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Broken window theory with a broader view of management

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Be careful! It is extremely easy to become an observer accomplice, and even an active agent in the preparation of breeding grounds that sooner rather than later, irremediably incinerate any organization that allowed such preparation.

OjO, is chaos and anarchy the inevitable result of disorder? The deterioration or laziness and indolence in the fulfillment of a norm, the disrespect to the organizational structures of the company, the insignificant slip in the fulfillment of a function (overlapping with the colleague), are small details (broken windows) without suffering, that By not giving them the due and necessary care, they inevitably become the breeding ground for subsequent negative actions.

Which dominate effect, these "insignificant" details activate a chain reaction that culminates in the destruction of an entire organization. Details that originated with a simple flutter of a butterfly causing the rupture of a window that, by not giving it importance, by not activating the corresponding treatment, acts like the fluttering of a turpial or troupial (Icterus icterus) and in terms of days, they eat away at the entrails of every organization.

My dear and respected reader, it is not science fiction, it is not a fairy tale, it is a scientifically proven reality, in fact, I invite you to read the article by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling, published in March 1982 in the American magazine «The Atlantic Monthly» entitled «Broken Windows - The police and neighborhood safety» (Broken Windows - The police and neighborhood safety) “A broken window that is not repaired is a sign that nobody cares what pass, so breaking more costs nothing. Also, consider a sidewalk. Some garbage accumulates. Soon, more garbage is accumulating. Eventually, people start leaving garbage bags from fast food restaurants and littering the surroundings ”, an article that would later evolve into a book, Fixing Broken Windows published in 1996.

This article was based on the 1969 social psychology experiment by Professor Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University. Briefly, the experiment consisted of leaving two identical cars (same make, model and color); abandoned in the street. One in the Bronx (then a poor and troubled part of New York) and the other in Palo Alto (a rich and quiet part of California).

Both vehicles were monitored by a team of specialists in social psychology who, during the experiment, were studying the behavior of people at each site.

The abandoned vehicle in New York's Bronx began to be looted in a few hours. He lost the tires, mirrors, radio and, incredibly, even the engine. Everything that was usable was taken away, and what was not, they destroyed. Instead, the abandoned vehicle in Palo Alto remained intact. However, it occurred to the investigative team to break a window of the Palo Alto vehicle to see what happened. Indeed, the result was immediate, the same process was unleashed, theft, violence and vandalism reduced the Palo Alto vehicle to the same state as the Bronx.

After the experiment it became clear that it was not about socioeconomic status. Regardless of the geographical location, a broken glass in a car conveys an idea of ​​deterioration, unconcern that is breaking the balance and the codes of coexistence, leaving the feeling of absence of law, procedures, norms and rules.

The bottom line is clear: a vehicle with a broken window that remains unattended to no one matters and can therefore be looted. The same thing happens with all things (your home, your community, your city, your company, your management, in short, your life itself). It is more than obvious that it has to do with human psychology and with social and interpersonal relationships.

The message is more than clear: once the rules and regulations that maintain order in a company start to be distorted, both order and the company itself begin to deteriorate, often at an incredibly surprising speed.

Although the hypotheses and the possible applicability of this theory "broken window theory" have been oriented mainly to infrastructure and public administration, the truth is that its applications transcend much broader contexts and deeper cultural aspects, so much so that it we see reflected in the company, in the management and in your daily work.

Unquestionably, what is proposed here is closely related in the educational field, which categorically cannot and should NOT be neglected since it has a direct impact on our quality of life.

Say NO to dirty windows, do not allow, for any reason, a broken window, go hours without repair. All as a whole, we are counting on you, thank you.


Broken window theory with a broader view of management