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Theory of development and organizational communication


The business world is developing faster and faster, change itself faces news and pressures. The end of the millennium has placed constant challenges on organizations, institutions in general, in which the central point is man, the human being.

The path that organizations have traveled has been long, today large business companies allow a better environment, open communication, more quality and above all appropriate and convenient decisions. We thus find that organizations already applied in the 90's a system in which quality philosophies are promoted, they focus on education, support material is also produced, Symposiums, Talking Groups, Seminars are held that promote quality, education and more open communication, especially there are techniques and support mechanisms in communication so that the contents are more effective and understandable and it has been found that the Personal strengthening or Empowerment, the Organizational Development is handled and it is used of different theories,as well as the Z theory related to education and is conveniently applied for the improvement of communication in companies.


A very generalized problem has been detected in organizational communication since it is frequent that it is in fact that the company's systems must be understood by the staff. There is a tendency not to deliver the right information to the right person and the added value is not given to those who receive it. In general, organizations, especially large organizations, take for granted that when the executive knows what is happening in the company, for that simple fact, an easy solution will be found.

In light of the communicational deficiencies that exist in organizations at the end of the millennium, it has been considered an interesting point of study to investigate the way in which personnel are involved in decision-making, how they face problems and solutions and also how clarity is given to the purposes and purpose of job expectations.

A relevant point also in the study of the problem is the fact that communication when accommodated within an Organizational Development program can be handled in different ways, that is, it can be informative, necessary, for training, to convince or react.


* Through a bibliographic research, indicate the reasons why communication processes are not carried out adequately in organizational development programs.

* It seeks in general to respond to a series of questions related to the way in which communication is handled within the Organizational Development programs.

-Is theory Z applied properly in the communication that is handled in Organizational Development?

- What does Organizational Development respond to?

- Does the process of change evoked by Organizational Development stop at some point?

- Is only one type of communication handled in Organizational Development or does it allow flexibility in it?

  • Know the role of the executive in the application of Organizational Development.

As we enter a changing world, with new systems, with constantly changing technology, the problem of knowledge of man and his role within organizations comes to light, as well as the need to make adequate use of the communication, helping through different theories of behavioral sciences, with educational techniques and within them, the Z theory.


By having the opportunity to do a bibliographic research on the material of interest, as well as being able to make use of the electronic medium, the project becomes viable since there is current and credible material which can be analyzed and reviewed to know the changes that have been given and the opportunities that are had in the changing world. Communication, as technological advances appear, is affected, it becomes more dynamic, continuous and more independent, and today employees of organizations can communicate with almost any company around the world in a matter of seconds.


* The investigation will have as consequences the knowledge of the way in which Organizational Development is being applied today and the way in which communication makes use of the techniques of theory Z. This undoubtedly broadens the horizons and knowledge about the way in which organizations are managing at different levels with clients, suppliers, the public, government, other companies and in the international environment.

* Another consequence is being able to evaluate the impacts and results of the application of Organizational Development as well as Theory Z.



We live in a world of organizations since it is these that provide the means of living, those that manage and supply food, housing, health care and security, they also provide televisions, electronic media, clothing and the personal computer. Organizations give us work and a salary, although they can also give us annoyance, make human beings feel incompetent and dissatisfied and at the same time that they can send a ship to travel through outer space they can also slow down development and contribute to inefficiency and waste. That and more are organizations. It is in them where organizational development (OD) emerged, “an applied field of Social Science that seeks to help organizations improve human fulfillment and productivity.It is a discipline that is barely 5 decades old and is still evolving and growing ”.

Organizational Development has several antecedents. The first was the growth of National Training Laboratories and the development of training groups that were previously known as T-Groups. The second antecedent was related to the work carried out on surveys, research and feedback. Kurt Lewin was instrumental in the development of both areas, and he was also an important influence to encourage groups to process their own data. Finally, there is another precedent that is the focus on productivity and quality of life. All this occurred at the end of the 50s, also emerging team building or team-building.

“Organizational Development comprises various theories, approaches and techniques and new concepts and methods are always being added to it. As such, it is an environment that sometimes causes confusion and misunderstandings ”Organizational Development arises as a response to specific needs, since it is known that managers and administrators in their daily work face changes, techniques that lead to the improvement of the organism. So through this set of concepts, aids and technical procedures, Organizational Development contains within itself a series of disciplines.

Organizational development contains data taken from the behavioral sciences and its object is to facilitate the process of change projected or formulated according to plans.


As the field of organizational development grew and matured, attention was given to organizational strategy, technology, and design. So much was its impact that "the American Psychological Association, formerly known as the Division of Industrial Psychology in the United States, changed its title to the American Society of Training and Development." By the late 1970s, many organizations had established their Organizational Development department and the universities began their Organizational Development program at Western University. Companies such as the following carried out their Organizational Development: Union Carbide, Exxon., Corning Glass Works, Texas Instruments, American Airlines, Du Pont, Procter & Gamble, IBM, Bank of America.But in the same way, Organizational Development began to be carried out in local, state and federal schools and in the university environment as well.

The key point within the development of the organization is in the change, which is channeled to achieve the improvement of efficiency in the organizations. In addition, it is possible to consider the changes as a natural process and not as something special. The process of change can then coalesce and merge with the innumerable remaining processes in the life of organisms.

Organizational Development is "a systems approach, combining functional and interpersonal relationships in organisms." One way to imagine organisms in the systems approach is to consider that the system is made up of three main elements: the technical system, the administrative system, and the human system.

We can find a definition of the concept of Organizational Development «It is a planned effort, of the entire organization and managed from the top management, to increase the effectiveness and well-being of the organization through planned interventions in the entity's“ processes ”, which expand the knowledge of behavioral sciences.

Organizational Development is a planned change effort that implies a systematic diagnosis of the organization, implies a strategic plan for improvement and the mobilization of resources to carry out said effort. It is a constant definition and redefinition of goals that involves the total system, seeks a profound change in culture. Its focus is total, not only of the subsystems, but of the entire organization. It is administered by senior management who must actively participate in the program and its results.

Organizational Development is designed to increase the effectiveness and well-being of the organization.

The evolution of Organizational Development includes: the nature of the planned change; the organization's diagnostic model; human, technostructural, Human Resources and strategic interventions.


To give us an idea of ​​the nature and objectives of Organizational Development it is necessary to have a definition of what an ideal organization would be like. Of course, only some of the characteristics of a healthy organization can be pointed out:

* People carry out their work according to established objectives and plans.

* Decisions are made from information sources.

* Members of the organization are rewarded or sanctioned depending on the degree to which they have achieved organizational goals.

* Communication is not distorted.

* There is little energy expended in conflicts due to personal difficulties.

* The organization is an open system.

Organizational development achieves its objectives through planned interventions that apply knowledge of the behavioral sciences.

It is essential to develop an intervention strategy within the existing organization, examine current forms of work, norms and values, and study alternative forms of work, relationships or rewards. The mediations used produce behavioral science knowledge and technology about processes such as individual motivation, power, communication, problem solving, goal setting, and management conflicts.


Organizational Development is intended to develop the internal resources of the body for the efficient changes of the future, it includes the following:

- Focus on the total organization.

- Orientation of the systems

- Use of an Exchange Agent

- Problem resolution.

- Experimental Learning

- Group Process

- Feedback

- Guidance for contingencies

- Team Formation.

The activities seek that the planned change increases the overall effectiveness of the organization. Activities such as review, input, diagnosis, planning, action, evaluation are used. These are steps that seem simple at first glance, but are rarely followed in practice. Change strategies are modified on the basis of a continuous diagnosis and a re-diagnosis of the situation. This is the crucial moment in which communication plays a vital role.


To carry out a diagnosis of the organization requires asking a series of questions. Again we find that communication plays a relevant role as in this case, what is the company's technology? What is the structure of the firm? What are your measurement systems? What are the human resource systems? What is the culture of the company? Even having the answer to the previous questions, others will emerge as the process progresses such as What is the structure of the group task? The composition of the group? What are the group's performance standards?

The diagnosis comprises three levels: organization, group and individual work. It is necessary to establish a relationship between those who obtain the information and those who provide it and therefore between those who use it. Establishing a diagnostic relationship between the consultant and the relevant members of the organization is somewhat similar to entering into a contract. It is a means of clarifying expectations and specifying the conditions of the relationship. It is the moment in which use is made of the different behavioral theories and specifically of the Z theory. Before proceeding with the diagnostic process, some of the theories that are applied and the Z theory are described.


Theories used in Organizational Development are Theory X and Y, as well as T, P, C and Z other approaches such as Management by Objectives and Participatory Management. The assumptions and values ​​of Organizational Development using the previous theories include the fact that the hierarchical arrangement can inhibit communication and cooperation due to the inherent inequality between organizational levels; It also emphasizes the authority of knowledge and competence as well as the importance of locating decision-making very close to the source of information, it also focuses on relevant results, reducing stationery. In the case of T, P, C theories whose author is Tichy suggests the need to have three perspectives: political, technical and cultural.

Below is a figure where the previous concepts are integrated. “It is a frame of reference that is built in open systems with planning and corporate culture and some additional dimensions are introduced. This suggests that organizations face economic, political and cultural forces in their work environment.

Political, technical, and cultural systems are interrelated and form a larger organizational system. Managing strategic change involves keeping the three systems balanced or aligned in the face of environmental pressures. This means that the systems must support each other and not work with counter-purposes. For example, if environmental forces push banks to offer a wide range of financial services, then organizational structures could shift from functional departments to product groups organized around different services. This will require corresponding changes in political systems such as budgets or promotions and cultural systems such as values ​​or goals to support the product structure. Otherwise,The three systems may be misaligned and banks will have severe difficulties implementing and taking advantage of the new structure. That is, changes in one of the systems require corresponding modifications in the others if alignment is to be maintained.

Figure # 1 Environmental Forces and Organizational Systems

It has been observed in the data that Organizational Development has been provided and the role that communication plays within it, as well as the use of theory Z that it is precisely communication that allows a deeper and more convenient knowledge of the organizational system. From the same author Tichy, the set of three basic administrative tools is presented below: technical, political and cultural systems. Table # 1 indicates precisely which are the administrative areas and the convenient administrative tools for the application of the organizational diagnosis in the Organizational Development process.

Administrative areas

Mission and Strategy Organizational Structure Administration of Rec.Hum.

Table # 1 Strategic Management: Areas and Tools.

It is recognized that when using the tools of strategic change, executives must recognize that it is handled in a “zig-zag puzzle” style, with the different parts needing to align with one another. These are not static structures, but represent a dynamic process that requires continuous attention and adjustment, while being partially independent. Changes in one cell do not require exactly the same changes in the others. This means that technical, political and cultural systems do not have to be accommodated "perfectly". An effective organization has a reasonable accommodation or consistency between the different parts

The ingredients are known to carry out a convenient administration, it is also possible to have some models of organizational behavior and make the participation decisions.

- Administration by Objectives. It is especially useful when entering new systems as the guidelines to follow are set.

- Participatory Administration. This is a very convenient aspect since as Mexico enters the changes, a significant amount of decision-making capacity is shared.

- Job Redesign allows us to combine activities that make up a complete job.

- Group Behavior allows us to differentiate formal groups from informal groups, explain the reasons and know why people meet and accordingly manage or work with such groups.

The way of working is also known, the influence that the norms exert on the individual's behavior and there are advantages in this regard.

The Z theory highlights the importance of human behavior within the company to achieve the objectives set, and indicates the advisable guidelines and guidelines to help improve this behavior for the good of all, of the people themselves and of the company.

When delving into theory Z, it is seen that its application to the field of the world of work is direct, since the basis consists in motivating the will towards a specific objective. When considering the case, it is about motivating the will towards the good. On the other hand, one of the bases of theory Z is the convenience of living and evoking human virtues and, in this area, the points could not be more coincident.

According to Daft, the use of group dynamics and Organizational Development methods with the use of Z theory in higher education has two basic goals: the change in the teaching approach and the learning process and the change of the behavior of the subsystems or of the university or college as a whole. "It is known that universities, like health care systems, have more diverse goals, more pluralistic systems, more dependent on the environment and also have great difficulty in measuring the quality of their products, compared to industrial firms "

Among the many things that the Japanese do well, there is one indisputable: "sell." On the theories of selling there are hundreds of investigations, thousands of books and millions of dollars spent. Marketing has haunted thousands of companies in recent years, but in a simple way, what is the ultimate goal of marketing? In the words of an expert: Guide the will towards a previously determined decision.

Summarizing this could be:

- Wanting to buy a car.

- Wishing to take a trip.

- Decide to vote for a party.

- Wanting to smoke cigarettes.

- Wanting to drink a "Whiskey".

They are decisions of the will towards a specific objective.

Using these theories in the world of work can lead employees to:

- Wanting to study more.

- Wishing not to take drugs.

- Deciding not to be late for work

- Wanting to change friends.

- Wanting to acquire a virtue.

In this lies the essence, that is, to strengthen the will to obtain what is convenient for everyone. A very common example that we find within textbooks when applying theory Z is the case of “Santo Tomás de Aquino” where it is pointed out that Joaquín Montoya faces change. It was important to carry out an Organizational Development program in which the 169 members of the Faculty would be involved in order to understand that change is important in general and the implementation of a teaching program that would be beneficial to all. That is precisely the goal: to teach, not to implement their knowledge because they are available, but rather what is necessary in the changing world of work.

Therefore, he suggested that a general study of the analysis of the knowledge of all teachers be made to locate them by sections or by stages or by knowledge. In other words, give classes by areas or by advances. If it is a basic area, separate this area into one or two parts only, so that after the minimum knowledge, continue later with other knowledge more appropriate to the situation.

In relation to Theory Z we find that it is suggested that the word educate is taken in the social, ethical and moral sense connected with the formation of the will. It is here that executives play the most important role in helping employees shape their will, teaching them to know what they are doing well so that they will want to put it into practice. Get employees and workers to be strong-willed and healthy people, capable of truly loving. Capable of:

Wanting to be responsible people.

Loving others.

Want to study

Want to work

Want to cooperate

Educating today is different, it is true that there are factors that work against it, but it is also true that there are more means, new knowledge, new methodology, institutions. Therefore, executives must reject the temptation of pessimism and, with enthusiasm, strive to know all those advances that can help to achieve the best results.

To achieve these objectives, the following must be implemented:

Action plans.

That help motivate employees to take an action that leads them to improve or start learning. Setting a specific objective, as well as the means to achieve it. These can vary from reasoning, attitudes, material means, etc. It differs:

What and when?

What should improve and when appropriate, that is: Education on time.

Although it will be more effective When there is "Positive Synergy", that is to say: Effective education.


Applying Theory Z, that is: Educating by example.

Leveling rewards and punishments, that is, giving: Motivated education.

Educating each one differently, that is, giving: Education


Educating is an art; because there are no fixed rules, and each case is different, each circumstance unique since people are unrepeatable. But at the same time it is a science and as such it is necessary to know it, study it and dedicate hours of work, conscientious, constant, determined.

Thus, with the application of the different theories, questions that the Organizational Development practitioner must ask themselves when facing those people with whom they are going to start a new program are handled. Questions to be answered and applying Theory Z in their answers. Who am I? Why am I here and what am I doing? That way you can define the goals of your diagnosis and the activities to obtain the data. You will need to present your objectives for action. Who do I work for? The clear and convincing answer will result in the appropriate relationship for data collection.

A good way to communicate with the employees of the organization is to answer the following question: What do I want from you and why? How will I protect confidentiality? Who will have access to the data? Here, a convenient communication process should be given, since the interviewees naturally need to collaborate and know what is going to be done with the causes of the problems. What does the employee get from the above? This question requires a clear answer, pointing out the benefits that can be expected from the diagnosis, this needs feedback and pointing out how the data can be used to improve the organization.

Can this process be trusted? The relationship is based on the mutual trust established between the advisor and those who provide the data. An honest and open exchange of information depends on that trust, the time devoted to it, the expensive contact to face during the communication process. You need to listen carefully and always be ready for open discussion.


An efficient way to carry out Organizational Development is through the establishment of questionnaires and surveys with employees where data can be obtained about the ability, the identity of the task, the meaning of the task, the autonomy, the feedback about the results and how the company is communicating with employees.

The questionnaires can vary in their sphere of action, some measure selected aspects of organizations and others evaluate organizational characteristics in a comprehensive way. They also vary in limit and others are made to measure only a specific organization. But in general they contain a predetermined set of questions, such as those for measuring dimensions. These are very useful for collecting data from large numbers of people and analyzing the information quickly. The results allow for quantitative comparisons and evaluation. But they also have their drawbacks that must be taken into account, especially the answers are limited to questions, there is little opportunity to test additional data or ask for points to clarify.They tend to be impersonal, and "sometimes" the answers are not honest. There is what is known as individual and organizational resistance to change.

Resistance to change is not always presented in standardized ways; Sources of individual resistance to change include: selective information processing, customs, fear of the unknown, economic factors, security. Resistance to change occurs because people need a lot of security; economic factors are also another source of change, since economic fear is aroused by new routines in accordance with previous standards. There is also the fear of the unknown.

It is when it becomes pertinent to apply the different models for the management of organizational change. Premises must be managed to diagnose the communication that is being given, ensuring that the right information is reaching the right people; In addition, the communication that is had must provide an added value who receives it and the organization; theActions and communication systems should promote the integration of the company's efforts and resources, thus contributing to the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of internal and external customers. In addition, all staff must clearly see the results of the company, whether good or bad, and participate in decisions, because in this way the confidence in the ability and goodwill of employees to face situations is demonstrated.. It is also a way to soften the effects of changes.

The situation must thus be managed to "unfreeze" the employee, in order to overcome the pressures of individual resistance and group conformity. Then it goes through the so-called "Refreeze". The new change to make it permanent, the stabilization of a change by balancing the forces that drive it and those that restrict it. These are driving forces by means of which the restraining forces can be reduced.

Change makes things different, intentional and goal-directed changes, change agents are used who are the people who act as catalysts and take responsibility for managing changes. There are many challenges that companies face today, in the world, this therefore leads to the need for a change and thus be able to have a better understanding in commercial relations, business and communication in general, that is, the quality.

To carry out a change you need to make a diagnosis of the need for it. Now, if what you are looking for is change in the organization in general, it is convenient to see it as an open system, like that system that serves to coordinate the behaviors of its departments. As organizations, open systems are arranged in hierarchical order, that is, they are made up of groups, which incidentally are made up of individual positions. If a diagnostic model is used, three levels must be included: the organization, the group and the individual position.

When the problem is detected, where the change or changes must be made, it must be determined what the organization requires, what it needs. Companies that want to be successful, grow and develop better support planned changes and also know how to diagnose the situation or the problems that affect them.

In order to achieve quality in the business world, it is convenient to make a diagnosis of the company's situation; also make a planned change, with specific goals.

Communication at this stage is vital and must be adequately controlled, especially when it comes to the internal aspect, making a list of how it should be carried out:

Institutional Definitions and Policies

* Participation of staff in decision-making

* Internal Communications from Senior Management to the rest of the staff

* Information on the fulfillment of objectives, goals, obstacles.

* Facing problems and participating in solutions

* Guidelines for intermediate and operational levels

* Congruence between what is said and what is done

* Support structure

* Responsible department or entity

* Ad hoc means of dissemination

* Mechanisms for evaluation and recognition

* Specific programs and resources

* Business units (departmental level, areas, offices)

* Compliance with policies and regulations

* Participation of collaborators in problem analysis and decision-making

* Informal communication: boss - collaborators, collaborators with each other

* Exchange and collaboration relationships with other business areas

* Repercussions on the organizational climate: fulfillment of commitments, certainty, trust, objectivity

* Management Staff, Middle Managers, employees and Workers

* Clarity in the definition of the purposes, purpose and expectations of the work and its contribution to the business goals

* Information about products and / or services

* Information inputs for job performance

* Changes in management and operation policies and procedures

* Health and safety at work

* Performance evaluation

* Goals and results achieved

* Continuous improvement programs and processes

  • Cultural, social and recreational events

External Institutional Communication

* Coverage of all areas of the business

* Customers

* Providers

* Public

* Government

* Companies in the sector, * Others of an international character

* Appropriate use of media, messages or content

* Quality

* Relevance

* Opportunity

* Consistency

* Congruence

  • Evaluation of impacts and results

Varieties of Communication:

* Informative

* Necessary as Input for Performance of Activities

* Intended for the Training and Development of the Human Factor

* Generator of Awareness or Conviction

  • Reaction Trigger

Some Relevant Topics to Evaluate:

* Degrees of penetration of communication about: Mission Values, scope, expectations of the company.

* Information as a generator of added value and competitiveness factor.

* Involvement of staff with the ethical and social responsibility of the company.

* Disclosure / update of processes, projects and institutional changes.

* Clarifications, confrontation and public resolution of problems and matters of internal or public interest.

* Importance of resources allocated to communication systems, their sufficiency and timeliness. Maturity of said Systems.

* Assumption of responsibilities related to communication processes and programs.

* Acknowledgments, sanctions or warnings to the staff or from the staff, derived from the communication processes.

* Degrees of satisfaction of customer needs based on communication systems and processes.

With a proper review of the communication, we arrive at what has been called the coalition.

The coalition is to get other members of the organization to support the petition.

The advantage of the coalition is that large groups are formed and are the most powerful. It is the way to gain influence to hold power. One of the downsides is that it can be difficult, risky, or expensive.

Coalitions within organizations intend to increase their size to the maximum, but according to political science they move in another direction. Trying to cut down to the right size.

Coalitions in organizations seek members who support the goals of the coalition, expanding to include as many interests as possible. Autocratic organizations do not seek to increase the size of the coalition to the maximum. Another situation of coalitions is what is related to the interdependence that exists in the organization.

Another aspect is that when the activities carried out by workers will influence the formation of coalitions, the more routine the work of a group is, the more likely it is that coalitions will arise. Coalitions are effective in achieving some request from the entire group of workers.

Of course, coalitions have advantages and disadvantages. Conflict is a process that begins when one party perceives that another has negatively affected it, or is about to negatively affect one of its interests.

The traditional position. All conflict was generally assumed to be bad. It was used as a synonym for violence, destruction or irrationality to reinforce its negative connotation.

Position of human relations before the conflict.

Conflict was said to be natural within groups. It could not be eliminated and could even be beneficial to the performance of the group.

Interactive position.

The idea that conflict is not only a positive force in a group, but that it is imperative for the group to perform well.

According to current trends, by staying in an interactive position, you can question others in a frank way, that way you have better chances of reaching an agreement.

Conflict by itself can be functional, meaning that it can reinforce group goals and improve performance, and dysfunctional conflict is what hinders group performance. An example of the different stages of the conflict is the following:

Stage 1.

The moment of opposition or incompatibility.

Stage II.

Conflict is felt and perceived.

Stage III

The intention to manage the conflict appears, to compete, collaborate, agree, avoid and adapt. These intentions intervene between people's perceptions and emotions and their behavior is frank. There is the decision to act in a given way. At this stage, two dimensions appear, that of cooperating and the five intentions that are to compete (which can be assertive and uncooperative), the collaborator (dogmatic and cooperative), evasive (not dogmatic or cooperative); accommodative, is one that is willing by one of the parties to the conflict to place the interests of the other above their own. (Not dogmatic and cooperative) and conciliatory (to measures dogmatic and cooperative). The latter is the situation where the two parties to a conflict are willing to compromise.

Stage IV.

Behavior is the reaction to the situation on both sides. This is a dynamic process of interaction. Something is asked and discussed, threatened and the threat returned.

Stage V.

Outcome. The group performs better or behaves worse.

Here the game and the reaction of the conflicting parties are managed to obtain functional results.

The next process is negotiation, which is explained below: Negotiations are the most common, generally invade the interactions of almost all members. Negotiations are processes by which two or more parties exchange goods or services and some type of exchange is agreed for this. Different strategies are used, for example, distributive negotiation is one in which it is intended to divide a fixed amount of resources, a win-loser situation. A common example of distributive bargaining is worker-employer wage bargaining.

The integrative bargaining, negotiating this work from the assumption that there are one or more arrangements that lead to a win-win solution.


Below are the differences that exist between the cultures of Mexico with those of the United States and Japan, since it is from them that different applications are made in Theory Z.

The primary characteristics of the organizational culture are the following:

- Identity of the members. In the Japanese culture it is found that there is a lot of identity of the members with the organization as a whole, not being the case with the United States since they identify themselves as a working group and in Mexico they tend to be individualistic.

- Emphasis on the group

The degree to which work activities are organized around groups and not individuals. This occurs mainly in the United States and in Mexico, with Japan being more aware of the organizational culture since even when strikes are organized, one-hour stoppages are held.

- Focus on people.

The degree to which management decisions take into account the impact the results will have on the members of the organization. In Mexico, this is being carried out through the Free Trade Agreement and globalization. In Japan they are handled very adequately considering the employees and the repercussions they have. This is not the case in the United States, where the employee is informed about the type of work and risk and the rest is by his decision, that is, in high-risk jobs. The repercussions taken by the organizations do not take into account the lower level groups.

- Integration in units.

The degree to which organizational units are encouraged to function in a coordinated and interdependent manner. This seems to happen only in Japan and in a few American companies, - The control.

The degree to which rules, regulations, and direct supervision are used to monitor and control employee conduct. It is handled in all three cultures.

- Risk tolerance

The degree to which employees are encouraged to be aggressive, innovative, and risky. It is constantly fostered in all three cultures.

- The criteria to reward

The degree to which rewards, such as pay increases and promotions, are distributed based on the employee's performance and not on their seniority, favoritism, and other non-performance factors. In this regard, the way in which they are being handled in the three cultures is not fully known.

- Conflict tolerance

The degree to which employees are encouraged to openly discuss their conflicts and criticisms. Japanese culture stands out precisely for that way of doing things. This is one of the key points of Theory Z. The convenient management of conflicts and from there go to the search for solutions.

- The profile towards the ends or the means

The degree to which management is shaping towards the results or goals and not towards the techniques or processes used to achieve them. It is known that in the American organizational culture they are driven by results and Mexico has to do the same.

- Approach towards an open system.

The degree to which the organization controls and responds to changes in the external environment.

Japanese culture stands out for the way it responds to changes, something similar happening but not as strongly in the United States and Mexico, the latter being the slowest country to respond to changes in the environment today.

Much remains to be done in the case of applying a suitable culture in Mexico and managing cultures precisely. There are many students of the subject, so much so that types of cultures have been formed as follows: "the academy", "the club", "the baseball team" and "the fortress". The clubs attach great importance to adaptation, loyalty and commitment, examples of companies that have thus formed their organization are Delta Airline, United Parcel Service; The Baseball Team are organizations such as accountants, lawyers, investment banking and advisory firms, generally they are risky and innovative people; The fortress offers job security, this includes hotels, forest products companies and oil exploration companies.

Cada cultura es diferente, de acuerdo a como se van compartiendo los valores; la cultura dominante es la que expresa los valores centrales que comparte la gran mayoría de los miembros de la organización; se tienen además las subculturas, se trata de miniculturas dentro de la organización que se definen de acuerdo con la denominación de los departamentos y la división geográfica; aparecen los valores centrales que son los primarios o dominantes aceptados en toda la organización.

If you seek to form your own culture, you have to integrate, through current customs and traditions, and when you start from a small business, the ideologies and visions of the founders are formed that continue to be shared by the employees. The founder sets the tone, that is, he can be aggressive and his employees will be, he can be economical and his employees will be; then the culture is kept alive when you have the proper practices and selection chords, the acts of top management, and the methods for socialization.

Organizational culture is learned through case stories, rituals, material symbols, and language. Organizational communication according to Frederick M. Jarblin is considered as a process that occurs between members of a social community. Being a process, communication within organizations consists of a dynamic activity, in a certain way in constant flux, but which maintains a certain degree of identification, of structure. However, it should be considered that this structure is not static, but changing and that it adjusts according to the development of the organization. Communication in organizations is considered as a process that takes place within a certain system of interrelated activities.


Organizational communication is a process of creating, exchanging, processing and storing messages within a set of specific objectives. Decision-making takes place within a world of communication and education. Organizations face daily challenges and decision moments. They are involved in identifying problems and solving them. All of this requires having an open mind, very rational to consider the alternatives available to you. In Mexican companies, for example: Grupo PULSAR, LADRILLERA MONTERREY, PRICE WATER HOUSE, the commitment is made through a broad and complete program of continuing education that ensures that each professional constantly advances.

In Mexico, the continuing education program has been established, consisting of a package of courses that allows the employee to be updated. Each year the courses are prepared and focused on the basis of the different professional services they provide to their clients, as well as the needs and obligations of their staff. Courses are updated, current issues demanded by the country are introduced, with new work techniques developed and implemented by the firm worldwide. There are also specific courses for professional updating that emphasize the knowledge and management of computer techniques applied to the different aspects of public accounting and administration.

Decision making is a process that can be referred to as a brain and nervous system of the organization. It becomes the final part of the use of information. Decisions are made about strategy, structure, innovation, and very important issues about the organization.

The decisions affect the development of the company and are part of the general tool of an executive. When executives are faced with making decisions, they must keep their minds alert, in addition an efficient manager must understand very well the strategy, techniques and procedures involved in making decisions and apply them in their work.

The organizational decision-making process has been described as a series of steps that lead to the identification of problems and subsequently to their resolution. It is done in two stages, first the problem is identified and then it is solved. The first of these steps is related to information about the environment and organizational conditions that are constantly studied and reviewed in order to determine if performance is satisfactory and thus diagnose the cause of the problem. The second step is the one in which the alternatives are considered and it is decided which one will be implemented.

Decision making is a very important part of the operation of the company. Most decisions are made under time pressure, thus avoiding the opportunity to analyze the problem carefully. Decisions are generally made on the basis of quick judgments and luck has a lot to do with it. Judgments are perfected through experience. Luck seems to be correlated with experience and judgment. Rational observation of a business that implicitly develops theories of cause - effect, learning by mistake, and collectivity all develop good judgment.

Organizational factors involved in decision making are important. The entire organization from top bosses to subordinates are involved in making important decisions.

Medium and small companies have to redouble their efforts to avoid making mistakes and having to make a strategy that guarantees their permanence and their future. Entrepreneurs need to develop greater creativity and have better tools to design and establish the competitive strategy appropriate to the strengths and weaknesses of the company, so that it can remain and develop.

A disadvantage when administrators agree, when reaching a coalition, is that it allows finding a solution that is satisfactory for all members, only that the solution is sought in the short term and administrators tend to go the easiest and fastest way. Here the comparison is made with the scientific approach that assumes that an analysis can encompass any reasonable alternative.

Individual decision making. In individual decision-making, a rational approach is maintained that provides the executive with ideas for their decision-making. An analytical system is used that the manager fulfills step by step; But you have to remember that decision making is complicated due to the imperfect knowledge that exists when decisions have to be made. Time plays a very important role, in addition to competition.

Decision makers are based on assumptions, sometimes based on false speculation, leading to incorrect explanations and conclusions. Those who are cautious verify their assumptions and in this case the use of the computer has become a very effective tool.

The decision process is divided into eight steps comprising two branches. On the one hand, the problem is identified, which includes knowing the environment, defining the problem, specifying objectives and diagnosing the problem. On the other hand we have the solution of the problem that to get there requires development, evaluation, choosing and implementing the alternatives.

There is also the other side of the situation and in this case it is limited rationality characterized by time and resource constraints. In this case, use is made of intuition, experience, personal judgment. The bounded rationality approach is applied when there are cases of unforeseen situations, which are out of the program.

At Price-Waterhouse, each person makes decisions that are related to their position and the environment. Managers are responsible for the decisions that affect others. It is the manager who makes the decision, who selects the method of action from among the possible alternatives in order to achieve the desired result.

Organizational Environment.

  • Internal environment

In many ways the internal environment reflects the external turbulence of the organization and becomes more and more uncertain and less manageable, it continually demands different types of managers and technicians, it requires that they focus on the performance of goals other than the traditional one, productivity high and profitability.

The climate of the organization is a parameter of order, that is, a characteristic that stands out in a different way from the internal environment of an organization, which results from the interactions of many different elements at a micro level. The organizational climate is felt, experienced, or perceived before any attempt to analyze it is made. Inattentive Staff is easy to spot; clutter, filth, delay in getting things done, equipment and facilities with rigid rules, cold formalism, and superficiality in handling duties - all these are indicators of bad organizational climates.

The organizational climate is the end product of many actions, designs, feedbacks, interactions and jumps that can evolve over months or years. A particularly critical trait is individual human adaptability, which often runs counter to long-term and global organizational adaptability. One more element that contributes to the evolution of the organizational climate is the tendency to surround oneself with similar people. Executives prefer executives who fit into the existing organization. Organizational climate refers to the intuitive, perhaps subconscious perception of the internal environment by employees including administrators, customers, and visitors. The cognitive style describes the organization's general way of thinking or approach to problem solving.This style has several dimensions such as the degree of creativity, spontaneity or capacity for innovation, systematic approach, subjective versus objective approach, degree of flexibility or rigidity, reductionist approach, role of intuition and importance attributed to rationality.

Organizations, like human beings, are always unique. Each of them has its own culture, its traditions and its methods of action, which in its entirety constitute its climate.

From their experience, organizations have come to realize that a stable environment is a long-term investment. An exaggerated discipline or too much pressure on Personnel can achieve a good performance in the short term, but at a very high cost, in charge of that asset called climate. Climate varies along a continuum from favorable to neutral to unfavorable. The search is towards the favorable since the benefits are for both employers and employees, for example, better performance and more job satisfaction.

Workers in a company feel that the climate is favorable when they are doing something useful that gives them a sense of personal worth. It has been noted that people tend to seek a job that is challenging or inherently satisfying. Employees seek responsibility and the opportunity to succeed, they want to be recognized for their worth as individuals, and to feel that the company cares about their needs and problems.

The climate of each company is developed and communicated through a system of organizational behavior. The system of controls within an organization interacts with employee attitudes and situational factors to give rise to a specific motivation for each employee at a given time.

Organizations have borders that are clearly identifiable, which are maintained as a distinct entity from the environment. In this way we can realize that organizations have a strong influence on the world around them, such as politics, the social aspect, the economy, religion and the family, it is known that there are even groups of entire families that They depend on the organizations, that is, through the salary or salary that is given to their worker and that serves to support the family and thus cooperates in society.

Organizations see them as systems and systems as sets of elements that interact and that acquire resources from the environment, transform them and send them abroad.

The organization. - The organization is conceived as the identification and classification of the required activities; the grouping of the activities by which the objectives are achieved; the assignment of each grouping to a manager with the authority to supervise it and the obligation to carry out horizontal coordination. This is how the organizational structure should be designed to clarify positions, obligations and responsibility for the results. This is how we find organizations that can be: formal, in this case the environment is stable and there is no uncertainty, the technology that is handled within the functional structure is routine, there is little interdependence, they look for ways to have efficient goals and the quality management, they have statistics management,with authority with the management of economies of scale with departments such as the same structure, that is, functional, the flexibility that they have in these goes according to the goals of the organization. Among the weaknesses that we find in the formal organization is the fact that decisions are made at the top, very centralized, work accumulates from top to bottom, in addition to the fact that innovation is not always present and its organizational goals are closed.besides that innovation is not always present and its organizational goals are closed.besides that innovation is not always present and its organizational goals are closed.

The Plural Executive and the Board of Directors. Most of the committees are non-administrative in nature, although some have the power to make decisions and it is in these that the plural executive is known, which can be established by law or as a result of an administrative decision; the scope of authority to manage and make decisions is not always easy to assess; it is usually in the field of strategy or policy making; Many companies make the distinction between strategy / policy formulation and execution. There are cases in which committees are formed for specialized functional areas such as engineering, distribution, production, public relations.

The computer has undoubtedly affected organizations both in their structure and in their functions and in the internal environment in general. Organizations have been faced with the need for more information, to know more about the internal and external environment and there is still no fully mature program to monitor the internal environment of the organization. Successful and competitive organizations lack basic information - sometimes - regarding their stocks, inventories, spare parts, orders, etc.

By means of a computerized program, knowledge of the internal environment can be improved, information can be displayed, and integrated and synthesized through models. Top managers must possess a capacity for selective overall organizational information and priorities.

In addition to the influence that structure, technology and the environment give to success, perhaps the most direct contribution to organizational effectiveness results from the behavior of the employees themselves. It is the employees who constitute the structure of the organization and those who make use of its technology, furthermore, it is they who respond to the variations and pressures of the environment. It is a fact that the key to the success of the organization is the way in which its members work together to achieve the objectives.

To ensure success, all organizations must be able to equip themselves and maintain a qualified workforce of men and women. This means that in addition to recruiting, hiring and placing individuals within the system properly; Organizations must be able to retain employees, offering them attractive rewards depending on their contribution, since they are relevant to the satisfaction of their individual needs.

Organizations must also ensure the performance of the employee's role, the administration must know that all employees will develop their assigned work in the best way, according to their abilities. An employee should only carry out their indicated work, since if they do other things that do not correspond to them, it will affect the performance of the organization, since they will have less time available to develop activities aimed at meeting the goal. The effectiveness of the organization requires a spontaneous and innovative behavior; In order to respond to emergencies that arise, it is necessary for individuals to act and make decisions for themselves, to respond according to what is best for the organization.As examples we can cite a creative behavior that includes giving suggestions to improvise a manufacturing process, or the decision to ignore a particular rule or procedure under certain circumstances in which it is necessary. A truly effective organization tries to provide a working atmosphere where employees not only have to carry out their primary task, but also take responsibility for thinking and acting creatively, thus improving efficiency and efforts to meet objectives.Instead, they take responsibility for thinking and acting creatively, thereby improving efficiency and efforts to meet goals.Instead, they take responsibility for thinking and acting creatively, thereby improving efficiency and efforts to meet goals.

There is an organizational commitment that refers to the relationship of an individual with the company that makes him take a stronger and more positive attitude towards it, thus increasing the desire to keep the member within the organization, since the employee is willing to give something of himself to contribute to the achievement of organizational goals.

Managers can learn to increase employee engagement by keeping it in mind in the organization's plans, setting relatively high salary levels, good benefits, opportunities for personal growth, and implementing training programs; these actions should serve to make the organization more attractive to the employee, compared to other organizations. This commitment produces that employees who feel truly identified, will probably show greater participation in organizational activities, as a result of this the worker's desire to remain and be able to contribute to the goals in which she firmly believes is increased, becoming more involved in herThe performance of the employee within the organization depends on several factors, such as skills, character, interests, level of motivation, clarity and acceptance of their work.

The performance of the individual within organizations depends on a set of factors, which if properly implemented, will lead to productivity.

All organizations have needs and goals, so they demand individuals to meet them. These demands are perceived by the members of the organization as their needs, values ​​and personal goals, so a similar criterion must be established between the needs of the organization and the individual, so as not to deviate from the goal and reach it.

The best way for the individual to have maximum personal benefit is to institute modern training methods in the workplace, since through this, there is a better understanding of how to carry out their work and what the organization expects of the.

Modern methods of supervision must be created, in which the administration seeks to create an environment of trust, promote communication in both directions, as well as teamwork; At no time should the worker be blamed for what happened for other causes, nor should a supervision be created in which the reason that motivates the employee to carry out their work is fear of retaliation. All this must start from the top administration to create an adequate and suitable environment to work, eliminating the physical dangers that may exist for the worker and thus they can perform their tasks effectively. Eliminating barriers between departments leads to a greater understanding of individuals within the organization as good communication occurs and the goals and general mission of the organization can be made known;achieving with this that teamwork is promoted for greater productivity.


A non-experimental, cross-sectional investigation is carried out, using as an information gathering technique, as instruments a series of articles and books that illustrate on the subject of Organizational Development as well as Theory Z.

The research is descriptive and not experimental since it aims to analyze the way communication is taking place in organizations by applying the Organizational Development method. A review is made of the bibliography and the conclusions of the research are presented.


In the researched bibliography, enough material was found to know that in the case of Mexico Organizational Development interventions are being carried out with the application of different theories of behavioral sciences and specifically with Theory Z. One of the Advantages of this theory is that it allows you to reorient your strategies to accommodate the expectations of each country, the needs of each one of them with structural priorities that keep them with the news that occurs over time. They also handle levels of interdependence.

It can be concluded that in Mexico change is beginning to be properly managed, since current organizations redesign most of the systems that make up a company. The important thing in wanting to change most of the processes is to give a good education (use of theory Z) to the people who are going to participate in the change.

The structure of the organization, the use of power, authority, online, staff and finally the various committees that are within business companies, has been changing over the years and they are accommodating to the circumstances of each business. In the Administration the path is very broad, although difficult, the human being, creative as he is, always finds a way to adapt to his environment and to create the best tools to be successful.

There are many factors that influence teamwork, it cannot yet be said that they are modern equipment, free of customs and ties, but rather that they present remnants of the past, there is a lot of individualism and despite the fact that it is found that it is easily learned from others Because of the training provided, a level is maintained, a slight line of authority that is not shared. When team work is carried out in conjunction with other departments in the manufacturing areas, it is when the doubt, the lack of knowledge or security and the least ability to integrate with the team stand out. The road, as already stated, is long, there is still a lot to do, but for now what has emerged in the studies carried out indicates the need to verify the design of the cross-functional team's work.


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Davis, Keith. Human behavior in organizations. Mc.Millan. 1997. p. 287

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Tichy, N. Administration of strategic change. Technical, Political and Cultural Dynamics. 1993. New York. John Wailey & Sons. pp. 201

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Theory of development and organizational communication