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Theory of organization and functional structure in cofrem


The human being is social by nature, that is why he has the tendency to organize, cooperate and seek alliances with his peers for the common benefit, the history of humanity can be described through social organizations, for example the case of nomadic tribes, where the organization of its members begins for different daily tasks such as fruit gathering, hunting, and later, upon discovering agriculture, the first fully established and self-sufficient communities begin to be created.

When reviewing the history of mankind it can be seen that ancient peoples worked in formal organizations, such as the ancient Roman and Egyptian armies, the Roman Catholic Church, and there was already thinking about how to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in organizations long before When the word “administration” appeared, the best way to take advantage of the available resources to achieve better results was already being sought.

In this way the concept of organization appeared, an organization is a social system designed to achieve specific goals and objectives through human resources and other types, this same organization is composed of subsystems that have an interrelation between them and each one has a specific function within the organization. Today the concept of organization is already common, organizations are found wherever you look, they always seek to be above their competition, taking into account the importance of their human resources, since these are essential to coordinate the activities they form part of the processes to generate a product or a service.

In Colombia, within the great variety of organizations, there are family compensation funds, which have the purpose of promoting the improvement of the standard of living of workers, their families and the community, for which they provide goods and services, of according to money collected from employers.

Although their main objective is aimed at releasing the economic burden of medium-income workers, granting them the aid of family allowance, credits, among others, today they have expanded coverage to all workers through social programs such as health, recreation, culture, tourism and training.

A un nivel más específico, comprendiendo el departamento del Meta, se encuentra operando la Caja De Compensación Regional Del Meta “COFREM”, la cual fue reconocida mediante Resolución No.252 del 13 de Mayo de 1967 emanada de la Gobernación del Meta. Un grupo de empresarios, respondiendo a la convocatoria del SENA, se reunió en las instalaciones de la Asamblea Departamental, con el objeto de crear la Caja de Compensación del departamento del Meta.

COFREM is structured as a formal organization, that is, its organic structure is divided and rationally planned and differentiates the integration of the departments according to the criteria established by those responsible for the decision-making process. The organic division of the company comprises clearly established subdivisions according to the activity to be carried out by each department, in this way there is more efficient control over the activities to be developed and a limited number of members to supervise for each operational area, as can be seen in the organic structure in the following figure.

Narrow control sections are also notorious in their organizational structure. A control section is the number of employees who report to a specific supervisor. More formal organizations tend to develop narrow sections of control instead of broad ones. The logic of this idea is quite obvious. On a regular basis the fewer people you have to supervise, the more closely your work will be supervised and controlled. However, there are several disadvantages, a narrow span of control throughout the organization tends to lead to a fairly high organizational structure, that is, with multiple layers that is high in terms of vertical levels, this leads to poor communication among the highest levels with the lowest raising operating costs.

On the other hand, recalling the main functions of a family compensation fund such as social programs in health, recreation, culture, tourism and training, it can also be observed in the previous graph the different areas that these fronts cover, this means that they are It presents a departmentalization by function of the company, groups employees into units according to their areas of competence and the resources they use to carry out a common set of tasks. Functional grouping is the most widely used and accepted departmentalization modality. Grouping tasks and employees by function is efficient and economical.

In the management and decision-making aspect, in COFREM a three-year strategic plan is carried out, which is approved by the board of directors of the corporation for its approval, the administrative direction is in charge of Doctor Orlando Solano, who is a person with great leadership and projection capacity, who knows how to optimally achieve the proposed goals and positively influences the attitude of the staff and their assigned tasks.

Returning again to the graphic of the general organization chart, the legal advisory area can be seen as a departmental level, this is located in the upper part of the organization chart which is linked to the rest of the organization by a dotted line, this line symbolizes another concept better known as staff line, many times decision-making requires specialized external consultancies in certain branches, that is, in the case of COFREM, legal advice is used as support in the decision-making process of the organization, this advice External can occur at any level of the organization, in this case it occurs at higher levels, which is where the most important decisions are made in the company.

In any organization, a very important factor to take into account is that all decisions do not depend only on the high administrative levels, the process by which the individualism capacity of a group is increased to make decisions on their own, always assuming a high level of responsibility and commitment is known as "empowerment" or empowerment. The traditional model of the controlling manager and controlled employees no longer works. Creating an empowered work environment requires moving from a command and control mindset to one of responsibility and support, in which all employees have the opportunity to do their best.

Every competitive company empowers its employees and this does not mean giving them power; Rather, it is about unlocking the knowledge, experience, and motivation they already have, so that they bring their best ideas and initiatives to work with a sense of enthusiasm, ownership, and pride. In addition, promoting better results, through a change in attitude, where high performance is clearly evidenced as a result of reconciling individual interests with those of the organization. In COFREM, decision-making is the responsibility of the board of directors, however, a certain degree of responsibility is delegated to the heads of the area for decision-making as long as they are of a departmental nature in each division of the organization,However, in order to carry out any activity or modification in the operation of said department, both in terms of activities or its physical plant, it must be authorized by the organization's directives. At the level of the employees in each division, the same thing happens, a limited level of responsibility for decision-making is granted, the regular conduct is to receive the approval of each area director for further development.

To achieve better results and greater efficiency in the processes of the organization, the activities or departments of a company are divided by areas, that is, part of its activities is decentralized, that is, each area depends on a departmental director who has the decision-making faculty seeking the best results from the department in charge, what is sought with this? decentralization allows decisions to be made by lower levels in the hierarchy providing increased efficiency. Managers are closer to the point where decisions need to be made, reduce backlogs caused by consultations, and improve the quality of decisions by relieving managers of decision overload.

For its part, the centralized administration delegates little and retains maximum control on top bosses, reserving as many decisions as possible to them. In COFREM, different degrees of centralization can be observed, such as: Performance centralization, that is, the company's operations are concentrated to a geographic location, COFREM concentrates its operations at the Meta department level. Departmental centralization is the concentration of specialized activities in a single department, for example the general accounting area within the financial unit.

The delegation of authority and responsibility is granted by a superior to a subordinate, this allows the manager to dedicate himself to the most important activities, while detailed and routine functions are delegated and motivates subordinates by making them participate in the achievement of the objectives. The board of directors delegates the responsibility of directing each department within the organization to highly capable directors who are prepared to fully comply with the objectives set by COFREM executives, by clearly specifying the goals and objectives of the delegated function, recognizing good performance and trust in subordinates.


In the current era, the success of a company does not lie only in the efforts it makes, but it will depend a lot on the conditions of the environment, for which it is necessary to analyze and know in depth the interiorities of the organization. Internal weaknesses have to be resolved each time, in such a way that the company functions in a healthy way, thus avoiding the constant onslaught of the external environment, that is, of the competition.

COFREM has been constantly improving its operational performance, implementing new concepts and techniques seeking optimization in all its processes and customer service, this is reflected in the ICONTEC ISO 9001 technical certification, The orientation to quality prepares an organization to take advantage of the new opportunities that arise in the market. By certifying your organization according to the ISO 9001 standard, you communicate to your customers, suppliers and employees your commitment to quality and establish a benchmark to measure the performance of your organization, in this way COFREM is prepared to face the challenges that it must face to prevail in the market and to be able to compete in an expanding market in the Meta department by compensation funds from other regions.








Author: Michael A. Hitt / R Duane Ireland

México: Thompson, 2007. Edition: 7th ed

Theory of organization and functional structure in cofrem