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Pessimistic theory and public administration


1.1.- Summary

The Public Administration is a set of public organizations that perform the administrative and management function of the State.

Public Administration is in direct contact with the citizenry and with the political power, in order to satisfy public interests immediately, in contrast to the legislative power and the judiciary, doing it in a mediate way.

It is said that it is mainly in the executive branch and the agencies that are in permanent contact with it.

1.2.- Argument

Pessimism is the attitude that some people take to see all things in an ugly way and to judge them negatively, they also deny the evolution of human nature, the civilization of planet earth, it is said that psychologically it is a disease called (depression).

1.3.- Origin

The word "administrate" comes from the Latin "ad-ministrare", "ad" (to go, towards) and "ministrare" (Serve, take care of) and is related to the activity of Roman ministers in ancient times.

Public Administration can be understood from two points of view. From a formal point of view, it understands the entity that administers, as well as the public body that receives competition from political power, and from a material point of view, administrative activity, the activity says that it is considered in its management and self-existence problems.

What is the origin of pessimism in humans? Certainly, Some will say that to be pessimistic is to be lucid: how can one not be

pessimistic when we see how the world is going?

Origin: From the Latin «pesimus», superlative of bad. Pessimistic in nature, it is difficult for him to face situations.

1.4.- Theory

The administration appears since the man begins to work in society. The emergence of administration is an event of prime importance in social history. The administration, which is the specific body in charge of making resources productive, with the responsibility of organizing economic development, which reflects it in the essential spirit of the modern era. Human beings are social by nature, that is why they tend to organize and cooperate with their peers.

The history of humanity can be described through the development of social organizations starting from the time of the nomadic tribes, where the organization for the collection of fruits and the hunting of animals begins, and then with the discovery of agriculture it takes place to the creation of small communities.

In the course of life there are stages through which we feel discouraged, bad thoughts and always negative behaviors, we lock ourselves in series of things and ideas in which we do not rescue anything of objectivity but we believe that everything passes us as bad luck, that everything is a failure, that it will always be the worst, and that nothing works for us.

1.5.- Models


A) ORGANIC.- One that is identified with the executive power and with all the organs and administrative units that depend directly or indirectly on it.

B) DYNAMIC.- the performance of the activity that corresponds to the bodies that are part of this sector and that coincides with the purposes of the state.


There are 3 levels of public administration

1.- Federal level, 2.- State and 3.- Municipal.

* FEDERAL LEVEL.- There are different administrative units such as the Presidency of the Republic, Secretaries of State, Administrative Departments, Legal Counsel, Attorney General's Office, Decentralized and Decentralized Organizations, public companies, national credit institutions and public trusts.

* STATE OR LOCAL LEVEL.- State Governor, Secretary General of Government, Senior Official, Attorney General, Treasurer, Secretaries, Departments or Administrative Units, Decentralized and Decentralized Organizations, Public Companies and Public Trusts.

* MUNICIPAL LEVEL.- H. City Council, Municipal President, Unions and Councilors, Municipal Treasury, decentralized organizations, municipal companies, para-municipal, public or municipal trusts.

Types of pessimists:

The Typical: He tells himself that life is cruel and does not bother trying to make it seem otherwise.

Example: «For what study, if the most I am going to achieve is working for a fast food restaurant? (The worst thing that won't even be McDonald's). And why do I do sports if I am not going to lose weight and even if I lose weight I will still be a 100 kg walrus? God… life is really cruel. "

The Environmentalist: He does not believe that the environment will improve and he is sure that global warming is not going to stop. Among the best known are the Japanese, gringos, etc.

Example: "I am not going to take away the privilege of ingesting aerosols just to try to stop global warming, something that will never happen."

The Religious: Also known as "the spiritual one" or "the crazy one", he is sure that the end of the world will be tomorrow and that everyone will go to hell.

Example: «The end of the world is tomorrow! And I warned them not to drink or take drugs, and that eating cats disliked God. Now everyone go and get some ice and little warm clothes, because hell is coming. "

El Deportivo: He does not trust his favorite soccer team (sometimes he does not have a team), nor does he believe he has talent in any sport. They are often geeks, or as time goes by, great inventors and geniuses like Bill Gates.

Example: "Shit, I don't know why I'm supporting him, if he's not promoted to 2nd division anyway."

The Dangerous: he becomes a terrorist, he has a certain habit of intervening in food places with bombs all over his body, he believes that his life is just as cruel as that of others (and he is not mistaken, but look at me). His habits include alcohol abuse.

There is no example: I do not know why I am going to give an example, if you are not going to like it anyway.

1.6.- Psychology

* The public administration seeks a way to have a better human relationship in groups and balance the personality of its components.

* From a psychological-moral point of view, it is a mental disposition or a state of mind by virtue of which it perceives sub ratione mali (under the evil reason) all the phenomena that surround it. It is said that within pure Psychology and specifically Psychiatry, pessimism is a more common manifestation or symptoms of the disease of exogenous or endogenous depression or dysthymia (bad mood).

1.7.- Conclusions

Within the public administration, it is possible to mention the direct contact to the citizenship with the political power, so that this in turn satisfies the public interests in an immediate way, in contrast to the legislative and judicial powers, which do it in a mediate way. In this case, they are found mainly by the executive branch and the bodies that are in permanent contact. By exception, some units of the legislative branch integrate the notion of "Public Administration" (such as state-owned companies), while there may be games of "General Administration" in the other four powers or in state agencies that may depend on one of them.

Pessimism is a psychological disease that causes us to fail and not evolve in life, being a mediocre person and being afraid of overcoming, due to the good or bad consequences that may happen in that process, which also tend to be depressive, critical, dissatisfied and complaining.

1.8.- Bibliography

* Miguel de cervantes

* http: //es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administraci%C3%B3n_P%C3%BAblica#Fuentes

* http: //www.gestionyadministracion.com/cursos/administracion-publica.html

Pessimistic theory and public administration