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Theory of intuition. reflections on the possible influence of ix-chel (the moon) in organizations


This research exposes the influence that the Moon has on companies or organizations based on its foundation date.

The moon has four phases, a new moon, a crescent moon, a full moon and a waning moon, each of which has a particular effect on planet Earth and on human beings, for centuries it has been taken into account in various activities such as agriculture, births of children, fishing, navigation, migration, medicine, among others.

Business and organizational activity is not alien to the Ix-Chel phenomenon, which in the Mayan language is the Goddess of the Moon, inspired by the theory of intuition, it allows us to determine whether we want success in business or activities, we must choose its start date in the moon phase that best corresponds to it.


This research describes the influence of the moon in companies or organizations based on their date of foundation.

The moon has four phases, new moon, crescent moon, full moon and waning moon, each has a particular effect on the planet Earth and human beings for centuries has been taken into account in various activities such as agriculture, births, fishing, navigation, immigration, medicine, among others.

Business and organizations, is not immune to the phenomenon of Ix-Chel, the Maya language that is the Goddess of the Moon, inspired by the theory of intuition that allows us to determine if we are successful in business or activities, we choose its start date moon phase that best applies to it.

Ix-Chel, Goddess of the Moon

Throughout the centuries human beings have admired the moon, our ancestors considered the stages of life according to their different cycles, including agriculture, it was totally linked to the Goddess of the night, to the satellite of our planet Earth, the Moon, known to the Mayans as Ix-Chel (Authentic Maya, 2011).

Ix-Chel, in Mexican pre-Hispanic mythology, was the main Mayan Goddess, represented the Moon, wife of the Sun, associated with procreation, she was also known to be the goddess of water, fertility, trade, medicines and of the illness. (Brainerd, 2006)

La Blanca (Ix-Chel), is a representation of the Divine Mother, who has five fundamental aspects and exists in the aspect of an inner mother, particular within each human being, each one has his own individually: The unmanifested, is the akasha of the Orientals, the macrocosmic nebula from which the worlds emerge, has no form or name, it is impersonal and ineffable. HE unfolds in HER and commands, directs and instructs, he is the producer and recipient femininity of all nature, everything comes out of her and everything returns to her. As Eternal Feminine Principle it can be symbolized with the moon. (Licea, 2009)

She is ineffable Isis of the Egyptians, Diana of the Romans, Mary of Christianity, Sophia of the Greeks, etc., as well as in a third aspect she is the Greek Hekate, the Proserpina of the Egyptians, the Coatlicue of the Aztecs, her facet It is that of terror, love and death, it is the queen of hell and death. (Licea, 2009)

The particular mother nature, the one who created our physical body, each human being carries within him his particular inner mother, this aspect represents all the magic and splendor of nature that she generously grants to all her children and the instinctive elemental Magician, the one that gave us instincts and instinctive natural strength. (Licea, 2009)

It is impressive when we remember all this instinctive knowledge that is in our genetic code, that with materialism we make it increasingly difficult to let it flow. When we are asked to imagine something unlike children that they immediately have visualized what they have been asked to imagine, we adults find it difficult to a greater degree, it is probably due to the lack of work in the being, in our essence. "Imagination is the connection to the revelations of being."

In the world of business and in organizations, the formalism and the protocols for its constitution, make it possible to leave out all this knowledge that in ancient times was fundamental for the inhabitants of the planet at that time.

If you have had the opportunity to have talked with a grandfather, you will have been impressed by the ability that you had just a few years ago to even predict the weather, the rainy season, droughts, through the cabañuelas, by the presence of birds and the cloud formations, including the behavior of some animals. At present, we necessarily have to see the weather forecast on television or the internet to know if it will be hot or if it will rain.

Intuition Theory

Intuition is the ability to receive information without using a typical communication channel, it is through extrasensory perception. (Logsdon, 2009)

When we have a brilliant idea, for some people, it was because we are an instrument for things to crystallize, that is, thanks to the fact that we can receive divine help, from angels, from beings of light, we do it through what that we know as sixth sense, divine messages or simply intuition, is a knowledge that is there and that was given to us by some non-traditional method of transmitting information, such as accessing through the information encoded in our DNA from generation to generation.

The existence of intuition as a formal theory was introduced in a work on psychology by Carl G. Jung, who studied with Sigmund Freud and later conducted his own research. To the disgust of Freud and other theorists of psychology, Jung generated the theory that human psychology is involved with spiritual aspects that play an important part in the life of society. Jung's theory consists in considering that intuition is a natural part of all of us, that it helps us to understand ourselves and have the ability to understand others, it allows us to contact a series of metaphysical aspects that through time and time space is known as the collective unconscious.

In companies, this type of knowledge or experiences is rarely taken into account, one of the purposes of this work is to make known to entrepreneurs, managers, employees and researchers, that through a holistic model and taking advantage of the theory of Intuition can generate projects, systems, processes, products or services in companies, taking aspects that would traditionally be discarded or would even signal crazy to anyone who suggests this type of techniques, models or theories, but as indicated, it is essential that we return to this information.

Influence of the Moon on humans

As indicated above, the Moon has had an impact on our cultures over time, we know that it affects the sea level, generating the tide, it is also important for the sowing and harvesting cycle, for the birth of children, For healings, so that the hair is cut and grown abundantly, in short, a series of phenomena are attributed to our satellite, but in business and organizational matters, does the Moon have an effect on the success of companies by the date it is constituted? Is it beneficial to start projects in a special cycle of the Moon?

The moon has four cycles, which are the New Moon, the Crescent Moon, the Full Moon and the Waning Moon. General aspects of each of them are explained below.

During its turn around the Earth, which lasts 28 days, the Moon always shows the Sun the same face, in calendars, the New Moon is generally drawn as a tiny black disk or with black lines, during this phase there is a brief period of special influences on human beings, animals and plants. Similarly in the plant world, after pruning at this time, diseased trees will recover better. (Rodríguez, 2003)

After the new moon, turning on the lunar surface from left to right, the face facing the Sun of our satellite appears, easily recognizable by its apparent similarity to the letter "D", everything that is incorporated into the body, which It develops and strengthens it, it has a double effect. (Rodríguez, 2003).

The stories, collected in the cinema and in literature, are famous where the appearance of the full moon produces a whole series of strange phenomena, but if, fortunately, in most cases everything depends on the overflowing fantasy of its creator, It is also true that, like any legend, it hides a part of the truth. Medicinal plants collected during this period are more effective, and trees pruned at this stage may die. (Rodríguez, 2003)

The moon slowly continues on its way and we see that his face begins to disappear from right to left, resembling the letter "C", almost all household tasks seem easier to do and, something really useful for those who take care of their line, is Whoever eats more in the last quarter will notice that they do not gain as much weight. (Rodríguez, 2003)

Our satellite with its four phases, makes us have a great proximity and influence of it, some data of our Ix-Chel, are that it is located at 378,000 kms. away, it has a maximum orbital speed of 1,076 km / s and a circumference of 1,738 km. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2011)

Causality or coincidence, over the last few years, very successful companies have been created and many of them did not take into account the moon cycle that favored them, however when reviewing the date of incorporation and comparing it with the moon phase existing on that date, we can have an idea that Ix-chel does affect organizations.

Moon effect on companies and organizations

Companies that were established in Crescent Moon are the Mexican Grupo Bimbo, which was incorporated on June 15, 1945, as well as the Coca-Cola Company of Mexico, which began operations on March 6, 1926; Other companies that have benefited from Ix-Chel in its growing phase have been the Walt Disney Company founded on October 16, 1923; Mc Donalds, which began operations on May 15, 1940, as well as Dell, Inc on November 4, 1984; and the traditional American Express Company on March 18, 1850.

Likewise, other companies widely known at the national or regional level that received the light of the Crescent Moon at the beginning were Agua Electrón, on November 27, 1968; Grupo Modelo, on October 25, 1925, Farmacias del Ahorro on September 14, 1991; Tostadas Don Beto on October 3, 2003, Innovaluz Technology from Mexico, on November 19, 2009; Similar Pharmacies on September 8, 1997; Grupo Parisina on January 4, 1933, Grupo Aeroméxico on March 19, 2002; Grupo Industrial Lala on March 21, 1950.

These companies have been characterized by their growth and have as a common denominator having started functions in Crescent Moon, which by general knowledge is the best time to found something that we want to transcend, to multiply.

However, as every rule there are exceptions, since although there are companies that were founded in cycles of the waning moon, for example, they can overcome this situation if they start special projects in phases of the waxing moon, in order to create the right conditions. growth, an example of this type of company that started in the waning moon phase is Grupo Herdez, founded on September 6, 1991; Employer industry of December 14, 1981; Sanborns Hermanos, founded on June 30, 1903, Femsa Comercio (Oxxo) on August 5, 1977 and Pinturas y Texturas Montebello, on February 28, 2008; Microsoft Corporation founded on April 4, 1975 and Facebook, founded on September 11, 2006.

With New Moon in its beginning we find Química Industrial Bayer founded on June 23, 1921; as well as AT&T on March 3, 1885; The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company founded on August 29, 1898; Super Pharmacies Dodge on May 2, 1953; as well as ING Grupo Financiero on November 8, 1995.

With New Moon, the search was a little more arduous, we found in its foundation in this lunar cycle the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superior de Monterrey on July 14, 1943, Grupo Casa Saba, on November 16, 1982 and Energizer Holdings, on January 10, 1899.

It is appreciated that in all phases there are companies that have overcome all kinds of adversities and that the commercialization and marketing strategy has been favorable for their expansion, that is, we find successful companies in each of the lunar phases, however, we appreciate that Most of the companies that have transcended time and borders, have started on a crescent moon, which allows us to identify it as one of the favorable moons for starting companies.

This does not mean that companies that have started in another moon phase do not have a guarantee of success, of course not, positive results are obtained by the set of processes, systems, procedures and strategies that, focused on a common objective, allow them to be obtained..

If we make an analogy, it does not matter the day we cut our hair, sooner or later it will grow and it will need to go to the hairdresser again, but if you want it to grow abundantly and quickly you choose the crescent moon, something similar we consider it can happen with companies. Everyone depends on the leader and his collaborators to achieve business, economic, social and technological success, intuition will allow us to choose the next date to start something.

The influence of Ix-Chel in organizations or companies, of course, must be taken into account to facilitate the objectives that are established, as we identify all ancient cultures considered it, they were taken into account to start or end some activity. At this time that thanks to the Mayans is becoming mystical, the beginning of a new era, facilitates dealing with this type of issues that of course benefit the being and well-being of humanity.


The theory of intuition allows us to have knowledge despite not having been generated as information should be traditionally transmitted, the famous hunches, divine messages or intuition are clear examples that there is something more than what Science can demonstrate.

Through the centuries, our different cultures have recognized the deities as something superior that helps humanity and facilitates life, as well as, generates catastrophes, among them we find Ix-Chel, which in the Mayan language, means the white, alluding to the fact that she is considered among others as the Goddess of the Moon.

The Moon has been taken into account to establish calendars, sowing periods, harvests, births of children, collection of medicinal plants, tidal periods, fishing, and many more that vary from town to town, however at the business level, little is known. has written and researched about it.

In this document, the possible relationship of the success of companies with the existing moon phase at the time of their foundation is pointed out. That returning to the theory of intuition, if the crescent moon favors success in agriculture since it allows plants to grow and produce fruits, the same will most likely happen with companies, therefore, why not start in Crescent Moon?.


Authentic Maya. (25 of 11 of 2011). stronomia.htm. Retrieved on 07/04/2012.

Brainerd, GW (2006). Mayan civilization. In GW Brainerd, Maya Civilization. Mexico DF: Economic Culture Fund.

Licea, MG (December 2009). Gnosis Instituto Cultural Quetzalcoatl. Retrieved on July 2, 2012, from Mayan Gods:

Logsdon, A. (June 1, 2009). Intuition Theory and Its Origins. United States of America.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (September 22, 2011). Lunar and Planetary Science. Retrieved July 2, 2012, from Moon fact sheet: ts / moonpage.html.

Rodríguez, AB (June 2003). Sphinx. Retrieved 07/04/2012, from The cycles of the moon: na.com/articulos/articulo.asp?artic=168.

Theory of intuition. reflections on the possible influence of ix-chel (the moon) in organizations