technology with accounting programs or e-mail, when Information Technology encompasses a wide range of indispensable tools today. The rapid advances in Information Technology have had a great impact, not only on Technology in general, but on all operational aspects of an organization.

Information Technologies comprise all computer-based and computer communications technologies used to acquire, store, manipulate and transmit information to people and business units, both internal and external. Information Technologies allow the company to improve its management and integration of information processing needs in all its functional areas. One of the biggest costs that a company recurs is in the time that managers and employees spend in meetings and boards, making decisions and solving problems.

Information Technologies reduce this time and therefore its costs; This helps managers and employees improve their productivity by wasting less time searching for solutions to their problems. Three types of Information Technology are especially useful: teleconferencing systems, information transfer and retrieval systems, as well as personal information processing systems.

Teleconferencing systems increase communication by reducing the need for face-to-face contact, thus saving time and money. More than 70 percent of managers' time is spent in meetings and meetings because face-to-face contact is necessary to resolve complex issues. However, a considerable amount of time is wasted on transferring and accommodating administrators at the aforementioned meetings. Teleconferencing - the use of a television line and video systems - provides a useful means of meeting meetings in a "virtual" way, especially in this age of global competition.

Today, the increase in the use of e-mail, the Internet, and the development of Intranets or communication networks between companies, is accelerating the flow of information in companies and businesses. All of these information transfer and retrieval systems are based on the use of networks and personal computers linked together and all connected to a central computer that allows users to share files and digital information of all kinds.

The third type of Information Technology are personal information processing systems, such as those provided by personal computers, laptops and personal communicators, which also provide the efficient use of the time and efforts of all individuals in the company.. Apple, Hitachi and Sony have developed personal communicators, which are a small handheld computer that acts as a recorder, fax, calendar, and Internet and email browsers. Currently personal computers can be connected to computer networks to bring staff together and standardize activities across all departments of the organization.Personal computers give the organization great control of activities at lower levels (which is always very difficult for executives) and promote the decentralization of authority to lower level employees.

We can conclude with a case of implementation of Information Technology widely recognized worldwide, in 1992, McDonal's authorized Compuadd Corporation to sell to all its 880 franchises a new type of point of sale terminal, which has a touch-screen and keyboard with “skins” that replace keyboards with pre-printed letters. These new terminals allowed the introduction of new products without the need to change the keyboard, and could be programmed to show only the products that were available at a given time of day along with their prices. This type of personalized computers reduce operating errors and make the sales processes of this company's products much easier to program.


The Information Technology revolution has had a profound effect on the administration of organizations, improving the ability of administrators to coordinate and control the activities of the organization and helping them make much more effective decisions. Today the use of Information Technology has become a central component of any company or business seeking sustained growth.

As we have seen in the development of the article, the use of Information Technology is no longer only for production or conversion processes, but must be implicit in all areas of the business, including in the administrative area, as this is the one that controls the entire company. As a result of the use of these technologies, we can say that the company can reduce the size of its hierarchical structure and increase the horizontal information flow, that is, through all the company's departments, in addition to providing a competitive advantage to the company. business.

Reduction of the size of the hierarchical structure. This is achieved by providing managers and executives with high-quality, timely and complete information, which reduces the need for various levels of bureaucracy and administrative hierarchy. By reducing these hierarchical levels, information systems act as control devices in the activities of the company or business. It should be noted that information systems also reduce the need for managers to coordinate and integrate the activities of the company's subunits, in addition to the fact that Information Technology can currently fully coordinate the production flow of a company.

Increased horizontal information flow. Facilitated by the growth of three-tier Client - Server systems (which allow the connection of personal computers to powerful servers or mini-computers and these in turn connected to a mainframe) in recent years there has been a rapid expansion of global network systems in companies. Currently computer networks are used as the primary channel of internal information in an organization. E-mail systems as well as the development of Intranet software to share electronic documents, such as Lotus Notes, have accelerated this technological trend.

Competitive advantage. As has been seen throughout this article, implementing appropriate Information Technologies can mean an increase in the competitive potential of the company or business. Currently, in the search for competitiveness, their eyes have been turned towards the use of Information Technology, for example, by reducing the need for many hierarchies, information systems help reduce bureaucratic expenses, since administrators are based on Information Technologies to coordinate and control the activities of the company. An example of this is Intel, which, by increasing the sophistication of its Information Technology, has been able to cut the number of hierarchical levels of the entire company from 10 to only 5 levels.

In addition to the fact that thanks to the communication channels provided by Information Technologies, we can have clear and timely information on all the movements of the industrial environment, such as prices, customers, taxes, exchange rates, regulations, standards and movements of the competition, which helps executives when designing competitive strategies. In addition to this, large corporations can maintain a constant flow of information in all their Business Units regardless of the physical distance at which they are distributed.

Finally, the authors of the book Virtual Corporation, William Davidow and Michel Malone have said how Information Technologies can be used to improve the response of a company or business to customer requirements, which is a very important source of competitiveness.. The essence of his argument is that Information Technology allows companies to create "virtual products", products that can be customized according to the specific needs of a particular client, without additional charges. An example of this is the Levi's company which in its stores, by means of touch-screen computers, configured each of the different characteristics of the pants requested by the client,the request was sent electronically to the factories in Tenesse and from there it was mailed to the customer, who only paid an additional cost of $ 10 dollars for all this service.


At present we can obtain information from a large number of diverse sources, however, many companies have not yet adopted Information Technology as a basic tool for their development and competence. Information Technology can help improve the productivity of all company functions, and also improve the flow of information within and between Business Units. An organization that claims to be effective must exploit and manage all these technologies to give added value to the entire organization.

Throughout history, hierarchical structures at many levels have been the modus operandi of most large companies, however, the use of Information Technology can help decentralize decision-making, since information can flow horizontally and vertically in an easy and fast way. Information Technology systems can thus help lower hierarchical levels from senior executives to operational personnel. Information Technologies allow an organization to improve the management and integration of all the data and documents that all its functional units need. Information Technologies increase organizational flexibility and coordination of all its functions. In addition to this,Information Technologies give us a competitive advantage, by reducing our operating costs, organizational flexibility, speed in decision making, response to customer requirements, market information, competition and the environment in general, in addition to managing the different Business Units as a whole, regardless of their physical location.

For all this, we must turn our eyes to Information Technology as a core part of the business, implement it in all stages of the company (entry, conversion and exit), since this will allow us to evolve to the next level: Companies in the age of information. We must focus the course towards Information Technology since this transition is already imminent and if it is not carried out on time, later it will be much more expensive and painful, and eventually we can disappear as a company if we ignore the technological change that at present it is living in our environment.


  1. Rosseau, D. (1979). Assessment Of Technology In Organizations: Closed Versus Open Systems Approaches. Academy Of Management Review. p. 531-542 Benjamin, I & Blunt, J (Summer 1992). Critical IT Issues: The Next Ten Years, Sloan Management Review. p. 7-19 Huber, G. (1990). “A Theory Of The Effects Of Advanced Information Technologies On Organizational Design. Academy Of Management Review, Vol 14, p. 47-71 Jones, G (May, 1999). Organizational Theory. Texas: Texas A & M University. Ch 9, p. 358Monger. R. (1988). Mastering Technology. New York: The Free Press. Steinert. (20, October, 1992). Compuadd To Supply Mcdonald´S. Give them Morning News. p. 2DDavidow & Malone. The Virtual Corporation. p. 168.
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Information technologies and their utility in the company