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Information theory and management of fuzzy information

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Both in personal life and within an organization, a large amount of information is handled, which must keep an order of the data and processed, so that the receiver can obtain or acquire knowledge, given the insecurities that he has.

In the work of a Manager or CEO, the management of information is essential, therefore the information must be real, truthful, summarized and in a certain time, in order to take action in decision-making.

Collect information from everywhere, in our days where by technological means in a short time a large number of information can be obtained, it is necessary to classify it and discard information that is not useful.

For this, it is necessary to know what the information is, main characteristics of the information, the use of information, information theory, importance of information in the organization, classification of information sources, characteristics of diffuse information, search for information, tools for fuzzy information, evaluation of information, activities carried out in the information evaluation stage and communication in the handling of fuzzy information. Which is what will be explained in this article.


What does information mean is an organized set of data that is already processed and that gives rise to a message, making the person or system that receives the message receive knowledge.

Information changes the state of awareness once sensory data is perceived and then processed.

In its etymology the word information from Latin will inform as a verb that has meaning to shape the mind to discipline to instruct to teach.

On the other hand, also, by the Greek word morfè the At what time does it rise, the Latin word form arose, which is derived from the Latin word éidos, this means: idea, concept or form, image; This second word was used more technically by philosophers like Plato and Aristotle to indicate the identity or essence of something.

Also idea (Greek eidos), can be associated with thought, assertion or concept.


  • Meaning. Each individual analyzes and evaluates the consequences of their attitudes and actions in a way that is consistent with the foreseeable consequences, which will be deduced from the meaning of the information regarding future expectations. They are the rules that the expert individual has to follow to modify their expectations for each alternative that is presented. Importance. The importance given to the receiver and he will notice the degree of change in his attitude and behavior of individuals. In modern societies, individuals have a large amount of information from the mass media, much of it is not of importance to them or of little importance because it actively alters their behavior. Validity. This corresponds to whether the information is up to date or out of date. Since when one accesses information, at first, you cannot know if it is updated or if it is already out of date information. Validity. This is aimed at the issuer since the reliability of the issuer is evaluated, and that it does not provide false information. Value. It is the utility that this information has for the user.


The generation and obtaining of information pursues the following objectives:

  1. The user's knowledge of the existing uncertainty a set of possible logical alternatives. Provide the material the fundamental raw material solutions of choice in decision-making. Provide evaluation rules and control decision.

Information as a way to obtain knowledge, must be prepared in such a way that it is usable and available, this process is called documentation, which is nothing other than its own methods and tools (referring to the third point).

Information by itself does not provide greater knowledge to the user, since it is the user that values ​​and gives meaning to this information, organizes it, turns it into knowledge.

Difference between information and propaganda, information tends to give the facts objectively, effectively and impartially, while propaganda seeks to gain followers, regardless of the handling of this information and not having the truth of the facts, that is why propaganda is used as an instrument of power.


His approach analyzes the mathematical and statistical structure of messages, regardless of the meaning of other semantic aspects. The aspects that information theory takes into account the most, is based on the data comprehension channels or the detection and correction of errors.

Information retrieval.

The information that is handled and the knowledge already developed is large and there is a recovery methodology, that is why there are numerous sites, supports, therefore, the systemic recovery model must maximize the search to be able to ensure the capture within the environment of this complex system.

Figure 1. Information elements.


The information within the organization is of Vital importance because it increases the knowledge in the individuals that are part of the organization helping them to make decisions and be able to direct their functions towards the direction of the objectives of the company.

The competitiveness of a company is not only to be able to collect or collect the information found in its environment, but also to process it and acquire knowledge to make correct decision-making, such as: knowing the characteristics and needs of a customer and be able to offer or provide a better service.

The most important points of information and communications are the following:

  • It must fulfill the main function of increasing knowledge and reducing discrepancies, helping users who are part of the organization to make decisions aimed at the proposed objectives and goals Generating competitiveness having information that originates in the environment where it is located, It is not only selling a service or a product with certain characteristics that they may or may not like to customers and not knowing those tastes to be able to include them in the products and services Interaction with the various areas of the organization so that it can be integrated Since the information that is managed and collected in one area is very useful for another, although the tasks are apparently not related. Enrich the knowledge of human resources by improving production and administrative processes.

At different levels of the organization, different types of information are required.

Upper level. It is the area where the directors are located and the managers request information for the design of strategies that help define the direction and course that the company is going to take, this information is specific, but it cannot be too extensive, nor should it cover too much be concise.

Medium level. In it are supervisors, bosses; here the information can be more detailed at the top level as it is used for the design of trading strategies.

Operative Level. There are operators, sales workers, etc. this information that they occupy at this level is much more detailed than at the medium level since it will be used to carry out activities.


To obtain the information that is needed, information sources must be used, which are divided into: primary, secondary, internal and external.

Internal sources. They originate within the company, collect internal data stored for decision making. They usually use internal databases which access the information they have about customers, some of these records can be documents for inventory control, financial statements, sales records, cost estimates, etc.

External sources. They are in the external sphere of the company. This information comes from the different tendencies to the preferences that are used at that moment of the clients, they are obtained through internet suppliers, distributors, competition, etc.

Information sources can also be classified as primary and secondary.

Primary sources are those that you get from the company directly. this information is usually more expensive, and is used when information is scarce.

Secondary sources this disproportionate or revealed information from publications, through sources other than the company, this type of source is less expensive than the primary source and its access to it is faster, some examples are: Government entities, newspapers, magazines, books, publications, etc.


Fuzzy information has the following characteristics:

  • Unclear and imprecise It obstructs the manager of an organization to be able to solve problems It hinders correct decision-making It must have a process for managing the diffuse information used, from the top of the company's management, this level is It is responsible for determining the information needs. In its management it is a large amount of data and that leaders must process it, since the data is not specifically clear and managers must make a correct handling of the information to make good decisions. Fuzzy information management process. The process starts from the top management where it should be implemented, since it needs a strategic point of view proposing the information needs.

Information need.

  1. Situations of sociocultural labor environment the national economy the position that has the comparison with the competition marketing plans. Internal and external scope of the organization The objectives and organizational interests. See what market needs the company can satisfy. Know the needs of customers and that the company can meet them.

Production or operation system are in charge of providing the products or services, it is of utmost importance to use this system in order to give a better product offer.

Knowing the technological advances employ production costs to be more efficient.


  1. First you have to know what the information needs are, for this it is necessary to develop a schedule of activities Tasks to achieve organizational objectives Put the activities in a logical order of action Define the means and resources to be used Establish the execution time Obtaining all kinds of information (diffuse information) When looking for information, the most common thing is that a large amount of information is obtained, which is unclassified, disorganized revolt, which lacks background and form to know if the Information that has been obtained is diffuse, some questions should be asked. It is complete, it is reliable, it is adequate for the needs of the company, accessible to all members of the organization. Use of tools to locate and obtain clear information.


The tools to classify and facilitate the understanding of information interaction of some tools that may be documentation, for the management of diffuse information.

Some tools are:

Quantitative data analysis. What type of information is usually the clearest, since it is given in numerical form, vision and analysis can be carried out having knowledge of the use of programs or software that facilitate obtaining information for decision-making.

Qualitative data analysis. These are more difficult, since the measurements are based on subjective concepts, this makes the information become diffuse, the use of heuristic methods, With this several solutions can be proposed and only in some cases by using software an ideal solution can be obtained.

Diffuse logic. Procedure, which in a simple and attractive way provides a conclusion, being incomplete and vague information. What fuzzy logic does is that it mimics a person when making decisions based on information with characteristics of poor information.

It allows to process information with a high level of imprecision is a computational intelligence technique.


In this stage, it is defined how you react when you arrive and respond to objectives or information needs.

In order to carry out the evaluation, the following steps must be taken into account:

  • Establish evaluation objectives Analyze the information go from the general to the particular Apply adequate criteria to capture, select, integrate and organize Give coherence to the information Distinguish the facts from opinions Find the different points of view on the information found and discuss them. Feedback the actions that are being carried out. Have the ability to see how the work of the information is evolving. Distinguish in the information those that are primary and secondary sources.

Reasons for implementing the evaluation.

  1. At the request of senior managers in the organization Great power to make modifications As part of planning Be able to document the impacts and results on the organization Provide opinions for new perspectives Processing and control of production This processing seeks the benefit of the organization and achieve success in order to understand, locate and differentiate in time and space, express and convince.


Some activities carried out at this stage:

  • Synthesize, organize and represent information, carry out an analysis and synthesis of information, reflect and conclude, master basic techniques of written expression, make reports, use an outline, use tables, use graphs, modify the information to make it by paraphrasing. in a more understandable way Know how to write an essay Use synoptic tables Not just copy the information as it is.

Steps will help to generate timely and clear communication instruments to the real requirements of information or communication, both personal and in the company.


This is a key factor within organizations where too much information is handled in the flow of their communication.

This information needs to be clear and concise to result in a communication process.


Within the organizational scope, it is of vital importance to be able to identify, distinguish and analyze diffuse information.

Because, in top management, information is needed to be concise and direct so that decision making is fast and efficient.

The communication and management of large volumes of information in an organization is inevitable, for this reason it is necessary to summarize and synthesize the diffuse information that is produced both internally and externally.

Being a competitive organization implies that it is dynamic and that it occupies too much information to know various factors such as: customers, suppliers, government, main competitors, etc. So that based on the information you have, you can react to the changes that occur.


  • Osorio Cortes, CA Retrieved on September 24, 2017, from Gestiopolis. http://www.gestiopolis.com/administracion–estrategia–2/manajo–de–informaciondifusa–en–las–htm(sf). Retrieved on April 26, 2013, from http://es.scribd.com/doc/57256980/INFORMACION–DIFUSA Retrieved on September 24, 2017, from Wikipedia.


To the Technological Institute of Orizaba for giving me the opportunity to pursue a postgraduate degree, to the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) for making that dream possible, and to Fernando Aguirre and Hernández for opening my eyes to a world of possibilities and little-explored paths.

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Information theory and management of fuzzy information